New Moon March 13, 2021 – Dream Lover

New Moon March 2021 AstrologyThe Pisces new moon on Saturday, March 13, 2021, is very close to the alignment of Venus and Neptune. So the spiritual meaning of the new moon March 2021 astrology relates to idealistic love, compassion, and empathy. 

The March 2021 new moon is good for finding your dream lover or adding romance to an existing relationship. But a challenging fixed star on the same degree as the new moon does bring the risk of deception and disappointment. So it is important not to over idealize romantic interests.

New Moon March 2021 Astrology

The new moon on March 13, 2021, at 23°03′ Pisces is close to Venus conjunct Neptune in both time and space. They occur on the same day and only a few degrees apart:

  • 05:21 am – 23 ♓ 03 – New Moon March 2021
  • 11:07 pm – 20 ♓ 45 – Venus conjunct Neptune
New Moon March 2021 Astrology

New Moon March 2021 Astrology [Solar Fire]

New Moon Meaning

Sun conjunct Moon (0°00′) represents the end of one cycle and the beginning of another new 28-day cycle. It gives an invigorating burst of energy and initiative. But it also brings emotional balance, not irrationally emotional, and not too cold and calculating.

So this is an excellent time for making a fresh start, turning over a new leaf, or starting a new project. You can also question old habits, behaviors, and beliefs as you search for new and inventive ways to make progress.

New Moon Aspects

New Moon conjunct Venus (3°13′) brings love, peace, harmony, and beauty, with a focus on your love relationships, creativity, and finances. This pleasant, affectionate, charming, and sociable influence is a good omen for friendships and romance.

So this is a good new moon for seeking pleasure through sex, amusement, entertainment and partying, but also for relaxing in comfort or having fun with children. Good fashion sense and an eye for a bargain make this a good time for shopping and decorating.

However, Venus can sometimes make you lazy and indulgent, especially with other challenging aspects or fixed stars. So with new moon March 2021 also conjunct Neptune and a difficult fixed star, there is the potential for relationship or financial difficulties.

Sun conjunct Neptune (2°20′) increases your sensitivity, intuition, and empathy. Being more affected by the thoughts and feelings of others and the environment can be a positive or negative experience. The result depends on the people and conditions you find yourself in.

Negative people or environments could drain your energy and leave you feeling depressed, scared, or ill. Being so caring and compassionate, your kindness will be seen as a weakness in the eyes of salespeople, loan sharks, drug dealers, and psychic vampires.

Setting boundaries will allow you to enjoy a sense of togetherness with loved ones. You may benefit from involvement in environmental or social causes. Your interest in the spiritual world will be stimulated but again, you may be susceptible to false prophets and conspiracy theories.

Venus conjunct Neptune (0°53′) brings the potential for a new love relationship or more compassion and spiritual bonding in an existing relationship. This is a romantic, dreamy and idealistic alignment that enhances your imagination and creativity. So this is a good new moon for musical and artistic projects, as well as for relaxing or partying.

However, there is a risk of loss, deception, disappointment, or scandal. Especially if you over idealize a potential partner or ignore the harsh realities of a challenging relationship. Daydreaming and laziness could also lead to problems if you have serious commitments at work or home.

New Moon Stars

New Moon March 2021 is in the Sign of Pisces and also in the Constellation of Pisces, as shown below. But it is closest by longitude to a bright star in Pegasus, the constellation of the Winged Horse.

New Moon March 2021 Astrology

New Moon March 2021 Astrology [Stellarium]

Fixed star Markab at 23°46′ Pisces in the Saddle of the Winged Horse is of the nature of Mars and Mercury. It gives honor, riches, fortune, danger from fevers, cuts, blows, stabs and fire, and a violent death. [1]

Markeb is said to influence above all the spiritual and mental nature, to give a good head for figures, intellectual alertness, mental powers in general, and the ability to further propaganda activity. [2]

With Sun: Energetic, unlucky, impermanent martial honors, disappointed ambitions, accidents, sickness. [1]

With Moon: Injuries from enemies and domestic matters, fairly good health but many accidents. [1]

Constellation Pegasus gives ambition, vanity, intuition, enthusiasm, caprice, and bad judgment. Prevails against diseases of horses and preserves horsemen in battle. [1] It portends events concerning ships and the ocean and also changes in the weather. [3]

New Moon March 2021 Summary

The March 13 new moon falls on the same day as Venus conjunct Neptune,  and they are only three degrees apart. So this is a dreamy, compassionate, and sensual new moon. It is ideal for finding your ideal lover or being more romantic with your partner.

However, the new moon is conjunct the challenging fixed star Markab. So the tendency towards idealistic love does have the potential to make you vulnerable to a broken heart and disappointment. Some people may see your kindness as a weakness and try to take advantage of you.

The effects of the March 13 new moon last for four weeks up to the April 11 new moon. And the best time for new starts is during the waxing moon phase, from March 13 to the March 28 full moon.If The new moon March 2021 astrology directly affects your Sign you can read about it in your free Monthly Horoscope. Finally, for more details about how it affects your natal chart see Sun Transits.

New Moon March 2021 Times and Dates
  • Los Angeles, March 13, 2:21 am
  • New York, March 13, 5:21 am
  • London, March 13, 10:21 am
  • Delhi, March 13, 3:51 pm
  • Sydney, March 13, 9:21 pm
  1. Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology, Vivian E. Robson, 1923, p. 76, 174.
  2. Fixed Stars and Their Interpretation, Elsbeth Ebertin, 1928, p. 79.
  3. Fixed Stars and Judicial Astrology, George Noonan, 1990, p.29.

18 thoughts on “New Moon March 13, 2021 – Dream Lover

  1. Good post, Jamie. Thank you.

    The New Moon will oppose my Jupiter, but tr Neptune will trine my Saturn, who has been my nemesis for ages now. I hope they’ll cancel each other out! I just hope tr Ceres & Chiron opposing my Neptune will jolly well behave!! Ceres & Chiron are also on my natal Eris…
    Tr Venus will square my Uranus, and tr North Node will be right on Uranus. Ooo… Chiron will also square my natal Nodes – what was that you were saying about relationships, Jamie?
    Both Neptune and Markab spell sickness to me. Don’t need that!

    • Sounds like you have a lot happening Char. But overall it sounds positive to me. Oppositions to Jupiter can work out well so long as you remember moderation. You are right about sickness with Markad and Neptune too. No time to be complacent about the pandemic. And I see that happening already.

    • Good question Benn. There is no easy answer because each moment in time varies so much. I start with how each fixed star influence the nature of the planet, and then how the aspects modify that.

  2. That’s nice to know, but I have natal venus saturn square @23 deg pis/Gemini axis and opp neptune @20 deg Sagittarius. My husband’s desc is 23 degree Pisces, both of us are not in a good place

    • Sorry to hear that Ann. Even when things are going good it is a struggle to be happy with hard Venus-Saturn aspects. But hopefully, thos close synastry contactshelps you stick together through tough times and support each other. I would focus on unconditional love and understanding. These type of aspects do get better with age. There are still setback but I can say it does get better. I have Mercury-Venus opposite Saturn.

  3. Mercury between Saturn and Jupiter for as long as it was.

    That’s a get outta jail, pass go and community chest card

  4. Thank you, Jamie.
    I find moderation quite hard, but will try to contain myself!
    Neptune has been plaguing me for several years now. It’s been going back & forth across my IC. Coinciding with a major roof leak and also various illnesses, after a lifetime of robust health.
    We (my son and I) have been very careful with the pandemic, and have stepped that up recently because the more infectious new variety of the virus is very common where we are.

  5. NYSE time is derived from a rectification to the WW1 4 month shutdown and 1792 solar eclipse. Seems odd to have it that late in the evening tho with a 26Cap ascendant and now Pluto sitting there… so markets aren’t boring, and Fed and Treasury asking for order like we are about to go on trial. But that’s probably my imagination acting up from reading Char and tracking Apophis.

  6. I have a natal Juno/Pallas conjunction at 24Pisces, and as Pallas has returned to Pisces, today, I am feeling more at peace at the soul level, than I have for a while, indeed suddenly felt quite light headed for a moment or 2, which turned out to be just as she made her understated entrance to the Pisces potion. I’m not sure what the future may bring, or how that will offer an affect to my 5th house, but I do have a very strong feeling, that like Pallas her presence is very subtle, yet overall affect is quite high octane fuel hahaha! I respect the fixed stars are more your tool than Goddess Asteroids Jamie, but I just had a strong yet subtle impulse, that it was worth mentioning. 😉

  7. Hello Jamie
    I have been anticipating this new moon in Pisces. I am a Pisces born March 12 1964.
    Any insight?

  8. Hey there, I’ve been learning astrology for 7 years now and i was born on 12th june of 1999 and i want to ask if all of this is square my sun will it mean like actual situation is against of who i am as a person ? really interesting read tho, i have a person that is lika a twin flame to me and this feels kinda connected i have pisces in 7th house and the second person had pisces in 5th house not to mention she is born on 14th of june same year as i so feels like it could be linked to her ? ill gladly hear your ideas ladies and gents much appriciated 🙂

  9. Pegasus is the male id, unrestrained, impulsive, powerful. Markeb is the saddle, so expect a wild ride. Horses are not intentionally malicious, they bolt when frightened or shocked, or can run for fun. Respect the power, restraint or courage is the order of the day. I suppose being the saddle it is an invitation, one should regard with caution.

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