Capricorn Weekly Horoscope

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Capricorn Weekly Horoscope

December 23 to 29

Monday and Tuesday, an imbalance between what you want and what you can have can create tension. Primal urges can overpower your willpower, leading to impulsive actions, perhaps of a sexual or aggressive nature. Conscious awareness of competing energies allows you to balance personal desires and selfless service.

Wednesday to Sunday, you will be in touch with your feelings and intuitively say the right thing at the right time. This is an excellent time for socializing, making friends and dating. Increased charm and social skills make this a good time to ask for a favor or loan. An eye for a bargain and an appreciation of beauty make this a good time to shop for gifts, fashion and beauty products, artwork and jewelry.

Capricorn Tarot

The Ten of Cups is one of the most uplifting cards you can receive. This card points to happiness in general, perhaps in a more mature, grown-up, global way, as opposed to the more personal, less global wish fulfillment promised by the Nine of Cups. Either way, it’s a sound card.  Capricorn Weekly HoroscopeThe Ten of Cups speaks of happy family life, (even if you are single) and to general well-being that goes beyond yourself to include those that you are most concerned about – parents, siblings, children, etc. Being spiritually fulfilled is also part of the picture here. This is a good card to see, regardless of the question.

All Signs for This Week

Your Capricorn weekly horoscope is based on planetary transits to the Capricorn horoscope sign, not to houses, zones, or sectors. The Tarot card randomly selected comes from the Classic Rider-Waite Tarot Deck and the interpretations from the Tarot Card Meanings by Psychic Revelation. All cards except numbers XIII and XV are included.