Full Moon August 3, 2020 – Difficult Changes

Full Moon August 2020 AstrologyThe Aquarius full moon on Monday, August 3, 2020, is square Uranus. So full moon August 2020 brings unexpected change and peculiar events. This is a moon phase for flexibility and adaptability, not for taking risks or making erratic changes.

The August 2020 full moon falls on the same day as Mercury opposite Saturn and aligns with a Saturn-Mercury natured fixed star. Plus, the previous new moon on July 20 was opposite Saturn. This means positive thinking, hard work, patience, and kind words will make the difficult changes ahead much easier to handle.

Full Moon Meaning

Sun opposite Moon brings your home, family, and intimate relationships into sharper focus for the following two weeks of this moon phase. Opposing forces such as work versus home, or what you need versus what you want, create inner tension and external pressures. This can lead to conflict and crises that drain your energy.

The lunar qualities of emotions and instincts reach their peak at a full moon. So use your increased emotional strength and intuition to overcome any relationship challenges. Subconscious awareness allows for an impartial and balanced look at your personal relationships. You will clearly see any relationship dynamics or negative feelings causing disharmony.

Full Moon August 2020 Astrology

The August 3 full moon at 11°45′ Aquarius is square Uranus as shown in the chart below. This is a very strong influence as the aspect orb is just over one degree. The unpredictable changes are made more difficult because the other major aspect in the chart is Mercury opposite Saturn, associated with negative thinking and bad news.

Full Moon August 2020 Astrology

Full Moon August 2020 [Solar Fire]

Full Moon Square Uranus

Full Moon square Uranus brings unexpected change and peculiar events that can make you feel emotionally unsettled and jumpy. Unpredictable and unusual events are more likely to affect women, your family, and the general public.

Because of upsetting change, or due to an uneasy sense of impending change, you may have trouble relaxing, become easily distracted, or experience rapid mood swings, impulsive reactions, and eccentric behavior.

Moon square Uranus can also give a compulsive need for stimulation, a strong need for independence, rebelliousness, and recklessness. But this is not a good moon phase for risk-taking or making sudden changes. Making adjustments in response to changing conditions is fine, but making big changes on the spur of the moment could have unintended consequences that could lead to more chaos in your life.

The best way to handle this erratic energy is to be open-minded and flexible. This will help you use your heightened instincts and faster reflexes to your advantage. You can then quickly adapt to unexpected changes and take advantage of exciting new opportunities.

New relationships are possible and they may be with unusual people, or with people from different cultural or ethnic groups than your own. However, such new relationships may be brief or cause a backlash from close friends or family, especially your mother.

Mercury Opposite Saturn

Mercury opposite Saturn only five hours after the full moon means serious thinking, serious business, and serious discussions. Delays, lack of concentration, and difficulties in communication can cause frustration and disagreements. Pessimism, fear, bad news, the wrong handling of matters, or difficult decisions could lead to loneliness, sadness, or even depression.

Mean and harsh words, abruptness, criticism, mistakes, slander, lies, and nagging are possible. But negative thinking can make things seem worse than they really are.

Keep your messages simple and to the point to avoid misunderstandings. Extra care should be taken with important decisions and business deals. Seek professional or trusted advice if you must sign a contract.

However, critical thinking and the ability for deep research make this is a good moon phase for studying serious or occult subjects. Positive thinking, attention to detail, patience, and understanding are the keys to dealing with this challenging aspect.

Full Moon Star

The star map below shows that although full moon August 2020 is in the Sign of Aquarius, it is in the Constellation of Capricornus. But the Moon is actually closest to the first star of Constellation Aquarius, Albali, in the left hand of the Water Bearer.

So as well as being out of alignment with the Sun Signs due to the precession of the equinoxes, the Constellations also overlap. This is why I use only the planetary aspects and the fixed stars in my interpretations.

Full Moon August 2020 Astrology

Full Moon August 2020 [Stellarium]

Fixed star Albali 12 â™’ 00 is of the nature of Saturn and Mercury. It is indicative of danger and can cause persecution and even death, but is also said to give good fortune. [1]

Full Moon August 2020 Summary

The August 3 full moon square Uranus brings unexpected changes that can be emotionally upsetting. Open-mindedness and flexibility will help you adapt to changing conditions and take advantage of exciting new opportunities.

Mercury opposition Saturn, plus the full moon on a Saturn-Mercury natured star makes the Uranus changes more challenging and difficult to deal with. Patience and a positive attitude are needed. This is even more important because the August 3 full moon combines with the July 20 new moon for form a moon phase that lasts for the next two weeks up to the August 18 new moon.

The July 20 new moon was opposite Saturn so is causing restrictions, tests, and hardship. A serious attitude and hard work are needed as you struggle against the odds. Stay focused on your goals with determination and persistence.If the full moon directly impacts your horoscope decan you can read about it in your monthly horoscope. For more detail about how it affects your natal chart see full moon transits.

Full Moon August 2020 Times and Dates
  • Los Angeles – August 3, 8:58 am
  • New York – August 3, 11:58 am
  • London – August 3, 4:58 pm
  • Delhi – August 3, 9:28 pm
  • Sydney – August 4, 2:58 am
  1. Fixed Stars and Judicial Astrology, George Noonan, 1990, p.51.