Andrew Tate Horoscope

Andrew Tate Horoscope

This Andrew Tate astrology interpretation shows how only a few planetary aspects and fixed stars explain his aggressive and divisive nature. Even with no exact time of birth for the Andrew Tate horoscope, they also explain his rise to riches followed by downfall and disgrace.

Andrew Tate is a divisive social media personality and former professional kickboxer. He has gained 4.5 million followers on Twitter, promoting his ultra-masculine image, ultra-luxurious lifestyle and misogynist views. On December 29, 2022, Tate was arrested in Romania over allegations of human trafficking and rape. On January 20, 2023, his detention was extended until February 27.

According to Romanian authorities, Andrew Tate’s victims were subjected to physical violence and mental coercion and were sexually exploited. They were lured by pretenses of love and later intimidated, kept under surveillance and subjected to other control tactics while being coerced into performing in pornography. [1]

Andrew Tate Astrology

I was born in Washington D.C. at Walter Reed Army Hospital, early one morning Dec 1, 1986. [2]

I have decided to use the birth time of 5:00 am for the Andrew Tate horoscope shown below. But with the exact time of birth not known, this interpretation does not include the Ascendant and Midheaven.

Andrew Tate Astrology

Andrew Tate Horoscope

Born on a New Moon

Sun conjunct Moon (3°57′) makes Andrew Tate very focused and driven to complete his goals and meet his high expectations. He is charismatic and popular, with a powerful presence and forceful character. Luminous and larger than life, he has the initiative and conviction to start major projects and see them through to completion. He is not afraid to stand up and take the lead. Andrew Tate has the self-confidence and abilities for this leadership role but may be oblivious to how his powerful energy impacts other people’s lives.

A Hard Life

Sun conjunct Saturn (2°54′) gives a serious nature and often a difficult childhood full of restrictions. This could relate to a difficult relationship involving his father, who may have been strict, mean or absent. So he grew up quickly, with many burdens and responsibilities placed on him.

Dad was working minimum-wage jobs overtime since his military career had been ended. Both mom and dad worked so that we could survive. Things became so hard that we decided to go to England and try a life there, only minus dad. So by age 11 I was man of the house, with a younger brother Tristan and sister (plus mum) to look after. As soon as I was old enough I got a job moving 80lb boxes of frozen fish into the market at 5am. Then a full day of school. [2]

Conservatism shows up in his personality and belief systems. With hard work, this aspect gives determination, perseverance, patience, reliability, and trustworthiness. With age often comes great achievements and recognition as a respectable authority figure. But then we must consider the influence of a particularly challenging fixed star on Andrew Tate’s astrology.

The Heart of the Scorpion

Fixed star Antares conjunct Sun (0°39′) and Saturn (2°14′): Antares causes malevolence, destructiveness, liberality, broad-mindedness, evil presages, and danger of fatality and makes its natives rash, ravenous, headstrong and destructive to themselves by their own obstinacy. [3]

Antares makes people tough, belligerent and pugnacious. This is an important star for military personnel. It is of violent character and is credited with being significant for violent death, either in battle or by the process of law. On the other hand, danger may come about by fire, weapons or machinery.[4]

With Sun: Pretended religion, insincere, honor and riches ending in disgrace and ruin, military preferment, the danger of treachery, violence committed or suffered, fevers and sickness, injuries to the right eye, violent death. Mental alertness, strategic ability and courage, a daredevil. Unfortunate for the eyes. [3]

With Saturn: Materialistic, dishonest through circumstances created by the environment, religious hypocrisy, many disappointments, loss through quarrels and legal affairs, trouble through enemies, many failures, hampered by relatives, unfavorable for domestic matters, much sickness to and sorrow from children. [3]

Notice the religious hypocrisy, pretended religion and insincerity:

Tate was raised Christian, and later became an atheist. In early 2022, he identified as an Orthodox Christian, and said that he tithed £16,000 to the Romanian Church on a monthly basis. After a video of him praying at a mosque in Dubai went viral in October 2022, he officially announced on his Gettr account that he had converted to Islam. [5]

All These Square Mars

Sun square Mars (5°18′) gives passion, courage, and a strong will. Above all, it produces an incredible amount of energy in the Andrew Tate horoscope. It is fiery energy that can be very challenging to control. It makes Andrew Tate motivated and achievement-oriented but also overexcited and jumpy.

He may experience quite a lot of trauma and pain in his life. Despite appearing strong, sexy and brave, he can struggle with self-esteem, mental illness, addiction, and anger management. His direct manner, impatience and competitiveness make him appear abrasive or aggressive. Together with a dislike of authority, this can lead to conflict, fierce rivalries, and enemies.

But this aspect gives the strength, versatility, attractiveness and leadership skills to compete and win. Great achievements are possible in business, government, sports, the military and police, entertainment and all of the creative fields.

Moon square Mars (1°21′) gives Andrew Tate an insatiable need to meet his desires, whether they be personal or professional. He is emotionally attached to everything he wants or needs. This is great for providing the dynamism and fighting spirit to succeed but can make him obstinate and short-tempered.

Impulsiveness gives a tendency to shoot first and ask questions later. A feeling of being threatened can manifest as oversensitivity or emotional attacks. He may also overreact and unleash his anger, making intimate relationships emotionally turbulent. But some people will appreciate his emotional flair and dramatic displays.

This aspect can cause psychological problems, especially if there was nastiness or emotional pain from his mother. Whatever the case, the Sun and Moon square Mars is the main reason for the misogynistic views and mistreatment of women.

Very Bad

Mars conjunct fixed star Fomalhaut (0°04′): Malevolent, passionate, revengeful, many secret enemies, liable to disgrace and ruin, the danger of bites from venomous creatures. [3]

Fomalhaut is said to be very fortunate and powerful and yet to cause malevolence of sublime scope and character, change from a material to a spiritual form of expression, and an immortal name. It is of a quite variable effect, either very good or very bad, depending on the overall cosmic structure. [4] So with Mars, square the new moon and Saturn on Antares, Fomalhaut becomes very bad.


  1. Romania seizes luxury cars, assets worth $5.6 million in Andrew Tate case, ABC News.
  2. The Life Of Kickboxer Andrew Tate (By Tate Himself),
  3. Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology, Vivian E. Robson, 1923, p.165, 234.
  4. Fixed Stars and Their Interpretation, Elsbeth Ebertin, 1928, p.70, 78.
  5. Andrew Tate – Wikipedia