Fixed Star Alkes

Alkes at 23°41′ Virgo has an orb of 1°20′
Fixed Star Alkes

Crater Constellation [Stellarium]

The Sun joins Alkes on September 16

Fixed star Alkes, Alpha Crateris, is a single star located on the base of the Cup, Crater Constellation.

Magnitude 4.07, spectral type K1 III, color orange. [1]

Alpha Crateris (α Cra) is traditionally and officially named Alkes. Applied in various spellings since medieval times, from the Arabic constellation name الكاس al-ka’s, “the (Wine) Cup,” for Crater. [2] It was also designated Aoul al Batjna (أول ألبجن awwil albajna), which was translated into Latin as Prima Crateris, meaning “the first cup.” [3] Another name was Fundus vasis, describing its position at the base of the vessel. [4]

24♍3425♍16Cor Caroli1°00′

Alkes Astrology

Fixed star Alkes has the spectral class K1, indicating the planetary nature of Mars.

These orange-red stars impart to its natives the drive to succeed, success, activity, power, calamities, notoriety, violence, self-destruction, brute force, bad morals, demonic power, anxiety, tragedies, boldness, shamelessness, daring, many dangers. Negatively, impatience, irritability, hostility, excessive drive, overly ambitious nature, subject to self-destruction and violence. [4]

Robson, like many other authors, has associated the star [Labrum] with the myth of the much-sought Holy Grail. He states that, when rising, it brings “ecclesiastical preference or very good fortune.” In more worldly matters, Labrum, by its lubricating essence, can be expected to facilitate agreement, and foster smooth progress by offering an harmonious environment. A similar interpretation is given to Alkes (from the Arabic Al Kas ‘the cup’). It was also referred to as Fundus vasis, describing its position at the base of the vessel; and from this position we would expect it to relate more to philosophical or hidden, rather than worldy, benefits. [5]

Constellation Crater

According to Ptolemy it is like Venus and in some degree like Mercury. It gives a kind, generous, cheerful, receptive, passionate and hospitable nature, with good mental abilities, but subject to apprehension and indecision. There is a disordered life full of sudden and unexpected events, and great danger of unhappiness, but usually some eminence. [6]

The constellation gives good mental abilities, but there can also be sudden changes and unexpected events. [7]

Crater the Cup is a somewhat intangible font of great blessing. The constellation is regarded as auspicious and has the capacity to bestow eminence and good fortune upon those who fall under its influence. It signifies success in pregnancy, creative matters, romantic unions or spiritual quests; and it represents the sense of honor which accompanies the successful completion of long-sought aims. It offers a sense of satisfaction which may not be attained by indirect means or sinister motivations: its reward is available only to the deserving, those who have staked their claim through the honest efforts of their past. The constellation has particular significance for those whose wares are nourished by moisture or associated with water. [5]

He will join your vines, Bacchus, in wedlock to your elms; or he will arrange them on props, so that the fronds resemble the figures in a dance or, allowing your vine to rely on its own strength, he will lead it to spread out its branches as arms, and entrusting you to yourself will forever protect you from the bridal bed, seeing how you were cut from your mother. [8]

Alpha Crateris, Alkes

Alpha Crateris, Alkes [Wikisky]

Fixed Star Alkes Conjunctions

Ascendant conjunct Alkes: Wealth, power, courage, generosity, ingenuity, rise to authority, martial success, subject to cuts, wounds, accidents, sores and injuries to the face, pains in the head and fevers (Mars nature). [6]

A dedicated environmentalist whose love for rivers and streams makes them very protective regarding water resources. At a less intense level, the native may become a landscape architect, a builder of canals, or in some other manner, do business in merchandise connected with water. [7]

Whoever derives hence his birth and character will be attracted by the well-watered meadows of the countryside, the rivers, and the lakes. He will sow corn among the grapes and will adopt any other of the countless forms of cultivation that exist throughout the world as the conditions of the district will require. He will drink without stint the wine he has produced and enjoy in person the well-earned fruits of his labors; neat wine will incite him to jollity, when he will drown all seriousness in his cups. Nor only on the soil will he stake his hopes for paying his yearly vows he will also go in pursuit of the grain tax, and of those wares especially which are nourished by moisture or to which water clings. Such are the men to be fashioned by the Bowl, lover of all that is wet. [8]

Whoever is born with this constellation rising will love well-watered fields and springs or streams, or he will lead off rivers from their own riverbed to other places. He will be both a lover and a cultivator of vineyards, and one who will graft live shoots by inserting them into unfruitful trees, or who, by trimming boxwood trees, shapes them into large animals, or who makes the greenery of the colonnade into a circle with winding vines. He drinks wine with pleasure without any admixture [of water]. But if an aspect benefic stars [planets] decrees actions for him, he will trade in wet goods. [9]

Al-Biruni 0°20′, Albert Camus 1°11′ (and S. Node), Tom Hanks 1°20′. 

Descendant conjunct Alkes: But if this constellation is found in the DSC, without the testimony of the malefic, he who is born will die in middle age in the course of banquets and drinking bouts. But if there is an aspect from the malefic stars [planets], he will be found dead submerged either in a large wine container or in a well, or in a river, or in a lake, or in a march, or in the sea, or certainly in a fish pond, or in a tub. [9]

Midheaven conjunct Alkes: Martial eminence, success in trade and in occupations of a Mars nature. [6]

Patch Adams 0°41′.

Part of Fortune conjunct Alkes: Pete Hegseth 0°46′, Sidney Gottlieb 0°47′.

Sun conjunct Alkes: Agatha Christie 0°29′, Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex 1°31′

Moon conjunct Alkes: Susan Miller 0°05′, Sara Aldrete 0°35′, Viktor Orbán 1°13′.

Mercury conjunct Alkes: Amy Winehouse 0°25′.

Venus conjunct Alkes: Henry Ford 0°13′.

Mars conjunct Alkes: Britney Spears 0°09′, Ronaldinho 0°19′, Barack Obama 0°34′, Jay Leno 0°49′, Michael Landon 1°11′, Charlton Heston 1°17′.

Jupiter conjunct Alkes: Bernardo Provenzano 0°20′.

Uranus conjunct Alkes: Kurt Cobain 0°00′, Joe Rogan 0°43′.

Neptune conjunct Alkes: Jon Voight 0°28′, John Milton 0°35′, Nancy Pelosi 0°56′.

Pluto conjunct Alkes: Alexis Arquette 0°02′ (and S.Node), Dana White 0°03′ (and S. Node), Mariah Carey 0°10′, Will Smith 0°11′, Nicolaus Copernicus 0°14′, Lilly Wachowski 0°23′, Mark Ruffalo 0°41′, Tucker Carlson 0°47′.

North Node conjunct Alkes: Pablo Neruda 0°48′.

South Node conjunct Alkes: Mata Hari 0°15′, Alexis Arquette 0°16′ (and Pluto), Rihanna 0°21′, Albert Camus 0°23′ (and AC), Klaus Barbie 1°05′, Dana White 1°15′ (and Pluto).


  1. Alkes (Alpha Crateris): Star Facts.
  2. A Dictionary of Modern Star Names, Paul Kunitzsch and Tim Smart, 2006, p.31.
  3. Alpha Crateris – Wikipedia.
  4. The Power of the Fixed Stars, Joseph E. Rigor, 1979, p.246.
  5. Crater: The Cup, Skyscript, Deborah Houlding, 1998.
  6. Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology, Vivian E. Robson, 1923, p.41.
  7. Fixed Stars and Judicial Astrology, George Noonan, 1990, p.71.
  8. Astronomica, Manilius, 1st century AD, book 5, p.318-321.
  9. Mathesis, Julius Firmicus Maternus, 336 AD, viii 10.6-7.