Full Moon 22 April 2016 Fear and Prejudice

Full Moon April 2016 AstrologyThe Full Moon on Friday 22 April 2016 falls at 2 degrees Scorpio. The full moon astrology points to a fear of negative karma and fated events holding you back from making progress. This impact of Saturn square North Node on the full moon is reinforced by having five retrograde planets during this moon phase. This rare occurrence can result in an increase in strange or fated events including accidents and physical or psychological violence.

Full Moon April 2016 does present an opportunity to rise above fear and prejudice by focusing on your maternal, caring and instinctive side. Being inclusive instead of separating people into groups in not the easy way forward. It is the only way forward to avoid your fears turning into reality.

Full Moon Meaning

Like all full moons, the major planetary aspect is Sun opposite Moon. Along with the conjunction, this is the most important of all aspects in astrology. A full moon focuses your attention on relationships of all kind. A full moon itself has a relationship to the previous new moon. Projects you started since the April 7 new moon can now be fine-tuned or completed, it is harvest time.

As the lunar qualities of emotions and instincts reach their peak at a full moon, you can take an objective and balanced look at your personal relationships. Being in touch with your own needs and intentions, and those of others, you can clearly see any relationships imbalances causing disharmony. The influence of a full moon last for two weeks up to the next new moon, in this case the May 6 New Moon.

Full Moon April 2016 Astrology

The April 22 full moon has no major aspects but there are some minor ones which make up a configuration I termed the Crossbow aspect pattern in the February 2016 full moon. I will go into more detail about that shortly but you can see in the chart below that the full moon at 02°30′ Scorpio bisects Saturn square North Node.

Saturn aspecting the lunar nodes means fated events inhibiting progress toward your soul’s destiny. The karma involved is much like that of retrograde planets. Six days into this full moon phase, Mercury stations retrograde to give five retrograde planets for the first time in ten years. Five retrograde planets is rare, occurring only 4% of the time.

According to Gregory Rozek, [1] many retrograde planets makes the world appear to slow down. It feels like you are living in a different dimension with less inner uncertainty. However, there is an increase in strange or fated events which can include accidents and physical or psychological violence.

Full Moon April 2016 Astrology

Full Moon April 2016 Astrology

Full Moon Aspect Pattern – The Crossbow

The Crossbow aspect pattern represents a release of tension which has been building for some time. It can indicate danger to the apex planet (Sun) which activates a powerful survival instinct. The inner stress and tension manifest externally as outwards events through the reaction point (Moon).

Although this aspect pattern represents a complex long-term challenge or conflict, it also gives the tools necessary to release the tension and deal with the problem. Nervous tension caused by emotional turmoil at the Moon can be worked out through your feelings, instincts, home, family, and intimate relationships.

Saturn square the Lunar Nodes indicates fear of the future because of past conditioning. All the negative news you see happening in your community and the world can make you want to barricade yourself in your castle. It feels like fated events or karma keeps reinforcing a hopeless and scary future. Instead of taking responsibility it is easier to blame another family, tribe or race.

Jupiter square Saturn reinforces this negativity and a pessimistic belief about a prosperous future. It creates inner tension as you face criticism or limiting circumstances in your life. Structures or long-held beliefs may breakdown leaving you feeling uncertain and unsure about your future.

The obvious example of this square is the immigration crisis caused by the wars in Iraq and Syria. Especially how this mass migration is being used by campaigning politicians around the world to spread fear. Saturn square Neptune getting stronger only reinforces this deception and fear.

Uranus conjunct the immigration star Baten Kaitos at 22 ♈ 10 means that shocking events, terrorist attacks and drownings at sea will continue until March 2017.

The full moon April 2016 astrology shows the full moon breaking open, or exposing the fears you have about the future. You can look back to the past and see the similarities between the current crisis and WWII. There are significant differences such as Jews being replaced by Muslims, but the fear mongering and propaganda are much the same.

A sense of safety and security can be found by clinging to groups of people who share the same fears. It is easier to belong to one group and blame another. The combination of challenging aspect in the Crossbow configuration means progress can only be made by facing up to harsh realities and acting responsibly, with integrity and good morals.

The Sun conjunct fixed star Mira at 01 ♉ 44 brings failures, fiascoes and enmity. This is what to expect in the external events expressed at the action point of the crossbow. This comes from the conscious expression of the fears and prejudices of the majority of the masses. However, coordinated mass conscious group behavior can strengthen the impact of a minority, such as prayer, chanting and directed psychic will.

This negative energy finds final release at the Moon, the reaction point. There is an opportunity to leave the negativity behind at this point and express the Saturn/Nodal energy in a more nurturing and caring way. Through the Moon you can use your intuition and feeling to realize how Saturn and the Nodes require self-discipline and traditional family values to overcome fear and intolerance.

By traditional family values I mean looking after those less fortunate than yourself. There is proof that families of cave men looked after those disabled by broken limbs. We are all one big family now. Fortunately, this ancient human quality is supported by Moon conjunct fixed star Princeps at 03 ♏ 23. It gives you the capacity to protect others and allow yourself to be protected. The shepherd protecting the flock.

Staying the same because you fear the future is not the best option for this full moon. In your favor is the continuing influence of the April 7 new moon. It is promoting a more responsible and stable type of change instead of the chaotic upheaval of the past.

If full moon April 2016 directly impacts your horoscope decan you can read about its effect in your monthly horoscope.

Previous Moon Phase: New Moon April 2016
Next Moon Phase: New Moon May 2016

Full Moon April 2016 Times and Dates

Los Angeles
New York
21 April – 10:20 pm
22 April – 1:20 am
22 April – 6:20 am
22 April – 11:50 am
22 April – 5:20 pm

1. Retrograde Planets and their Number in the Natal Chart, Gregory Rozek, 2014.

43 thoughts on “Full Moon 22 April 2016 Fear and Prejudice

  1. I have Saturn, Jupiter, Neptune, Mercury, Chiron all rx in my natal chart and yes it is a slow moving journey often with seeming destined “pit stops” to increase ability to relate and empathise, made all the slower by the need to be working from inner depths of psyche and emotionality first rather than bodily or outer world mental matereality and the interference by the impatience or even blocking due to control of others who do not understand and refused to listen to understand who thought they knew better and “entitled” , often making it worse or destroying slow moving earth work which had in fact already made good ground, often underground unseen depths too (Neptune rx in Scorpio 1st house) also fortunately my Saturn rx is at 29 Capricorn so I am well equipped with patience from a young age myself hahaha! There is an element of fate to my chart with my moon in Libra 12th house, quincunx Venus in Taurus and exact opposite asteroid Hekate in Aries, so needed to work with complete respect and care for the sacred feminie and it has been hard, to hopefully inspire the fates for good rather than ill. This moon conjuncts a high Priestess asteroid in my 1st house 6 degrees from my ascendant, which has had much affect on me at times to keep her from working towards her negative potential when activated through my chart, so i am not sure how this may come about or show up, yet she will lol! definately tables turning with all those rx and definately how i am in service to others (Sun currently transit Aries 6th house), I feel i will be laying all my cards on the table, so best ensure i am free of expectations especially not good ones like the past now dead and gone was.

    • I don’t know, I have a feeling that people with many retrogrades in their chart will feel more comfortable with many retrogrades in transit.

    • Only slightly because it makes the quincunx aspect (150 degrees). This is why I don’t mention it in your monthly horoscope. A quincunx aspect signifies adjustments needed because of a karmic or health imbalance.

  2. Dear Jamie,
    Great analysis, after latest Crossbow in February I am truly concerned. 165 aspect is so criminal and violent and unstable, almost always visible in charts of criminal astrology ( also horary). This Scorpio moon seems also to complete or initiate final transformation of many people. I need new me.
    Position of the moon is exactly on my 2 hot and painful Squares: Uranus squares Mars and DSC and Saturn opposing Chiron? This is the hottest, the least stable part of my chart – enemies, partner… ( Uranus 3 Scorpio, Mars DSC 5 Leo, Saturn 29 Cancer, Chiron 29 Aries) Currently I don t have any strengh left, after last years battles exhausted me.

    • Hi Alice. You seem to know your astrology and thanks for pointing out the criminal link in these octile aspects. I think the full moon aspects to Saturn and Chiron are far to wide, especially if you take into account the minor aspect in the full moon chart. I would not go over one degree orb, maybe for the Mars square.

  3. Awesome photography………the crossbow appears kite like as well…………..you are quite the astrological wordsmith!
    Thanks for time and attention given FREE to all Astro Bunnies!

  4. appreciate you interpretations. focusing on the positive despite the rough edges. thanks for the heads up! best to you Jamie and you healing… :0)

  5. Thanks for this post! This full moon is on my natal Pluto at the base of my chart (Virgo sun, Leo ascendant). I hade an eclipse here in 2014 and a massive family secret came out. I’m not sure whether just to stay at home and batten down the hatches!

  6. Hi Jamie, Thanks for the article. I will have to re-read it several times in order to fully grok it. I have one of these crossbows in my chart- just about where venus is on this full moon so at the 20 degrees level (my moon in pisces is there… with sun in opposition + i got a double water trine). I travel to visit my father day before this full moon. Geez, i hope i dont loose it emotionally whilst visiting him for 3 days neither of us need an altercation so I will focus on the nurturing stuff, for sure. Best regards, Nicole

    • Hi Jade, it means that one to one relationships will be in strong focus over the following two weeks. Sorting out a lot of karmic and psychological issues from previous relationships, not just love relationships.

  7. My husband’s surgery was rescheduled fromApril 4th,till APril 21st,,not thrilled about it,,

    • Frankly I would cancel the surgery because at the Full Moon there is always more bleeding.

    • Never worry about rescheduled surgery dates. It all happens for a reason. You cannot expect to have lovely sweet transits when your body is being hacked into.

  8. oh fun. new moon on all our synapse ‘s and MY admits on top of that so I choked on rice starting painful spasms in chest and upper back shoulder to shoulder. It finally stopped. Off to hospital where I got to exercise my nurturing to the immigrant child who had high fever. He was criticized and the foreign mom said heartless man. Then the woman with copy carrying out the wine bottles that fell and one slit her wrist short of the artery. You just gotta appreciate it. So this was Uranus overtop of the whole schizoid nervous mess but done except for the full moon. I got the sandwich to share but almost afraid to eat. Off to a good start. 8 hours in ER is lots of Saturn patience but the full moon lands pretty much on daughter in laws sun Uranus.
    They live near by and it’s been brewing cauldron.
    peace? lol best wishes Jamie and yes hope your healing well.

  9. Hi Jamie, this full moon will be in exact conjuction with my lilith in 4th house. Should i be affraid of this? 🙁

    • Depends on how Lilith is aspected in your chart. I think she represent anything from a junkie to a priestess depending on stars and aspects.

  10. Hey,Jamie! What do you think about the evil effects (of this full moon) for the appointment of a candidate for mayor of a big city. It can be fatal for the candidate ? Or for the city if the candidate win elections?
    PS-excuse-me my English!

    • Good question Lori. I have been thinking about the long term transits affecting the US presidential election. So many retrogrades with this full moon I think the candidate with the best odds of winning will be taking advantage of people’s fears and uncertainty. Not a middle ground politician but one from an extreme of either side. Fear mongering seems to suit conservative, right-wing politicians for this full moon.

      • Supposedly an new paper of Edward Caseys was found predicting Hilary.
        I m going to go with that and cause her platform some about respect and Saturn ‘s traveling towards Pluto. Good focus.

  11. That s what I said. Stabilize. That s what I want. Change comes for the most part in the long haul for good results. I heard someone say pity campaign but no it’s just using common sense which is somewhat affiliated with the law, saturn. But they had had a few beers so that’s neptune talking. I imagine. And I resent it biting into my time. It meaning the projections outward. People criticize with cigarettes in hand and other habits of their own they can improve on. Well good luck everyone. I think sun sits on the icciput which IS the back of the head. ah see what I learned. It can be painful as the pressure gets there. and then release. Otherwise it can be the human and the bear running from each other. Mine sits on my health hygeia and destiny 6th house point. So I learned about the downfalls of the pelvic area s while my doctor was there before me so he’s already covered those bases for me. Who knew. It would be a shock to hear “u need a hysterectomy” so change doesn’t have to be a mysterious dread, but simply a learning curve and the harvest, saturn. Remember since 2012 or before there is supposed to be an undercurrent of peace and unity not there before. Maturing frees within and heals so that’s good as one releases whatever has been in the dark. So much positive so we don’t need to go around being harsh with each others shortcomings as we mature. People forget as they force situations that there are committees and so on in place to monitor the delinquent. Places that hold them responsible and are held responsible in turn.

  12. Are the times correct? I saw elsewhere that in Los Angeles it’s at 10:20pm April 21st.

  13. Hi Jamie
    my birthday is 24 oct 86 time 08:00 a.m İzmir Turkey.This is my last chance for my driving exam next week.But ı am terribly scared and nervous which ı started to feel today. ı am normally successful of everything.But something going bad last times.Everything started to be more and more difficult last weeks. Whats going on with me would you please help me ? I am very afraid of exams now..is it because of the full moon

  14. Hey Jamie,
    As it turns out, this full moon is exactly conjunct my Venus/Neptune/ASC conjunction in my 1st House. My girlfriend’s Vertex and True Node is exactly conjunct my Venus, while transiting Uranus/Venus is exactly conjunct my Descendant today April 22nd. — We were supposed to talk this afternoon but the conversation was delayed by the unexpected arrival of a relative of hers. I plan to ask her to marry me, but the proposal is delayed until tomorrow. This is some pretty wild stuff going on in my mind right now. Any comments?

  15. Oh that hurts.
    Full moon on my Uranus 3 Scorpio square Mars on DSC (5 Leo ) , quinqunx my IC 4 Gemini and Gemini Sun at 5 degrees
    Now I am In the middle of painful breakup after 18 years of relationship.

    • Well I can at least say that the astrology fits your situation. I have noticed a lot of negative energy between family and partners since the full moon.

  16. Hi Jamie,

    Once again you made me think with your post. Thanks!
    My natal Mars is at 29.16 degrees Libra (4th house) and my natal moon at 2.32 Aries (9th house) so my guess is that it has probably been touched by this full moon as well as my moon at 2.32 Aries (9th house). I had once again some unexpected news related to housing (tired of this!) and family so I guess that’s the moon

    but what about Mars? In my chart it rules my midheaven so I am a little bit concerned… as Uranus in transit is also getting closed and mercury retrograde will fall on my 10th house. Taking into account that the star Baten Kaitos has been activated by Venus in transit conjunct Uranus in transit and both are at 1 degree from my Midheaven (22.12) should I get ready for something scary? (Venus rules my 4th house and Uranus my 7th).

    Last but not least and out of curiosity, would this full moon (and the fact that it falls on the curve of the 23 march eclipse) have some kind of impact on the UK ( Brexit referendum in June- 3 months after the 23 March eclipse)?


    • It would be interesting to look at a chart for brexit.

      As for your Mars, still a bit wide of an orb for the full moon so the influence will be weakened. For your Moon, most astrologers don’t use the quincunx for transits. I have but have not seen much of any effect either.

      • Thanks for clarifying this for me 🙂
        If you have time to look at the chart for the Brexit let me know as would be so happy to read a post about it !

  17. Can you please leave out your personal political beliefs whilst describing a scientific accuracy such as astrology? There is a reason why the word “lie” is in the middle of the word “belief”. This is your own personal reality that you created of your own Free Will. If you need or desire to have experiences that makes you appear as “more loving than others” or “smarter than others” or “better than others” or any other finger pointing blame game, (which of course is your right) please try to leave it out of astrology. Perhaps a separate political blog for people who share your personal reality?

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