Donald Trump Shooting Predicted

Donald Trump Shooting Predicted

Donald Trump was shot in the right ear during an assassination attempt on July 13, 2024. I predicted this would happen in 2015 when I wrote about the Donald Trump horoscope:

Donald Trump is at risk of being assassinated by a shot to the head or neck.

The reason I said this is because Trump has Midheaven conjunct fixed star Algol, which can indicate murder, sudden death and beheading. In medical astrology, Algol rules one-quarter inch up the base of the neck.

Uranus aligns with Algol for most of 2024. Mars is within the orb of Algol from July 12 to 19. I updated my post on Mars conjunct Uranus a few weeks ago because it aligns with Algol:

Donald Trump has Saturn conjunct Pollux (1°20′), Sun sextile Mars (3°50′) like the current chart, and Mars square Midheaven (2°25′). These factors increase the risk of assassination from Midheaven conjunct Algol (1°03′) in his natal chart.

Donald Trump Shooting

The assassination attempt took place at 6:11 p.m. on July 13, 2024, at a Donald Trump rally in Connoquenessing Township, Butler County, Pennsylvania. [Wikipedia]

The Mars-Uranus conjunction in the chart below indicates unexpected violence. Mars rules firearms and shooting, and Uranus is sudden, shocking and explosive. Fixed star Algol is at 26°30′ Taurus.

Donald Trump Assassination Attempt

Donald Trump Assassination Attempt

Donald Trump Astrology

The bi-wheel chart below shows Donald Trump’s astrology chart inside and the transits for the assassination attempt on the outside. At the top of the chart, the Mars-Uranus conjunction aligns with Trump’s Midheaven.

Donald Trump Astrology

Donald Trump Versus Shooting

From the fixed star Algol page:

I have found that a strong Algol placement in the natal chart corresponds to very distinctive facial features and hair. There may be a striking beard or glorious long hair. The teeth, nose or ears may also be striking in some way, either extremely beautiful, large, deformed or missing.

Now we can add a mangled ear to the crazy hairdo and orange face for Donald Trump.

50 thoughts on “Donald Trump Shooting Predicted

  1. I thought of your Uranus conjunct Mars article as soon as it happened. You were spot on!

    • So did I! I admit that I thought an assassination attempt was unlikely to happen when I first read the article, but as it turned out I was wrong. Excellent prediction Jamie!

  2. It’s fascinating that the Uranus conjunct Mars transit on the cusp of Trump’s 10th house is sextile the Saturn/Venus conjunction in the 11th house — institutional belonging — of his birth chart. Venus return is also transiting this conjunction. It appears that this event will give Trump sympathy votes from the American electorate. Interestingly enough, the Uranus/Mars conjunction is also trine Pluto transiting Trumps 5th house, indicating a near-miss. Perhaps this near miss will make Trump consider his relationships and how his “hobbies” are affecting the people close to him. (The 5th house rules pleasure and close relationships.) Transiting Neptune’s sextiling the Uranus/Mars conjunction on his Midheaven from the 9th house — Sex and Shared Resources — also suggests a near death experience might change his free-wheeling attitude. However, despite these indications, I’m not holding my breath.

    • Umm Jamie, why did you ditch the second person’s retort regarding Trumps “hobby”? That was a clue.

      Notice Trump’s chart Part of Fortune, conjunct asteroid 97472 hobby? and his descendant?
      And notice in my chart, asteroid Hobby conjunct Trumps Moon?
      And on the debate thread, before yesterday’s hard drama, I’m focusing on Trumps Moon, in an eye pattern with Tunguska and Unukalhai, looking at his NNode, and within ten seconds describing ‘the trees’

      Expressed this way, we’re fairly amused with each other’s goals and aspirations, ‘Donald’ dropped in to actually tell us to look at NNode, without it we’re in the forest without GPS.

    • The last word I would associate with Donald Trump is reflective.

  3. The Stars don’t lie! Thank you, Jamie for the interesting article! Your information you let us have for free on your site for fixed stars is much appreciated and you are the first astrologer to introduce me to the stars many many years ago long before other astrologers ever mentioned them. Thank you again for your knowledge!

  4. WOW Jamie ,that’s Awesome!!!!
    And so many YEARS ago!!!👏🏻👏🏻💯💯💯
    Spot on !

  5. On my birthday today I love to read your amazing messages to the constellation of Mary-Uranus and the horoscope of this man. I am frightened in a way, – many thanks to Jamie and greets from Hamburg in Germany!!

  6. Transiting Neptune(deception)conjunct Scheat (murder)- 29 some degrees of trumps 7th house (public), cusp of 8th house (themes of life/death).

    • Hi everyone. Thanks for the compliments and excellent astrological interpretations. But I am going to be strict about deleting non-astrological comments, especially political stuff.

      • I really respect you for that. I have no problem with a moderator keeping me in line. It’s just the right thing to do. Saturn needs to know her limits here. Full moon will be squaring natal neptune. But I have a natal saturn neptune semi sextile. I think I’ll be okay. Lots of practice and getting slapped up side of the head to pay more better attention.

    • I was thinking about this also. Are there some hidden facts that will not be given to public? Sounds conspiratorial, I know, but Neptune does that. There will be some very dishonest theories, accusations and conclusions and will cause the ‘fog of war’ to be more opaque. To quote Yogi Berra, “it ain’t over til it’s over”. A few weeks ago on a comment thread here, there were more positive comments about trump’s 10th house and Algol. I don’t know about you but I am pretty pessimistic about that. In light of what has happened I think it is important to note that the transit of Uranus will square his natal Mars in May while transit Mars will be in his 1st house. The next 4 eclipses and the transit of Saturn in March are interesting. Jamie has a lot of work to do.

      • speaking of “fog”. Will there be less “mass fog” when neptune leaves pisces? Just “foggy” individuals. Or was ‘fog of war’ intended for neptune in aries?

  7. Well done Jamie! A wonderful lesson in predictive astrology 👏

    • The stars are amazingly accurate.

      Comments from logged-in users are not working at the moment. Trying to find a fix.

  8. Congratulations, Jamie, you always get it right – and we thank you for your work.

  9. Thank you Jamie.. I am a Sun Virgo with Pluto @26 and Mercury @ 27 Virgo. Mars @28 Leo and Midheaven @29 Taurus. What to expect on the conjuction?

  10. Thanks for putting yourself out there with predictions about this. I use and appreciate your site, and I second the comment about resources you provide on the Fixed Stars.

  11. Your a “Bad Ass” Jamie!!! Ha!! Ha!! No Doubt!!! Thanks!!

  12. Also, POF in minor progression conjunct Venus exact in 10th house.

  13. Good call! This is what happens to a slippery Gemini, a superficial wound, theatre, created by Leo rising. His Algol and Mars near his natal Sun, conflict is his natural habitat.

  14. I have Algol conjunct my MC (28º Taurus). I hope I don´t get shot, beheaded ou injured in anyway with this Mars/Uranus conjunction!

  15. “Sympathy votes”? You literally have no clue about America, Americans or American politics, and I have no idea where you’re from. “Hobbies” and “free-wheeling attitude”? I literally would never want any astrological advice from you about anything. Given the fact that you have access to mountains of real life information about this subject, this is all you could come up with? Unreal stupidity from someone who should at least have some idea of nuance and multiple angles of any situation. Not surprisingly, you completely missed the reasons why the attempt failed.

  16. No need to worry unless you have it Square your ASC and Mars. But Regulus neutralizes Algol in this case.

  17. Hi Jamie, are you going to make a post about your 2024 election prediction?
    Thank you.

    • Hi Kelly. I think I will wait until the dust settles. Not even sure if Biden will last that long.

  18. Butler, PA is named after General Richard Butler*, revolutionary war hero who fought and died near Fort Recovery, OH, what’s known as St Claire’s defeat. This astrology, 4 Nov 1791, was studied and posted Nov 2020, and it appears several Americans haven’t forgotten.. I was looking at solar arc, and had a pretty good story how that went down in the early morning hours. If you look at the same chart, but progressed to 14 July 2024, the Sun’s at 03°Can14’15”

    A story that’s gone full circle

    (*Butlers Rangers is from the other side, Loyalists who used Niagara-on-the-lake as a base. John Butlers Rangers.)

  19. Sounds good. Thank you and I’m looking forward to when you post it 🙂

  20. Good on you Jamie. Jupiter trine his Chiron. Would be helpful if he were interested in self reflection and evolution. Shooter (if date true) had transit Algol Uranus Mars conjunct his Lilith/Nodes and square his Uranus/Mars. He was also shot in the head.Transiting Saturn square Pluto.

  21. Take a look at the predictions for the two party rallies on YT channel.

  22. A handy asteroid to have around ‘Hobby’, enough to drop the Mar-a-logo Document charges?

  23. Harvesting the Deep database for Neptune visuals, and old battles, both relevant for a troubling time, November 2020, but also to let people know other things were going on, the ‘big picture’, where we catch up to the present; elevate Natural law, and introduce an Ohio running mate.

  24. Jaime:
    Biden’s 12th house Sun-Venus-Merc stellium in SCO opposite this Mars-Uranus conjunction:
    How do you see that playing out? Or will a different transit be more formidable against him in the near future?

  25. Donald Trump and Vincent Van Gogh. because Moon-Moon, and North Node study

    “former tennis star Martina Navratilova has suggested Donald Trump’s ear bandage is a PR stunt”

    Thank you, I agree, Ear bandage, because widely disseminated in my extended family, the artwork and Van Gogh have a few things in common, among them a brother who has said “don’t cut off your ear”.

  26. I’m a Canadian. What the Americans do affects us greatly due to our shared borderline. I’ve been watching Trump and American politics for a long time, I rest my case.

  27. “Secret Service Understaffed at Trump Rally Due to NATO Summit …”

    this headline a few days old, remarkably both NATO and Trump also running in tangent at astrologyking, albiet NATO astrology not the focus, but revealing. And the Crowdstrike overwrite, rebooting, for a third rather unusual development.

    two charts to consider, Trump solar arc and natal, circa 1946, and NATO solar arc and natal, circa 1949.

    With Donald Trump solar arc Neptune, 74°45′ arc to his Natal Moon. Adventures in political intrigue. Mid heaven arcs to Pluto

    the NATO Aries cluster arcs 72° to a Gemini Mid heaven, Mercury!. There’s your crowdstrike, plus a little Y2K bump, in response to Mayan calendar-precession of the equinoxes reveal

  28. Again! You predicted it, Jaime— Biden just withdrew his candidacy for 2024 elections!!!!
    Thank you for your amazing and uncanny insight!

  29. Jamie, can we see Kamala Harris horoscope now that she is in the game, personaly I think that she has a lot more chance to win the elections then Trump. Maybe she will be a first woman president. Thank you.

  30. I’m concerned about the last two weeks of Leo.
    Trump has again some planets and Astroids against him but Jupiter may or may not protect him. It would depend on the time.
    Have you looked at the dates about 21 to 23 AUGUST yet?

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