The Taurus new moon on April 22, 2020, brings sudden and unexpected change because it is joined by Uranus. New moon April 2020 is also in a challenging square aspect to Saturn so the changes could be difficult to deal with and may cause suffering and sorrow.
The April 2020 new moon may be in the Sign of Taurus but in the sky, it is in the Horns of the Ram in the Constellation of Aries. This has an aggressive and impulsive influence so it is important to be responsible, patient, cautious and sensible. The best way to avoid tragedy from the coronavirus pandemic is to protect yourself and your loved ones and avoid taking risks.
New Moon Meaning
A new moon represents the end of one cycle and the beginning of another new 28-day cycle. Sun conjunct Moon gives an invigorating burst of energy and initiative. So this is an excellent time for making a fresh start, turning over a new leaf, or starting a new project. You can also question old habits, behaviors, and beliefs as you search for new and inventive ways to make progress.
New Moon April 2020 Astrology
The April 22 new moon at 03°24′ Taurus is conjunct Uranus which indicates unexpected change. On its own, the changes could be good or bad. But this new moon is also square Saturn, and hard Saturn aspects are the most challenging of influences in astrology.
So new moon April 2020 is just the latest in a series of very difficult moon phases. Reinforcing the challenging nature of this new moon, it is joined by fixed stars that have a Mars-Saturn nature. This planetary combination indicates frustration, anger, violence, cruelty, crime, loss, and disgrace.
New Moon Aspects
New Moon conjunct Uranus brings excitement, unexpected change, and rebellion. If your strong urge to break free from routine and restriction cannot be met, restlessness, impatience and nervous tension are likely.
Acting impulsively and taking risks would result in unexpected and unpleasant changes that cause upsetting disruptions to your life. Aggressive reactions, accidents, and chaos are just a few examples.
But doing nothing with this electric and spontaneous energy could also result in the same unwanted consequences. So be flexible and open-minded to adapt to changing conditions. Seek safer options for change and excitement on the internet or through new technology, science and occult subjects like astrology.
New Moon square Saturn suggests the changes caused by Uranus are not going to be positive ones. Saturn imposes restrictions and delays that make it harder to seek the Uranus freedom and excitement you desire.
You may feel restricted or weighed down by new limitations, routines and responsibilities. Isolation, loneliness, pessimism and even depression are possible. You may face criticism and trouble from superiors, problems with authorities in general, loss, and disappointment.
Making progress and reaching your goals becomes increasingly difficult. But you must strive for a strong work ethic, patience and determination to meet your responsibilities. Try not to procrastinate or become distracted. If you ignore your responsibilities during this moon phase they come back to bite you later.
Saturn square Uranus brings sudden changes you don’t want. It also makes it harder to make changes you do want. This can be a very frustrating time of rising tension and sudden, expected changes.
Because of the coronavirus pandemic, this new moon could bring changes in your career, loss of employment, self-isolation, illness, hospitalization, loss, and grief.
This is not the time to resist change, nor is it the time to overreact. A well-considered, methodical, patient and step by step approach is best. Use your higher self-awareness from Uranus to change bad habits and improve your personal hygiene. Take responsibility for vulnerable family members, friends, and neighbors.
Horns of the Ram
New Moon April 2020 is in Taurus Sign but is actually situated in Aries Constellation. This is because the Constellations have moved about 30° out of alignment with the Signs since they were invented over 2000 years ago. See the Precession of the Equinoxes for more detail.
The star chart above shows the new moon and Uranus in the Horns of the Ram. A new moon in Aries Constellation makes you more self-assertive and headstrong with a strong need for independence. It gives strength and initiative but also arrogance and impatience. So remember to listen to advice and think before rushing in.- 03 ♉ 24 – New Moon April 2020
- 03 ♉ 27 – γ Arietis, Mesarthim
- 03 ♉ 38 – Asteroid Melpomene
- 04 ♉ 14 – β Arietis, Sheratan
- 06 ♉ 24 – Uranus
- 07 ♉ 56 – α Arietis, Hamal
Fixed star Sheratan causes bodily injuries, unscrupulous defeat, destruction by fire, war or earthquake. [1] It is associated with the throat, the connection between the throat and the head, and the tonsils. [2]
The closest star to the new moon is fixed star Mesarthim. With a Saturn-Mars nature it “shows up more of the protective-administrative quality, less of the impulsive aggressive” of Sheratan which has a Mars-Saturn nature. [3]
This distinction is helpful at the personal and state level for this new moon. However, both stars still have a violent nature and “danger is indicated when acting impulsively and in a foolhardy fashion.” [4]
New Moon Tragedy
New Moon April 2020 is conjunct asteroid 18 Melpomene, named after the Muse of tragedy in Greek mythology. A tragedy is “a very sad event or situation, especially one involving death or suffering.” [5]
Find Asteroid Melpomene in Your Chart
- Create your chart HERE.
- Choose “Extended Chart Selection”.
- In “additional objects”, add 18.
New Moon April 2020 Summary
The April 22 new moon conjunct Uranus brings sudden changes and the square to Saturn makes them serious and unpleasant. Uranus also makes you want to be free to do your own thing, when and where you please. But the square to Saturn imposes restrictions which can lead to impatience and frustration.
The fixed stars in the Horns of the Ram have an impulsive and aggressive influence. Uranus increases this risk of acting impulsively and of shocking consequences if you do. Saturn would make any consequences all the more difficult to deal with.
New Moon April 2020 is very challenging and asteroid Melpomene will bring tragedy for some because of the coronavirus pandemic. With this new moon on Uranus in the Horns of the Ram square Saturn, it is important to be patient and careful. Avoid taking risks but also be flexible enough to adapt to changing conditions. The April 22 new moon lasts for four weeks up to the May 22 new moon.If the new moon directly affects your Sign you can read about it in your free Monthly Horoscope. Finally, for more details about how it affects your natal chart see Sun Transits.
- Previous Moon Phase: Full Moon April 7, 2020
- Next Moon Phase: Full Moon May 7, 2020
- 2020 Moon Phases Calendar
New Moon April 2020 Times and Dates
- Los Angeles, April 22 at 7:25 pm
- New York, April 22 at 10:25 pm
- London, April 23 at 3:25 am
- Delhi, April 23 at 7:55 am
- Sydney, April 23 at 12:25 pm
- Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology, Vivian E. Robson, 1923, p.208.
- The Fixed Star Health and Behavior Imbalance, Ted George and Barbara Parker, 1985, p.17.
- The Living Stars, Dr. Eric Morse, 1988, p.33.
- Fixed Stars and Their Interpretation, Elsbeth Ebertin, 1971, p.6.
- Cambridge Dictionary: Tragedy
Well now I’m convinced I’m going to die. My bday is April 22. This new moon is basically my and every other April 22nd person’s solar return chart. Time to panic!
No! It’s time to be responsible, patient, cautious and sensible. Also be flexible and open-minded and avoid taking risks.
But what if the new moon April 22 conjunction Melpomene is conjunction natal Saturn in 8th house, only 6 degrees from natal moon in 8th house?
Don’t worry too much about Melpomene. Melpomene sings and dances after the tragedy. Google “Melpomene astrology”. The tragedy is ongoing, not something that will happen on the 22nd. But the fact that people are becoming impatient is a serious risk for coming weeks. Which fits in with Full moon Uranus Saturn.
Did you know about an asteroid called “Wuhan” (#3206, discovered and named in 1980) which is associated with viruses and diseases? Bizar. If that story is true, then this corona issues will take at least until October. Wuhan is going back and forth through the last 10 degrees of Capricorn until October. Conjunct the big 3.
How is it possible to be flexible, open minded but avoid taking risks?
Hi Shay. I should have said unnecessary or dangerous risks.
Hey Jamie 😃 Thanks for the heads up! Astrology is Great. It allows you to be prepared and plan ahead! Take care and be safe!! This to shall pass……💩😎
Take it away, Credence:
I see a bad moon a-rising
I see trouble on the way
I see earthquakes and lightnin’
I see bad times today
Don’t go ’round tonight
It’s bound to take your life
There’s a bad moon on the rise
I hear hurricanes a-blowing
I know the end is coming soon
I fear rivers over flowing
I hear the voice of rage and ruin
Don’t go ’round tonight
It’s bound to take your life
There’s a bad moon on the rise
I hope you got your things together
I hope you are quite prepared to die
Look’s like we’re in for nasty weather
One eye is taken for an eye
Oh don’t go ’round tonight
It’s bound to take your life
There’s a bad moon on the rise
There’s a bad moon on the rise
I meant to post this under the April 7th full moon, but I suppose it’s not entirely out of place here either…
Singing CCR tune tonight, pink Full moon. A little Floyd, Arnold Layne; David Bowie and Johnny Cash, the very end of each, they stayed strong.
Thanks for the post. It brought back memories of a happier time.
With COVID 19 and a Saturn/Venus conjunction, it has been depressing and difficult. After reading your post, I have been listening to CCR and reminiscing.
CCR blaring, a bottle of cheap Boone’s Farm Strawberry Hill wine, sitting on a rickety old foot bridge, a full moon up above and much more from my foolish younger days.
Take care and be safe.
Any chance you will have the May 7, 2020 moon phase up soon Jamie? We need some hope after looking at the moon phases leading up to then.
My guess is we will see some easing up of lockdown restrictions once we hit mid may. It won’t be all gone by then, but it seems like we are in the hardest phase right now until then. What’s your take on this?
Need some hope ASAP!
Yes Jan, that is my next post to write.
Bloody hell when will things start to improve?
I am writing the May full moon now and it looks much better.
Hi Jamie, great writing but scary for me- transiting Saturn on my Aqua Asc, New Moon and Uranus opposite my own Uranus and square Mars and Saturn on DSC.
I have Mars/Dsc/ Saturn square Uranus natally and this is heave weight thing.
My Sun conjunct IC and Asc in trine,maybe hiding will help
And now I a bit afraid I will explode.Damn.
Any hints.
Hi Alice. I think transiting Saturn on your Ac will help you actually. It will keep you grounded and stop you from exploding. It sounds like a good transit to have when we are all facing restrictions anyway.
Thank you so much for supportive information, all these transits are really getting on my nerves.I send you a big hug and I wish you happy Easter!🐣🐣🐤
The sabien symbol for the new moon is.. The rainbows pot of gold. The crystal element is gold stone which is uplifting, energising and increases happiness. The affirmation is.. I have faith, hope and love. Meditate on those ideas and know you will be safe… And, take Jamie’s advise 😊🙏
Always good to hear from you Jennifer. Love is very important with this new moon. I did not mention Venus trine Mars which is so helpful.
New moon = new beginnings, so this looks like a move away from tragedy. A square in a bad horoscope can be a positive.
Yes Ben it can be positive for people who pass the test.
This doesn’t look half as scary as my natal chart so, even though I’ve got the darn virus (of course I do!) I ain’t a-scared! I’ve endured worse. One learns.
Wow. I don’t know anyone with the virus but there are only 2 people in my town with it here in Australia. I hope you get better soon Victoria, sounds like you are a strong one.
I too have Saturn bang on my ASC, but also Uranus in 4th opposite my tight Scorpio Sun Venus Neptune conjunction (and Saturn squaring that from the ASC). Eek. It is already a tumultuous time for me and one requiring more discipline than I find easy to muster. The only good thing is that someday soon this transit will be over – though it doesn’t portend well for when the much scarier Pluto moves to Saturn’s current position. I too am looking for good news.
Hi Tennyson. My Ascendant is 19 Capricorn so I have had Saturn and Pluto transits recently too. I was really worried years ago about it but I should not have been. It does depend a lot on what natal aspects you have to your Ascendant.
Aspects to ASC: 5 squares from an early Scorpio stellium incl. Sun, and inconjunct from Pluto 🙁 you can see why Pluto transit scares me – Saturn probably a walk in the park in comparison. But it is good to hear of your experience. Perhaps I’m old enough to weather it. Only nice aspect to my ASC is a trine to Mars.
Hey Jamie .. What do you think of Bill Gates’ chart? He is Pushing Hard for CoVID vaccine with nanotech tracking and God knows what else.
CoVID = Certificate of Vaccination ID. Dual meanings everywhere. Sounds like Mark of the Beast to me. How about an analysis plus Numerology on this, if possible?
Hi Vern. Bill Gates has Jupiter conjunct Pluto so it is not surprising he is becoming even more influential now with the Jupiter-Pluto conjunction in April 2020.
Thank you for sharing your knowledge – really helpful and so accurate
Thank you, Christina. Nice to hear form you.
Ok first and foremost stay positive. Being worried has absolutely zero positive effects. There is nothing wrong with being aware of the possibility of negative things happening. We have so much negativity in the news and on the internet that we are literally making things worse. We need to be more mindful of the words we choose to put in writing and share with people who are already distraught. More than likely this will be a wonderful new moon! I personally think they are all wonderful. Start now with a wish list and tell yourself how great the new moon will be. New moons are very powerful, you definitely dont want to start the cycle negatively. Spread the word! Especially as trusted advisors.
I advise people to be wary and stay at home. If that warning was given to Americans in a timely manner like it was here in Australia, the death toll would not be so catastrophic. The death statistics in the U.S.A do not even include people who die outside of a hospital. Last Monday, that was 280 people, just in New York City. Better to be worried that dead.
Elm Tree, The Noble Minded
Datum: January 12, 2020
I dont think Jamie is trying to be negative here. He’s just reading the stars and their possible meanings. He’s being honest and as we all know, he is extremely knowledgeable. I consider him one of the best Astrologers out there. 😊
Wow, thank you so much Melissa. 🙂
I agree, and appreciate honest readings. Give me the truth over a whitewash any day.
Hello Jamie some of the times indicated for the new moon above should read 23 April !
Melpomene “This asteroid point to the area in which you are to heal your grief, loss and mourning by finding joy through dance and song to heal your soul.” I would say that it is beneficial instead. Music can heal.
rightly said…
Be flexable and open minded every day
Asteroid Compassion 8990
Natal: 3Tau09
Transit at New Moon: 4Sco56
Compassion is an emotion that is strong theme here. Admixture of personal and mundane placements.
In addition to the alignment of the asteroid Compassion, (conjunction-personal, opposition-mundane), the current Nodal axis asks us to find compassion, because it is difficult to embody and express the Solstice energies; Prophecy to Magic(mundane)
And the transit Jupiter – square – MC(personal) the description in Robert Hands book, Aspects in Youth, shows the way through this period is by developing compassion.
“You have a very strong belief in right and wrong, but you must learn to have more compassion for those on the wrong track”
This new moon falls on my fourth house NN (3tau52) and Neptune is currently conjunct my moon.
Any ideas anyone?
I was looking forward to write and recite my new goals for the new moon Until I started Reading this article; it was scary at first but it shifted to been hopeful to me especially about been flexible, patient, cautious, responsible and open-minded about it. Plus avoid taking risks. As a Taurus( May 15th) not a big fan of taking risks. Meanwhile I value honesty. Jamie.
Thank you Jamie.
Hi Jamie, would a trine to natal Sun (4.58 Virgo) change the outcome of new moon square Saturn and Saturn square Uranus ? Both new moon and Uranus are making a trine to natal Sun and Mercury and transiting Saturn is making a square to natal Mars. Could it be that what is initially negative turns to be positive? Or too many squares against two trines?
Jamie –
Thanks for the valuable insight, presume this is based off of a U.S. Chart. Also, how long will these tough aspects remain
in terms of days/weeks? Thanks again for your absolute insight!
I have to say I’ve never read such a biased report. Perhaps saturn is squaring your moon at the minute or you are trying to promote your site by using popular words such as pandemic? Or perhaps your next Astrology report would suggest vaccination? Astrology is meant to give people insights and inspire them to grow IN THE CIRCUMSTANCES , but not become THE circumstances and use available resources and not spread fear.
Oh just stop, Nataliya. Or put on some earmuffs and pretend to not hear. This post was insight. Insight is not always positive! It sometimes serves as a necessary warning. Because if there is ever a time to be fearful, now would be it, to save lives. For almost all of last year, I was waiting in dread for the Saturn/Pluto conjunction, wondering what calamity awaited. Did not know the exact circumstance, but I knew death and destruction and significant wipeouts were on its way because of the sign, not just the aspect, between these planets. And, how many mundane charts they can affect. (China, anyone?) Too many astrologers tried to blow it off, make it seem like a run of the mill conjunction that happens every two decades. Not in Capricorn it doesn’t. It’s disease, it’s government, it’s societal foundations, all at risk of crumbling.
Despite everything going on, I see too many morons still middling around as if a pandemic is just an annoyance and not a threat to society. Had to yell at some bicyclist who was trying to meander by on a sidewalk today, no safe space to pass. Then there are the Uranian “rebels” who need to do what they want, when they want, to hell with everyone else or consequence. Example: See the Idaho anti-vax crowd gathering in a public park recently? If states rush to get back to “normal” they are going to pay a heavy price in the next month, after infections running the hospitals ragged, after deaths from those infections. But, some people, and some places, have protection, or can profit off death. It’s all in the charts however. Everyone has one. Every organization, every city, every country.
Thank you for addressing the bias of some people. I too watched for the coming calamity hoping it would be more spiritual than physical. Turns out it’s both.
Wondering about the square mercury to jupiter-pluto has in store for this phase as well. Communication breakdowns about the deeper issues where some people get the message and some get the karmic payback?
You sound like a brainwashed fool. There are numerous anti viral plants known to science but the mainstream media never mentions these. One potent anti viral is Prunella Vulgaris. It’s actually called Self Heal or Heal All. And it is associated with Ceres, Mother Earth who is also part of this conjunction. It grows all over the planet and people are going to go back to using NATURE’S PHARMACY out of necessity because these restrictions will push billions of people into poverty. The economy crash will cause inflation and money will be worthless. People need to learn the hard way that the media, big pharma and big ag and all the politicians and banks can not be trusted. People will have to suffer by being slaves to these people. And when they have finally suffered enough they will go back to Mother Nature and these snakes in industry will be forced to slither away.
Hi Jamie, I have been a fan of your for many years now. Just wondered what Anthony Fauci’s chart looks like ? Could the new moon be an opportunity to lift the lid on Coronavirus ? As a scientist, I prefer the facts. This video certainly gives food for thought
At the New Moon,
Fulcrum, Asteroid 115 Kassandra 26Aqr23
Age of Aqr, progressed chart:
Neptune 26Cap01
Venus 25Pis53
Apex, Moon 26Leo52
Kassandra represents issues with belief and credibility; trustworthiness; judgements about whether to believe others, prophetic gifts and foreknowledge, offering council and rejection of advice.
Melpomene is very near my birth lot of fortune this new moon!
Also There should be some analysis concerning Uranus in trine with the ascendant and lot of fortune, plus conjunction with the Sun and the Moon. It can’t be all bad news when considering more than the squares with Jupiter and Saturn!
Giving giving giving, the tractor the gears. You know the feeling. It’s stuck in the mud, as you put it here, last fall.
Venus Sextile Neptune, Jamie
Could use this aspect. También my friend. Gracias for Biden Yod.weeks ago, sacred cross, Chemainus.
But it is Venus inconjunct Moon
And Neptune inconjunct Moon, yes, that moon, at that late Leo Degree, smelling and dis-easing the Planet,”. Entitled and expectorant, 6th
The Solomon 6th, seal of Sheba. Over the Red Sea, Ethiopia. back door Egypt, the grid is good food will do yeah. But I only need a phone call … and s relative at my back
Gezzzzers that’s intense.. so glad I live far away from people looking at the dark side of what’s happening. It’s all good stuff if you think about it. It’s time that Gia did what she needs . Only the weak and darkness will be left in their own sorrow. See good and goodness follows. Smile at an angry face long enough, it smiles back . Intentions is where the answers are. I really hope you all turn the page or as a beautiful old lady once said “ turn the CD over pls darling “
It’s all in your intentions.. seek and u will find. 😇🪐🙏🏼
Hi Jamie Sir , Thanks for the valuable insight
So far nothing spectacular is happening. Not the real shock you would expect froma uranus square saturn. People try to get going again, paint their houses etc, restlessness (uranus). Some protests against the inhibitions (saturn). And maybe changes (uranus) don’t happen so fast (saturn). But no new tragedy yet (apart from the ones that were already ongoing). I’m not convinced that these new and full moons are very important. I’ve been watching those for quite some time. The big conjunctions and eclipses look more important to me. The role of the fixed stars seems more important than I thought earlier.
I see tragedy unfolding everywhere around me. I have kids in highschool who are falling way behind in their education and will be looking to start their career with youth unemployment over 20%. There are about 6,000 people dying everyday, just the ones recorded in hospitals, not in nursing homes or on the streets. Mass unemployment and underemployment, poverty, depression and suicide. And the virus is just taking hold in third world countries.
You are quite right. There is a lot of misery and like I said that is ongoing and will continue in the coming months when the new and full moons look better. The Saturn-Pluto and Jupiter-Pluto conjunctions seem more important than the new moons. Let’s hope the second Jupiter-Pluto end of June will lead to a cure. Keep safe.
Yes, I see what you mean now. Moon phases may be more important for individual cases when they aspect a planet in a natal chart.
Thanks. That the misery continues for some time is also shown by your analysis of retrogade Pluto and Saturn. I guess they are more important as well. Moon phases on individual level… well, for that I would expect lunar returns are more important. But also in those you will find the big conjunctions of Pluto, Saturn and Jupiter. Bad for many, good for a few. Depending on your natal chart.
My mother is in a nursery home, my brother is mentally handicapped and also in an institution. I can only see them via skype or whatsapp. Greatest inventions of the last decade. They like it. They also talk to each other. Better than nothing. Just trying to make the best of it. Take care!
Moon is moon keep goings…… in transit