Fixed Star Phact

Phact at 22°10′ Gemini has an orb of 2°00′
Fixed Star Phact

Columba Constellation [Stellarium]

The Sun joins Phact on June 12

Fixed star Phact, Alpha Columbae, is a 2.65 magnitude star in the body of the Dove, Columba Constellation. Believed to be a solitary star, although it has a faint optical companion at an angular separation of 13.5 arcseconds, making it a double star. Spectral type B9Ve or B7 IV.

The traditional name Phact comes from the Arabic word ألفاجتة (fākh(i)tah) which means ring-dove.

Situated at the base of the right wing of the Dove. Said to be from Had’ar, Ground, or Fached, the Thigh. [1]

20002050Fixed StarOrb
22♊3423♊17El Nath2°20′

Phact Astrology

Of the nature of Venus and Mercury. It gives beneficence, hopefulness and good fortune. [1]

α Columbae. A small, double star situated at the end of the right wing of the Dove. Spectral class B8. Gives the native artistic talents, scientific ability, good fortune, idealism, intelligence and makes the native lovable. [6]

Wezen, with the nature of Mercury, is linked together with Phact in astrological lore. These two stars are called the Good Messengers, or the harbingers of good news. Phact, of course, is one of the members of the Egyptian “X”. By itself it gives beneficence, hopefulness, and good fortune. [2]

Phact corresponds to the nature of Mercury-Venus, with a touch of Uranus. This fixed star in a good conjunction gives an appreciation for form and rhythm as well as artistic talents, and also ardent interest in science. Phact near the Sun is found in the cosmograms of the great mathematician Newton and the composer Richard Strauss. This fixed star gives a touch of genius and mediumship, and it is assumed it will gain importance with the beginning of the Aquarian Age. [3]

Columba, The Dove, is sometimes called Noah’s Dove. One star alone is prominent, the α of the figure, its name Phact, from an Arabic word for Earth, which long precedes its inclusion in Columba. Phact is a Venus-Mercury star, as we should hope for in a Dove but actually a remarkable piece of premonition by Ptolemy! It may be seen as exercising a moderating influence on the Mars-Mercury Capella, with which it is nearly conjunct. [4]

Phact star rules the bronchial air sacs in the human body. [5]

Constellation Columba

The Dove gives a gentle, kind, timid, innocent and self-sacrificing nature, together with strength of spirit. Bringers of good news. First recognized by Royer in 1679, but in existence some years before. It represents the dove sent by Noah from the Ark. [1]

Alpha Columbae, Phact

Alpha Columbae, Phact []

Fixed Star Phact Conjunctions

Ascendant conjunct Phact: Volodymyr Zelenskyy 0°04′, April Ashley 0°41′, Ed Gein 0°57′, John Wayne Bobbitt 0°59′

Midheaven conjunct Phact: Roy Orbison 0°28′, Albert Camus 0°39′, Max Götze 0°49′, Tom Hanks 0°51′ (and Venus), Francisco Franco 0°52′, Josemaría Escrivá 1°15′, Al-Biruni 1°32′, Franklin D. Roosevelt 1°35′, Gavin Newsom 1°36′ (and POF).

Descendant conjunct Phact: Cheiro 0°07′, Bernadette Brady 0°48′, Bob Dylan 1°01′ (and Mercury), Richard Ramirez 1°04′, >Bernardo Provenzano 1°27′, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva 1°47′.

Imun Coeli conjunct Phact: Tycho Brahe 0°37′, Nicole Brown Simpson 1°07′.

Part of Fortune conjunct Phact: Allison DuBois 0°02′, Gavin Newsom 0°30′ (and MC), William S. Burroughs 0°33′, Vladimir Putin 0°38′, Donald Rumsfeld 1°47′, Nancy Spungen 1°50′, David Berkowitz 1°54′ (and Mercury, Mars)

Sun conjunct Phact: George H. W. Bush 0°12′, Anne Frank 0°22′, Jordan Peterson 0°40′, Boy George 1°09′, Donald Trump 1°31′.

Moon conjunct Phact: Bruce McLaren 0°09′.

Mercury conjunct Phact: David Berkowitz 0°29′ (and Mars, POF), Angelina Jolie 0°30′, Cecilia Bartoli 1°07′, Pierre Cardin 1°18′, Bob Dylan 1°42′ (and DC), Mel B 1°46′.

Venus conjunct Phact: This position does not represent problems. Here is a kindhearted person who usually has a nice thing to say about almost everybody. This gives the person a pleasant way of communicating with others. [5]

David Beckham 0°30′, Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis 0°35′, Julius Evola 0°58′ (and Neptune), Courtney Love 1°14′, Tom Hanks 1°16′ (and MC), Megan Fox 1°38′.

Mars conjunct Phact: F. Scott Fitzgerald 0°05′ (and Neptune), David Berkowitz 0°13′ (and Mercury, POF), Martin Luther King 0°42′, Arnold Schwarzenegger 1°19′

Jupiter conjunct Phact: Léon Degrelle 0°49′(and Pluto), Theodore Roosevelt 0°52′, Marquis de Sade 1°16′.

Saturn conjunct Phact: This creates difficulties in the bronchial area as it restricts the oxygen supply. These are individuals who are diagnosed as asthmatics. They have difficulty catching their breath; however, it is not asthma causing this problem. It is a disorder that is similar to asthma. The difficulty lies in the circulation of air within the breathing mechanisms. There is instability at this point which does not allow air to flow freely. [5]

Alexander the Great 0°04′, Olivia Rodrigo 0°04′, Jimmy Page 0°07′, Mick Jagger 0°35′, Sirhan Sirhan 1°00′, Tori Spelling 1°30′, Keith Richards 1°34′.

Uranus conjunct Phact: This causes spasms with respect to the air sacs and the heart. The spasms are usually between the heart and the bronchial area. When under stress, these persons experience a type of feeling that is similar to indigestion. It is a discomfort and generally is not diagnosed properly. The air flow is disturbed when breathing thus causing sharp pains through the chest. [5]

Liz Greene 0°08′, Robert the Bruce 0°10′, Bill Clinton 0°16′, Salman Rushdie 0°48′, Alice Cooper 0°56′, Marina Abramović 1°10′, Gianni Versace 1°14′, Ted Bundy 0°56′, Steven Spielberg 1°56′, Uri Geller 1°59′, O. J. Simpson 2°00′

Neptune conjunct Phact: F. Scott Fitzgerald 0°25′ (and Mars), Julius Evola 0°35′ (and Venus), Amelia Earhart 0°49′, Lucky Luciano 0°53′, Vito Genovese 0°58′, Joseph Goebbels 1°28′, Hubertus Strughold 1°35′, M. C. Escher 1°38′

Pluto conjunct Phact: Pablo Neruda 0°04′, Salvador Dali 1°20′, Léon Degrelle 1°24′ (and Jupiter), Jeane Dixon 1°35′, Arthur Koestler 1°50′

North Node conjunct Phact: Virginia Giuffre 0°14′, Donald Trump 0°36′, André the Giant 0°43′, George W. Bush 0°49′, Mary Shelley 0°55′, Amy Winehouse 1°21′, Agatha Christie 1°44′, Sylvester Stallone 1°50′

South Node conjunct Phact: Miley Cyrus 0°21′, Sidney Gottlieb 1°21′, William Lilly 1°32′


  1. Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology, Vivian E. Robson, 1923, p.39, 181.
  2. Fixed Stars and Judicial Astrology, George Noonan, 1990, p.66.
  3. Fixed Stars and Their Interpretation, Elsbeth Ebertin, 1971, p.27.
  4. The Living Stars, Dr. Eric Morse, 1988, p.174.
  5. The Fixed Star Health and Behavior Imbalance, Ted George and Barbara Parker, 1985, p.32.
  6. The Power of the Fixed Stars, Joseph E. Rigor, 1979, p.86.
  • All fixed star positions are for the year 2000. Add one degree per 72 years to correct for precession.

4 thoughts on “Fixed Star Phact

  1. I’m curious to find out the meaning if it’s on the vertex could you tell me more

    • Hi Nikita. The Vertex Axis is not generally used with fixed stars. I have never seen any interpretation. If you do want to include it I suggest using the general description for the star.

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