New Moon 6 May 2016 Making Progress

New Moon May 2016 AstrologyThe New Moon on Friday 6 May 2016 falls at 16° Taurus. It comes at an intense time of karmic repercussions with five retrograde planets at the same time. The new moon astrology shows how you can relieve any karmic tension by addressing a particular limiting circumstance in your life.

With guilt removed and increasing self-confidence, a fortunate grand trine configuration brings opportunities for personal, professional or spiritual growth. Happiness, growth and major transformations can occur through travel, career, relationships or business dealings.

New Moon Meaning

A new moon represents the end of one cycle and the beginning of a new 28 day cycle. Sun conjunct Moon means all possibilities are on the table. You can rightly put yourself in the forefront of new plans for the future. Old habits, behaviors and beliefs can be questioned as you search for new and inventive ways to make progress. This is the ideal time to make a fresh start and start writing down a to-do list.

However, the impulsive and enthusiastic nature of a new moon means that not all new projects will succeed. The influence of a new moon lasts for four weeks up to the next new moon, in this case, until the new moon on 4 June 2016.  The best time for making a fresh start and for beginning new projects is during the first two weeks of a new moon cycle. This waxing phase of the moon lasts from May 6 to the May 21 full moon.

New Moon May 2016 Astrology

The May 6 new moon at 16°41′ Taurus is not close enough to any fixed star of importance. However, it does make a fortunate grand trine configuration, shown in the chart below by the blue lines. Personal growth and transformation from Jupiter and Pluto are the theme main themes for the new moon.

Grand trine aspect patterns do indicate ease, abundance and good fortune, but also a tendency to let opportunities slip by because of simply enjoying the good times. Most astrologers agree that an associated challenging aspect is required to motivate the grand trine into action. This is exactly what the New Moon May 2016 astrology chart shows with Jupiter square Saturn in red, linked to the new moon by the green quincunx aspect from Saturn.

I will start off with the challenging aspects then show how the grand trine harnesses this energy to turn challenge into opportunity. The personal growth and transformation now comes by tacking a limiting circumstance in your life.

New Moon May 2016 Astrology

New Moon May 2016 Astrology

Jupiter square Saturn creates inner tension as you face criticism or limiting circumstances in your life. Structures or long-held beliefs may breakdown leaving you feeling uncertain and unsure about your future. Any area of your life that has gotten out of control or is creating this tension will be subject to the strong hand of Saturn.

You could experience financial hardship in which case you need to limit spending on luxury items or entertainment. A relationship on rocky grounds may lead to a separation or major shakeup. Events may force you to reassess previously held strong beliefs. Destructive behavior patterns such as addiction may come to an end during this period.

Jupiter retrograde and Saturn retrograde further complicate your limiting situation and suggest this may be a repeating theme in your life. This adds greater important to fixing this issue once and for all.

Until Jupiter stations direct on May 9, there are five retrograde planets, a rare event occurring only 4% of the time. This makes the world appear to slow down so you are living in a different dimension. It can indicate an increase in strange or fated events, including accidents and physical or psychological violence.

Sun quincunx Saturn creates an imbalance between your own personal goals and your responsibilities, or the limitations caused by Jupiter square Saturn. Whatever problem you have to tackle could be hurting your self-esteem or even causing an illness. The quincunx is an aspect of health imbalances and karmic rebalancing.

You may swing between sober maturity and reckless disregard as you struggle to fix whatever the problem is. There will be a repeating cycle of rising tensions then rapid release. This tension will ease as you take responsibility and admit any mistakes. This brings greater confidence and respect from others.

Sun trine Jupiter brings warm and friendly relationships with everyone. Opportunities can come in the form of personal, spiritual and material growth. Financial gains are possible, which will increase your overall net worth, and level of satisfaction and contentment. Personal and spiritual growth can come through studies and travel, anything aimed at broadening your outlook on life.

Sun trine Pluto results in intense and deep experiences. You will have greater power and influence over your own life, allowing for positive transformations. You can also exert this greater power and influence over the events in your life and over the people around you. Personal or professional problems can also be more easily resolved now.

Jupiter trine Pluto greatly increases your power and influence. You have the opportunity to use this power to positively transform your own life, your environment, and the lives of other people. You will feel in control of situations, and may find yourself in positions of power or authority in group settings. The transitions on the way could include promotion on the career, leading to increased wealth and power. Journeys made now will also greatly transform your outlook on life, and be remembered as once in a lifetime experiences.

Sun conjunct Mercury puts the focus on your thinking and communications. Expect lots of personal interaction, clearing paperwork and bills, receiving and sending letters and emails, and short trips around town. This is an ideal time to make plans and initiate business deals, bargain, and buy and sell.

Mercury retrograde lasts until May 22 and allows you to get in touch with deeply buried memories so you can heal old wounds. Old friends may reenter your life to settle old karma and allow you to move on.

If new moon May 2016 directly impacts your horoscope decan you can read about its effect in your monthly horoscope. For more detail about how it affects your natal chart see Sun Transits.

Previous Moon Phase: Full Moon April 2016
Next Moon Phase: Full Moon May 2016

New Moon May 2016 Times and Dates
Los Angeles
New York
6 May – 12:29 pm
6 May – 3:29 pm
6 May – 8:29 pm
7 May – 12:59 am
7 May – 5:29 am

60 thoughts on “New Moon 6 May 2016 Making Progress

  1. Jamie these pictures and way you have set these up is genius. They so hit the mark with me. yay.
    thanks from the deep of the night with a little light.

  2. Jamie, I” ll have my birthday on May 8.How do you think it will affect us Tauruses decan 2 ?? Thank you!!

    • I will have mentioned it in your monthly horoscope Evita. Extra strong and can last for up to a year being part of your solar return chart.

  3. hi! what about that nice Kite with the Nodes ? it sounds Karmic to me (transiting south node conjunct my mars in pisces…) thanks!

    • Yes, that ties into the grand trine with Jupiter and Pluto I mentioned. It will certainly help out considering the karmic theme at the moment with the 5 retrograde planets. Your Mars is also being activated by the March 2016 solar eclipse.

  4. My Mars is on Taurus 16 degree !!! I hope my life will start move faster!!!

  5. My Sun is making a direct opposition to this new moon at 16 degrees Scorpio. And my midheaven at 16 degrees Taurus. Does this mean something not so good for my career?

    • Not necessarily Claire. It highlights the polarity you already have in your life of home versus career. New moon opposite Sun transit will be a battle of wills between your professional and domestic self. it could manifest as ego battles at work.

        • Just to update… your predictions were spot on. i’ve had to reschedule my work due to childcare issues, am emotionally torn between work i love and children who are my world and my house renovation is delayed due to my work commitments! Also a newbie at work is trying to undermine me even though I have tried to help and encourage her! A very trying and confusing time. But thank you for your reply Jamie because I have expected it all and forewarned is forearmed!!!xxxx

  6. Hi Jamie
    I am facing difficult times from october 2015. My date of birth is 16 march 1988. Time of birth 8.15 am.
    There was loss of health,job and love.
    I need to understand what is happening. I am confused.

    Best regards

    • Pluto conjunct Mars transit will do that. Should be over by November 2016. Love life should improve before then.

  7. New moon and Mercury are trine natal Saturn, a lot of earth energy

  8. Please tell me what to expect with transit new moon EXACT conjunction my natal north node ????

    • This is supposed to means progress toward karmic goals, or what is good for your soul. Sometime your ego may not initially realize that events are heading you in the right direction.

    • This new moon does not affect your birth chart. The March 2016 lunar eclipse did. It landed on the most critical part of your chart with Sun, Mercury and Mars tightly together. Research:

      Sun conjunct Mercury
      Sun conjunct Mars
      Mercury conjunct Mars

      Sun square Uranus
      Mercury square Uranus
      Mars square Uranus

  9. This new moon falls on the exact same degree as my natal Chiron (on the last degree of my seventh house). I’m Libra decan 3 so I understand I’m otherwise not directly affected by this new moon, but I’m interested in the fact it occurs conjunct Chiron in my birth chart. Seems to fit with the “karmic” element of this new moon? (And with current events in my life!)

    I’m a total beginner when it comes to astrology: I’m only just beginning to find my way with it. So any thoughts you have about this possibly triggering my natal Chiron would be very much appreciated. I’m not quite sure how to interpret it myself!

    • Hi cat. Chiron is a relative newcomer to astrology itself, so the interpretation varies. Generally, Chiron is Christ, a maverick healer astrologer. Shows a deep wound in your soul but also your healing gifts.

      • Thank you Jamie. My natal Chiron is in opposition to my natal Mercury and Uranus (14/10/1980), so I was unsure what to expect. As it happened, the day and following weekend of the new moon was unbelievably intense, dealing with a issue for a good friend. It involved having to suddenly write something very heartfelt and difficult, so that’s the Chiron / mercury aspect I suppose. The fallout, although hopefully eventually very healing, has been extremely challenging, and has had some very unexpected repercussions (there’s Uranus, I’m guessing!).

        Interestingly, next week’s full moon falls on the exact same degree as my natal Mars… and conjunct (albeit wide) my Uranus again. I suspect the challenges of this lunar period aren’t over yet. I’m a bit nervous!!

        • I think you can count out Uranus in both conjunctions, too wide an orb especially when the moon phases are so close to Chiron then Mars.

  10. On it already and yes as Merc went rx on my natal Vertex, it seemed I was immediately offered repetitively occuring challenges which has contributed to a very unpleasant self fulfilling prophecy needing to play out and come full circle and prompted to have another go with my new change of heart devoid of expectation, regardless of successful outcome the way eac one has started out, it tempted me to think…here we go again whats the point, yet with a better resolve at least the presenting of my case in each situation thus far has atbleast appealed to the better nature of the person I have been given to, to ask for help. It has been highly valyable for me, as hard as it has been, to have 5 planets rx natal, including Saturn, Jupiter only 6’apart with Jupiter conjunct IC and my natal Mercury rx in a grand trine with the other 2 rx in my chart…the further back you go, the fliser to the future you reach, backwards to the apparent best way for most to do it, what can I say…its part of my natal nlue print, I cant change that its written in the stars, until I do it the way I need to embrace it and then indeed I will change my stars lol!

    • Sounds like you are diving right into this very rare opportunity of self discovery. Good on you!

  11. Hi dear Jamie, this new moon conjuncts my venus in 10 house.3 degree orbis, couse my venus is on 13.45 degree in taurus. On the same time stationary direct jupiter – passes throught my 2 house will turn direct in the same degree as my venus. I have natal jupiter in 6 house – 6 degrees capricorn.
    So, i want to share something. 3 week ago i met a man in internet.Very intense connection,he lives so far from me…other lovely country. I feel like i am in love….and hope there is a chance one day to meet him. In the same time he is taurus sun and has stelium in taurus – moon,mars, mercury… I has venus ,mars and moon in taurus too…….i think astrologycal we can be happy together…….and i hope this new moon bring for us more happyness. This new moon falls in conjunction on the moon of this man. Do you think he will invite me to visit him… day? I don`t know…..

    • I hope so Mimi, it sounds very promising. Moon/Venus is wonderful synastry. I am writing about this aspect soon for the June 4 new moon.

      • Thank you very much! But i musn`t take any actions because of retro periods of mercury and mars? A?

          • Retro mercury will turn direct just in conjunction with my venus.Retro mars will be opposite natal saturn, trine natal sun and after that conjunct neptune in 5th house. So much aspects. But i feel i am in love with this man. But now something with this retro mercury happened…i dont know what, but i think he ie distand from me….

  12. Hi Jamie this sounds really interesting .my dob is 09-04-1981 iam aries sun sign with leo ascendant life seems to be stopped uranus has caused lot of havoc .Do you see any movement or when are these bad times going to end i have four planets in 9th house in aries sun venus mercury and mars all direct .i m tryjng for a baby do u see that happening soon my husband is 14-04-1982 i think he has uranus pluto in his decan now hope this new moon brings good luck thanks

  13. I was born on 5/26/1995 at 6:05 pm in California, how does this affect me?

  14. I am relatively new to all of this and I am receiving revelations every single day. On Jan 30, 2016 my body was completely healed from severe fibromyalgia and a slew of other disorders I have dealt with for 4 yrs and ever since I am reaching heights I never knew possible. I would very much appreciate any info you can supply. I am a Scorpio DOB 31-10-76 @ 10:23am in Longview, Texas ????????????

  15. Thank you Jamie i read both the links .Good omen can be a children or money?I have neptune in my 5th house does that tell you how many children i will have .Uranus is out of my decan will there be a stability after sept sorry for all the questions its really hard five years and just dont see the light at the end of the tunnel .

  16. How does affect my birth chart: 1/31/1974 born in California @0657.

  17. How do you know when someone needs to transition into becoming a breatharian? And for how long? Forever? I have never wanted to consume food – even as a child. Occasionally I crave a hydrating fruit or vegetable. But food and a full stomach make me feel worse and I have never received the enjoyment from it that other people seem to. I have reached a new level of Ascension this year. In Jan., I was fully healed of a number of ailments including severe adrenal fatigue and severe chronic pain/fibro. I have been sun gazing daily and have received many revelations as a result. I would love to hear from you. Thank you ????????

    • You know that you are ready to transition to being breatharian when it gives you joy to know that you can live without consuming food.

      A quote from Victor Truviano:

      “I remember when I was 4 years old, it was the first time in this physical body that the universe touched my heart very very deep. So in this moment for some varying reasons my knowledge started to disappear and instead my wisdom started to appear, the wisdom that we have.

      “At this moment the universe touched my heart for the first time in this body, it happened every time in all my different bodies that the universe touched me and always stronger and this time it was very very strong. Because in some way it showed me a function that wasn’t so simple to show through a physical body, because the universe showed me in a clear way what would be my function. But sometimes the physical body is not ready to receive that much energy. But being 4 years old my heart was so so pure and it was completely ready to receive all this love and all this energy. So in the same moment as all these memories appeared in my mind, in the same moment appeared all this knowledge about many previous lives, in the same moment also everything disappeared for a few seconds, but also a completely new space appeared in my being.

      “When I was 4 years old I started to receive transmissions from the universe. A transmission is when the universe gives you information in a way in which our mind can’t participate in this information to receive this information completely pure (and ?) for a couple of days in the beginning in a natural way I couldn’t eat, or drink also but in this space appeared the pranic way. The information started to appear. So when I first received a lot of transmissions, it was a time when I couldn’t eat because it is like as if you look at this stone right here, I don’t know if you can eat this stone. It was the same situation for me, I couldn’t eat what was on the table. So at the same moment a lot of doors closed but also a lot of doors and windows and everything opened. And this is what happened at the beginning for a few years and every time something completely different happened, because life is like that, it’s in every moment completely different. And this is what happened to me, but I’m not going to tell you what you can’t do but I want to show you our possibilities. And I’m not talking about becoming breatharian or pranic, I’m talking about something more interesting. Because if we put our attention only on not eating and drinking that would be very superficial and really completely boring to me.”

      • I completely understand what you’re saying. Thank you for sending the quote. I, too, felt these things as a young child, however my parents were extremely strict Pentecostals and they squashed all my questions and wonderings and on top of that I was sexually abused by a grandparent and kept that suppressed until Jan of this year when I was healed of fibro. The older I got, the worse it got. Their church labeled me a rebellious backslider bc I questioned all of their doctrine. It changed the entire course of my life and I am just now…30 years later…finding my way back to who I was meant to be all along. I have such an inner peace that I haven’t felt since I was a small child. So many things are coming back to me…such as foraging (what is safe to eat and what not to) for example – but there are many other examples. I very much appreciate your taking the time to respond. ????????????

    • Here is a link that I feel is helpful in understanding the emotional relationship we have with food and with our beliefs in lack or deprevation: Another book which I feel is very helpful is The Don’t Go Hungry Diet, by Amanda Sainsbury-Salis, PhD. I would love to talk with you, Angela. My email address is:

  18. It is 10:22 am on the 6th of May, here in California as I write this. The Taurus New Moon has not yet been ushered in. Good old earthy Taurus. Let’s be kind to Mother Earth and all the life she so generously gives birth to. Let’s put down our knives and forks and say a blessing for Mother Earth.

  19. Anyone who thinks they can give up food and live on breathing air is seriously bat shit crazy. I have been a licensed acupuncturist for 30 years, and I have seen every crazy new age belief, but this one is at the top of the list.

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