Lunar Eclipse September 2015 Triple Goddess

Lunar Eclipse September 2015 Astrology GoddessThe Total Lunar Eclipse on Sunday September 27, 2015 is at 4 degrees Aries, right in the middle of Aries decan 1. The lunar eclipse astrology involves relationship dynamics, specifically the role of women and the three feminine archetypes, maiden, wife and crone. The asteroids Juno and Vesta, plus Black Moon Lilith, align with either the Sun or Moon, giving the Triple Goddess theme to Lunar Eclipse September 2015.

Men will struggle to decide which role or mix of roles they prefer in a partner. Women will come to understand how strongly they express each of these roles. A greater struggle comes in balancing these desires through relationship dynamics. There may be confusion, arguments and anger along the way, but the outlook is positive for the role of women in society and in modern relationships. The lunar eclipse also favors romance, with a focus on karmic soul unions and long-term commitment.

The September 2015 lunar eclipse is the final in a series of tetrad eclipse, the fourth total lunar eclipse in a row, also called Blood Moons.

Lunar Eclipse Meaning

Like any full moon, a lunar eclipse focuses our attention on relationships of all kind. The September 27 lunar eclipse itself has a relationship to the previous moon phase, Solar Eclipse September 2015. Projects started then can now be fine-tuned or completed, it is harvest time. As the Sun opposite Moon qualities of emotions and instincts reach their peak at a lunar eclipse, an objective and balanced look at personal relationships is possible.

Being in touch with our own needs and intentions, and those of others, we can clearly see any relationship imbalances causing disharmony. With a lunar eclipse in particular, the blotting out of the Moon represents a resetting of emotions, clearing away the emotional baggage of the previous six months.

The horoscope for a lunar eclipse is like a snap shot in time, but like old style photography, it takes time to develop. This September 2015 lunar eclipse will remain active until March 2016. As the eclipse cycle progresses, transits to the eclipse degree will mark more active times when events relating to the eclipse will likely unfold. There are no planetary conjunctions to the lunar eclipse degree during this eclipse phase, but some other major transits are mentioned toward the end of this article.

Lunar Eclipse September 2015 Astrology

As mentioned above, the September 27 lunar eclipse relates to, and compliments the themes of the September 13 Solar Eclipse. It brought bring some pain and change, but the change is positive and heals the pain of a broken heart. It presents an opportunity to realize how relationships have gone bad, and how to correct the imbalances through positive change.

The lunar eclipse represents polarities within ourselves but also between partners. The Moon represent our sensitive, emotional and instinctive side, or the woman in a relationship. The Sun is our conscious self and pride, or the man in a relationship.

The polarities in the September 2015 lunar eclipse are extreme, with a major emphasis being on intimate relationships because of the goddesses aligned at each pole. There is going to be a struggle to balance the different roles or expectation regarding partners in this eclipse phase. Relating back to the solar eclipse theme, the healing of pain will come through realization of how different feminine archetypes play out within your relationships. How do you expect a boyfriend or husband to treat you? What kind of girlfriend or wife do you dream of?
Lunar Eclipse September 2015 Astrology Triple Goddess

Triple Goddess Lunar Eclipse Astrology

The Moon comes under the influence of the fixed star Deneb Kaitos (02 ♈ 48). This star in the Tail of the Whale is associated with making big waves without thought of the consequences. Self destructive behaviors and habits that lead to emotional inhibition and restraint.

Moon conjunct Vesta brings emotional security through dedication. There is an aspiration to be sexually or spiritual pure, with great devotion to the partner, home or church. The influence of Deneb Kaitos suggests challenges associated with these outlooks and expectations.

The Sun comes under the influence of the fixed star Zaniah (04 ♎ 00). This star in the left arm of the Virgin translates as Adulteress or Harlot. With the Sun in particular it gives popularity, social success, much pleasure, and is favorable for marriage.

Sun conjunct Juno brings identity through relationships, with marriage and commitment being of great importance. The roles and responsibilities of each partner are also major issues.

Sun conjunct Black Moon Lilith “seems to play out as the ego feeling exiled from the dominant patriarchal system. Sometimes this is as a result of actual abuse from male authority figures.” [1]

The combined effect of the star Zaniah, asteroid Juno and Black Moon Lilith with the Sun is complex to say the least. It is the more favorable side of the polarity with the fixed star favoring social popularity and marriage. A strong, sexy and confident feminine archetype will shine through, or dominate. Traditional relationships and family values will give way to more original and modern approaches to being a partner. Veneration of nature and ancestors will be more appealing than adhering to strict patriarchal religious discipline.

There are now three goddess archetypes involved, all linked in one way or another directly to the main lunar goddess herself the Moon. A triple goddess theme certainly shines through. Though not an exact match, I will associate Black Moon Lilith as Maiden, the Juno as Wife, and the Vesta as Crone.
Lunar Eclipse September 2015 Astrology

Lunar Eclipse Aspects

Sun conjunct Mercury is not the strongest influence. As shown above in the lunar eclipse September 2015 astrology chart, the orb is over 5 degrees. It will however, place a focus on thinking and communication regarding relationship dynamics. The effect of Mercury retrograde will be to turn our thinking inward and to the past. It may also result in contact with old partners and friends. New relationships are more likely to have a karmic feel and possibly involve past live contacts.

Sun sextile Saturn is a very helpful influence as it brings patience and common sense. There will be a focus on practical outcomes with a view to the long-term. There should be greater mutual respect and understanding.

Influence of Other Aspects

Venus trine Uranus is a real bonus when it comes to love relationships. Our anticipation of something new and exciting may well manifest. Existing relationships will benefit from greater open-mindedness. Experimentation involving naked bedroom gymnastics can reinvigorate sexual relations. New romance now will prove very stimulating and may involve someone from a different cultural or ethnic background. While Sun sextile Saturn suggests long-term commitment, Venus trine Uranus favors fling or short-term romances. Aspects to come will tip the scales.

Mars square Saturn is the strongest of the planetary aspects, unfortunately creating frustration and inhibition. Desires and needs grow stronger, yet it becomes harder to express our passions and achieve success. In terms of the relationship dynamic theme and which feminine archetype should prevail, this aspect suggests a blockage in self-expression. This will apply mainly to the sexuality of each goddess.

Men may face delays and barriers in having their expectation of the ideal woman met. Woman may face obstruction and even violence when they try to more fully express a previously buried archetype.

Jupiter opposite Neptune sparks curiosity and experimentation to alleviate spiritual growing pains. Going to extremes of belief and behavior may lead to negative consequences. This challenging aspect is separating, exact on September 17.

Jupiter trine Pluto is more positive and more relevant because it is applying, exact on October 12. The questioning of faith, hesitation and confusion caused by Jupiter opposite Neptune, is giving way to greater self-confidence, conviction and power to influence outcomes. Jupiter trine Pluto can be seen as the strongest background influence to Lunar Eclipse September 2015, overall, a very satisfying and evolving phase of life.

Romantically, this favors growth in existing relationships. It also favors the birth of profound new relationships which leads to happiness and advancement. A relationship started under this influence could lead to prominence and wealth.

Transits to the September 2015 Lunar Eclipse

Mercury stations direct nearly opposite the eclipse degree. It makes the retrograde opposition on October 2 and then direct on October 16. For a few days around these dates, communication will be strained and thinking may become muddled regarding the lunar eclipse themes. These are the most likely times for arguments to occur.

Saturn trine the eclipse degree on November 5, 2015, should result in greater respect and understanding within close relationships. This transit favors commitment and long-term romances.

Venus opposite the lunar eclipse degree on November 13 has the potential to cause relationship tension, with differences in the levels of affection given and received. Joint finances may be an issue.

A Mars opposition on November 20 will bring any simmering tension over the last week to a head. There is the possibility of resentment or built up anger coming out in ugly ways. Differences in sex drive or attraction could be the issue here.

Lunar Eclipse Summary

The main theme of the September 2015 lunar eclipse is balancing out the three different feminine archetypes. The virginal maiden or slut, the modern-day working wife, and the traditional devoted wife or crone. Men will struggle to decide which role or which mix of roles they prefer in a partner. Women will decide which proportion of these archetypes they ideally want to express.

In both situations, the expectations of each partner must battle with the other, adding much tension but also experimentation and excitement to relationship dynamics. A period of confusion, arguments and anger may ensue, but the longer term outlook is for a positive evolution of belief systems and values.

Existing relationships have the potential to evolve to a higher and more equal playing field. New romance is also very possible but may involve an initial period of testing to reach a mutually beneficial balance of power. Despite the advanced or highly evolved nature of the relationship dynamics and the role of women here, and the confusion and drama to get there, it is possible to achieve success.

I have not yet mentioned the role of the Lunar Nodes, karmic relationships points in the chart. Along with the challenging fixed star, the Moon is with the South Node, suggesting the tradition role as a devout and devoted wife will come under a lot of pressure. There should be greater prominence and fortune favoring the more progressive and independent feminine archetypes.

The heart (Moon) may long for the old ways, but the head (Sun) will prevail with its more rational view of the future role of women in society and in modern relationships. The stabilizing and positive influence on Saturn on the Nodes ensures these outcomes are set is stone and shall prevail. The helpful link between Saturn and the Nodes favors karmic soul unions and long-term commitment during the six month period following lunar eclipse September 2015.

Lunar Eclipse September 2015 Visibility

Lunar Eclipse September 2015 Visibility


1. Sun Conjunct Lilith, Marina Macario

Previous Moon Phase: Solar Eclipse September 2015
Next Moon Phase: New Moon October 2015

Lunar Eclipse September 2015 Times and Dates

Los Angeles
New York
September 27 – 07:50 pm
September 27 – 10:50 pm
September 28 – 03:50 am
September 28 – 08:20 am
September 28 – 12:50 pm