Tucker Carlson – Caught Out

Tucker Carlson Astrology

In this article, I use the Tucker Carlson horoscope to explain why he has been so influential and why he lies. Transits to the Tucker Carlson astrology chart show why he was caught out with the release of text messages on February 17, 2023.

Tucker Carlson is the most influential conservative political commentator and Donald Trump advocate. His comments about women, race, and immigration are not only controversial but sexist and racist.

He has promoted conspiracy theories about COVID-19 and the 2021 U.S. Capitol attack. In particular, Tucker Carlson has promoted Donald Trump’s false claims and conspiracy theories asserting that the 2020 election was stolen.

Yet newly released texts reveal he knew the allegations of election fraud were false. He texted one of his producers that “there wasn’t enough fraud to change the outcome” of the election and later said that Sidney Powell, one of Trump’s attorneys and vocal election denier, “is lying.” Carlson also called Trump “a demonic force, a destroyer.” [1]

Carlson has also promoted “some of the Kremlin’s most blatant falsehoods about the war aimed at undercutting US aid for Ukraine… Russian media often rebroadcasts the Fox News host’s comments and praises Carlson. [2]

Is it deception, untruth, minimal truth, falsehood, disinformation, spin, distortion, propaganda, or simply lying? Let’s see what the Tucker Carlson horoscope says.

Tucker Carlson Astrology

Tucker Carlson Horoscope

Tucker Carlson Horoscope


Ascendant conjunct fixed star Procyon (1°07′): Artful, crafty, dissembling, wealth by violence and rapine, lust, dissipation, waste and ruin, military preferment, quarrels, loss in trade or by servants. [3]

  • So this most personal point in the Tucker Carlson horoscope says he is artful, crafty and dissembling. Sounds a bit like lying.

The manufacture of weapons for hunting and the raising of hunting dogs. [4]

  • How interesting! Tucker Carlson has three pet hunting dogs. [5]

Procyon gives activity, violence, sudden and violent malevolence, sudden preferment by exertion, elevation ending in disaster, the danger of dog bites and hydrophobia, and makes its natives petulant, saucy, giddy, weak-natured, timid, unfortunate, proud, easily angered, careless and violent. [1]

Procyon makes people hasty, jealous, and pig-headed. There is also a tendency to have a hot temper and impudence. Rise and success are found with it, but a later fall from a high position is indicated. To avoid a fiasco, care must be taken not to be imprudent. [6]

Constellation Canis Minor the Little Dog is said to give wealth, fame, and good fortune and to cause frivolity and either love of dogs or danger of dog bites. [3]

Ascendant conjunct fixed star Pollux (1°26′): Wealth, power, courage, generosity, ingenuity, rise to authority, martial success, subject to cuts, wounds, accidents, sores and injuries to the face, pains in the head, fevers, bad eyes, blindness, sickness, imprisonment, ephemeral honor and preferment. [3]

Pollux gives eminence and renown, a subtle, crafty, spirited, brave, audacious, cruel and rash nature, a love of boxing, dignified malevolence, and is connected with poisons. [3] It’s Mars energy can be extremely valuable in such areas as war and business, and politics. [4]

While this star can be brutal and tyrannical, violent and cruel, it has its good sides if the energy it creates is channeled constructively. It certainly can show an aptitude for getting into quarrels, but the helpful aspect to the Ascendant in the Tucker Carlson astrology chart also “denotes a power of penetration on the mental plane.” [6]

The Sun

Sun conjunct fixed star Algol (0°05′): Violent death or extreme sickness. [3] Very difficult to avoid accidents and severe injuries. [6]

Algol is one of the most unfortunate stars used in astrology. It is associated with danger, misfortune, violence, decapitation, hanging, electrocution, and mob violence. [3]

In primitive natives, it gives a mean mind with an inclination to brutality and violence. However, “high spiritual rays” are emanating from Algol also, but only those human beings can receive them who have already reached high spiritual development. Even then, there will be difficulties and obstacles, and they have to use much energy to overcome these handicaps. If their endeavors fail, strong counterforces and enmities will be present. [6]

Constellation Perseus the Champion is said to give an intelligent, strong, bold and adventurous nature but a tendency to lying. [3]

  • Donald Trump has Midheaven conjunct Algol, the “Demon Star”. Remember Carlson called Trump “a demonic force, a destroyer.” Well, with Sun conjunct Algol, he would know.

The Moon

Moon conjunct fixed star Alcyone (0°09′): Injuries to the face, sickness, misfortune, wounds, stabs, disgrace, imprisonment, blindness, defective sight, may be cross-eyed, color-blind, or the eyes may be affected by some growth. [3]

Alcyone also causes love and eminence. It makes people wanton, ambitious, turbulent, optimistic and peaceful; gives many journeys and voyages; and causes disgrace and violent death. [3] It is especially indicative of events that affect the family and family life. [4]

Alcyone is not a good omen concerning relationships with the opposite sex. Connected with Neptune, it is supposed to give inclination to homosexuality. It is also associated with deep sorrows, tragedies, and bereavement. [6]

Sun conjunct Moon (4°04′ separating) means Carlson was born just nine hours after a new moon. That new moon at 25°17′ Taurus was also conjunct Algol at 25°44′ Taurus.

The new moon in the Tucker Carlson horoscope makes him charismatic and popular, with a powerful presence and forceful character. Sun conjunct Moon gives the self-confidence, initiative and conviction to be a leader. But he may be oblivious to how his powerful energy impacts other people’s lives.

The separating conjunction makes him eager to make his mark but can indicate a still-developing self-awareness. As a younger soul with a great sense of adventure and lust for life, he wants to start many new things but makes a few mistakes along the way.


Neptune conjunct fixed star Toliman (1°42′): Occult interests, psychic or mediumistic, deceitful, dishonest, many journeys and voyages often to the east of birthplace, rarely long in one place, occupation of a watery nature or connected with places of amusement and small speculations, favorable for gain and domestic matters, heavy business losses at end of life, death caused by Scorpio ailment. [3]

Toliman gives beneficence, friends, enthusiasm, refinement and a position of honor and power. [3] However, relationships with females often seem spoiled, or an existing happy relationship is stricken by exceptional circumstances. [6]

  • When Carlson was six years old, his parents divorced. His mother left the family to pursue a “bohemian” lifestyle. [7] Well, that explains a lot.

Sun opposite Neptune (1°45′) and Moon opposite Neptune (2°19′) bring great imagination and over-sensitivity. A tendency to imagine things that are not real brings self-deception, confusion and misunderstandings. This can lead to insecurities or inferiority complexes, despite projecting a more confident outer appearance.

When he feels threatened, these oppositions make Carlson use non-direct methods like deception, fraud, lies, and other subversive or underhand tactics. However, this brings the likelihood of being misunderstood. It also leads to worry about being found out, which will eventually erode his self-confidence and leave him feeling weak or discouraged.

The Sun and Moon opposite Neptune in the Tucker Carlson horoscope cause suspicion and paranoia, a feeling of being persecuted, belief in conspiracy theories and involvement in mysteries or scandals.

Being misunderstood, victimized, or rejected can lead to fear, disappointment, isolation, and self-pity. Mental illness, drug addiction, alcoholism, poisoning, infection and poverty are possible with the Sun and Moon opposite Neptune.

The Sun and Moon trine Jupiter, Uranus, and Pluto have enabled Carlson to get away with his lies and deceptions and use them to have a powerful influence over the masses and powerful leaders. But now he has been found out. Karma has caught up with Tucker Carlson.

Tucker Carlson Astrology Transits

Tucker Carlson Astrology

Tucker Carlson Transits February 17, 2023

Saturn is the Lord of Karma, so it is not surprising to find it was a Saturn transit to the Tucker Carlson horoscope that brought his undoing; Saturn square Neptune transit on February 19, 2023. The incriminating texts were released on February 17, 2023. There was only one pass of these transits (no retrograde motion), which makes these transits more hard-hitting:

  • February 5, 2023 – Saturn square Sun transit is a forced turning point where you feel pressured and burdened. It may feel like everything and everyone is against you during this tough time which can lead to feelings of isolation and discouragement.
  • February 19, 2023 – Saturn square Neptune transit can bring sadness and disappointment as harsh reality shatters your dreams. The cold hard truth makes you realize you were deceiving yourself or being deceived by others.
  • March 11, 2023 – Saturn square Moon transit restricts and depresses your feelings and relationships. It becomes more challenging to connect to others in any meaningful way. Sadness, loneliness, guilt, and shame are possible as you are reminded of past relationship failures, loss, and grief.

Transiting Saturn acted as a long-term trigger. Sun conjunct Saturn on February 16 compounded those most challenging Saturn transits, with the Sun acting as a short-term trigger:

He also has his Mars opposition the day after the texts were released:

  • February 18, 2023 – Mars opposite Mars transit.

Tucker Carlson – Donald Trump Synastry

As mentioned earlier, Tucker Carlson’s Ascendant is conjunct Trump’s Venus and Saturn. Carson’s Sun is conjunct Donald Trump’s Midheaven. So while transiting Saturn was square Carlson Sun, it was also square Trump’s Midheaven. Being called “a demonic force” is hardly good for one’s public profile.

Tucker Carlson Astrology

Tucker Carlson – Donald Trump Synastry


  1. Fox News hosts called 2020 election fraud ‘total BS’ in private; new Dominion court filing says, abcnews.go.com, February 17, 2023.
  2. Top US conservatives pushing Russia’s spin on Ukraine war; experts say, theguardian.com, December 6, 2022.
  3. Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology, Vivian E. Robson, 1923, p. 56, 119, 124, 149, 185, 191, 235.
  4. Fixed Stars and Judicial Astrology, George Noonan, 1990, p.34, 39, 67.
  5. Tucker Carlson Pets – Celebrity Pets
  6. Fixed Stars and Their Interpretation, Elsbeth Ebertin, 1928, p.14, 17, 34, 36, 64.
  7. The mystery of Tucker Carlson, Lyz Lentz, Colombia Journalism Review, September 5, 2018.