New Moon November 2015 Health, Wealth & Happiness

New Moon November 2015 AstrologyThe New Moon on Wednesday November 11, 2015 at 19° Scorpio, falls just within Scorpio decan 2. The New Moon astrology is the best in a long time, suggesting health, wealth and happiness. The major influence on new moon November 2015 is lucky Jupiter, by aspect and by stellar influence. Optimism and generosity increase the chance of success for any new projects started from this new moon. Any area of life can benefit from growth and prosperity, with a special focus on friends, love relationships and health.

New Moon Meaning

A new moon represents the end of one cycle and the beginning of a new 28 day cycle. With Sun conjunct Moon, all possibilities are on the table and we can rightly put ourselves in the forefront of new plans for the future. Old habits, behaviors and beliefs can be questioned as we search for new and inventive ways to make progress. This is the ideal time to make a fresh start and start writing down a to-do list on a blank sheet of paper.

However, the impulsive and enthusiastic nature of a new moon means that not all new projects will succeed. The influence of a new moon last for four weeks up to the next new moon, in this case, the new moon on Friday 11 December 2015.  The best time for making a fresh start and for beginning new projects is during the first two weeks of a new moon cycle. This waxing phase of the moon lasts from the November 11 new moon until the November 25 full moon.

New Moon November 2015 Astrology

Even though the November 2015 new moon falls at 19°00′ Scorpio Sign, it is actually in the Libra Constellation. More importantly, the new moon lines up with the fixed star Zubeneschamali (19 ♏ 37), the Northern Scale, once called the Northern Claw of the Scorpion. Having the planetary nature of Jupiter it is a very fortunate influence giving wealth, happiness and generosity. Being also of a Mercury nature, it gives a sharp mind and intellect, with a very powerful psychic quality.

With both Sun and Moon being activated by this lucky star we can expect the good fortune to be felt in all areas of life. With the Moon in particular this star brings organizing ability, benefits through new and influential friends, valuable gifts, and love of respectable women.

You can see in the New Moon November 2015 astrology chart below that the strongest aspect to the new moon is the sextile to Jupiter. Both the sextile aspect and Jupiter are fortunate, making this the luckiest moon phase of the year so far. Moon and Sun sextile Jupiter emphasize the fixed star themes of wealth, happiness and generosity.

A new moon is generally a good time for starting new projects. This is especially so thanks to the fixed star and the Jupiter aspect. This is an ideal time to achieve your goals as there should be little or no resistance. Stating new projects will benefit from the growth and expansion of Jupiter. Making friends and starting new love relationships are already favored by the fixed star. Jupiter also favours any professional or career related projects, plus higher education, long distance travels and group activities.

Sun conjunct Mercury and Moon conjunct Mercury are the next most important influences in the new moon horoscope. This adds to the organizing abilities and psychic talents of the fixed star influence. It greatly increases our ability to share thoughts and feelings, which of course should be optimistic and generous with Mercury sextile Jupiter. This is also a very sociable influence suggesting cooperation, encouragement, sharing and caring among friends and larger groups of people. A good new moon for asking for favors and studying for exams.

Venus conjunct Mars is still strong enough to reinforce the theme of growth and happiness in love relationships. Creativity will benefit from this dynamic aspect. Venus sextile Saturn suggests long-term commitment like marriage is a possible manifestation of this new moon phase. A good new moon for popping the question.

New Moon November 2015 Astrology

New Moon Health and Wellbeing

Asteroid Chiron opposite Asteroid Hygeia ties directly into the new moon as shown in the chart above. Chiron signifies health and healing among other things. but Hygeia applies directly to health and medicine. While both bodies can represent medical practitioners, Hygeia applies more to traditional doctors and surgeons while Chiron represent natural or alternative medicine.

The new start represented by the new moon can now apply to becoming more healthy, starting new diets or exercise routines, or getting a check up. Jupiter conjunct asteroid Hygeia suggests focusing on those things that Hygeia represents will bring the best results. Personal, spiritual and physical growth should result from this new moon.

Asteroid Hygeia Keywords: Health, hygiene, tradition and natural medicine, doctors and healers, disease, illness, toxins, fear of poison, fear of doctors, fear of medical results, hypochondria, hesitation to get checkups, operations, misdiagnosis, drug abuse, diet, worrying about the health of family and friends.

If this new moon directly impacts your horoscope decan you can read about its effect in your monthly horoscope. For more detail about how it effects your natal chart see Sun Transits.

Previous Moon Phase: Full Moon October 2015
Next Moon Phase: Full Moon November 2015

New Moon November 2015 Dates and Times
Los Angeles
New York
11 November – 9:47 am
11 November – 12:47 pm
11 November – 5:47 pm
11 November – 11:17 pm
12 November – 3:47 am

46 thoughts on “New Moon November 2015 Health, Wealth & Happiness

  1. Hi Jamie , hope all is well with you , what about new Moon for me , i am Leo , Sun on ,19 as per my Birth ,, as per your chart ,Sun and Moon on 19 ,on new Moon November 11- 2015 ,

    Thank you ,

  2. I have a quaoar and ixion conjunction at 19 scorpio in the seventh house. Any insight into these two bodies and what they could mean for this new moon?

  3. Conjunct to Neptune ♏ 17,32 5th House maybe the right time to start projects and I can think of a few maybe but Saturn Aquarius 22,12 sq. Restart writing about Astrologi on the blog and some artistic and musical maybe Thank You Astrologi King!

    • Good idea Christian. This one is at the midpoint of my Jupiter AC trine, and conjunct natal Ceres. I have an idea how this plays out but will find out for sure I hope.

  4. Ahh just in time for the 11th hour just bwfore midnight on the 11th here in Perth, perfection for sacred feminine healing akin to scorpio too the shadow of purgatory type thing. It bodes well for me in my intuitive assessment of it ao your informed analysis backs that, thank you Jamie. Unexpected amazing left field gifts already occuring this week for me and it has been so heartwarming to be aharing joy rather than the woe for seemingly so long feeling a warm smile in my heart center that has me feeling alive, finally 🙂 Hoping for the best fortune possible for all, even if its something we dont want to know yet deserve to in order and goos timing to see what haa been the deep rooted cause that has constantly manifested a not good self fulfilling prophecy so we can heal it and change our stars, bleesings!

    • Well said Debbie, I have been having a similar week with strange coincidences but uplifting just the same.

  5. Hello, my name is Sarah, I just found your site and I LOVE it, thank you. I was curious if my Sun/Moon combination has an impact on this new moon. In a Cancer Sun at 0’04° and my Moon is in Scorpio at 2°07′ in first house. Any input would be wonderful or references for where to learn. Thank you!

  6. Another great post and another new moon that hits one of my natal planets …natal Uranus (19.51 Scorpio 4th House)!
    Am I suppose to expect good surprises? Is still an ideal time to achieve my goals?

    As Uranus is the ruler of my 7th and 8th house would the topics of this new moon related to a housing matter (it fall on my 4th) and relationship (7th house) and joint finances/intimacy (8th)? I am having difficulties to find new house could this play in a way that a good opportunity comes out of the blue this week?

    It will also make an aspect with my natal Chiron 10th House Taurus at 18.16 (retrograde) so could I understand this as a opportunity to heal in relation to 4th and 10th house matters?
    What about the fact that Jupiter is currently touching my natal Jupiter (plus 1 degree from natal Juno) and in the same degrees that the September eclipse? (My natal Jupiter makes a sextile to Venus) … would all of this be related?

    Out of curiosity- I have noticed that since August all my chart has been touched: the eclipse on 13 September touched my natal Jupiter and Juno (Virgo 2nd house), then the eclipse on 27 September touched my natal moon (Aries 9th house), then the new moon on 12 October touched my natal Pluto (which is 19.57 Libra and square my natal Venus 19.12 in Cancer on 12 house) and natal Neptune (5th house 19.54 Sagittarius), then full moon in Taurus my Pallas (which makes a Trine to my Sun 4.58 and Mercury 6.35 both in Virgo)conjunction mars and venus touched my natal Saturn 27 virgo (which is opposite natal moon), the and now the new moon will activate my Uranus which is on 19.51 Scorpio 4th House.
    [I am also having a Uranus transit on the 9th house opposite natal Pluto and Saturn transit on 5th house trine my moon, square my sun and mercury]

    Is it usual to have so much interaction in just a couple of months? I am a bit exhausted …


    • And? nothing happened? do you have anything going on in your life now to mirror the dynamic transits shown in your chart? take a look at the progressed chart and at the lunar returns, try to figure out the theme and the timing. Wait for the king to give you some instructions and be kind to provide some feedback coz there are some curious Gemini around.

      • As for what has been going on my life …everything was quite stuck for a long time. Then I had on the one hand a very nasty situation (Uranus transit opposition my natal Pluto) that created sudden loss, pain and injustice and it also affected my housing situation and finances. On the other hand I had an unexpected and out of blue (Uranus transit squaring natal Venus) new potential relationship which was sailing well until eclipse on 13 September. I was still having a complicated housing and financial situation. (A third person came to light at the time of the eclipse). Financially the eclipse brought some money that was due from August still the new moon on October complicated final payment and mess up the relationship situation. Full moon in October brought a potential career opportunity (still waiting news), some potential opportunities in business but still the housing matter does not progress. As for the love matter the Venus & Mars conjunction brought a lovely email that sounds like an attempt to keep close emotionally but that came just after the facts that the full moon in Taurus showed (basically something happened with the third person) ….So basically the only thing that happened so far is that lot of things seems to be activated but yet nothing moves on in a steady way or clear direction.

        Looking at my progressed chart (below) I can only see that

        1) My progressed Jupiter (24.50 Virgo) has been touched by the Venus & Mars conjunction and it’s in close conjunction now to my natal Saturn (27.2 Virgo)
        2) My progressed Pallas (1.54 R) has also been touched by the October full Moon in Taurus
        3) The eclipse on 13 Sept (20.00 Virgo) has maybe touched my progressed Jupiter (24.50) True Node (19.4 r Leo) and Chiron (17.30r)
        4) The eclipse on 27 Sept (4.00 Aries) has maybe touched my progressed Saturn (1.21 Libra)& Juno (0.21 Libra)

        and this new moon would touch my progressed P.Fortune(18.23 Scorpio) instead of my natal Uranus (21.51)…. but not sure if that would be better or worse to be honest.

        Sun 9.16 Libra (Natal chart: 4.58 Virgo)
        Moon 23.38 Cancer (Natal chart : 2.32 Aries)
        Mercury 2.57 Scorpio (Natal chart: 6.34 Virgo)
        Venus 26.59 Leo (Natal chart:19.12 Cancer)
        Mars 23.00 Scorpio (Natal Chart: 29.16 Libra)
        Jupiter 24.50 Virgo (Natal chart 17.14 Virgo)
        Saturn 1.21 Libra (Natal chart: 27.2 Virgo)
        Uranus 23.10 Scorpio (Natal chart 21.51)
        Neptune 20.10 Sagittarius (Natal chart 19.54 Sagittarius)
        Pluto 21.12 Libra (Natal chart 19.56 Libra)
        True Node 19.4 d Leo (Natal Chart 20.14 Leo)
        Chiron 17.30 r Taurus (Natal chart 18.15 R Taurus)
        P.Fort 18.23 Scorpio (Natal chart 8.14 Capricorn)
        Vertex 28.14 Capricorn (Natal chart 22.22 Sagittarius)
        Lilith 20.4 Libra (Natal chart 16.8 Libra)
        Ceres 18.55 Cancer (Natal chart 7.43 Cancer)
        Pallas 1.54 R Taurus(Natal chart 5.34 Taurus)
        Juno 0.21 Libra (Natal chart: 16.23 Virgo)
        Vesta 16.4 Leo (Natal chart: 1.44 Leo)
        Orcus 2.4 Leo (Natal Chart: 1.29 Leo)

        Any thoughts are always welcome as I am really curious to understand if all of this sudden activation of planets in my chart is usual.


    • Excitement and surprises yes. It is a good fixed star but I would look to any aspects to natal Uranus. Too much focus on houses will confuse the matter.

      • Thank you Jamie 🙂 for sharing your thoughts.
        My natal Uranus trine my Venus (12 house) and sextile my Saturn and Jupiter (2 house)
        Can I expect (if someone can expect something with Uranus at play) good and expansive financial or emotional news? maybe a little bit of sudden stability (Saturn)?

  7. I have NN at 19.36 Scorpio! in house 2! I guess big bucks are coming my way. Also Jupiter Return is in the oven, almost baked. My present position is worse than Cinderella…waiting for miracles….I’ll keep you posted.

  8. I hope that you are right about the healing aspects because right now I feel as though I’m about to dissipate into a trillion tiny little pieces and blow away….. discovered a new term this week: adrenal fatigue.

    • Adrenal exhaustion is actually quite common. Mars rules the adrenal glands. Can be overworked by too much physical activity, stress, and some drugs.

  9. This is on my north node…. does that add an extra oomph personally? I think of it as opening destiny’s gate but I’ve heard others say it has no impact.

    • I don’t know about oomph Danielle, but you are right about opening destiny’s gate. I think the Nodes have more to do with forces that bring people together and the many karmic links in our relationships.

  10. Glad you mentioned the Hygeia/Chiron opposition, Jamie – two powerful healers PLUS the added influence of this being a regenerative Scorpio New Moon is a bit too much to ignore re: the medicinal, recuperative angle. Hope all is going well with you on the health front, by the way – sending warm wishes from afar for your continued wellbeing!

    Do you happen to have any thoughts that you might care to share re: this lunation affecting natal Black Moon Lilith (apogee)? Mine is close by, so of course my ears perked up when I saw where this New Moon falls.

    • yes I’m doing really well Denise, thanks for asking. Jupiter is moving through my Virgo stellium so it’s all smiles. I’m not the nest person to ask about Lilith. The tightest aspect in my chart is moon square Lilith so it is hard for me to tell each influence apart.

      • Happy to hear, Jamie – I’m glad that Jupiter has been good to you! Thank you very much for taking the time to read & respond – continued blessings to you!

  11. This (and other info on this site) was really informative! I’m glad I stumbled upon this site during a Google search!

    The lunar events of late 2015 have been a doozy for me. 19 Scorpio is opp my Sun (11th), conj POF and sextile Saturn (3rd). 3 Taurus was conj Chiron and square Jupiter (2nd), Aries 4 event squared ASC and opposed natal Moon, 19 Libra was conj Pluto and opp Venus (10th), Nov full moon will also contact Jupiter and Dec 11 lunar event will conj Neptune (6th), trine Mars, Merc, and Venus, and sextile Pluto.

    I was SO happy to read that this lunar event will bring good news! I could really use some. I’m coming through a transiting Neptune opp natal Saturn, Uranus opp natal Pluto (and conj natal Venus) and still feeling last year’s transit Saturn opp Sun. Talk about a gear grind!

    Bring on the health, wealth, and happiness!

    • Excellent Derrick. I know how you feel when you get a run of lunations hitting off your chart. Makes you wonder about the amazing clockwork up there.

  12. My sun is 01 Degree in Cancer with my moon 22 Degrees in Leo and Ascendant 26 Degrees in Capricorn. How will this New moon affect me? The last 2 weeks have been really rough on me both at work and emotionally. I’m also dreading the November New Moon as I’ve not heard anything positive about it.

    • Same as with P, A New Moon square Moon adds stress and irritation in Moon related areas like the home, with family and other close relationships especially with women. You should not worry about the next full moon because it does not make any aspects to your personal points. Even with the new moon square your Moon, you need challenging squares to address those issues in your life which have been causing you the grief both at work and emotionally. It forces you to resolve the issue so it will no longer bother you in the future.

  13. Hi Jamie,
    My MC is 19 deg 48 Scorpio, POF at 17 degree 21 Scorpio, Mars at 22 deg Scorpio. I am a Taurus decan 2 (17 degree 21 sun). How do I use this new moon for the next whole year than just the next month.

    The forecast for next year is looking good too – but what do I need to do to make the most of it?

    Have been working for a really tough exam past 2 years, getting upto a point n not the full way.How do make the best use of this moon to succeed.

    Thanks for your forecasts – they tell it as it is , and are useful!!

    • Thanks for the compliment Supa. I have found that Sun opposite POF is actually a good aspect in the natal chart. Why the whole year for the new moon? That only applies to a new moon on your birthday, not the opposition to Sun. The biggest test will be handing the aggressive and competitive Mars energy by focusing on your own work and own issues, not getting involved in ego conflicts.

      Your SUn Mars natal opposition is the big issue, with the new moon on Mars and opposite your Suns. A bit of Googling there on aspects and transits.

      • Thank you Jamie- that’s useful advice and something to work on.

        I was thinking the new moon conjunction mc would help me work out new beginnings in my career… But I had forgotten the sun opposition aspect.. New perspectives to think from…Thanks again !

  14. Really want to reach out to my Ex, to finally just talk and have at least one unfiltered sit down before the year is over (she’s a Libra Moon, Leo Sun), but I feel we both crossed that line of no return. Honestly torn on what to do.

    Libra Sun, Libra Moon, Leo Rising.

    • Synastry is very complicated but you can find more if you know which decans you are. Rising decan applies to your partner, moon to women in general and your emotions. Sun is more generally about you and your life.

  15. that new moon is conjunct my natal Uranus 23 degrees Scorpio and trine natal Mercury 19 degrees Pisces.Surprising news in store ?

  16. This moon hasn’t brought me personally much health, wealth or happiness…! More the kind of scorpio death theme

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