Capricorn Weekly Horoscope

CAPRICORN: Last Week | This Week | Next Week | Monthly | Yearly

January 13 to 19

Monday to Wednesday brings a strong need to express your creative, inventive, and original flare. Heightened self-awareness and open-mindedness mean you can be comfortable being seen as different or eccentric. Flashes of insight and vivid dreams can lead to creative breakthroughs and discoveries. This is an excellent time to make changes and start trends. They will happen quickly and relatively smoothly. You can adapt very well to new conditions.

Thursday to Sunday, your sensitivity, intuition, and empathy will be heightened. This allows you to enjoy a sense of togetherness with loved ones, but you may need to set boundaries with strangers. You may benefit from joining or learning about environmental, charity, social or community work and groups. Spiritual or occult subjects like astrology may be better understood under this high-awareness influence. This is also a good time to escape from reality by daydreaming, watching movies or reading novels.

Capricorn Weekly Horoscope Tarot

The Eight of Pentacles indicates a very hard work period. This does not have to be negative, but you must be prepared. Think about what it is that you are working for. This work can be personal or professional. Be prepared to ask for help if you need it.  Capricorn Weekly HoroscopeThe Eight of Pentacles in general points to necessary efforts. You will have a lot on your plate that you must accomplish. Dedication to the task at hand is important (and admirable,) but working for its own sake can be counterproductive. Be clear on what you are trying to accomplish. Strive for balance. No one can or should work all the time.

All Signs for This Week

Your Capricorn weekly horoscope is based on planetary transits to the Capricorn horoscope sign, not to houses, zones, or sectors. The Tarot card randomly selected comes from the Classic Rider-Waite Tarot Deck and the interpretations from the Tarot Card Meanings by Psychic Revelation. All cards except numbers XIII and XV are included.