Full Moon 14 November 2016 Adjustments

Full Moon November 2016 AstrologyThe Full Moon on Monday November 14 2016 is at 23 degrees Taurus. The full moon November 2016 astrology shows where you need to make some minor changes in response to new goals you set in the previous two weeks.

The November 2016 full moon represents the karmic adjustments required to keep your loved ones on-side as you move ahead on your new spiritual path. For your spiritual goals to succeed you must respect parent/child relationships and also consider the environmental implications of your plans.

Full Moon Meaning

Like all full moons, the major planetary aspect is Sun opposite Moon. Along with the conjunction, this is the most important of all aspects in astrology. A full moon focuses your attention on relationships of all kind. A full moon itself has a relationship to the previous new moon. Projects you started since the October 30 new moon can now be fine-tuned or completed, it is harvest time. A full moon can also be seen as an emotional adjustment, or complement, to the themes of the previous new moon.

As the lunar qualities of emotions and instincts reach their peak at a full moon, you can take an objective and balanced look at your personal relationships. Being in touch with your own needs and intentions, and those of others, you can clearly see any relationship imbalances causing disharmony. The influence of a full moon lasts for two weeks up to the next new moon, in this case the November 29 new moon.

Full Moon November 2016 Astrology

The November 11 full moon at 23°09′ Taurus takes some drilling down to fully understand. There is only one aspect involved and it is a minor one. There are, however, more than enough alignments to dwarf planets, fixed stars and asteroids to get a clear picture of how the full moon energy will affect you.

Sun quincunx Uranus is the main aspect in the full moon November 2016 astrology chart shown below. This suggests erratic changes and general disruption in your life caused by something you started since the October 30 new moon.

Remember the new moon theme was communication and your spiritual development. A new start in any area of life, from following your true calling to meeting your soulmate. Such a new direction or development in your life is bound to leave some people feeling left behind.

This full moon pushes you to double down on your new spiritual path. You will want to express the new you in an eccentric or original way. This is great for your ego and your new goals (Sun) but is going to cause increasing tension within existing relationships and your family (Moon).

Full Moon November 2016 Astrology

Full Moon November 2016 Astrology

The women in your life, especially your mother, may appear overly protective and see your new direction as too risky. If the buildup of tension in such relationships is addressed early then your creative intelligence will kick in to find original solutions.

The full moon changes in response to your new spiritual path should be seen as karmic adjustments more than major life changes. If you rebel against the concerns of your loved ones and act with arrogance, then sudden outbursts and rash actions will cause real drama in your life.

Full Moon November 2016 Other Bodies

Minor Planet Sedna

Listed below are the fixed stars and a minor planet in relation to the full moon. Zaurak and Capulus are only minor stars but they do give a feeling of impending doom. This uneasy feeling is due to the closeness of fixed star Algol, one of the most feared stars of all.

22°37′ Taurus – Full Moon
24°06′ Taurus – Zaurak star
24°26′ Taurus – Capulus star
25°39′ Taurus – Sedna planet
26°24′ Taurus – Algol star

Minor planet Sedna is associated with long-term climate change. It is nearing its closest approach to the Sun in its 11,400 year orbit. The last time Sedna was this close, a sharp rise in temperature over 50 years led to the inundation of low-lying areas of our planet. The alignment with Algol in the coming years adds to the sense of foreboding.

If the November 2016 full moon triggers a deep melancholy it may be your intuition sensing future catastrophic events affecting large portions of humanity.

Dwarf Planets Ceres and Eris

I talked about Eris with Uranus in the October 16 full moon. Dwarf planet Eris is like a higher octave of Uranus so it amplifies the chaotic nature of change. Fixed star Baten Kaitos at 22°11′ Aries is also associated with change but is more linked to emigration or fleeing war zones.

Dwarf planet Ceres with Uranus means those most affected by the changes are mothers, step mothers and grand mothers. The protective maternal instincts of Ceres can also be displayed through single fathers.

So if visions of cataclysmic earth changes don’t put you in a bad moon then a nagging mother or mother in law may do it for you. Ceres is mothering but also nutrition and the environment as the goddess of grain; wheat, corn or rice depending where you live.

There is a strong link in this full moon between the mothering the earth and our children. The fear of cataclysmic disaster etched in our DNA comes through as a neurotic or obsessive urge to protect and nurture. This need to save our children from harm is directly linked to our need to save the environment from harm.

The same primordial mother theme can be seen throughout the full moon November 2016 astrology chart as Virgo. Although Virgo Constellation is not involved, both Ceres and Astraea represent Virgo as goddesses of mothering and justice.

Asteroid Astraea

Asteroid Astraea at 21°46′ Scorpio is under one degree from the Sun. Astrea, the virgin goddess of innocence and purity (Virgo) is closely associated with Justice (Libra).

According to legend, Astraea will one day come back to Earth, bringing with her the return of the utopian Golden Age of which she was the ambassador. [1]

Find Asteroid Astraea in Your Chart

1. Create your chart HERE.
2. Choose “Extended Chart Selection”.
3. In “Additional objects”, select Astraea.If full moon November 2016 directly impacts your horoscope decan you can read about its effect in your monthly horoscope.

Previous Moon Phase: New Moon October 30 2016
Next Moon Phase: New Moon November 29 2016

Full Moon November 2016 Times and Dates
Los Angeles
New York
14 November – 5:51 am
14 November – 8:51 am
14 November – 1:51 pm
14 November – 7:21 pm
14 November – 11:51 pm

1. Astraea (mythology) – Wikipedia.