Volans Constellation

Volans Constellation

Volans Constellation [Stellarium]

Constellation Volans the Flying Fish is a southern constellation bordering Chamaeleon, Carina, DoradoMensa and the obsolete constellations Argo Navis and Robur Carolinum.

Volans was introduced by Johann Bayer in 1603, and it remains one of the 88 modern constellations. It spans 70 degrees of the zodiac in the Signs of Libra and Scorpio.

Abbreviation: Vol
Genitive: Volantis

Volans Constellation Stars

20002050StarNameSp. ClassMag.Orb
15♎1115♎51β VolK23.771°30′
19♎2520♎04δ VolF63.971°30′
20♎3621♎17α VolA54.001°20′
24♎1024♎50ε VolB64.351°10′
09♏5010♏30γ2 VolG83.621°40′
15♏4416♏24ζ VolK03.931°30′

Volans Astrology


History. Added by Bayer, 1604. It is known as Volans.

Influence. It is said to give a quick mind, activity, emotion, imagination, and poetical or artistic ability. [2]

Constellation Volans

Volans the Flying Fish [ianridpath.com]


Piscis Volans, the Flying Fish, now known by astronomers as Volans. The Rudolphine Tables have it Passer, the Sparrow, and, as such, it is translated Fe Yu by the Chinese. This is another of the new southern constellations formally introduced by Bayer, comprising forty-six stars south of Canopus and Miaplacidus, — α and β Argūs.

The lucida is β, a colored 3.9‑magnitude.


  1. Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology, Vivian E. Robson, 1923, p.58.
  2. Star Names: Their Lore and Meaning, Richard H. Allen, 1889, p.347.

13 thoughts on “Volans Constellation

  1. This is very interesting; I had never heard of this constellation before. I have my Sun, Pluto, ASC, and Black Moon Lilith all on 21° Libra, so this is of particular interest. (And I am an artist and writer – so that fits with the interpretation of the constellation). I’m intrigued to see what the eclipse brings up on my Solar Return this year. Thank you very much for sharing, as always. I have followed your blog for years and always learn so much.

  2. I am libra, Asc.24 libra, Sun 25 libra, Mercury 26 libra, and really..very artistic person, very talented for music, singing, plus painting, even writing. Thank you so much for your work, I love your style of writing and your deep observations.

  3. Thank you for writing about another interesting constellation that I was unfamiliar with! I have my natal Neptune at 15 degrees Scorpio (3’55″r). (Neptune is in opposition to Jupiter [and Saturn is opposite both Pluto and Uranus] in my natal chart; it’s been a challenging life!) So does that mean that this constellation (or certain stars in it) will impact (strengthen?) Neptune’s energy?

    • Hi Julie. Yes, this constellation can have some influence on your Neptune. But a relatively small impact because these are only minor stars and Neptune is an outer planet.

  4. Oh my!  JAMIE … That Eclipse will be almost an exact conjunction with my Ascendant at 21˚ Libra.  What should I expect?  Any Advice for me?

  5. My son has 8H Mars 20º ♎️. He’s ♎️ Sun ♋️ Moon ♓️ Asc born very artistically gifted, pen & ink, illustrations, etc. This piece was very interesting indeed! Nice to see something positive about his Mars placement for a change, lol. Kid has a few tough placements, but he perseveres! 

    Also nice to know those eclipses affecting 15º Neptune ♏️ are nearly done! I sure hope the next one sextile 20º Saturn ♒️ is at the very least benign, lol. 

  6. I am a bit concerned that this amazing flying fish has no navigation as to where it lands.  Sounds daring and come what may.

  7. My north node has been transiting 20° Libra for awhile now. Exciting times. Close to fixed star Spica as well. 🙂

  8. I really appreciate the convo or I should say bloggo above concerning Neptune as I am reshaping a new perspective. I think alot of data has come in from the collective and I was jammed up. I needed a new perspective on the outer world. The stuff going on, the cruelty probably the worst, can be daunting, but it exists. How to continue on, and not getting dragged down by all of that stuff. It’s something friends have been fighting for some time.

  9. Haha… Always wondered what other ‘things’ I need to discover that I didn’t know about myself.. born @19’19” Sun Libra total solar eclipse 1977. Singer John Mayer was a day earlier than me. My whole life… hghh. At least I didn’t end up like Brittany Murphy. I sincerely hope the world co comes to an understanding & resolve a path that corrects itself. All the imbalance is coming forth.. it’s true. Necessity is the mother of all invention.. the world has to re radicalize with new ways of thinking/ways to improve life NOT just for humans but environment. The wars, the destruction of morals, distortion of values(what should be considered as REAL-family/environment vs $$$/personal rights) is all results of what everyone expects MORE not knowing what the ultimate prize IS. Let’s DO more and STOP expecting so much more. AND NO I DON’T MEAN WORK MORE. People really need to balance. Work hard but not more. Take time to care for family if not for the environment. AS ALWAYS, thanks for posting this Jamie.

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