The new moon on Saturday 4 June 2016 at 14° Gemini aligns with the lovely planet Venus. However, the new moon June 2016 astrology chart reveals many tests and challenges in your quest for love and money. Greed, fear and delusion from a Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune T-Square configuration are just some of the obstacles standing between you and true love.
A multitude of difficult planetary aspects make it easy to give in and wallow in self-pity. But it is these hard aspects that provide the opportunities to improve your love life and finances and appreciate what you have.
New Moon Meaning
A new moon represents the end of one cycle and the beginning of a new 28 day cycle. Sun conjunct Moon means all possibilities are on the table. You can rightly put yourself in the forefront of new plans for the future. Old habits, behaviors and beliefs can be questioned as you search for new and inventive ways to make progress. This is the ideal time to make a fresh start and start writing down a to-do list.
However, the impulsive and enthusiastic nature of a new moon means that not all new projects will succeed. The influence of a new moon lasts for four weeks up to the next new moon, in this case, until the new moon on 4 July 2016. The best time for making a fresh start and for beginning new projects is during the first two weeks of a new moon cycle. This waxing phase of the moon lasts from June 4 to the June 20 full moon.
New Moon June 2016 Astrology
The June 4 New Moon at 14°53′ Gemini sits right next to Venus at 14°24′ Gemini. This tight alignment of the Sun, Moon and Venus is no doubt the prime influence of this new moon and a very nice one indeed. More than Gemini Sun Sign, the Orion Constellation adds more of a Venus influence with the fixed star Rigel at 17°03′ Gemini. This bright blue star gives happiness, riches, honor and glory.
Given this initial splendor, it’s a real shock to take a look at the new moon June 2016 astrology chart below. All the promise of love, riches and fame are blown to smithereens by a Grand Cross aspect pattern. The innocence of youth gets ravaged by the greed, fear and delusion of a Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune T-Square configuration.
Imagine the New Moon conjunct Venus as the ideal you, with all you would love to have. It could be an adoring partner, happy and healthy kids, loyal friends, fame or wealth. This Venus new moon shines the spotlight on all you love and value. Sharing love is really important now and your loved ones will play a central in your life over the next four weeks. Your happiness and well-being depends on theirs, and visa versa.
If single you may feel a more intense need for companionship and intimacy, and want to do something to improve your chances of finding romance. Or you could seek out something else to trigger the release of love chemicals in your brain, like a creative work or hobby you love to immerse yourself in.
Hanging over your ideal life of love and luxury is the T-square pattern involving Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune. You can read in detail about each aspect below but it basically means that for karmic reasons (Saturn retrograde), any delay or disappointment affecting your love life or finances is a lesson to teach you to keep it real. Many of your worries and concerns are due to greed, deception, excessive behavior or unrealistic expectations.
Jupiter square Saturn
Jupiter opposite Neptune
Saturn square Neptune
There are many tests and challenges standing between you and your ideal love. All those red lines in the chart above have the potential turn you or a lover into a lazy, sleazy, self-indulgent fat pig. In fact effort may be required to stop this happening!
The aspects from the T-square planets to the Venus new moon represent the challenging events and relationships you need to experience in order to improve your love life and finances. The aspects listed below offer some clues on how to at least pass the tests if not ace them.
New Moon June 2016 Testing Aspects
Sun square Jupiter can make you feel extremely confident, proud, lucky and optimistic with little cause. The best way to handle this expectation is to show respect, moderation and discipline. Focus your energy on one or just a couple of projects. Be conservative with your finances as there is a tendency to accumulate things you don’t really need. Moderation is needed in all areas, with your behavior and your morals.
Venus square Jupiter is generally a good time for socializing and making new friends. Care must be taken, however, not to lower your standards if dating as this could lead to wrong choices or embarrassing situations. You may be more inclined to have an affair at this time and that would eventually backfire leading to stress in a marriage. Dieters may have difficulty avoiding gluttony at this time. There will be a tendency to overspend on luxury items, fashion, cosmetic, holidays and entertainment, anything that you can actually do without if money is tight.
Sun opposite Saturn places limiting conditions on your life due to the actions of other people or circumstance. These restrictions can seem more difficult to surmount because you find it harder to express yourself. Your low energy and the resistance around you mean that his is not the time to be forcing you will onto others or trying to promote yourself. The buildup up of frustration is best addressed by plodding along by yourself on some personal goal where you do not require the assistance of others.
Venus opposite Saturn is not a good time at all for socializing so you should prepare for some alone time. Try to work out were you are responsible for any relationship difficulties and do some work on self-development. This is a good time for preparation work. Try to pay off any debts and if you can’t, then at least organize them so you know where you stand. If you are subject to depression then realize this is probably going to be a low phase of life.
Sun square Neptune has a weakening effect on your vitality, making it hard to get motivated or enthusiastic about anything, especially hard work. Events or other people can cause confusion and disappointment which forces you to battle against the odds. To counter this deceptive influences you must be above-board in all of your dealings. This is not the best time for high stress competitive things like business dealings or negotiations. Predators will easily hone in on your soft side and you are at greater risk of being taken advantage of.
Venus square Neptune can lead to feelings of insecurity about yourself and how you look. There is a tendency to over-idealize romantic interests at this time, ignoring the obvious faults which are plain for others to see. It would be wiser to wait until after this transit before committing yourself or being too trusting of another person. You will be more susceptible to the depressive influence of alcohol and more susceptible to poisoning in general. Regular users should beware of overdose, infection, or being ripped off by dealers.
At the global level the drama should play out in peace talks (love) and stock markets (money). There will be a lot of effort to maintain ceasefires, to uphold peace treaties and even to avert new conflicts. The great migration crisis will see heightened efforts to resolve through treaties and deals between nations. However, just as with personal relationships, attaining the prize will take an amazing amount of sustained effort and some good luck.
I expect new moon June 2016 will begin unraveling global stock markets as Venus rules money, Jupiter rules wealth, and Saturn rules those institutions trying to keep it together like banks, investment houses and treasuries. Neptune is the large-scale deception and fraud of the masses by the few, that threatens to be exposed by the underground and investigative nature of Pluto (quincunx aspect to new moon).
Update 24 June 2016: Brexit results in “unraveling global stock markets”.
If New Moon June 2016 directly impacts your horoscope decan you can read about its effect in your monthly horoscope. For more detail about how it affects your natal chart see Sun Transits.
Previous Moon Phase: Full Moon May 2016
Next Moon Phase: Full Moon June 2016
New Moon June 2016 Times and Dates
New York
4 June – 10:59 pm
5 June – 3:59 am
5 June – 8:29 am
5 June – 12:59 pm
Love this new moon, Sun- Moon and Venus are sextile my Sun. Mercury trine natal Saturn in Virgo, Uranus is trine both natal Moon in Sag and Mars in Leo. Mars is transiting natal Uranus in Scorpio, change in the air
AHHH I guess this one is going to be important. Conjunct my sun. Any comment, Jamie?
Depends on the exact degree of your Sun. There is not a lot you can do to prepare for a grand cross but hopefully Saturn and Neptune are far enough out of orb from your Sun.
It is exact. 14 24 53. Sat at 12 Virgo, Neptune 14 Libra in the natal
Have you read Sun conjunct fixed star Rigel? Sounds like you have to defend your position.
Chaucer called Saturn “the great deceiver” think Nixon achieving, then digging a pit for himself. It presents obstacles, not “reality” The recommendations of Saturn send people to hell. That is my interpretation.
Okay this moon will conjunct my natal chiron 14 gemini and comes between two f ullmoons
one opposite my natal sun 29 Taurus and the other opposite my natal venus 29 Gemini
Ups and downs in my love life I guess
Yes but you will not feel the negative impact of Saturn square Neptune on your Chiron which will make a big difference. 4 degrees orb is too wide especially for Chiron.
What would this directly on the MC mean? Saturn is exactly transiting IC, and Jupiter on Asc, and Neptune in DC.
It’s trining natal Pluto And those above are where the planets are transiting. Thoughts? Thnx
For the next four weeks a focus on career and your public profile. Saturn on IC can help of hinder this depending on how well you have attended to your duties and responsibilities for home and family. Jupiter on AC is confidence, good fortune and personal growth but Neptune brings mistrust or deception in personal and business partnerships. Overall, difficult to maintain focus in one area of life I would expect.
I forgot to mention that the full moon later in June is opposing the natal moon and Jupiter exactly. Any insight on how it’ll play out?
I’ve written that one now so ask there Curious.
This new moon brings me in a bussines trip from 1 june to 3 june with my ex with whom I have not been from my last year birthday. It is really a test love! Should I go with the flow Jamey. BOD 01.06.1977 00:10a.m. pogradec, albania.
Is that June 1 or January 6 birth date? Regardless, I would not change a scheduled trip based on what astrology says.
June 1 birthdate. Thank you Jamie! It helped me a lot on the decision to go on that trip. I was really thinking these days to cancel it because of the mixed feelings and the fear that we go back together and the things end up the same. Vicious circle.
It will be good for you because of the new moon conjunct Jupiter in your chart.
This NM will trine my 16 Aqua. Jupiter. it will also fall in my “natal” 10H.
Good luck, but then I suppose you won’t need it 🙂
HI Jammie, i have natal uranus in 17 degree in libra. Is this new moon will be in trine with it? Uranus rules 7 and 8 houses.
Yes, you should feel it at 2 degrees orb though I usually stick to one degree for transits. See Sun trine Uranus transit.
Thank you very much. But this is not just a transit of the sun….this is new moon event. And last two or more weeks….dont you think so?
Orb of influence is difference that the length of influence. Being an outer planet and not as conjunction I would stick to one degree orb for new moon trine Uranus. Lasts up to four weeks but the energy will be modified by the coming full moon.
I’ve had nothing but dramas, fights and upheavel in my relationship these past months – since January I think.
I don’t know how much more I can take to be honest. I’m hanging on by a thread to my faith (Saturn-Neptune I guess) – and now… another bloody test in the love departments? Christ! I had hoped that June would be just a FRACTION easier on the couples because I SOOO much need some peace, but … not really with this sh*t, huh?
How long into June can we expect this influence to go on, Jamie?
I don’t know how this will hit me, as there are simply too many landmines here and I don’t even know where to start looking at the negative aspects – Scorpio born at 12th November 1982, 01:10 GMT.
At least Mercury will not hit my Chiron at 25 degrees Taurus on the algol star. Too far orb.
My Taurus Boyfriend has the same aspect too in his chart, although his is in 12th house.
Hi Anette, a new moon can last the whole 28 days but the next full moon will alter it somewhat. After June 17 things should settle on the Saturn Neptune square has peaked.
Your Mars is 12°30′ Virgo so your energy and sexuality will be affected. See Sun square Mars transit but you can also research the others.
Uy! Right cojunct to my natal mars in my 12th H! Should be challenging. Mars is well aspected in my natal chart so badly with planets… though, has nice trines with PoF and Chiron. I hope it will be healing for me… Thanks Jamie!
M. del Rin.
Yes should be good Mel. I have Mars trine POF, the only aspect to Mars actually.
Hi Jamie,
thanks for this forecast. It is shockingly accurate for the situation with my family going on at the moment… “greed, deception, excessive behavior or unrealistic expectations.” All dressed up to try and look like something it isn’t, like putting a pretty thin paper napkin over a massive messy turd. Everyone can see the turd but the person who made the mess is jumping around saying it’s a diamond tiara and they are not covered in something looking pretty brown. This is all sad but true. Thank you for your insights.
Thank you for your humorous words Helen. Good way to start my day!
What do you think the effect on someone with a Saturn conjunction Neptune would be?
Good question Elizabeth. Even though this new moon does not directly aspect the Saturn Neptune conjunction, it will still have a stronger impact compared to one without the conjunction.
Saturn square Neptune would be most strongly felt by those with planets at the same degrees, but also strongly felt by people with Saturn square Neptune in their chart. To a slightly lesser extent, people with any aspect between Saturn and Neptune should also feel the square more than normal.
Lovin this info.. Question Jamie, what do you think this will all mean for someone going through their saturn return with their natal saturn at 14 degrees Sag?
That saturn is also Trining:
Sun/Moon, Venus/Moon, Mars/Moon and Mercury/Moon midpoints @ 14/15 degrees Leo.
Also virgo planets semi-sextiling and gemini planets sextiling these midpoints.
What effects would all that have?
Thanks Jamie!
I would expect the combination of your Saturn return and Neptune square Saturn transit and Jupiter square Saturn transit to be rather fearful. That 2 degree orb is very important though because it does break up the timing of these transits so it is not so intense. The positive aspect to those midpoint will only help but you still have some work their. My best advise is the be as responsible and hard working as you can. Be respectful, honest and always be looking to learn something along the way.
This new moon is conjunct my Ascendant at 15 degrees Gemini, as well as conjunct natal Mercury at 12 degrees Gemini. My natal Mercury is opposite natal Neptune at 12 degrees Sagittarius. Did I mention that transiting Saturn is there as well? I am trying to keep a very open mind but this is a bit overwhelming. I feel it now and these aspects aren’t even here yet. I’m tempted to lock myself in my room for the duration but that may not be very practical. It seems I have a double whammy going on with Saturn conjunct Neptune, as well as the ongoing Saturn and Neptune square, plus these aspects. It seems like a lot so does anyone have any suggestions? Thanks so much
This is heavy Benne. You can expect to feel depressed and anxious so I would not push yourself at all, just stick to basics and try not to take things too personally. Work out the exact timing of your transits and use a one degree orb only. That should break things up a bit.
Hi Jamie, the new moon conjuncts my natal north node in Gemini, in my first house. My NN is also conjunct asteroid Vesta.
My NN is a player in the mutable t-square in my chart (opposite Uranus in Sag & squared by Ceres in Pisces)
What do you advise I make of this ? Where do I start in understanding
Hi Jenny. I am not well read on Vesta so I would start by researching it’s astrological influence. With N Node you may meet new people or spend more time with those you share a strong karmic link with, usually family and close friends. Or it could be those who share a common goal or future path with you. Events may nudge you back onto the correct path if you have been straying lately.
So enjoy your articles, but must say this is so full of the negative aspects that can come from these squares. From looking at many charts of wealthy people-you could say greedy too, many have these squares in the charts. My father a self taught multi millionaire had this square-Opp saturn/Neptune / Opp Jupiter Chiron-The existing grand square can bring solidity to long range plans of a divine nature-guarding against greed, arrogance & gluttony. Thank you again for your divine work-so appreciate it!
I’d have been more “negative” but I’m an Aquarian Astrologer, we usually give zero f*s. Greed has many “negative”consequences.
One of my biggest pet peeves, I thought you were going to give a good rerebuttal. Divine space dust? I think your more concerned with showing you can look UP a chart, not interpret it.
My 7 contact Mercury Pisces gets it.
Good thing the late Pluto in Libra Astrologers (intense P fairness L) are up next.
Thank you Jason-Just saying that nasty Grand Cross of 2014 landed on my birthday -I did 4.9 million dollars in construction work in the months after that. The year of my solar return-when everyone exclaimed we were all doomed! Just as four sides to a house, it can make for a very strong foundation if one knows how to use it, instead of hiding from it! Just say’in!
I’d like see you elaborate, this GC falls on my birthday. I am glad to see someone is optimistic. This is a mutable GC so it has to do with communication (?) Wikipedia)
Thank you Deep Rose. Good to have some proof of challenging aspects pushing people to fulfill their potential.
Hi Jamie
Do you know how this chart will affect 14′ degrees of Nessus in Gemini?
I have not studied Nessus but whatever you find about it I expect the new moon to place a lot of stress on that areas or life.
Dear Jamie,
Does this new moon affect love/marriage by unnecessary delaying things? Am facing delays since mid may in a marriage proposal. Things r not moving. When will this logg jam clear? Dob : April 2, 1982 12.50 pm IST.
Oh yes Tina. In general Saturn opposite anything will cause delays and frustration, especially in love with Venus. But this is not going to have a strong affect on your situation as the new moon does not directly aspect anything in your chart. Saturn trine Sun transit is having a stronger and more favorable impact until September 2016.
Thanks a ton Jaime for a positive interpretation. Hope to find some relief by the end of this month in matters of Venus.
Lots of good wishes for u…
Thanks, Deep Rose, for calming my nerves a bit. : ) This New Moon Grand Cross is happening on my birthday so hope it’s not all gloom and doom. Mars will also be transiting close to my natal Saturn (28′ Scorpio – 12th House) and Saturn will be about a degree from my 13′ Sag ascendant. Think I’m concentrating too much on the possible negatives and not focusing on the potential positives of the Venus, Sun, Moon conjunction.
Hi Jamie, wondering what you think about my natal Venus at 14 degrees Gemini (so they’ll be exactly conjunct) — plus the fact that I’m a Moon and Venus-ruled person (Sun in Cancer, Moon in Taurus, Libra Rising). I’ve been feeling Saturn opposite my Venus in a pretty unmistakable way. If anything, seems like Saturday would be a great day for intention-setting. Thoughts?
You seem to have a good idea of what this means Steph. With natal Venus opposite Saturn I’m probably not the best person to ask for anything positive from this 🙂 After 3 divorces I have given up on relationships, for a while at least.
oops, this moon already brought me a slander case, somebody complaining about an all made up crime! I hope people will get along with each other fine, because I don’t like to see them get punished for not too important things
Hey Jamie my name is Dnora, my bday is 11/30/74 what can u tell me? Ami being punished for past karmas, or is this going to b ok for me, please help I have been going thru much, and I am in need of some guidance… I highly appreciate ur site and follow everyday, I an in desperate need of help,I can feel it
Hi Dnora. You have Venus at 13 Sagittarius so are being hit very hard by this new moon. Saturn conjunct Venus transit (like Venus conjunct Saturn) can be very depressing without all those other planets harshly aspecting your Venus. You also have Sun (8 Sag) and Neptune (9 Sag) conjunct fixed star Antares, so being hit by Saturn retrograde.
Saturn conjunct Sun transit finished in December 2015.
Saturn conjunct Venus transit is lasts from Jan to Nov 2016 but peaks around these dates:
04 Feb 2016
16 May 2016 retrograde
01 Nov 2016
Also read these following aspect in your birth chart. The Saturn transit means you will be learning a lot of lessons about this area in your chart which is the major influence in your life.
Sun conjunct Venus
Sun conjunct Neptune
Venus conjunct Neptune
Sun square Jupiter
Venus square Jupiter
Jupiter square Neptune
Sun sextile Pluto
Venus sextile Pluto
Neptune sextile Pluto
@this moon is harsh. That’s no good. Definitely the influence of Saturn square Neptune being wrongly accused, victimized. Connected to Sun, Moon and Venus makes it so much more personal.
Hi Jamie
The new moon exactly trines my 8th house sun and saturn is sextile my sun. How would I expect that to manifest for me?
Many thanks,
Goof for you Julie! Very productive and good for career advancement. Hard earned gains built on solid foundations will set you up for the future. See Sun trine Sun transit and Saturn sextile Sun transit. I don’t use houses so would look to any fixed star conjunctions for more detail.
Hey thanks Jamie,
Just been offered a fab job, last week, certainly had some testing times to achieve this though.
Wonderful news! Thanks for letting us know.
Hi Jamie, I have Mars strong in my natal chart, I am currently going through my Saturn return and my Sun sign is Aries. I have big decisions to make at the moment, I am about to end a long term relationship and hand my notice in my job but I am thinking using this new moon to my advantage but worried about making these changes while Mars is still retrograde? any timing advice would be greatly appreciated.
Good question Mr K because Mars does not turn direct until after the next full moon, but the best time for new stars is the waxing phases between new and full. But I would only be concerned about this is Mars were to make a challenging aspect to your chart. Otherwise it should be of benign influence for you.
My moon is 14 degrees Gemini in the 12th and sextiles my Venus at 12 Aries in the tenth. I was born Moon Opposite 6th house Mars 16 Sag and Saturn is sitting pretty close to my Mars right now. And here we have a New Moon Grand Cross right on my moon and then hitting the stuff I mentioned and more! I am experiencing some delays in a legal case and my lawyer found some tampering of evidence from the State attorney. I thought that would clear today but the State Atty was out of the office and it is delayed. Your report for the New Moon has helped me a lot in understanding the conflicting feelings and loneliness I am having today. Now I feel inspired to work it through and not to be surprised at the delay. Besides meditating,, how can I make the most of this New Moon?
Hi Griselda. You should be feeling more peaceful than most because of Moon sextile Venus. Hopefully all that tension and conflict in the chart relates more to your surroundings where your calming influence should bring you good results. I would not worry too much about your Mars at the moment because of the wider orb, especially given the exactness of your other aspects.
Hi Jamie! I usually just read your awesome blog posts, but this new moon has me spooked! I am currently suffering/surviving a transit Pluto (7th house) square Pluto (4th) and Pluto square Venus (10th) coupled with transit Neptune opp Saturn (3rd)–with retro Mars and Saturn in the 6th to boot! I just recently went thru a breakup and now this new moon/Venus conjunction is lighting up my 12th house in a tight trine to natal moon at 5 Libra (4th). I’ve been considering trying to see if I can work things out with the now ex and Mars’ ingress into my 5th house and this new moon seem to back that but that Grand Cross is telling me a whole ‘nother thing! I am beyond confused and feel like the surfacewater is going over my head. Any advice, please?
Hi Derrick. I think the confusion comes from over complicating your astrology. Ignore houses. The Mars ingress into a house is meaningless. Pluto square Pluto is insignificant compared to action between inner planets. Start with the basics. Astrology is all about the interplay between planets and if anything else, the interplay between planets and fixed stars.
Signs are human constructs that were only ever invented to make measuring the position of planets easier for us. They were never intended to have any meaning attached to them. Astrological meaning always derived from where a planet was in relation to the fixed stars and their Constellations. Everything else in traditional astrology is derived from these illusionary Signs. The Houses, Ingresses, rulerships and all the complex techniques that make those early Hellenistic astrologers look important, important enough to remain on the Kings staff. I rant on more about this in Precession of the Equinoxes.
Hi Jamie, is it that bad to get married on this day? Thanks
Not necessarily Zest. I would be more concerned if the new moon landed on a sensitive point in your birth chart.
Thank you, Jamie. It conjuncted groom’s natal Sun and Venus in his birth chart 🙂
Oh, is that all !!!
Hey Guys,
There was not much to do at the time of a grand cross except observe; they were kind of locked positions until it brokes up. Much of the grand cross would have already occurred by the new moon.
You may have seen the crisis take precedence around the last weekend of May, a reaction to the full moon in Sag (1 degree) on May 21st. What area of your life would that be (see the house of sag)? And where is Jupiter in your chart? These areas should have been illuminated and the consequences of the full moon events would have been played out the following week, starting with the disseminating moon. And yes, the root of the extreme behaviors was greed/excess of some sort, too much focus on self gratifications, building from the full moon. Let everyone see themselves as the reason for their own feeling of lack or not having enough in life. People who put materialism first will have felt entitled. It’s not that the material world is bad, it’s just that some people will miss the beauty and comfort of faith in something other than the physical realm.
And finally, you may have lost something in those last hours of the moon (this past thursday/friday). The new moon should be for a new seed.
The energy of the Grand Cross would be dissipating by the new moon (now) since the only aspect (major) applying is the neptune/saturn square it will be probably the main order of business for this moon. This one is about a judgement or correction of something made unclear, either by deliberate deception or misunderstanding. Literal court hearings may crop up for some people. the area of life in which this is involving are the areas of your chart where neptune is and Saturn he area of judgement. Neptune and Saturn can represent, in some cases illness or discomfort in areas of the body depending on your chart. There is a possibility to achieve an actual result here a readjustment since a square is potential achievement.
** For those whose birthday fell on the new moon (if you didn’t know already) this is the chart of your solar return. It is a snapshot of what is to come for the upcoming year. You do not have to worry as much about most of the grand cross because most of it is separating. It will represent onld issues and remnants in the early part of your solar return period like this month for example. Only the neptune/saturn aspect is the only one from the cross still applying. Even the Venus conjunction to the new moon is nice but separating. The merc/mars opposition can be arguments, lawsuits and even bad press. With a the new moon in your return you guys will be starting new projects. Check the first planet to rise in your chart, the planet nearest your ascendant for the themes of the year!
Blessings to all,
This is very helpful to me. Thank you.
It illustrates much of what I have experienced lately, with health and with legal issues. Incomplete records being used against me from the State, were to be addressed by my council with the State Friday. Their attorney was out of the office, and now it will be addressed today, after the new moon, with the Cross dissipating. The roller coaster ride leading up to it was felt the weekend before, as you noted. The toll on my health was a natural fallout.
Dear Jamie,
This new moon conjuncts my north node in 3rd house, makes a trine to natal venus in 7th house but makes opposition to my 9th house stellium (sun, uranus, mercury, jupiter, neptune). Any thoughts?
The orbs will be important to work out the stronger influences from your stellium. Research Sun opposite Sun transit for whatever is closest. The read Sun trine Venus transit for ways to resolve the opposition. Ignore Houses. The nodes represent family or karmic links but I’m unsure about the difference between north and south.
Hey Jamie,
Dnora here, my bday 11/30/74 I was born I ny, ny at 11:38 pm, I dnt understand this although I’m trying to, I’m so confused and I am going thru a lot but just put it together, I have never done my chart, and wouldn’t know how to read it to begin with, can u please help me, I need guidance nd I don’t understand astrology very well, halo me Jamie, Dnora the desperate
MAGIC! – Red Dress (Official Video) “I gotta lotta love and it’s growing strong when I see you with your red dress on!”
Too late for me to be enlisted now. Mars on Regulus so I enlisted in the Reserves when I left school.
“I expect new moon June 2016 will begin unraveling global stock markets as Venus rules money, Jupiter rules wealth, and Saturn rules those institutions trying to keep it together like banks, investment houses and treasuries.” = Brexit
This is basically my granddaughter’s natal chart…born on June 3 and has Taurus rising with a grand trine involving Jupiter, moon & Pluto. I truly think her trine will outshine her Grand Square. She has phenomenal, loving parents living a traditional life and are very ambitious. I pray that she has a fulfilling loving life.
The Moon has made all the difference for her. In this case the cross will provide the tension and motivational energy required to unleash the grand trine talents.