Full Moon November 15, 2024 – Polarizing Change

Full Moon November 2024 Astrology

The Taurus full moon in November 2025 aligns with Uranus. So, the full moon in November 2024 astrology relates to sudden change, uncertainty, emotional instability and impulsive behavior.

While this is a challenging full moon, it will bring unexpected opportunities. Uranus provides higher awareness and flexibility to adapt to changing conditions and make the most of exciting opportunities.

Full Moon November 2024 Astrology

The full moon on Friday, November 15, 2024, is at 24°00′ Taurus. The conjunction with Uranus at 25°17′ Taurus has a negative influence. Moon sextile Neptune is positive but extremely weak because of the wide orb. The challenging nature of this full moon is reinforced by a fixed star at 24°13′ Taurus that acts like Saturn.

Full Moon in Taurus November 2024

Full Moon in Taurus November 2024

Full Moon Polarity

Sun opposite Moon brings your home, family, and intimate relationships into sharper focus for the following two weeks of this moon phase. Opposing forces, such as work versus home or what you need versus what you want, create inner tension and external pressures. This polarization can lead to conflict and crises that drain your energy.

However, heightened feelings and intuition make you more receptive and aware of relationship dynamics. Greater clarity and objectivity help you find emotional balance and security. Modifying your behavior and reactions can relieve tension and resolve relationship problems.

Uranus Change

Full Moon conjunct Uranus brings creativity, originality, higher awareness and a strong need for independence. However, this challenging alignment is associated with uncertainty, emotional volatility, erratic behavior, rebellion, revolution, explosions and sudden, radical or shocking change.

While Uranus heightens your intuition, it also makes it unreliable. A sense of impending change can make you feel restless, anxious or scared. You and those around you may become moody, impatient, unstable, irritable, impulsive, unpredictable and undependable.

Unexpected events may cause family disputes or changes in relationship status. While change may be upsetting, it could also prove temporary. Uranus provided open-mindedness, freedom and flexibility to adapt to changing conditions and take advantage of exciting opportunities.

The Constellations

The full moon in November 2024 is in Constellation Taurus the Bull. However, it most closely aligns with a star in the southern Constellation Eridanus the River.

Full Moon November 2024 Meaning

Full Moon November 2024

  • 22♉05 – M34 Persei, Capulus
  • 24♉00 – Moon
  • 24♉13 – Gamma Eridani, Zaurak
  • 25♉17 – Uranus
  • 26♉31 – Beta Persei, Algol

The Moon conjunct fixed star Zaurak brings perseverance and dogged determination. Assistance, advancement and honor are possible in martial and public matters. However, major disappointment and violence are also possible. Impatience or lack of effort could lead to serious legal issues.

Zaurak has the planetary nature of Saturn. It gives constant struggle and striving for success, as well as introspection, melancholy, and loneliness. [1] A tendency to take life too seriously and put too much weight on everything people say can cause depression, fear of death and suicidal tendencies. [2]

Constellation Eridanus the River gives a love of knowledge and science, much travel and change, and a position of authority, but danger of accidents, especially at sea and drowning. [3] This constellation portends rain and indicates events concerned with rivers and streams. [4]

Moon in Taurus Constellation, harshly aspected, can make you very stubborn, too conservative, sensual and fun-loving, overly possessive, smug, conceited, grasping, jealous and possessive. [1]

Full Moon November 2024 Meaning

Uranus is the primary influence on the November 17 full moon. It amplifies the usual polarizing effect of a full moon with unexpected change, uncertainty and emotional instability. Uranus can also make your intuition less reliable, and the star Zaurak can make it more pessimistic and fearful.

However, Uranus also gives the awareness and flexibility to adapt to changes and take advantage of unexpected opportunities. While Zaurak provides the determination and perseverance to strive for success.

It is always difficult to predict the type of change that Uranus brings. However, Donald Trump and JD Vance may have something to do with it. They both have Midheaven conjunct Zaurak.

Moon Phases

The influence of the November 15 full moon lasts two weeks until the December 1 new moon. Astrologically, a full moon is influenced by the preceding new moon. The November 1 new moon was strongly affected by Mars opposite Pluto on November 3, bringing intense desires and aggressive urges.

If the November 2024 full moon directly impacts your horoscope, you can read about it in your monthly horoscope. For more detail about how it affects your natal chart, see full moon transits.

Full Moon November 2024 Times and Dates

  • Los Angeles – November 15, 1:28 pm
  • New York – November 15, 4:28 pm
  • London – November 15, 9:28 pm
  • Delhi – November 16, 2:58 am
  • Sydney – November 16, 8:28 am
  1. The Power of the Fixed Stars, Joseph E. Rigor, 1979, p.69, 321.
  2. Fixed Stars and Their Interpretation, Elsbeth Ebertin, 1971, p.13.
  3. Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology, Vivian E. Robson, 1923, p.44.
  4. Fixed Stars and Judicial Astrology, George Noonan, 1990, p.61.

53 thoughts on “Full Moon November 15, 2024 – Polarizing Change

  1. Davison Relationship chart, Trump and Vance w/ Nov6 transits

    Ascendant 00Aqr44,


    As revealing as the Davison Relationship chart Harris/ Trump, so is Trump/Vance. Those days around the election I noticed two people with Mars opposite Pluto – Berthe Morisot and Buzz Aldrin

  2. You know how these articles are caused moon in Taurus e.g. but the moons not really in Taurus anymore due to the procession of the equinoxes, well does that mean that all of the other alignments are also no longer accurate too? Are astrologers repeating past patterns despite reality having shifted? I have a feeling that Uranus (Pluto in Aquarius more precisely) will be bringing a lot of needed changes to the astrology sector. More honesty, less parroting of old books from the past. Astrology is about integration not separation.

    • ‘Called’ – moon in Taurus – that was meant to say called. What has the deceptions in astrology caused though, that’s another good question.

    • Hi Karmen. See the Stellarium image, the full moon is in Contellation Taurus too. Precession means it is at the beginning of the constellation, while it is near the end of the Sign Taurus.

  3. Conjoins my natal Venus almost exactly…. A very difficult placement. Beset with tragedy and loneliness for many many years. But trine my midheaven. Art and beauty have been a healing saving grace… My poor heart, what will this moon bring?

  4. A series of difficult new and full moons and eclipses up to now with false messiahs and leaders winning. Dreadful. And does trump really change anything to the positive ? He talks about fake and is the biggest faker of all…Sheeps running after the hype and the emperors new clothes gets clearer. The artwork of the devil is fullfilled and the snake has a renewed skin…. Deep state is always winning in the end that’s the lesson…

    • Things are okay in my alternate universe. It is where I need to be. My intuition was inaccessible in the other. Too many distractions from reality. So glad you brought up lunar intuition Jamie. I can’t afford to be without it. It’s some kind of connection that goes with natural world and all that for me. ????

        • Maybe so Klaus. Just am experiencing being more on the outside and looking in as of late. The question is, why would I choose to look at it all. It’s not like it’s any fun or enjoyable. I am in the ongoing Uranus opp natal Saturn dance. Some reprieve with Ur rx at the moment. And it squares Pluto mh. And ic , which is hitting me where I live, literally.

      • Natal moon in Cancer is final dispositer. All placements end up at moon. That dispositer thing is making sense. Transiting moon Opp natal Saturn. How do people with this natal aspect do it. Dead stop in time. Am working on re-starting my engine.

    • We’ve had a POTUS with obvious Dementia for the past 4 years, and you’re worried about “fake” and “fakers”?!

      • Time to chill on all that, don’tcha think. What more you want. Check your news feed. You should be ecstatic with joy. Be happy with your choice. Give up the gnarl.

        • I do think that’s it. Be pro instead of anti. Thanks for helping me clarify for myself.

        • Klaus is who needs to chill.

          My choice is I don’t vote for the lesser of two evils.

          • Don’t worry be happy…as long as ww3 doesn’t reach my home….but as the anloamericans say: what goes around comes around ey…oh must be that f**ckin ol german angst…so nice you try to be my therapist larry anyway…🤣🤗🙋
            Ps: “no one believed her, only cassandra problems” – we are all victims of the dance (tuxedomoon 1979)

            • Yeah, one step closer. It was surprising to find that so many people hate America. It explains why autocracy is so popular across the world now. Explains it to me anyway. Guess it’s time for me to duck in the USA. The Russians are coming, the Russians are coming. Still trying to capture other lands. I guess that’s the difference. But seems to be what Americans want. Puzzling but real I guess.

            • My son was telling me the other day that empires usually last about 250 years. I said “that’s a Pluto return!”

            • To the year Jamie. What determines what happens to the remains of the empire? Does America really need to follow democracy with dictatorship, massive poverty by clean out by oligarchs, complete dysfunctional collapse, revolution in the streets, slain leaders, and complete socialism for survival? With the extreme socialists being just as nasty. Seems to be the pattern if I remember my history right. Pluto will oppose Uranus when?

            • In the meantime, the trick is to keep my zhivago alive.
              Awesome movie.

  5. My whole text group has been awake since 3 a.m. 🤣. Zing zing. Change feels dimensional. Spatial. Separate from. On our own space ship. I walk as an alien in places once known.

  6. Hi Jamie, your article is enlightening. If Natal Saturn is at 27.02 Virgo and natal Uranus at 21.51 Scorpio, could it be considered that the full moon makes a trine and opposition to these natal planets? If yes, which aspect will be stronger, the opposition or the tribe as both are heavy planets? What would be the maximum orbit?

    • Hi Meli. Oppositions are stronger than trines but I am not sure it matters too much for transits, like from a full moon. I usually use a one-degree 0rb for transits and moon phases regardless of the natal planet it aspects.

  7. Thankbyou once more Sir,. Am a Sun Virgo with Ascendant in Leo sextile Venus in Libra both @ 24°. What should i expect?

  8. My natal moon is at 25 degrees Taurus. I’m Scorpio rising 23 degrees. Should I just stay home?

  9. This full moon has brought insomnia and irritability and erratic rhythm to both me and my partner…The full moon – ( and Uranus! So that’s with me still at least for a year or so? ) – is square my Mercury and trine to Pluto.
    That square to Mercury has been highlighted this weekend, I am extremely scattered, some electric appliances have broken in the middle of the big cleaning, things have suddenly disappeared somehow almost mystically…lot of frustration and irritation and occasional nauseousness and/or stomach pain with this transit.
    On the other hand, there has been positives too, like studying intensively, sudden insights, and heightened intuition – though it could be “wrong”, is written here? But when I manage to calm down and ground myself, it seems more spot on, and there have been great syncronisities and more flow in spiritual matters, manifesting IRL too.
    But with this full moon it’s indeed mainly irritating and exhausting. I hope that the trine to Pluto will bring out the positives more, and that the soon-to-be-here Mercury retrograde ( already in shadow area, btw! ) doesn’t bring all the negatives of the transiting Uranus square natal Mercury full on for the whole time…
    Another week like this week, and I can see how the mental health could suffer too. 😬
    Will the New Moon in December help? Sure hope so…
    Also wondering, how will it work out when the POTUS was elected during the Pluto still in Capricorn, but when he takes the office, it will already be in the first degrees of Aquarius? 🤔 Any thoughts on this?
    Hoping for peace in so many places on Earth, and freedom of speech in Germany! May not say anything “negative” about certain country here, though it’s actions are nothing but negative, and people die like flies because of those actions…
    It is very frustrating too!
    Revolutionary ideals and even actions would not be surprising under the circumstances, many people have had quite enough of the abuse of power and violations against humanity….So indeed hoping that the change from Pluto in Capricorn to Aquarius will bring peace and equality to the world.
    Always a pleasure to read your articles, Jamie! 🙂 Thank you! 🙏🕊️🌍🌕🌌

    • Cleo i am sorry but thats only naive. We are on the way to total surveillence and illuminati ruling. Btw. aquarius is traditionally the second sign ruled by saturn and NOW they will do their gobal world domination st only even more intelligent and sophisticated than ever before…
      k all their organisations like nato/wotan, uno, who, wef, woldbank, eu, bilderberger, cfr, trilateral commission, etc. etc. We cannot live free inside of their digital dictatorship and their house of total lies !

    • Only naive “new age” bullshit thinking ideology nebula served given by world leaders and also esotzeric scenery much brainwashed by them… so sry !!!

  10. Excerpt Roman 8 NIV

    Present Suffering and Future Glory

    18 I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us. 19 For the creation waits in eager expectation for the children of God to be revealed. 20 For the creation was subjected to frustration, not by its own choice, but by the will of the one who subjected it, in hope 21 that[h] the creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the freedom and glory of the children of God.

  11. Hi Jamie! Very insightful article. I keep wondering where is Vance? He seems to have been replaced by Musk? Have you done his chart? I think with Mars retro in 11th and 12th of T there is a lot of shadiness happening behind the scenes. Thank you!

      • I could read article as far as erratic behavior. His time to shine has arrived. Too funny. You hit it.

        Too bad I am a cancer moon safety and security gal. Out of step I am. Trying to crawl into my cave. I really really am.

  12. Since Pluto in aq was mentioned herein by Cleo, it was brought to mind when scanning news feed. This is just an example of what is going on all over. CBS 60 minutes apparently did something on u.s. cabinet picks and magas went crazy crying fake news, without offering any actual facts to dispute it. It’s an emotional reaction. I know that aq is about causes and people can get hung up on that and fail to think or reject rational thinking . So I am looking at aq quincunxing cancer (emotions) and Virgo (analyzation).

    Mars will be retro in leo for what that is worth.

    • Imho it is not only bout emotions and being too critical when proov is given with deep state financing j.d. vance campeign by cia-linked PETER THIEL and also trumps former link with jeffrey epstein and his lolita porn company… so trump also loved loltitas in the back seat of his limos. Thats the way he came to melania as his then wife. This is proven by many footage. So on the one side supporting q-anon and on the other side his own behaviour ! I call him biggest faker of all and false messiah ! But as i wrote here before i don’trust in us-politicians at all and in germany same…

  13. And in this “new age” blabla “positive thinking ideology” context i have another nice thing for you: As i mentioned before JEFFREY EPSTEIN as a close friend to your americans new messiah donald trump i have to continue my dissident words here with stating EPSTEINS sun is there where NOW PLUTO is standing: At the very beginning of aquarius sign !!! So now what does this show to us ? What does this show about the dark sides of the aquarian FREEDOM ? IT IS ALSO THE FREEDOM OF DOING VERY EVIL THINGS and we should not only blame other usual suspect like pluto, saturn or neptune for than.. Aquarius can be a very very ice cold hearted frankenstein playing ruthlessly with lives and souls of other people just for the sake to have “FUN”….don’be so blind and ignore THE DARK SIDES OF URANUS !!!!!

    • I have two Aquarian’s that I am close with. But with the precession thing, what are they really constellation wise? 🤣. They are cool headed and I am always aware of their boundaries. But they are both intelligent, rational, and creative. I like them things. People who can’t handle their intelligence sometimes go kinduv crazy. And with the loner thing, no checks and balances. The mad scientist thing.

      • Oh I forgot a third Aquarian zodiacally speaking. Technolgy guy and a musician and a great dad to his kid and an excellent mate to his partner. No boundary watching at all with him. Very balanced guy. He is funny too, like the others. Always good to laugh. And I mean a healthy sense of humor.

    • Person who interviewed Epstein reported he said he was close to Trump for 10 years. Said Trump had no friends, liked to have sex with their wives. If Trump be Leo rising, his desc be aq. So maybe aq can have side that likes to debase others? I see that more with male aq friend than female aq friend. But two people don’t make a reliable poll at all.

    • Hahaha. My guess was he was gonna be a libra sun with Scorpio placements. He’s a lever puller. A manipulator. Just my jaded experience with way too many people. Thanks for the laugh zodiacally speaking of course. And it is not a law or anything. Some just get stuck I think and don’t develop past it I think. Heck, I guess it has worked for them, why change, eh?

  14. Hey Jamie ! Thank you so much for your On Point Analysis Always . I find Most Of your Astrological Articles Very Insightful . Please Keep Up The Good Work . Been Following But Your Interpretations and Meanings Always Make Alot Of Sense . Thank You So Much Regards . Ketra .. Stay Blessed !!

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