Sagittarius is one of the 48 constellations listed by Ptolemy in the 2nd century and remains one of the 88 modern constellations. It spans 30 degrees of the zodiac in the Sign of Capricorn.
Sagittarius Constellation Stars
2000 | 2050 | Star | Name | Sp. Class | Mag. | Orb |
26♐51 | 27♐33 | Sgr A* | Sagittarius A* | 1°00′ | ||
27♐14 | 27♐56 | X Sgr | F7 | 4.53 | 1°10′ | |
00♑37 | 01♑19 | M20 | Triffid Nebula | 6.30 | 1°00′ | |
00♑49 | 01♑31 | M8 | Spiculum | 6.00 | 1°00′ | |
01♑06 | 01♑48 | γ1 Sgr | Nash | G0 | 4.66 | 1°00′ |
01♑15 | 01♑57 | γ2 Sgr | Alnasl | K0 | 2.98 | 1°50′ |
03♑12 | 03♑55 | μ Sgr | Polis | B2 | 3.84 | 1°30′ |
03♑37 | 04♑19 | η Sgr | Hamalwarid | M2 | 3.10 | 1°50′ |
04♑35 | 15♑17 | δ Sgr | Kaus Media | K3 | 2.72 | 2°00′ |
05♑04 | 05♑46 | ε Sgr | Kaus Australis | B9 | 1.79 | 2°20′ |
06♑19 | 07♑01 | λ Sgr | Kaus Borealis | K1 | 2.82 | 2°00′ |
08♑18 | 09♑01 | M22 | Facies | 5.10 | 1°00′ | |
09♑12 | 09♑54 | HD172910 | Nóngzhàngrén | B2 | 4.86 | 1°00′ |
10♑11 | 10♑53 | φ Sgr | Namalsadirah I | B8 | 3.17 | 1°50′ |
12♑23 | 13♑05 | σ Sgr | Nunki | B2 | 2.05 | 2°10′ |
12♑28 | 13♑10 | ν1 Sgr | Ainalrami | K1 | 4.86 | 1°00′ |
12♑42 | 13♑24 | ν2 Sgr | Ain al Rami II | K1 | 5.00 | 1°00′ |
13♑38 | 14♑20 | ζ Sgr | Ascella | A3 | 2.60 | 2°00′ |
14♑50 | 15♑32 | τ Sgr | Namalsadirah II | K1 | 3.32 | 1°40′ |
14♑59 | 15♑42 | ο Sgr | Manubrium | K0 | 3.76 | 1°30′ |
15♑46 | 16♑28 | β1 Sgr | Akrab Prior | B9 | 3.96 | 1°30′ |
15♑50 | 16♑32 | β2 Sgr | Akrab Posterior | F2 | 4.27 | 1°20′ |
16♑15 | 16♑57 | π Sgr | Albaldah | F2 | 2.88 | 2°00′ |
16♑38 | 17♑20 | α Sgr | Rukbat | B8 | 3.96 | 1°30′ |
17♑02 | 17♑45 | ψ Sgr | Al Kiladah | K0 | 4.86 | 1°00′ |
17♑11 | 17♑53 | HD179949 | Gumula | F8 | 6.25 | 1°00′ |
19♑20 | 20♑02 | χ1 Sgr | Namalsadirah III | A4 | 5.02 | 1°00′ |
19♑27 | 20♑09 | ρ1 Sgr | F0 | 3.92 | 1°30′ | |
19♑28 | 20♑10 | χ3 Sgr | Namalsadirah IV | K3 | 5.45 | 1°00′ |
19♑43 | 20♑25 | υ Sgr | B2 | 4.52 | 1°10′ | |
22♑33 | 23♑15 | ι Sgr | K0 | 4.12 | 1°20′ | |
24♑52 | 25♑24 | θ1 Sgr | B2 | 4.37 | 1°10′ | |
25♑51 | 26♑33 | ω Sgr | Terebellum | G3 | 4.70 | 1°00′ |
25♑55 | 26♑37 | 59 Sgr | Terebellum II | K3 | 4.54 | 1°10′ |
26♑33 | 27♑15 | 60 Sgr | Terebellum III | G8 | 4.84 | 1°00′ |
27♑04 | 27♑46 | 62 Sgr | Terebellum IV | M4 | 4.43 | 1°10′ |
Ascendant in Constellation Sagittarius
SAGITTARIANS: are generally endowed with a hopeful disposition and at times has strong religious tendencies. Sagittarians cannot bear to be hampered. Their inclination is to be very active in promoting any cause they espouse. They have a tendency to be abrupt, but not with the intention of causing suffering, for as a rule, Sagittarians are generous. A love of outdoor life, a fondness for animals and a somewhat prophetic spirit are latent with Sagittarians. There can be a natural inclination to associate with others whom they will influence. Religion and philosophy appeal to Sagittarians. The Sagittarian is not prone to follow conventional lines of thought, but is ever-seeking to express their own individuality. Domestic affairs may be chaotic and unsettled. They tend to be impulsive. However, they do possess good analytical minds and generally do not jump to conclusions.
Negatively; Sagittarians engage in inconsiderate behavior and can be very tactless at times, but whenever their emotions are involved they can become very talkative and exaggerate. They can be both rude and crude, having the knack of saying that one last word – that offends. Their exuberance leads to extravagance and carelessness over details. They tend to give the impression that they are very knowledgeable. They can have many prejudices.
Positive Keywords: Sympathetic, just, independent, generous, fairness, righteous, prophetic.
Negative Keywords: Combative, indecisive, impressionable, superficial, unreliable, impulsive, brusque.
Sun in Constellation Sagittarius
Positive: Endows its natives with the highest integrity and morals. Their talents and aptitudes may be widely varied. Their nature is dignified, and of good temperament, frank and with a buoyance that can be quite catching. Native has a tendency to become ambitious, speculative. One who is outspoken, with an understanding of both philosophy and of religion. A refined person, one who dislikes sordid actions and anything coarse or sensual. One with lofty ideals, of a benevolent philanthropic disposition and with an expansive mind. One with liberal ideas.
Negative: The native may be too sporty, boastful, and lazy. Inconsiderate of others, exaggerating and garrulous. One who promises more than they can deliver. The native may be ‘rude and crude’ on occasion and develop the knack of saying the one last Cutting remark. Exuberance leading to extravagance. One who is careless over details, may become an exhibitionist, subject to short-lived enthusiasm; one with many prejudices, even intense likes and dislikes. An extremist and tactless person. One who is boisterous.
Moon in Constellation Sagittarius
Positive: Endows its natives with an alert, active nature. One who is good-humored, optimistic. Has a humanitarian nature and viewpoints. Grandly liberal. Has reverend emotions. Dislikes sordid actions. A philosophical nature, frank with a high-minded attitude. Native has strong attachments to religious or philosophical beliefs. Sometimes quick to anger, but generally of a forgiving nature. The native develops highest morals and integrity.
Negative: Native prefers ‘ease,’ has good intentions, despairs of achievement. Has strong sectarian or philosophical views. Is careless, reckless. Tendency to escape reality. Sets unattainable goals for themselves. Impractical goals.
Mercury in Constellation Sagittarius
Positive: Endows its natives with eloquence, frankness, oratorical ability. A jovial buoyant personality. Native is ambitious, independent, sincere, law-abiding, noble and of a religious or philosophical mind. Native dislikes shackles of normal conventions when they interfere with freedom of thought. Native is progressive, mentally alert, authoritive, somewhat prophetic.
Negative: Native may be officious, of a restless closed mind. A demanding type person, one who may be objectionable. Lacks concentration powers, might be inclined to lawlessness, entertain ‘twisted’ ideas, of an impractical nature. Dishonest.
Venus in Constellation Sagittarius
Positive: Endows its natives with a degree of impulsiveness and inconstancy. The native may develop a fruitful imagination, be intuitive, of goodwill, and of a genial and optimistic disposition. Native may be prophetic and of loyal intentions. Possibly an attraction for philosophy and religion.
Negative: Native may be carefree with finances, a love of too much freedom. Native may become insincere, too daring. A superficial individual, not altogether of a constant nature. Jealousy.
Mars in Constellation Sagittarius
Positive: Endows its natives with an enthusiastic ambition. Native can generate enthusiasm, is free and frank in all their dealings. Has an active mentality; morally and mentally open and brave. Native may develop a fondness for debate and have a speculative and venturesome nature. One with a buoyant and independent attitude. A fondness for outdoor activities. Fearless of opinion of others.
Negative: One with impractical ideas, an exaggeration difficult to control. Impractical ideas, a quarrelsome disposition. Native overestimates their capabilities. Always at variance with ideas and opinions of others. Philosophically or religiously skeptical. [5]
As for the Archer, when the foremost portion of his cloak rises, he will give birth to hearts renowned in war and will conduct the conqueror, celebrating great triumphs in the sight of all, to his country’s citadels. Such a one will build high walls (moenia from Latin murus) one moment and pull them down the next. But if Fortune favours them too generously with success, the mark of her envy is to be seen on their faces, for she works cruel havoc upon their features. So was it that a dread warrior* paid for his victories at the Trebia, Cannae, and the Lake, even before the hour of his retreat, with such disfigurement.
But they whose lot it is to be born under the Centaur of double form delight in yoking a team, in bringing a fiery horse to obey the pliant reins, in following herds which graze all over the grasslands, and in imposing a master on every kind of quadruped and taming them: they soften tigers, rid the lion of his fierceness, speak to the elephant and through speech adapt its huge bulk to human skills in a variety of displays. Indeed, in the stars of this constellation the human form is blended with a beast’s and placed above it; wherefore it has lordship over beasts. And because it carries a shaft poised on drawn bow, it imparts strength to limb and keenness to the intellect, swiftness of movement, and an indefatigable spirit. [2]
Legend. This constellation represents the wise and just Centaur Chiron who was killed by accidentally dropping one of the poisoned arrows of Hercules upon his foot.
Influence. The following are Ptolemy’s remarks: “The stars at the point of the arrow in Sagittarius have influence similar to that of Mars and the Moon: those on the bow, and at the grasp of the hand, act like Jupiter and Mars . . . those in the waist and in the back resemble Jupiter, and also Mercury moderately: those in the feet, Jupiter and Saturn.” … By the Kabalists Sagittarius is associated with the Hebrew letter Vau and the 6th Tarot Trump “The Lovers.” [3]
The formation of this constellation on the Euphrates undoubtedly preceded that of the larger figure, the Centaur Chiron (the constellation Centaurus); but the first recorded classic figuring was in Eratosthenes’ description of it as a Satyr, probably derived from the characteristics of the original Centaur, Hea-bani (Heabani), and it so appeared on the more recent Farnese globe. But Manilius mentioned it, as in our modern style, mixtus equo, and with threatening look, very different from the mild aspect of the educated Chiron, the Centaur of the South (Centaurus); while it sometimes is given in later manuscripts and maps with flowing robes; but his crown (the constellation Corona Australis) always appears near his fore feet, and his arrow is always aimed at the Scorpion’s heart.
Dupuis said that it was shown in Egypt as an Ibis or Swan; but the Denderah zodiac has the customary Archer with the face of a lion added, so making it bifaced. Kircher gave its title from the Copts as IIemaere, Statio amoenitatis.
We have already noticed the confusion in the myths and titles of this zodiacal Centaur with those of the southern Centaur (the constellation Centaurus), some thinking Sagittarius the Chiron of the Greeks, — Chiron with Hyginus and the Romans; although Eratosthenes and others, as did the modern Ideler, understood this name to refer to the Centaur proper (the constellation Centaurus)…
Astrologically the constellation was the House of Jupiter, that planet having appeared here at the Creation, a manuscript of 1386 calling it the Schoter “ye principal howce of Jupit “; although this honor was shared by Aquarius and Leo. Nor did Jupiter monopolize its possession, for it also was the domicile of Diana, one of whose temples was at Stymphalus, the home of the Stymphalian birds. These last, when slain by Hercules, were transferred to the sky as Aquila, Cygnus, and Vultur Cadens (Lyra), and are all paranatellons of Sagittarius, as has been explained under Aquila. Thus the constellation was known as Dianae Sidus. It inclined to fruitfulness, a character assigned to it as far back as the Babylonian inscriptions; and was a fortunate sign, reigning over Arabia Felix, Hungary, Liguria, Moravia, and Spain, and the cities of Avignon, Cologne, and Narbonne; while Manilius said that it ruled Crete, Latium, and Trinacria. Ampelius associated it with the south wind, Auster, and the southwest wind, Africus; Aries and Scorpio being also associated with the latter. Yellow was the color attributed to it, or the peculiar green sanguine; and Arcandum in 1542 wrote that a man born under this sign would be thrice wedded, very fond of vegetables, would become a matchless tailor, and have three special illnesses, the last at eighty years of age. Such was much of the science of his day! [4]
This is the concluding chapter of the first great book of this Heavenly Revelation; and it is occupied wholly with the triumph of the Coming One, who is represented as going forth “conquering and to conquer.”…This is precisely what is foreshadowed in the star-pictured sign now called by the modern Latin name Sagittarius, which means the Archer. The Hebrew and Syriac name of the sign is Kesith, which means the Archer (as in Genesis 21:20). The Arabic name is Al Kaus, the arrow. In Coptic it is Pimacre, the graciousness, or beauty of the coming forth. In Greek it is Toxotes, the archer, and in Latin Sagittarius.
There are 69 stars in the sign, viz., five of the 3rd magnitude (all in the bow), nine of the 4th, etc…An ancient Akkadian name in the sign is Nun-ki, which means Prince of the Earth. Again we have the picture of a Centaur as to his outward form, i.e. a being with two natures. Not now far down in the south, or connected with His sufferings and sacrifice as man; but high up, as a sign of the Zodiac itself, on the ecliptic, i.e. in the very path in which the sun “rejoiceth in his going forth as a strong man.” According to Grecian fable, this Sagittarius is Cheiron, the chief Centaur; noble in character, righteous in his dealings, divine in his power…
In the ancient Zodiac of Denderah he is called (as in Coptic) Pi-maere, i.e. graciousness, beauty of the appearing or coming forth. The characters under the hind foot read Knem, which means He conquers…In all the pictures he is similarly represented, and the arrow in his bow is aimed directly at the heart of the Scorpion. [5]
- The Power of the Fixed Stars, Joseph E. Rigor, 1979, p.163-64, 318-319, 323-324, 328, 333, 337-337.
- Astronomica, Manilius, 1st century AD, book 4, p.241.
- Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology, Vivian E. Robson, 1923, p.60.
- Star Names: Their Lore and Meaning, Richard H. Allen, 1889, p.337-342.
- The Witness of the Stars, E. W. Bullinger, 1893, 12. Sagittarius (the Archer).