New Moon 4 July 2016 Social Anxiety

New Moon July 2016 AstrologyThe new moon on Monday 4 July 2016 is at 13 degrees Cancer. The new moon July 2016 astrology is dominated by the major planetary aspect of 2016 with aspects to Saturn square Neptune. This means the fear, paranoia and intolerance will continue for at least another four weeks.

However, a positive aspect pattern linking new moon July 2016 to Saturn and Neptune gives you the tools to resolve a major problem area in your life associated with anxiety, guilt and fear. Feelings of inadequacy or weakness can be overcome during this moon phase of learning and growth.

New Moon Meaning

A new moon represents the end of one cycle and the beginning of a new 28 day cycle. Sun conjunct Moon means all possibilities are on the table. You can rightly put yourself in the forefront of new plans for the future. Old habits, behaviors and beliefs can be questioned as you search for new and inventive ways to make progress. This is the ideal time to make a fresh start and start writing down a to-do list.

However, the impulsive and enthusiastic nature of a new moon means that not all new projects will succeed. The influence of a new moon lasts for four weeks up to the next new moon, in this case, until the new moon on 2 August 2016.  The best time for making a fresh start and for beginning new projects is during the first two weeks of a new moon cycle. This waxing phase of the moon lasts from July 4 to the July 19 full moon.

New Moon July 2016 Astrology

The July 4 New Moon at 12°53′ Cancer forms two strong aspects to Saturn and Neptune, the major planetary influence this year. You can see its association with fear and paranoia in politics at the moment, as well as religious extremism in the Middle East. At the personal level it represents a problem area in your life related to foreboding, grief or disappointment.

The new moon July 2016 astrology chart below shows how this moon phase links up with the Saturn Neptune square in a favorable way to help you resolve this problem which is causing so much worry and concern. Phobias are common with this aspect which can include depression, social anxiety and eating disorders. The triangle aspect pattern shown below allows you get over any feelings of inadequacy while learning how to transcend guilt and fear.

New Moon July 2016 Astrology

New Moon July 2016 Astrology

New Moon July 2016 Aspect Pattern

The dominant triangle aspect pattern is one of the Huber’s [1] learning triangles that include a red, blue and green aspect. It represents growth problems that affect the whole personality, influencing all areas of life. The growth and transformation process is slower but more profound than with smaller learning triangles.

The red square aspect shows a regular and drastic experience of conflict due to feelings of inadequacy because of a certain problem.

The green quincunx aspect is the next step where the problem is initially dealt with. Searching for a solution can lead to change in self-image.

The blue trine aspect is the desired state of harmony that comes from creative problem solving. Ego transformation results in a more dominant and influential personality.

The rotation direction of the above crisis mechanism: conflict — striving for solution — harmonization, is clockwise, or backward through the zodiac. This retrograde direction means that many experiences are required to achieve the necessary leaning and development.

Saturn square Neptune is the conflict or drama caused by leaving a certain problem to fester. It could be a separation, setback or some disappointment which is made worse by guilt, worry, depression or paranoia. Psychological fears may be so strong that they become debilitating, making it even more difficult to fix the problem. Patience and focusing on the basics is required. You should take a more practical and defensive approach to life and not be too optimistic.

Sun quincunx Saturn involves searching for a solution and transforming your image. This may involve testing the limits between your own needs versus your duties. Gaining self-respect and the respect of others though achievement in your career is a good way forward. However, there may be times when self-reliant and reserve gives way to reckless disregard. While the use of a crutch will help during periods of sadness and loneliness, addiction can make it more difficult to regain the inner confidence required to advance.

Sun trine Neptune brings a spiritual state of harmony through creative self-expression. You may realize that achieving your goals and dreams is of prime importance before you can be of help to others. Strong faith and morals means you need not sacrifice your owns needs or level of comfort. Your path to success can be helped by a strong self belief even psychic impressions, which would be more accurate now.

Moon trine Neptune sensitizes your emotions, imagination and creativity. You may dream up or fantasize about an ideal partner but are just as likely to meet someone special now. Relationships formed under this influence would have a soul mate feel to them. Your intuition should be especially strong now so you should pay extra attention to any psychic impressions. Friends may come to you for comforting or a shoulder to cry on.

Mercury trine Neptune is the perfect aspect for creative problem solving. Added to the trine aspects above, you will be extremely sensitive to all vibrational energy which includes what others feel and think. If not psychic then you can at lest rely on a very strong intuition to guide you in choosing the right path forward. You should be able to clearly visualize all the possibilities you discovered during the searching phase of the quincunx.

This is not the end of the learning cycle or transformation. Sun, Moon and Mercury at the green-blue corner of the triangle, where the solution to the problems is found, is very beneficial. As an added bonus there is also a special fixed star here to increase your odds of success.

New Moon July 2016 Conjunctions

Sun conjunct Moon puts the focus on the most personal areas of life, the home, feeling, emotions and close relationships, especially with women. The power of the Sun brings these deeper areas of life to the surface so that any problems that have been simmering in these areas can be resolved in a positive way. Emotional balance and a level-headed approach assist in recognizing and processing whatever fears and guilt have materialized due to the Saturn Neptune square.

Sun conjunct Mercury enhances your mental skills and provides a more rational, fact based assessment of any problems. Communication is another strong point which can be used in sharing ideas and seeking feedback. Your mind is on the ball which favors lots of interactions, clearing paperwork and bills, receiving and sending letters and emails, and short trips around town. This is an ideal time to make plans and initiate business deals, bargain, and buy and sell.

Moon conjunct Mercury adds more of an intuitive approach to the problem solving. You can more easily make close emotional attachments to other people, or enjoy reminiscing about the past with family members. This is a great opportunity to get things off your chest, especially relationship issues. Conversation with women and family members in particular will be emotionally nourishing.

Together, this combination of Sun, Moon and Mercury allows for a more holistic approach to dealing with any Saturn/Neptune crisis. Your new start represented by the new moon June 2016 should be well-informed and inclusive of loved ones. This is a great opportunity to leave behind your fears and guilt and other karmic baggage.

Fixed star Sirius at 14°18′ Cancer is well within orb of the 12°53′ Cancer New Moon. This brightest of stars has a planetary nature of Jupiter-Mars which is a sign of success. It gives honor, renown, wealth and devotion. Sirius makes you want to look after things. It has a reputation for making custodians, curators and guardians. The combination of Sun and Moon with Sirius is a good omen for success in business, good friendship and domestic harmony.

If New Moon July 2016 directly impacts your horoscope decan you can read about its effect in your monthly horoscope. For more detail about how it affects your natal chart see Sun Transits.

Previous Moon Phase: Full Moon June 2016
Next Moon Phase: Full Moon July 2016

New Moon July 2016 Times and Dates

Los Angeles
New York
4 July – 4:01 am
4 July – 7:01 am
4 July – 12:01 pm
4 July – 4:31 pm
4 July – 9:01 pm


1. Aspect Pattern Astrology, Bruno and Louise Huber, 2005, p.202.