Full Moon 4 November 2017 Magic and Romance

Full Moon November 2017 AstrologyThe full moon on Saturday November 4, 2017 is at 12° Taurus. The astrology of full moon November 2017 is mainly influenced by Neptune. A positive link to the this spiritual planet will make you more sensitive, intuitive, emotional and romantic.

The November 2017 full moon is also influenced by a strongly placed Venus. This planet of love is in the same place as the earlier new moon on October 19. This will enhance the good fortune of the new moon and bring friendship, love and romance, but only if you are patient, open-minded and flexible.

Full Moon Meaning

A full moon is the Sun opposite Moon which highlights opposing forces or polarities in your life. These can include your ego versus emotions, your work versus home, or what you need versus what you want. Inner tension and external pressures can lead to conflict and crises that drain your energy.

The lunar qualities of emotions and instincts reach their peak at a full moon. Use your increased emotional strength and intuition to overcome any challenges. Subconscious awareness allows for a balanced look at your personal relationships. You will clearly see any relationship dynamics or negative feelings causing disharmony.

The full moon has a relationship to the previous new moon on October 19. Your goals from that new moon can now be fine-tuned or completed, it is harvest time. It is time to make emotional adjustments in response to your new moon goals. The effects of the November 4 full moon last for two weeks up to the November 18 new moon.

Full Moon November 2017 Astrology

The November 4 full moon at 11°58′ Taurus will stimulate your imagination and intuition because of a positive link to the spiritual planet Neptune. The are no major stars within range of the full moon but the Sun does line up with the main fixed star in the Southern Cross. This mystical star linked to Neptune gives a strong spiritual influence to the November 2017 full moon.

As already mentioned, this full moon complements the October 19 new moon. At 26°35′ Libra, the new moon joined two very lucky stars. The full moon Venus now takes that same place. This gives an even stronger connection to the events of the last two weeks, especially in relation to your love life.

Full Moon November 2017 Astrology

Full Moon November 2017 Astrology Chart

Full Moon Magic

Full moon sextile Neptune heightens your level of sensitivity and emotions. You will be more in touch with the feelings of other people and should enjoy the company of pleasant people in nice surroundings. The full moon will help you connect at a deeper level with your loved ones, especially family members, partners and women.

Your intuition and psychic abilities will be stronger and more accurate than usual. Dreaming and imagination will be more vivid and creative. Full moon November 2017 provides spiritual or psychic protection for meditation, lucid dreaming and other spiritual or occult activities.

Fixed star Acrux at 12°06′ Scorpio adds conscious spiritual awareness through the Sun. Elsbeth Ebertin said this magical star gives:

intuition, a grasp for the inner nature of one’s fellow man, a preference for occult studies , the gift of successful investigation of the hidden side of things, an inventive mind, and a deeply religious nature connected with mystical and theosophical interests. [1]

Full Moon November 2017 Romance

The October 19 new moon at 26°35′ Libra brought opportunities for wealth, honor and success because of its alignment with the extremely fortunate fixed stars Spica (24°04′ Libra) and Arcturus (24°28′ Libra). Aspects to Saturn trine Uranus from the new moon means you should stay patient but also open-minded and flexible to unlock the treasures of the new moon.

The full moon November 2017 astrology chart above shows Venus at 25°55′ Libra even closer to these lucky stars. This means the next two weeks of this spiritual moon phase offers you friendship, love and romance – but only if you are patient, open-minded and flexible.

Venus opposite Uranus is exact only 20 minutes before the full moon. This usually signals a change in your love life. If you already have a partner, an unexpected event may cause tension. It may be that your need for a change or excitement in the bedroom is rejected. A healthy relationships would endure such transgressions and a permanent separation would be unlikely. An affair at this time would more likely lead to a rapid separation.

If dating, a new romance now would be exciting but possibly short-lived. Whatever your situation, if love is not an option then change and excitement can manifest in another area of life. Financial windfalls are possible but you should be careful taking risks with money.

The combined influence of a very spiritual full moon and a very lucky Venus means you can connect at a deeply spiritual level with your partner and loved ones. This romantic full moon is the perfect time to fall in love and find your true soul mate.

If Full Moon November 2017 directly impacts your Sign and Decan you can read about it in your free Weekly Horoscope and Monthly Horoscope. For more detail about how it affects your natal chart see Full Moon Transits.

Previous Moon Phase: New Moon 19 October 2017
Next Moon Phase: New Moon 18 November 2017

Full Moon November 2017 Times and Dates
Los Angeles
New York
November 3 – 10:22 pm
November 4 – 1:22 am
November 4 – 6:22 am
November 4 – 10:52 am
November 4 – 3:22 pm

1. Fixed Stars and Their Interpretation, Elsbeth Ebertin, 1971, p.59.