SCORPIO: Last Week | This Week | Next Week | Monthly | Yearly
February 3 to 9
Monday and Tuesday brings achievement and recognition for earlier efforts. You will focus on achieving your long-term goals and staying well-balanced. This means that other areas of your life do not need to suffer from your strong work ethic and determination. Relationships with men and superiors will be serious, practical and beneficial. Valuable guidance comes from elders and leaders.
Wednesday to Sunday, you can draw on tremendous drive and endurance to achieve your long-term goals. The perfect blend of patience and ambition makes you determined to do your best, no matter how long it takes. You gain the respect and admiration of superiors, especially men, because of your strong work ethic, attention to detail and trustworthiness. This should also be a time of loyalty, security and stability in your close relationships.
Scorpio Tarot
The Ace of Swords can indicate a new beginning in your life, possibly on several fronts. Sometimes, this new beginning can be started by separating from a relationship or a job situation. Know that as anxiety-producing as such a new beginning can sometimes be, underneath it all is good, beneficial energy getting you where you want to go. The Ace of Swords calls on us to not be afraid to leap if it’s in our best interests. In short, bravery is called for. As the old saying goes, “Feel the fear and do it anyway.” You already have a good idea of what must be done. The hard part is doing it. Start this week.