2024 US Election Prediction

2024 US Election Prediction

Astrology for the 2024 US Presidential Election points to an evenly balanced contest. It is extremely difficult to predict a winner from the horoscope for election day and the transits and progression to both candidates’ charts.

Following the predicted assassination attempt on Donald Trump, it was hard to imagine that he could lose the election. However, based on some small differences in their transits and the likelihood of a contested election and violent protests, I predict a very narrow Kamala Harris victory.

2024 Election Astrology

The astrology of the 2024 US election is dominated by Sun trine Saturn. It gives a reserved and conservative outlook favoring the Republicans and Donald Trump. However, it also represents stability and security as opposed to change and uncertainty, which favors incumbency and, therefore, Kamala Harris.

The other significant aspect in the 2024 election horoscopes is Mars opposite Pluto. I don’t believe it favors either side of politics, but it does indicate an intense and ruthless desire for victory, threats, intimidation, coercion, manipulation and extremeness.

This aspect of conflict makes the loser feel unfairly victimized and persecuted by a powerful enemy. It suggests a contested election, subversion, propaganda, aggression, mass violence, male violence, vandalism, destruction, and armed resistance against the government.

2024 US Presidential Election Prediction

2024 US Presidential Election Prediction

The Fixed Stars

Mercury conjunct fixed star Acrab (03♐31): Difficulty obtaining legacy but final success, malevolence, mercilessness, fiendishness, malice, theft and crime (a contested election result).

Venus conjunct fixed star Raslahague (22♐47): Liberality, broad-mindedness, humanitarianism and philosophical ideas (sounds favorable for Kamal Harris, but Trump has Moon conjunct this star).

Jupiter conjunct fixed star Bellatrix (21♊17): Philosophical and religious mind, hypocrisy, fanaticism,  slander, jealousy and enemies (a contested election result).

Uranus conjunct fixed star Algol (26♉31): Extreme misfortune, violence, mob violence, brutality, bigotry. propaganda, vandalism, fanaticism, tragedies, ruthlessness, the masses and death (a contested election result).

Astrology of Kamala Harris and Donald Trump

The astrology charts of Kamala Harris and Donald Trump both have the Sun opposite the Moon, which makes them competitive. Harris’s tighter orb (0°09′) gives her an advantage over Trump’s (1°43′). However, Mars rising conjunct Regulus gives Donald Trump a great fighting spirit. He has a strong, militant chart, while Kamala Harris has a more balanced chart. 

Both candidates’ Midheavens are well-aspected to Saturn, indicating a successful career as a leader. On election day, Uranus retrograde conjunct Algol activates their Midheavens: conjunct Jupiter for Harris and conjunct Midheaven for Trump.

As I wrote in the post about Kamala Harris, the numerous similarities in their charts suggest the 2024 US election contest is evenly balanced.


The table below shows the election day transits for both candidates. The precession correction value of 0°50′ has been added to Kamala Harris’s chart and 1°05′ to Donald Trump’s chart. This gives the same results as sidereal (Vedic) astrology and is more accurate than sidereal (Western) astrology.

The election day transits are generally positive for both candidates. I think the main difficulty in predicting a winner is transiting Uranus:

  • Donald Trump: conjunct MC (0°15′) sextile Saturn (0°12′).
  • Kamala Harris: conjunct Jupiter (0°51′).

This is positive for both of them. The Uranus direct transit during the first presidential election debate worked well for Trump. He survived an assassination attempt when Mars joined Uranus on his Midheaven. And Uranus direct conjunct Jupiter transit propelled Kamala Harris to the candidacy.

The aspect orbs are tighter for Trump, but Jupiter is the most fortunate planet in astrology. I am conflicted!

Venus conjunct Trump’s Moon is excellent for public popularity and the support of women. It may give him the edge. However, the Solar Eclipse square Mercury has a tight orb, which makes it difficult for him to get his message across.

Based on the transits alone, I am leaning toward a Donald Trump victory.

TransitKamala HarrisDonald Trump
Solar Eclipsesquare Mercury (0°08′)
Lunar Eclipsesextile Jupiter (0°51′)
square AC (0°26′)
square N. Node (0°21′)
trine Saturn (0°48′)
sextile MC (0°15′)
New Moontrine Mercury (0°21′)
North Nodeopposite Neptune (0°59′)
Neptune Rxtrine Venus (0°35′)
quincunx Mars (0°27′)
Uranus Rxconjunct Jupiter (0°51′)sextile Saturn (0°12′)
conjunct MC (0°15′)
Saturn Rx
Jupiter Rx
Venustrine Mars (0°43′)conjunct Moon (0°24′)
opposite N. Node (0°48′)
Mercurysquare MC (0°51′)
Sunsextile Uranus (0°15′)

Secondary Progressions

The Secondary Pregressed chart is a forecast technique that equates one day after birth to one year of life. It is supposed to reflect your personal evolution over time. The aspect orbs are limited to one degree.

Kamala Harris

  • Moon sextile Uranus (-0°34′)
  • Venus square Saturn (+0°52′)
  • Jupiter trine Pluto (-0°32′)

Donald Trump

  • Moon square Midheaven (+0°06′)
  • Mercury sextile Venus (+0°59′)
  • Mercury sextile Jupiter (–0°17′)
  • Saturn square Ascendant (+0°34′)


From the astrology chart of the 2024 US presidential election, Sun trine Saturn could favor Donald Trump because it represents conservative values. It could also favor Kamal Harris because it represents stability and continuity. Either way, Mars’s opposite Pluto brings the potential for contested election results and mob violence.

The fixed stars reinforce the likelihood of violent protests. I think this is more likely with a Harris victory. The only fixed star that directly supports either candidate is Raslahague. It favors Harris because Venus gives a liberal and humanitarian outlook.

2024 US Election Prediction

I am leaning toward a Kamala Harris victory because I believe the lunar eclipse and Uranus aspecting her Jupiter is more fortunate than their aspects to Trump’s Midheaven.

Kamal Harris also has Sun sextile Uranus transit on election day and progressed Moon sextile Uranus. Both indicate positive change.

The final thing that makes me predict Kamala Harris will win the 2024 US presidential election is Mars opposite Pluto and the fixed stars on election day. They indicate a contested result and mass violence. Given recent history, this seems more likely following a Donald Trump loss.

I am not sure about the result of this election. I changed my mind many times and delayed posting this article more than once. You could just as easily predict a Donald Trump victory based on the same charts, and I am sure to hear all about that in the comment below.