TAURUS: 2026 | 2027 | 2028 | Weekly | MonthlyTaurus 2028 Horoscope with decans for a more accurate forecast. If you are on the cusp, use the free horoscope to find your decan.
  Taurus Decan 1 – April 20 to 30
  Taurus Decan 2 – May 1 to 10
  Taurus Decan 3 – May 11 to 20
Taurus Decan 1 – 2028 Horoscope
2023 to 2030 – Pluto square your decan tests your strength and character, bringing extreme forces from other people and circumstances. You must know who you are, stand up, and be counted. A crisis or breakdown could transform your ego, identity, and life direction. You will learn to master your power through ego conflicts with authority figures and in your relationships.
- For those born from April 20 to 24, the effect is waning.
- Those born from April 25 to 29 have the full effects in 2028.
- Those born on April 30 have it most strongly from 2029.
August 2, 2027, to January 11, 2028 – Solar Eclipse August 2027 square your decan brings the potential for challenges that test your character. If you are on the right path, you will still progress by staying focused on the primary goal. But if you face defeat and disappointment, it might be time to reassess your goals.
December 11, 2027, to June 9, 2028 – Uranus trine Pluto, climaxing on January 13 and May 9, gives a more adventurous, optimistic, and progressive outlook. It promotes self-understanding and a broader perspective of life. This is the best period of your Aquarius 2027 horoscope to make significant changes. Increased charisma and personal power give you the ability to take the lead and have a positive influence on a large number of people.
January 26 to July 6 – Solar Eclipse January 2028 square your decan brings the potential for challenges that test your character. If you are on the right path, you will still progress by staying focused on the primary goal. But if you face defeat and disappointment, it might be time to reassess your goals.
April 5 to August 3 – Saturn in your decan represents a culmination of years of effort and striving toward your goals. Previous hard work will be rewarded with achievement, success, satisfaction, recognition and promotion. However, previous irresponsibility or laziness could now result in disappointment and a reevaluation of your goals.
April 20 to December 31 – Neptune sextile Pluto climaxing on June 9 and November 7 gives a pioneering spirit, making you unafraid to challenge the accepted way of thinking and doing things. You can deconstruct any aspect of life, remove political and religious bias, and reconstruct it in a more advanced state. Inspired by truth and human potential, you can dream up a more humanitarian approach and shared responsibility for the welfare of everyone and everything, the collective dream.
July 21 to December 31 – Solar Eclipse July 2028 square your decan brings the potential for challenges that test your character. If you are on the right path, you will still progress by staying focused on the primary goal. But if you face defeat and disappointment, it might be time to reassess your goals.
September 10, 2028, to April 6, 2029 – Saturn in your decan again brings the self-discipline and patience to achieve your goals and meet your responsibilities. You may have to take on extra responsibility or act as a mentor or guide. Simplifying and bringing efficiency to your life will make your goals less complicated and easier to achieve.
December 31, 2028, to June 11, 2029 – Lunar Eclipse December 2028 sextile your decan brings self-confidence, inner balance, and contentment. Seeing both sides reasonably and rationally helps you resolve personal or relationship problems. Intimate relationships grow through emotional bonding and mutual respect.
Taurus Decan 2 – 2028 Horoscope
August 2, 2027, to January 11, 2028 – Solar Eclipse August 2027 square your decan brings the potential for challenges that test your character. If you are on the right path, you will still progress by staying focused on the primary goal. But if you face defeat and disappointment, it might be time to reassess your goals.
March 24 to June 30 – Jupiter trine your decan is the most fortunate period of your Taurus 2028 horoscope. It brings happiness and optimism with warm and friendly relationships. Good luck could bring financial gains that increase your overall net worth, satisfaction and contentment. But this is also a time of generosity toward others. Opportunities can come for personal, spiritual, and material growth. This is a good time for education, long-distance travel, and legal and business matters.
May 9 to 26 – Mars in your decan gives energy, strength, passion and courage. It can make you feel sexy and sporty but also frustrated and angry. Being too assertive while being selfish could cause arguments or conflict. But your directness and confidence make this a great time to initiate new projects in your personal life and career. Intimate relationships will benefit from your extra warmth, charm, and charisma. Your sex drive will be strong, and others will find you more sexually attractive than usual.
July 1 to October 15 – Saturn in your decan represents a culmination of years of effort and striving toward your goals. Previous hard work will be rewarded with achievement, success, satisfaction, recognition and promotion. However, previous irresponsibility or laziness could now result in disappointment and a reevaluation of your goals. Simplifying and bringing efficiency to your life will make your goals less complicated and easier to achieve.
July 6 to December 31 – Lunar Eclipse July 2028 trine your decan brings self-confidence and inner balance, which helps you relax and feel more comfortable being yourself. All relationships will be more harmonious, which is perfect for intimate relationships and a good time for promoting yourself in public.
December 31, 2028, to June 11, 2029 – Lunar Eclipse December 2028 sextile your decan brings self-confidence, inner balance, and contentment. Seeing both sides reasonably and rationally helps you resolve personal or relationship problems. Intimate relationships grow through emotional bonding and mutual respect.
Taurus Decan 3 – 2028 Horoscope
August 17, 2027, to January 11, 2028 – Lunar Eclipse August 2027 square your decan brings any simmering relationship tensions to the surface. Some annoyance may keep niggling away at you, forcing you to do something about it. Being more sensitive to the moods of partners, family members, and close friends will help avoid such emotional drama.
October 24, 2027, to April 12, 2028 – Jupiter trine your decan brings happiness and optimism with warm and friendly relationships. Good luck could bring financial gains that increase your overall net worth, satisfaction and contentment. But this is also a time of generosity toward others. Opportunities can come for personal, spiritual, and material growth. This is a good time for education, long-distance travel, and legal and business matters.
January 11 to July 6, 2028 – Lunar Eclipse January 2028 sextile your decan brings self-confidence, inner balance, and contentment. Seeing both sides reasonably and rationally helps you resolve personal or relationship problems. Intimate relationships grow through emotional bonding and mutual respect.
May 23 to June 8 – Mars in your decan gives energy, strength, passion and courage. It can make you feel sexy and sporty but also frustrated and angry. Being too assertive while being selfish could cause arguments or conflict. But your directness and confidence make this a great time to initiate new projects in your personal life and career. Intimate relationships will benefit from your extra warmth, charm, and charisma. Your sex drive will be strong, and others will find you more sexually attractive than usual.
June 16 to August 28 – Jupiter trine your decan again brings growth, prosperity, good fortune and opportunities for success. It makes you happy, optimistic, enthusiastic and generous. Increased goodwill, faith and tolerance make most relationships more harmonious. A more confident and adventurous outlook makes this an excellent time to begin new projects, relationships, long-distance travel or studies.
July 21 to December 31 – Solar Eclipse July 2028 sextile your decan increases your power and influence, helping you promote yourself and achieve goals. Any problems should be easier to solve, and previous resistance should fade. This is a good time to start new relationships and ask for favors.