HOROSCOPES: Last Week | This Week | Next Week | Monthly | Yearly
September 30 to October 6, 2024
Your weekly horoscope is based on planetary transits to your Sun Sign, not on houses, zones, or sectors.
Weekly Horoscope Aspects
The times below are for New York.
Monday, September 30
00:06 am – Mars trine Saturn from September 26 to October 3 gets this week off to a strong start. It brings the strength, willpower, ambition, and perseverance to complete the most challenging tasks on time, on budget, and perfectly. Your patience and self-discipline will keep you plodding without being distracted or discouraged. Increased sex drive and sex appeal are good omens for new and existing relationships.
05:09 pm – Sun conjunct Mercury at 11♎08 from September 27 to October 3 brings mental alertness, quick thinking, adaptability, and curiosity. Your thinking, communications and short-distance travel become more significant. Common sense and good reasoning ability are ideal for sharing ideas, making plans, buying and selling, negotiating, and meeting new people.
Tuesday, October 1
06:19 pm – Moon enters Libra.
Wednesday, October 2
02:49 pm – Solar Eclipse October 2024 at 10♎04 aligns with Black Moon Lilith, unleashing powerful feminine energy. She represents feminine wounding and healing, primal and instinctual feminine energy, marginalization, and your shadow side or subconscious personality and darker desires you keep hidden to avoid criticism and rejection.
Thursday, October 3
01:26 am – Mercury semisextile Venus from October 1 to 5 enhances your social and communication skills. It gives the reasoning ability and common sense to resolve relationship problems, negotiate, facilitate and make decisions. It also helps you develop your artistic and creative potential, especially with drawing, painting, reading and writing music, playing musical instruments, poetry and singing.
Friday, October 4
02:46 am – Mercury quincunx Saturn on October 3 and 4 can bring problems from hidden fears and negative thoughts. Suspicion and cynicism are possible if you always look at the worst-case scenario first. You may take extra time to make decisions or to finish your work. But this is okay because it means you will make the right decision and make no mistakes.
07:22 am – Moon enters Scorpio.
01:03 pm – Venus trine Saturn from October 2 to 6 is the best aspect this weekly horoscope for finding true love and commitment. Relationships benefit from your sensible approach and steady affection. A new romance could be with someone from a different age group and likely be a long-lasting, soul-mate union. Existing relationships enjoy closer bonding and stability.
Sunday, October 6
02:36 am – Mercury square Mars from October 4 to 7 can make you irritable, short-tempered, and aggressive. A tendency towards rushed thinking that could cause you to jump to conclusions, say the wrong things and make mistakes. So, listen carefully and think before speaking to avoid arguments. Release built-up energy safely through creative projects or physical exercise.
02:28 pm – Sun quincunx Saturn from October 5 to 8 can restrict your freedom or self-expression. An imbalance between what you want and must do can cause frustration and tension. So, it is important to be flexible, adaptable, and open-minded as you adjust to greater or fewer responsibilities or barriers to progress. Hard work, patience, self-restraint, and self-discipline are also needed.
07:34 pm – Moon enters Sagittarius.