Capricorn Last Week

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Capricorn Last Week

July 15 to 21, 2024

Monday to Friday is ideal for making essential changes because of your willingness to experience new things and meet different or unusual people. You may even feel the anticipation and excitement building, sensing better stuff on the horizon. A feeling of freedom and lack of inhibition lets you express a more bubbly personality. Your love life can benefit from your more open-minded desires.

Saturday and Sunday, you will feel more connected spiritually to your friends and family. Your increased empathy and concern can have an uplifting effect on others, which could materialize as more involvement in groups of all kinds. However, you are as likely to benefit from a more individual quest for spiritual enlightenment through books, study courses, or consultations with gurus, Tarot readers, astrologers or psychics.

Capricorn Tarot

The Emperor shows us that domination of the mind over the heart is sometimes not wanted, but in some cases, it is necessary and even welcomed, and this is part of what we must think about when he appears. When hard choices must be made, it’s essential to maintain your concentration and focus, which this card makes it easy for you to do. Enjoy the assertiveness and confidence that this self-control and focus brings. Forge ahead and do what you know is best. If you can master yourself, you should have little problem mastering the world and everything in it.  CIt looks as though an older man may be part of your scenario. This could be a work colleague, your father, or a father-type figure. Perhaps he will be interested in you romantically. If so, don’t rule him out just because of his age. You may feel that this man “rules with an iron fist,” which can be frustrating at times, but he is trying to help you see that rules have their place and their reasons – and you will come out all the better for it. Above all else, this man teaches – without even trying, perhaps – the benefits of structure and logic ruling over emotions and lesser desires.

All Signs for Last Week