Elon Musk – Erratic Behavior, Insults and Outbursts

Elon Musk HoroscopeElon Musk is a business magnate, investor and engineer. His projects include SpaceX, Tesla, Neuralink and PayPal. Recent social media rants and emails have negatively affected the share price of his companies and lead to much criticism. This interpretation of the Elon Musk horoscope explains this erratic and aggressive behavior.

The controversy began in July 2018 during the Tham Luang cave rescue. Elon Musk attempted to help save the stranded boys by ordering his employees to build a small rescue pod. On 15 July, cave diver Vernon Unsworth described Musk’s attempt with a “kid-size submarine” as a PR stunt, saying the rescue pod “had absolutely no chance of working”, and he could “stick his submarine where it hurts”. [1] Later that day Musk referred to Unsworth as that “pedo guy” on Twitter but deleted it soon afterwards due to the backlash. On 16 July, Unsworth said he was considering taking legal action against Musk.

On 28 August 2018, Musk doubled down on his earlier comment by tweeting “You don’t think it’s strange he hasn’t sued me?” Finally, on 5 September, Buzzfeed News published an email written by Musk on August 30 saying “I suggest that you call people you know in Thailand, find out what’s actually going on and stop defending child rapists, you fucking asshole. As for this alleged threat of a lawsuit, which magically appeared when I raised the issue … I fucking hope he sues me.” Musk confirmed that he had sent the email. [2]

Elon Musk Astrology

Elon Musk was born on 28 June 1971 in Pretoria, South Africa. With no known time of birth, the Aries chart below is cast for noon. Even without such personal points as the Moon or Ascendant and their aspects, the Elon Musk horoscope does explain his erratic behavior. The greatest possible orb for the following aspects and fixed stars are in brackets.

Sun conjunct fixed star Tejat Posterior (1°38′) gives public appeal but also the potential to capitalize on his popularity and to use it for unscrupulous ends. [3]

Sun square Uranus (3°53′) means Elon has to do things his own way. He is complex person, extremely intelligent and independent. However, an impulsive need to express his distinctive ego through his personality and career can often cause conflict with others. He comes across as abrupt, rebellious or just weird.

Even when he does not consciously intend to do so, people think he is provoking or challenging them. This leads to a lot of pressure from others, ranging from nagging to accusations of mutiny or being a witch.

Elon Musk Horoscope

Elon Musk Horoscope

Elon Musk Horoscope

Mercury conjunct fixed star Canopus (1°06′) makes Elon Musk rash, headstrong and stubborn, yet also kind-hearted. He attracts criticism for speaking and writing on unpopular subjects. Trouble and loss through domestic matters, partners and law. [4]

Mercury conjunct fixed star Sirius (1°48′) brings great business success and help through influential people. But it makes him worry unnecessarily and may cause a physical defect through an accident. [4] Sirius marks immense creative talents in any field but perhaps more inner power than he can safely manage. Harshly aspected it can show a psychotic person, truly a menace to himself and the community. [3]

Mercury square Uranus (4°35′) gives Elon an unconventional way of thinking and communicating. Despite a brilliant mind, his provocative ideas, rash statements and eccentric behavior cause upset to others and lead to relationship difficulties. Trouble listening and being easily distracted can lead to him saying the wrong things in response to others.

An abrupt way of communication and a tendency to joke around can offend and insult people. Seeing the other side of things is a good thing in general, but is sometimes seen as arrogance or shit stirring by others. People often think he is just out for attention by shocking them or being deliberately argumentative. This is the widest aspect used in this Elon Musk horoscope but it could be less than only 4° if he was born early in the morning.

His tendency toward controversy is a sign of his great intellect and creativity. Unorthodox and inventive thinking is excellent for his career in computers and the internet, science, design, engineering and inventing. However, it makes it difficult for him to keep up long-term relationships. It also brings many shocks and surprises, and makes it difficult for him to stick to his plans.

Venus conjunct fixed star Bellatrix (1°32′) brings much suffering through love affairs owing to unrestrained feelings. [4] Bellatrix gives quick decision-making, courage and fighting spirit, strategic talents and the ability to organize. But it also gives the reckless aggressiveness of a belligerent daredevil. Envy and hatred go with advancement and success. [5]

Venus trine Mars (1°30′) gives a passion for life and social popularity. It gives more balance to the Elon Musk horoscope and thus to his personality. He can entertain people because of his playful and youthful nature. This aspect gives incredible creative talents which have manifested in many areas of his life, from his animated nature to his many personal and professional interests. Unfortunately, both Venus and Mars join fixed stars which cause aggression and recklessness. So the trine aspect makes it so easy for him to express hatred and hostility when he becomes agitated.

Mars conjunct fixed star Nashira (0°32′) affects his health. It causes damage to the bone structure of his right leg. The real problem is the hot, flashing pain he can experience when walking. This pain is sporadic and directly related to his anxieties. Impatience and anxiety are keywords here. He can become quite impatient and irrational because of the pain he experiences. Temper tantrums and irrational behavior often result, along with shouting and hostility towards others. [6]

Fixed star Toliman conjunct Jupiter (1°37′) and Neptune (1°42′). Alpha Centauri is the third brightest star in the night sky and the closest star to our solar system. It gives beneficence, friends, refinement and a position of honor. [4] Relationships with women often seem spoiled, or an existing happy relationship is stricken by exceptional circumstances. [5] It gives great enthusiasm for whatever cause he embraces and he is likely quite self-sacrificing about it.

Jupiter conjunct Toliman gives honor and preferment, ritualistic tendencies, success in foreign countries, and is favorable for gain. [4]

Neptune conjunct Toliman gives psychic ability or mediumship, occult interests, deceit and dishonesty. There are many journeys and voyages often to the east of his birthplace, and he rarely stays long in one place. Favorable for gain and domestic matters but heavy business losses at end of life. [4]

Jupiter conjunct Neptune (3°09′) makes him devoted, moralistic, ethical and spiritual. He is enthusiastic and optimistic about doing his best for humanity. He grasps abstract theories and incorporates them into his wide and comprehensive knowledge. This aspect gives an incredible imagination and readiness to believe just about anything. He may have transcendent, mystical experiences and believe he has a special destiny.

However, this aspect also makes him very controversial and connected to scandals, gossip and intrigue. It could make Elon addicted to extravagance and perhaps give a linking for mind altering substances. It also makes him somewhat irrational at times and prone to error. He is able to use abstract ideas to make other people do just about anything he wishes.

Jupiter sextile Pluto (0°33′) gives power and influence to bring positive change to the world. It gives Elon a wide knowledge and determination to make a significant contribution to society. There is likely a spiritual reason behind his need to reform outdated or broken systems, beliefs or organizations. His leadership qualities and self-assured aura make him popular and admired.

He can inspire or motivate people to work together for the common good, and should enjoy success and happiness in life and be remembered for making a difference. Investing in emerging markets and progressive companies brings handsome profits. The accumulation of wealth is reward for his positive contributions and funds his philanthropic interests.

Jupiter opposite Saturn (3°28′) creates an inner tension that makes Elon very charismatic. However, many ups and downs in life can leave him feeling secretly insecure. The cause of these good and bad effects is the internal conflict between his enthusiasm and his more cautious nature.

Sometimes he experiences growth spurts with good luck, frantic activity and success. At other times, severe tests and challenges with misfortune that leaves him idle and depressed. Alternating between go and stop, or fast and slow, can result in intermittent progress. Because of Jupiter conjunct Neptune, he is mostly enthusiastic and happy but can lack self-discipline. As a result he may become reckless, waste energy and resources, and fail to reach his goals.

Saturn opposite Neptune (0°18′) causes confusion in his personal relationships and how he relates to the outer world. He has problems determining where his rights stop and the rights of others begin. A tendency to project his fears, anxieties and nervousness on other people can make him look scared.

A suspicious attitude can actually attract the kinds of people and circumstances he is afraid of. Learning to trust is his big lesson. This aspect is the tightest in the Elon Musk horoscope and makes him more vulnerable than most to deception, scandal and negative psychic energy. He can protect himself by being as honest as possible and avoiding mind altering drugs, alcohol, gambling, cults, gurus and conspiracy theories.

Update 7 September, 2018

Wow, just one day after I wrote this: Tesla shares crash after Elon Musk smokes joint on live web show.

Update 26 April, 2024

We now have the birth time for Elon Musk from Astro Databank: 7:30 am. Mercury and Ascendant conjunct fixed star Sirius. Sun sextile Moon 2°21′.


  1. Elon Musk’s latest accusations are ‘vile and false,’ says caver’s lawyer – CNN
  2. Elon Musk – Media coverage and Musk’s behavior – Wikipedia
  3. The Living Stars, Dr. Eric Morse, 1988
  4. Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology, Vivian E. Robson, 1923
  5. Fixed Stars and Their Interpretation, Elsbeth Ebertin, 1928
  6. The Fixed Star Health and Behavior Imbalance, Ted George and Barbara Parker, 1985

79 thoughts on “Elon Musk – Erratic Behavior, Insults and Outbursts

  1. Can’t see the point of publishing a chart without a time of birth, Jamie. Surely you could rectified it first? I mean, this is Elon Musk after all.

      • Not really. A man of the stature and significance of ELON MUSK, surely his ASC is known. This chart and analysis is incomplete and needs rework. 😉

        • Not even astro-databank has Elon Musk’s time of birth.
          This analysis tells me plenty. Fixed stars give quite a bit of depth to an analysis.

          • At best it is 50%. But if people here think it’s ok, we don’t all need to eat together.

    • Many people don’t know their time of birth. Why don’t you write to Elon and ask him to check out his birth certificate and get his birth time for us? As an astrologer I read many ppls charts even if they don’t know their exact time and we still find much truth and observation. Rectification is not easy. You need to work with the client closely, as you know- ask them many questions- Elon would have to be willing to do this. Nelson Mandela also has no birth time and we use his chart effectively all the time.

  2. I agree it is better to talk about what we a sure about in his chart. If I rectified then we would not be certain and would be doing what he did to that poor cave diver: unsubstantiated claims.

    • Exactly. His outbursts, insults and erratic behaviour could be triggered from eclipses and or transits via progressions….But we’ll never know the four or five critical axis lines.. so what do we do? Distract us into accepting star interpretations and let the dust settle?

    • The head of Human Resources, gone. You know Jamie, there isn’t one HR head worth their salt that doesn’t know Astrology inside and out. To have top people without a chart rectification, especially Elon.. Jesus, how they managed to raise so much money… there had to been some other trick.

      Btw Robert Hand wouldnt even look at a birth chart without a time-of-day. He was burned often in his early years from clients fudging birth times.

      • Hi Gerald. Rectification is not such a good idea because it really is fudging a birth time. Everyone who tries will come up with a different time. Every aspect and fixed star I have mentioned for Elon Musk he actually has for sure. So this is an accurate interpretation. I can add information about his Moon, Ascendant and Midheaven if we ever find his actual time of birth.

        • Sorry for sounding harsh earlier Jamie. The thing with rectification is that the client tells you when he is born, without him knowing. It takes intuitive skill. If I hung out with Elon for a month I’d get a good bead on it. IMO, Elon’s problems mostly stem from a lack of spiritual advisors with the right muscle.

          • I don’t mind Gerald I love good discussions especially about methods, not so much about political beliefs on an astrology post though. Have you ever rectified a chart to later discover the actual birth time. That would be a good test but I don’t know how often that happens. Vedic astrologers have the best reputation for rectification and I think that is because the sidereal zodiac already take into account precession. Especially important when looking at outer planet transits for major life events. I also pay a lot of attention to the Vertex Point with chart rectification.

            • Political discussion is merely the dynamics of an Opposition aspect. And how this opposition shows up, traditionally 180°, isnt set in stone. For instance the chaos in the USA, can be seen by the opposing forces between the vision of July 4, 1776, and the I Want My Cake and Eat it Too, impracticality of the Articles of Confederation, Nov 15, 1777.

              Using progressions we are at the Midpoint between these two groups, and the rise of the energies of the Opposition aspect.

  3. Something I am noticing is that the previous solar eclipse that just hit in August opposed his Mars. That could be contributing to his more aggressive patterns as of late. Also, his Mars is tightly conjunct asteroid 149 Medusa (I believe this to be a betrayal asteroid) in his chart, and the eclipse was within a degree (maybe slightly more) to his 99942 Apophis (destruction). That eclipse would also have hit within 3 degrees or so of his South Node (based on the assumed noontime). Is there any word on whether he regularly used marijuana in his youth?

    Given the Thailand rescue/sub idea/pedophile accusation against his one detractor, certainly fits with the theme of seeking to totally destroy an enemy. As his asteroid 128 Nemesis (enemy/adversarial) squares his 2601 Bologna (deception asteroid in my view. Think “baloney”), I’m not surprised he’d concoct a BS story about someone who called out one of his ideas (at least, I would hope it’s BS as that opens a whole new can of worms if Musk’s claim was legit). Although, that’s almost a 2 degree orb between those two asteroids, so feel free to take this one with a huge grain of salt.

    Finally, I’ll leave off with noticing the numerous asteroids square his Pluto from Gemini. 11144 Radiocommunicata (communications, radio, etc. Internet would count in my view), 26955 Lie (obvious), Ceres (I am not aware of his home situation… anyone?), 564 Dudu (just as it sounds in English), and 10961 Buysballot (I’d love to know what backroom deals he’s been involved in). This certainly could paint a picture of a potential of great mayhem if someone dared cross him. Of course, asteroid astrology isn’t used by that many people, but I’ve found it paints some interesting fine lines on otherwise seemingly complete pictures (especially when I look at them in regards to past events in my own life).

    I’d love to look at this even closer if we can ever get a birthtime for the guy.

    • His chart can still be progressed to get an idea of what day, August 14, 1971. I believe that was when Nixon took the USA of the gold standard and allowed the US currency to float.

  4. hoaxer: wizard of oz ;like theranos c o
    i’ll bet most of these tech heads are similar.

  5. Elon’s time of birth is not known so we do not know his ascendant (rising) sign. Would there be big changes in his horoscope if we found out that he was born at 3:00 am instead of 12:00 pm? When I watch interviews or videos with him, I see a lot of Gemini characteristics (way of communication, body language).

  6. I suspect that Elon has Taurus rising and with Saturn in his first house. The time I set is 3;15 am, give or take a few minutes. This puts Mars in his tenth house conjunct his midheaven, indicating the energy he puts into his career and his aggressiveness in achieving his goals, but he works too hard (Mars square Jupiter) which could be detrimental to the point of a possible health risk. With Aquarius on his tenth house cusp, his career is in futuristic and innovative things such as space, technology and of course the Tesla. His Moon would be in his fourth house, indicating his deep love for his mother and family. His fourth house cusp is Leo and this shows in his Bel-Air mansion and other properties in the area. His second house of money has Venus (finances), the Sun (prosperity) and Mercury (money from fast motion–cars, aircraft, etc.) the Jupiter conjunct Neptune is in his seventh house, but being opposed by Saturn may well explain his marital problems. He seeks out sexy (Scorpio on the cusp) glamorous actresses (Neptune) who are basically trophy wives to stroke his ego (Jupiter), but with Saturn (restriction) he can’t cope with their celebrity. What he needs is a quiet homebody (Pluto the ruler of Scorpio, in Virgo in the fifth) who will be there to welcome him home at night with a kiss and a home-cooked meal. Despite his powerful public image, he still needs a woman who is all his and doesn’t belong to the world like the actresses he has been involved with. As he ages, he may slow down (Saturn in Taurus the first house) hopefully before he burns himself out (Mars conjunct Midheaven and square Jupiter).

  7. Even the chart is wrong, he’s a gemini sun and Leo Moon.

    • (3 a.m.) He’s a Taurus Rising (currently, Dec./21, conjunct Uranus 😳), 2nd H Sun in Cancer, 4th H Moon in Virgo, Venus in Gemini, a 3rd H Mercury conjunct Bacchus, Mars in 10th H Aquarius, 5th H Pluto in Virgo + Uranus in Libra with Lilith sandwiched between with 6º orbs, Jupiter in Scorpio + Neptune in Sag (both in the 7th), NN in 9th H Aquarius, an Aries Chiron in 11th, a Leo Juno in 3rd. Houses 6, 10, and 12 are empty? 😦 Current transiting NN conjunct his 1st H Saturn.

  8. Elon Musk hosting SNL May 8, already a cacophony of reaction …

    China on the other side of the planet from EST, nyc, therefore look at 3pm birth time, and check for reasonableness..


    Transits 28 April 2021

    Could it be true? Monsieur Money Bags has his Lunar Node line on the MC/IC gravity axis, up up and away with Mars? And could it be he has Jupiter/Neptune conjunct Ascendant, and Saturn/Varuna conjunct his Descendant?

    We have a chart with high mast cross, again, Uranus sq. Sun. And look at Taurus in 6th with transits!

    • Chinese astrology is based on the local birth time and does not have to be converted into Chinese time

  9. The 3pm anti rectification isn’t everyone’s cup of bubble tea, and given the excitable start to this thread it should surprise no one.

    On another note, Monsieur Money Bags is cloud sourcing for May 8 SNL.

    Could there be an idea for a meme or sketch here at Astrologyking? I’ve heard rumours a lot of Jamie stuff has Roam the world, like a Hula Hoop.

    EM progressed charts,



    • Chinese astrology is based on the local birth time and does not have to be converted into Chinese time

  10. Elon or Leon Musk?

    With a south node in Leo, the carefully crafted first name would want to reflect that? But what is the placement? 3am IC or 3pm Mid Heaven?

    (What an astrologer might think about during EM Money bags’ six hundred and sixty sixth Lunar Return Revolution cycle)

    The 3am or 3pm 666th moves the Moon enough from a conjunction with Vestas,11th house (3am) to a conjunction with Orcus, 6th house (3pm).

    3am –
    Is Elon confined by regulation in China?

    3pm –
    is Elon providing a ferry service?

    both? depends on what rectification adopted by country in question? And why diplomacy requires one keep an open mind (healthy heart).

    • Chinese astrology is based on the local birth time and does not have to be converted into Chinese time

  11. I think (using 3 a.m.) he’s a Taurus Rising (currently conjunct Uranus 😳), and has a 2nd H Sun in Cancer, 4th H Moon in Virgo, Venus in Gemini, a 3rd H Mercury conjunct Bacchus, Mars in 10th H Aquarius, 5th H Pluto in Virgo + Uranus in Libra with Lilith in between, Jupiter in Scorpio + Neptune in Sag (both in the 7th), NN in 9th H Aquarius, an Aries Chiron in 11th, a Leo Juno in 3rd. Houses 6, 10, and 12 are empty? 😦 Current transiting NN conjunct his 1st H Saturn.

  12. https://i.postimg.cc/cJWXMCPH/astro-2ata-elon-musk-rectified-to-starkman-51722-259008.png

    Mercury-Pluto aspects featured @ astrologyking since the Global Whirlwind shifted from Pandemic to Freedom to Open Enemy, except for China which appears 180° contra cycle.

    In Elons chart, rectified by Starkman, Mercury is Quintile Pluto, in a Golden Yod with Mars on the ASC.

    the three Mercury-Pluto aspects:
    Sextile(mundane geocentric and heliocentric)
    Opposition(messiah t.v.)
    and Quintile (richest guy in the room)

  13. Hot on the heals of the healing New Moon, Chiron in Aries, Elon Musk buys a stake in Twitter. The evolution of Soul, the study of Mercury-Pluto aspects, gives impetus to rehab painful censorship.


    activate Babylon, to Bee or Not to Bee, asteroid 15417
    Asteroid Thalia 23,
    Asteroid Potter 7320

    Babylon and the funny muse Thalia connects the restricting, investigating Saturn.

  14. I agree Jamie about rectification. The Vedics put the Moon on the AC when they have no BTime. makes sense to me.

  15. Algol is opposite Jupiter (some astrologers say it’s one of the few stars that have an effect by opposition and square).

    I’m a bit obsessed with Algol and my tiny little bit of research has shown me that an orb of 2 degrees is not enough for it (William Lilly said up to 5 degrees is ok).
    so I would read the Scorpio/Sag and Taurus/Gemini axis as (Jupiter con Neptune) opposed (Saturn con Algol).

    According to Elon’s Astro-Databank biography: “During his hosting of Saturday Night Live in May 2021, Musk stated that he has Asperger syndrome”. I seem to recall that you have associated Algol with autism, Jamie?

    The name “Elon” was hardly concocted. It is of Hebrew origin, though Elon and his family are not Jewish. It means “tree”. I know several people called “Alon”, which is a related name.

    IMHO that cave diver sounded quite jealous, though I thought Elon’s reaction was a bit extreme; he didn’t seem to know when to STFU… It’s true that the insult “pedo” is used in South Africa, though not so much any more now. It actually means “pedestrian”.

    And as for smoking a joint on tv… Elon commented on that and said it should been obvious to anyone watching that he was unaccustomed to smoking a joint.

    Does it sound as if I’m going out of my way to defend Elon? You would be right in saying that. As an aspie myself, I find it very tiring to be constantly put on the defensive by people who have an eagle eye out for anything out of the ordinary, so they can enjoy putting on their scandalised attitude and look down their noses.

    • I am researching Aspergers and ASD generally. It is a long-term project. Still looking into aspects at this stage but I will also get to the fixed stars. I did find that Algol has a link to genetic mutations and maybe evolution as a result.

      • I haven’t forgotten that you are researching Aspergers and ASD, Jamie. I can’t wait to see your results (I’d better not hold my breath, though, seeing that’s it’s a long-term project!).

        I’ve had another long-term project in mind for you, Jamie! How about including things like black holes and other power objects in your very impressive Fixed Star collection?

  16. Consider Elon Musk natal, Golden Yod, verses the Minor Grand Quintile in the New Way Forward Full Moon, 13 July, Ottawa Ont

    Elon Musk https://postimg.cc/svQWzvhs
    Full Moon https://postimg.cc/HVyrKRqL

    both charts have Mars Apex.
    Elon Musk, Mars conjunct Ascendant
    Full Moon Ottawa, Mars opposite Ascendant (Mars Descending)

    Mars rules drive, ie. automobiles.

    At the Full Moon, Mars debilitated by Sign and House…

    You’re a contractor astrologer with a line to the government $ colby and marble cheese stash, what do you recommend for this Full Moon cycle? Announce a new battery manufacturing facility perhaps?

    • Mars, as one of the Sex planets, astrologers say it rules Sex Drive, or Personal Drive. Sanitized of its personality, the auto industry sells a product to give it back.

      Unusual timing, or was it? Musk, Brin and Shanahan burst upon the page with a trip down memory lane. The lengths people go to to participate in the Artwork has given me days of wide eyed and unblinking disbelief.

      January 6th is another example. Mars in critical degree, a great place Aries it starts, power to the people, but dont look now now Mars in Taurus, the shenanigans not limited to where the cameras were running…. And yet we get lucky and memorilize the Riot in the Henge; the personal planets Mercury, Venus and Mars, changing Signs. And what are we told? Sorry, not sorry, one thread thats all you get.

  17. Mars at 10°Can25, midpoint ELON MUSK 06°Can Sun and 14°Can Mercury. Competitive juices EM throwing out a challenge to prove any rumour regarding personal anecdotes. Win Dogecoin, fairly innocent. Astrologyking probably has a few secrets, and weve done a little numerology on him too, that would make HENRY FORD chuckle. So what im saying, several years ago at Roadstar Launch pad, Elon send me into Space, which led to a few laugh’s and he learned my college nickname was Dog, and thats the story behind Dogecoin, circa 2018.

    • “openly challenging people to show evidence that could support whether he or his family has ever owned an emerald mine. ”

      Sounds like a cover for owning or not owning free labour? Apartheid South Africa remember. What would be an example of evidence? He chose McGill University over Waterloo, because of better chances with the fairer sex, but there is a story today that McGill Newspaper is changing its name because McGill was a slave owner. Does this oblique proof stand on any legs? A lawyer might use this line of enquiry. I’m under a Mercury opposite Neptune transit, and it’s a long one with the Mercury Rx. Prepare an astrology chart? Could try numerology. EMERALD and SLAVE reduces to 9, Neptune. Deception. We are being asked to look beyond the visible planets to solve this.

  18. With a Neptune 9 to question, the path opens..

    “The challenge is in asking the right questions. In the The Emerald Tablets of Thoth the Atlantean, Thoth clearly wanted to know about the mysteries of time and he questioned the Master (the divine part of himself, his higher self) by asking the questions in his heart… ”


    Elon Musk’s emerald mine meld.. a new timeline.

  19. Elon Musk – Ascendant in Taurus. He looks like a bull; he acts like a bull; he has a thick neck.

  20. “Poor cave diver”? The guy started the whole argument because he felt that Elon was stealing his thunder! (IMO)

  21. This is an excellent analysis, Linda.
    Someone also mentioned that he has a thick neck, thus possibly has Taurus rising.
    There is little hope of easily finding his time of birth. In South Africa, where he is born and where I now live, birth times are not recorded on the birth certificate. It’s possible that the hospital where he was born has a record of the actual time. His mother (or father) may also recall it.

  22. I can give you an example of a rectified chart that was later overturned by finding a birth certificate. It’s my own chart.
    My mother tried to control my budding interest in “that superstitious stuff like astrology” by lying to me about my time of birth. So I drew up my chart and puzzled over it for years, spent HOURS recitifying it and still coming up with mainly WTF?? reactions when I tried to fit it into what I knew of myself.
    THEN I found my birth certificate on which my actual time of birth had meticulously been noted down in Germany., drew up my REAL chart and absolutely everything quite simply fell into place for me.

  23. Elon’s time of birth has emerged! His biographer Walter Isaacson asked his mother Maye what it was, and she said 7:30 am EET. According to Astrodatabank, this gives him as Asc of 13Cnc30, tightly conjunct his Mercury at 14Cnc04. His MC is at 28Ari21, his Moon is at 8Vir15 (in the second house according to Placidus, which I know you don’t use, Jamie).
    Jon Russell mentioned Ceres. On the Saturday Night Live show, he interacted with his mother and their relationship looked warm and loving to me. I have also seen interpretations of Ceres as “Mother Nature”, as nurture, and in connection with environmental issues.
    It occurred to me that Elon’s erratic behaviour and outbursts are due to the typical periodical Aspergery “melt-downs”.

    • With xAI, sounds like he enjoyed the reading the Grok storyline over at Sun conj. Mercury

      As for his birthtime Cancer ascendant, 13Can30, Moon was recently at this position (13Can49) when Jury reached its verdict at cryptocoin fraud trial Thursday, 2 Nov

      So the question arises, Char, emergence of Elon’s chart ascendant triggered by Cryptocoin court follies, and the general scrape of astrologyking? a further inventory item attributed to Neptune Discovery yod activation?

  24. All I can say is hmmm, Paul…
    I do wish Jamie would rework this page, using the time of birth…

  25. Using Elon’s real time of birth puts Mercury at his Asc, together with Sirius (the brightest star, remember??). That really looks most suggestive to me…
    AND!! The Sun moves into the 12th house (self-undoing, anyone? – Hopefully not a life-long thing…).

  26. Hi mr. gerald paul-son and char 555 — talking about algol as a sign for genetic mutation is evident cuz of algol’s mars-uranus-pluto side: uran-pluto IS genetic mutation but even more as biological genetic code IS a spiritual code sunk down as a material form..(saturn)
    Secondly uranus IS an outsider and often isolated like asperger etc can be very crazy and harsh in behavior too…

  27. As uranians we are all a little jewish cuz the jews are an aquarius tribe cuz they were the first globalized people on earth sitting nearly in every ciuntry on earth with their jewish communities. And elon has this too no matter what heriditary he has…btw. the musks come from england and netherland and i guess they traded musk…it is also possible that they are jews..only jews are allowed to critizise jews btw…even rockefellas come from neuwied in germany and no one would guess they can in deed have jewish roots too…cuz there is a big old forgotten jewish cemetary…

  28. So wtf – i am f***cking “anti-semit” again plz forgive jehova….if you can…🥴😏☝️

  29. Yes charlotte sirius is a marsian star with juppi this is generally good for entrepreneurs…the 12th house is the big sea of the universe what he wants to explore. But psychologically you can see this as an unconscoious wish to go back to the sea in mothers womb..now in material world he needs a lot of tekknology to go back to the sirens of the female archetype…mars at his nodes in aquarius as i wrote before he wants to lift up humanity in the sky – uranus – the archetype of heaven…the question for me is: if you want to activate the archetypes of heaven and the big sea you can do this in different ways: either you do this in the concrete universe/world you need funcionality to do this. Rockets etc… The other way around would be you activate these uranus and neptune principles as a spiritual development INSIDE yrself. Besides all this if his birth time is accurate with sun in 12th house and strong uranian influence he has to learn that he has a so called “transpersonal” kind of ego so in the end he must give himself for the benefit of humanity and human progress and the money thing paul f. streppel mentioned is only the “mittel zum zweck” in german language for what i said. So if he doesen’t recognise he has a higher task and puts his EGO in the center he will fail . I am NOT jealous about all his money and i wish him also spiritual progress inside of his soul. BUT forcing humans to mutate into trans-humanistic frankensteins would be no good idea imho….cuz with uranus always danger is there for this.. that’s the shadow of so called age of aquarius…and pluto will show us that !

  30. Ascendant may describe the physical look of the man. Musk may be a Taurus Ascendant. He looks like a Taurus, he acts like a Taurus. His chart works with Taurus Rising.
    Elon is very canny. He may have given the Taurus chart time, just to confound, confuse?

    • 7:30 pm est, 25 April

      Scorpio Moon void, and what does it matter?
      Express your voice over the obtuse chatter.

      Will it be Nikolai or Elon that oscillates your choice?
      Pons -Brook story to solve the madhatter?

  31. Eventually I discovered that Elon has a great big Golden Yod sprawled across his chart. Yes, like Hitler.
    And the Apex of this yod? MARS. And Elon is obsessed with Mars. I do SO hope that this configuration means he’ll make it there within this incarnation…
    The two legs of the yod are that very telling: Mercury right on his Ascendant with Sirius, the other leg is at Pluto (with my personal name asteroid – just sayin’…).

  32. Well, having now read all of the comments, I discovered that Paul Streppel has been talking about Elon’s Golden Yod for absolute ages… sorry about that, Paul…

    • Where and WHAT is a golden yod plz ? I don’t see any yod between mercury, pluto and mars.
      WHAT i see – if birth time is correct – is a yod between jupiter, pluto and his midheaven as apex…

      • Ah ok it is a yod with quintil and two biquintiles…
        Power theme… AND if the other yod with jupiter-pluto-midheaven is correct too power theme again… hmmm…

  33. Very important if birth time is correct: Moon is the ruler of elons horoscope and itbis conjunct ALIOTH in the great bear.

  34. Then he has furtheron:
    -mars conjunct nashira in 8th house
    -uranus conjunct vindemiatrix and porrima in 3rd house
    -uranus in the midpoint between mercury/ascendant and his sun.
    -pluto conjunct alkaid and zavijava in 3rd house
    – midheaven conjunct alrischa
    – lunar node conjunct rukh (cygnus) and rotanev (definum) in 8th house
    And cuz the moon is in 2nd house maybe thats the reason sandy bateman wrote he seems like a taurus..

  35. Petition to revoke Elon Musk Canadian citizenship floating around the web. What are the signers worried about? The national interest? That’s open to debate. Canada has operational difficulties, but traditionally it is thought to be solved through the ballot process, but we know that’s precarious.

    Two charts, Musk Synastry, USA#11 and Canada.

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