Fixed Star Bellatrix

Bellatrix at 20°57′ Gemini has an orb of 2°20′
Fixed Star Bellatrix

Orion Constellation [Stellarium]

The Sun joins Bellatrix on June 11

Fixed star Bellatrix, Gamma Orionis, is a 1.64 magnitude massive pale yellow star marking the left shoulder of the Hunter, Orion Constellation. Spectral type B2 III or B2V.

The modern name Bellatrix is Latin for Female Warrior. It was also called the Amazon Star which comes from the Arabic name Al Najīd, which means The Conqueror. An older Arabic name was المرزم which means The Lion.

20002050Fixed StarOrb
18♊3819♊20Haedus I1°40′
19♊2720♊09Haedus II1°50′

Bellatrix Astrology

According to Ptolemy Bellatrix is like Mars and Mercury; and, to Alvidas, Mercury and Mars in good aspect. It gives great civil or military honor but danger of sudden dishonor, renown, wealth, eminent friends and liability to accidents causing blindness and ruin. If prominent in a woman’s map it makes her loquacious and shrewish, and gives a high-pitched, hard and sharp voice. [1]

γ Orionis. A super giant star, bluish-white, spectral class B2. This is a slightly variable star marking the left shoulder of Orion. Of yore, it was considered to bestow upon its natives great civil and military honours, and women were loquacious and forceful. This star imparts to its natives a fondness for power, victory over their competitors, great authority, an ambitious nature, rashness, an energetic type person, one who can be headstrong, and of a changeable nature, negatively the native is subject to sudden losses and dishonours, even violence. [7]

Bellatrix traditionally is the natal star of all those destined to great civil or military honors. It also indicates lucky and loquacious women. Thomas Hood (c. 1590) claimed that “women born under this star shall have mighty tongues”. [2]

Bellatrix on the left shoulder of Orion is pointing to its character by its name, The Amazon, being equivalent to Mars action. In addition to this, there is the influence of a Mercurial kind. This will make for characteristics such as quick decision-making; thoughts and plans being realized with energy, courage and fighting spirit; strategic talents, ability to organize; discrimination; but also, often the reckless aggressiveness of a belligerent daredevil. If the positive properties can be drawn out, connections of Bellatrix, e.g., with Midheaven, will lead to advancement and success. But those who succeed always have to allow for being surrounded with envy and hatred. [3]

Bellatrix, γ Orionis, is the Mars-Mercury star on his forward, left, shoulder, from which his arm reaches out to carry his shield. The name means the Female Warrior, or the Amazon Star, calling to mind the association with Diana, Orion’s lady counterpart and sometimes said to have been his wife. One perhaps suspects Juno’s influence here, for the real Amazons were a female-ruled community around Greece who fought ferociously against the wild hordes invading from Asia and bringing male domination with them. Again it is a star revealing great courage, but a tendency to fight futile or lost causes if it is not well aspected. o the Arabs it was Al Najid, the Conqueror. [4]

Bellatrix star rules the right side of the chest, chest cavity, and lungs in the human body. [5]

Constellation Orion

According to Ptolemy the bright stars with the exception of Betelgeuze and Bellatrix are like Jupiter and Saturn. It is said to give a strong and dignified nature, self-confidence, inconstancy, arrogance, violence, impiety, prosperity in trade and particularly by voyages or abroad, but danger of treachery and poison. It was thought by the Romans to be very harmful to cattle and productive of storms. By the Kabalists it is associated with the Hebrew letter Aleph and the 1st Tarot Trump “The Juggler.” [1]

Orion is the most important constellation in the heavens outside the zodiac. In judicial astrology, this is the constellation of war. In the Middle Ages, this constellation was said to be a direful influence to agriculture, being the “the veri cuttrhrote of cattle” and presaging violent storms and much rain. In genethiacal charts, the indications are for arrogance, rebellion, strength, and courage. Tetrabiblos lists the stars in the shoulder of Orion to have a nature similar to that of Mars and Mercury, and the other bright stars in the constellation to be similar to the natures of Jupiter and Saturn. [2]

Bellatrix Star, Gamma Orionis

Bellatrix Star, Gamma Orionis []

Fixed Star Bellatrix Conjunctions

Ascendant conjunct Bellatrix: A splendid and illustrious life; glorious, mighty and commanding nature; fame, busy with many activities, bountiful resources, well known or feared in cities and regions. Prosperity from youth and in own city. [6]

John Wayne Bobbitt 0°13′, April Ashley 0°31′, Volodymyr Zelenskyy 1°08′, Drew Barrymore 1°33′, Ed Gein 2°10′.

Ascendant conjunct Bellatrix and born in the day: Bold, ferocious, repentant, false, thieving, godless, friendless, pretender, insolent, guilty of murder, counterfeiter, swindler and sometimes do not have a good death. [6]

John Wayne Bobbitt, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, Drew Barrymore,

Ascendant conjunct Bellatrix and born at night: Military leader, valiant, energetic, versatile, shrewd, capable of many and varied activities, sensible, high-pitched, deceitful, have a happy outcome, stubborn, impetuous and insatiable in their desires, corrupt both boys and girls, perjurers. [6]

Ed Gein.

Midheaven conjunct Bellatrix: Quarrels, hatred, fraud committed or suffered, forgery, swindling, coining and perjury. [1]

Advancement and success. But those who succeed always have to allow for being surrounded with envy and hatred. [3]

A splendid and illustrious life; glorious, mighty and commanding nature; fame, busy with many activities, bountiful resources, well known or feared in cities and regions. Prosperity from youth and in own city. [6]

Josemaría Escrivá 0°02′, Al-Biruni 0°19′, Tom Hanks 0°21′ (and Venus), Gavin Newsom 0°22′ (and POF), Albert Camus 0°33′, Roy Orbison 0°44′, Max Götze 2°02′, Francisco Franco 2°06′,

Descendant conjunct Bellatrix: A splendid and illustrious life; glorious, mighty and commanding nature; fame, busy with many activities; bountiful resources; well known or feared in cities and regions. Prosperity around middle age or through marriage or women. [6]

Bernardo Provenzano 0°13′, Bernadette Brady 0°24′, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva 0°33′, Cheiro 1°05′, Princess Diana of Wales 1°59′, Richard Ramirez 2°18′

Imum Coeli conjunct Bellatrix: A splendid and illustrious life; glorious, mighty and commanding nature; fame, busy with many activities, bountiful resources, well known or feared in cities and regions. Prosperity in old age or through savings, investments or pensions, death will be famous and known to all. [6]

Nicole Brown Simpson 0°05′, Tycho Brahe 0°36′, Michael Jackson 0°50′. 

Part of Fortune conjunct Bellatrix: Nancy Spungen 0°36′, Gavin Newsom 0°42′ (and MC), Elizabeth Montgomery 0°49′, Allison DuBois 1°11′, Charles de Gaulle 1°46′, William S. Burroughs 1°47′, Vladimir Putin 1°51′

Sun conjunct Bellatrix: Vacillating, changeable, indecisive in business, mechanical ability, riches and honor but final ruin, blindness by accident, disease, extreme sickness, fevers or violent death. [1]

The native may receive high preferment through their career activities, however these natives may also appear to be vacillating, indecisive and changeable, to suit conditions and events. There exists the  problem of the native either being deceitful and treacherous or subject to deceit and treachery.  Negatively, the natives are subject to violence or being of a violent nature. [7]

Jordan Peterson 0°32′, Anne Frank 0°50′, Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh 0°58′, Judy Garland 1°03′, George H. W. Bush 1°25′

Moon conjunct Bellatrix: Luxury, lust, vain ambition, waste, ruin, blindness by accidents, great power, honor and wealth, honor in martial matters, as soldier, surgeon, metal worker; may attain distinction through courage. [1]

A splendid and illustrious life; great, distinguished and opulent nature. [6]

The native may attain great wealth, honours through discoveries, invention, ideas. If involved in business or promotions the native could in some manner, become entangled in deceit or fraud, either by or to the native with this conjunction. Negatively, violence is possible in any case these natives may develop a certain ‘pushiness’ and boldness. [7]

Kirk Douglas 1°21′, Bruce McLaren 1°22′, Lionel Messi 1°43′

Mercury conjunct Bellatrix: Honor and preferment in military matters, favorable for friendship and social affairs. [1]

This conjunction is good for public preferment; the native should have many friends and acquaintances and a fine social life, unless Mercury is poorly aspected. [7]

David Berkowitz 0°43′ (and Mars), John Maynard Keynes 0°48′, Boris Johnson 1°07′, Tom Cruise 1°11′, Angelina Jolie 1°43′, Imelda Marcos 1°43′, Paul McCartney 1°46′, Cecilia Bartoli 2°20′.

Venus conjunct Bellatrix: Much suffering through love affairs owing to unrestrained feelings. [1]

Natives with this conjunction tend to make decisions based on feeling or emotions, not logic, and this can create problems, some of a lasting nature. Emotional control is necessary, else problems of a lasting nature will ensue. [7]

Courtney Love 0°01′, David Beckham 0°42′, Elon Musk 1°08′, Amelia Earhart 1°47′ (and Neptune), Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis 1°48′, Julius Evola 2°11′ (and Neptune), Tom Hanks 2°29′ (and MC). 

Mars conjunct Bellatrix: Strength, energy, success as soldier, surgeon or metal worker, liable to accidents. [1]

Native will be endowed with keen mental powers and if the native properly directs their energies they can enjoy high preferment, Success; if they do not, they can become flotsams on the sea of life. Violence is possible. The native can have health problems that are difficult to diagnose and cure. [7]

This brings out anger in the individual. It also brings out hostility as well as aggressiveness. They like to lead others into fights. There is much creative energy here, but it is usually brought out in a violent manner. They enjoy using knives and stabbing others. It is not generally used in a more acceptable way, such as a butcher or one who works with a knife. This is a negatively directed energy and these individuals almost hunger for a violent situation to manifest. They are disruptive and seldom stay in a conservative lifestyle. It is recommended that these persons join a battle group fighting for a cause somewhere in the world. [5]

Arnold Schwarzenegger 0°06′, Oliver North 0°51′, Elizabeth I 0°54′, F. Scott Fitzgerald 1°07′ (and neptune), David Berkowitz 1°26′ (and Mercury), Martin Luther King 1°56′

Jupiter conjunct Bellatrix: Philosophical and religious mind, hypocrisy, may be fanatic, legal prominence, and great honor but danger of slander. [1]

The native can be hypocritical, enjoy high public preferment, but is in danger of unforeseen losses, generally due to improperly made decisions, which can prove to be setbacks. Preferment in legal, religion, martial affairs. These natives should exercise caution in all their affairs to avoid making enemies, known or unknown, there is a tendency to be jealous. [7]

Marquis de Sade 0°04′, Léon Degrelle 0°23′, Iga Świątek 0°45′, Theodore Roosevelt 2°05′

Saturn conjunct Bellatrix: Secluded and studious life, reserved, thoughtful, unfavorable for gain owing to lack of interest, poverty at end of life, often single but if married the partner may die young, no children. [1]

Gwyneth Paltrow 0°00′ (2 children), Sirhan Sirhan 0°12′, Tori Spelling 0°14′ (5 children), Jerry Springer 0°26′ (1 child), Diana Ross 0°40′ (5 children), Geraldo Rivera 0°45′ (5 children), Cameron Diaz 0°57′ (1 child), Jimmy Page 1°05′ (4 children), Olivia Rodrigo 1°08′, Proclus 1º13′ (and S. Node), Alexander the Great 1°14′, Heidi Klum 1°43′ (4 children), Mick Jagger 1°48′ (8 children), Ben Affleck 1°59′ (3 children), Ivan The Terrible 1°59′ (at least 8 children), Klaus Barbie 2°06′ (2 children)

Uranus conjunct Bellatrix: Mental disturbance, much activity, occult or unpractical interests, repeatedly suffers through the same mistakes, disharmony with relatives and neighbors, successful in the occupation of making peculiar machinery but little financial gain; unfavorable for domestic matters, many minor accidents. [1]

Gianni Versace 0°00′, Marina Abramović 0°02′, Ted Bundy 0°16′, Steven Spielberg 0°43′, Uri Geller 0°45′, Bill Clinton 0°57′, Sylvester Stallone 1°00′ (and N.Node), Robert the Bruce 1°01′, George W. Bush 1°02′, James Woods 1°16′, Liz Greene 1°22′, David Bowie 1°31′, Salman Rushdie 2°01′, Alice Cooper 2°10′, Donald Trump 2°18′

Neptune conjunct Bellatrix: Keen intellect, extremist, little forethought or balance, many quarrels, ability for mercantile pursuits, associated with companies connected with patents or electrical instruments, bad for marriage or partnership, many unexpected events, fairly good for gain, many narrow escapes but eventual violent death. [1]

This causes a deterioration of the lungs. These persons may go on and on with their lives, suffering painful and sporadic breathing problems. The lungs will always be weak, especially the right lung. [5]

F. Scott Fitzgerald 0°48′ (and Mars), James VI and I 1°51′, Amelia Earhart 1°02′ (and Venus), Julius Evola 1°48′ (and Venus), Lucky Luciano 2°07′, Vito Genovese 2°12′.

Pluto conjunct Bellatrix: This causes a deterioration of the lungs. These persons may go on and on with their lives, suffering painful and sporadic breathing problems. The lungs will always be weak, especially the right lung. [5]

Salvador Dali 0°07′, Jeane Dixon 0°22′, Pablo Neruda 1°17′, Heinrich Himmler 1°56′, Margaret Mead 2°01′, Marlene Dietrich 2°13′. 

Neptune conjunct Pluto conjunct Bellatrix: If Neptune and Pluto are both on this degree and within 3° orb, the person does not have a chance to survive for very long. Their breathing cannot continue with the conjunction of these planets on this degree. It causes a total breakdown of the lungs. [5]

North Node conjunct Bellatrix: Amy Winehouse 0°08′, Mary Shelley 0°17′, George W. Bush 0°23′, Agatha Christie 0°31′, Sylvester Stallone 0°36′ (and Uranus), Donald Trump 0°37′, Virginia Giuffre 1°28′, Bill Clinton 1°55′, André the Giant 1°56′.

South Node conjunct Bellatrix: Sidney Gottlieb 0°08′, William Lilly 0°19′, Miley Cyrus 1°35′, Proclus 1º53′ (and Saturn), Bill Gates 2°12′.


  1. Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology, Vivian E. Robson, 1923, p.55, 145.
  2. Fixed Stars and Judicial Astrology, George Noonan, 1990, p.59.
  3. Fixed Stars and Their Interpretation, Elsbeth Ebertin, 1971, p.25.
  4. The Living Stars, Dr. Eric Morse, 1988, p.134.
  5. The Fixed Star Health and Behavior Imbalance, Ted George and Barbara Parker, 1985, p.29.
  6. Shiny stars, passionate, harmful, rescuers. Anonymous from the year 379, translation by Giuseppe Bezza from CCAG V/1 pp. 194-211.
  7. The Power of the Fixed Stars, Joseph E. Rigor, 1979, p.83-84.
  • All fixed star positions are for the year 2000. Add one degree per 72 years to correct for precession.