New Moon November 1, 2024 – Democracy or Autocracy

New Moon November 2024 Astrology

The Scorpio new moon in November 2024 is favorably linked to Saturn. So the spiritual meaning of the November 2024 new moon astrology is self-discipline, reliability, dedication, loyalty, and respect.

The responsible attitude promoted by Saturn is needed to tame intense desires and aggressive urges caused by Mars opposite Pluto. The US Presidential election comes down to a battle between democracy and autocracy.

New Moon November 2024 Astrology

The new moon on Friday, November 1, 2024, is at 09°35′ Scorpio. The red line in the chart below shows Mars opposite Pluto. This defining aspect of the November 2024 new moon is challenging, but there are many more harmonious blue aspects to ease the tension.

New Moon in Scorpio November 2024

New Moon in Scorpio November 2024

New Moon, New Start

Sun conjunct Moon (0°00′) represents cyclic renewal. It is the end of a 28-day moon phase and the beginning of a new one. Now, you can draw a line under the past, turn over a new leaf, and start fresh. You can also question old habits, behaviors, and beliefs as you search for creative and inventive new ways to grow and prosper.

The monthly alignment of the Sun and Moon reconciles your conscious ego and subconscious feelings to provide balance, focus and perspective. It gives a rejuvenating burst of energy, initiative, and enthusiasm. So, the November 2024 new moon is excellent for starting new projects, defining your priorities and setting ambitious goals.

Saturn Stability

New Moon trine Saturn (3°18′) brings stability, balance, structure, routine and reliability. It reduces tension and removes obstacles so you can focus on achieving and accumulating things and reinforcing the foundations of your life.

Increased determination, persistence, self-discipline and a sense of responsibility help set and reach long-term goals. They can be substantial and ambitious yet achievable and realistic.

Relationships benefit from mutual understanding, dedication, loyalty, and respect. The November 2024 new moon is excellent for formalizing a partnership, and a significant new long-term relationship may begin.

The orb of over three degrees makes this a moderate influence. However, it is still significant because it is applying, climaxing on November 4.

Mars-Pluto Extreemism

Mars opposite Pluto (0°40′) has a more potent effect that climaxes on November 3. It gives intense desires but difficulty in achieving them. This conflict between your desires and actions can create incredible inner tension and volatile relationships.

Your desire to achieve your goals can make you competitive, domineering, ruthless, extreme and aggressive. Considerable achievements are possible if you can channel such primal urges into physical or creative work.

However, your actions can make others feel threatened or intimidated. Using ruthless, subversive, immoral, or illegal tactics could bring resistance from powerful enemies. Maintaining high moral standards will increase the likelihood of success. But if you realize your efforts will not succeed now, you can transform your goals and relieve the tension.

Mercury-Mars Convincing

Mercury trine Mars (0°51′) promotes quick thinking, ingenuity, and decisiveness. This helps you channel the anger of Mars opposite Pluto into words, smart ideas and a plan to achieve your goals. Sharp senses, resourcefulness and a sense of adventure allow you to take calculated risks.

More honest, straightforward and convincing communication helps avoid confrontation and defensive reactions. This aspect also gives you the courage and confidence to defend yourself, your loved ones, or an issue you care about.

New Moon November 2024 Constellations

The new moon in November 2024 is in the Sign of Scorpio but the Constellation of Virgo. The Signs are nearly 30° out of alignment with the Constellations because of the precession of the equinoxes. Also, Virgo is the longest constellation, spanning 50° along the ecliptic.

New Moon November 2024 Meaning

New Moon November 2024

The new moon aligns most closely with stars in the constellation Coronae Borealis, the Northern Crown.

  • 08♏51 – 109 Virginis
  • 09♏27 – β Coronae Borealis, Nusakan
  • 09♏35 – New Moon November 2024
  • 09♏47 – θ Coronae Borealis
  • 10♏05 – Omega Centauri
  • 10♏28 – μ Virginis, Rijl al Awwa

Nusakan is a variable double star with spectral classes A5 and F2. This equates to Venus and Mercury, which give love, intelligence, refinement, neatness, idealism, hospitality, diplomacy, artistic and musical talents and psychic ability. The variability adds disagreements, inconsistency and unreliability.

Constellation Corona Borealis the Northern Crown, gives artistic ability, love of flowers, lassitude, disillusionment, and a position of command. [1]

Virgo Constellation promotes order, steadiness, harmony, respect, practicality, accuracy, analysis and ingenuity. It tends to make people more industrious, discriminating, conscientious, humane, meticulous, constructive, and tidy.

However, harsh aspects (Gemini, Sagittarius, Pisces) can cause worry, arrogance, prejudice, hypocrisy, gossip and self-pity. They can also make people selfish, snobby, boring, too cautious, timid, fussy, nagging and critical. [2]

New Moon November 2024 Meaning

Mars opposite Pluto is the primary influence on the new moon in November 2024. It creates intense desires but powerful resistance, making you extremely competitive, ruthless and aggressive. It also brings the risk of extremism, polarization, violence and authoritarianism.

Mercury trine Mars brings quick thinking and direct communication to help you achieve your desires. Or it can help you transform your goals if they are not achievable. On the other hand, Mercury trine Mars can create inflammatory words to encourage racist fears about immigration and acts of violence and subversion.

Thankfully, Saturn’s steadying influence on the November 2024 new moon should reduce tension by promoting self-discipline and responsibility. As I predicted, it may see a continuation of the Democratic presidency. But if Saturn manifests more as conservative values than stability, I get Trumped.

Moon Phases

The influence of the November 1 new moon lasts four weeks up to the December 1 new moon. The best time to start new projects is during the two-week waxing moon phase, from November 1 to 15.

If the new moon in November 2024 astrology directly affects your Sign, you can read about it in your free Monthly Horoscope. Finally, see Sun Transits for more details about how it affects your natal chart.

New Moon November 2024 Times and Dates

  • Los Angeles –November 1, 5:47 am
  • New York – November 1, 8:47 am
  • London – November 1, 12:47 pm
  • Delhi – November 1, 6:17 pm
  • Sydney – November 1, 11:47 pm
  1. Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology, Vivian E. Robson, 1923, p.40.
  2. The Power of the Fixed Stars, Joseph E. Rigor, 1979, p.123-124.

36 thoughts on “New Moon November 1, 2024 – Democracy or Autocracy

  1. A sense of hope developed as I was reading your assessment & the final sentence had me chuckling. I hope your prediction is right!

  2. Venus is in ophiuchus opp jupiter/bellatrix and it is disconected to the new moon. Mercury is opp uranus/algol. So the venus/mercury nature of nusakan doesn’t help much turning down the sharp mars-pluto. But there is a great trigon in water signs mercury-saturn-neptune. Help and care for the victims of mars-pluto comes into my mind. But if i see i.e. gaza war the opposite happens.

    • yes, the majority follow what the stars say. But the one person in power ignores all advice on the matter. It only takes one.

    • I don’t know what to think, but love your take. I am there with it. Despite any despot.

  3. Jamie how do you see the influence of omega centaury star cluster on this new moon ? Should one add black hole astrology ? Would it make the extremism of this mars-pluto even worser ?

      • Thx Jamie 🙂
        …” But the one person in power ignores all advice on the matter. It only takes one.”
        Naja i know a leader who did this too….

  4. Jamie, I love the pic you chose for the article and I like how you phrased your final prediction. My sense and hope is also that Saturn will compensate for the chaos. I see the right being more radical than conservative, perhaps extremists is a better word. I know Saturn doesn’t like that, and in Pisces it does seem to be the voice of reason whispering compassion so I hope people are listening. Thank you!

    • The unbridled cruelty that has been unleashed is overwelming. Rationality is boring to some I guess. Too many. I don’t get the grip it has. It can’t be broken it seems. I have a natal water trine Venus mars Saturn. So the emotionality that has to be contended with I get. Mars rx so have to stay out of funk.

  5. I live in Thailand, halfway from the United States, but I follow the election news. I once read your article when Trump was assassinated. You analyzed that it is related to the fixed star Algol, the Gorgon Medusa, which Medusa was defeated by the hero Perseus by being beheaded. I once read your article about the Perseus Constellation, where there will be stars aligned in a group that looks like the letter “K”. I think it is related to the word Kar Knem, which is another name for Perseus. I have an opinion in mind, so I would like to ask. Is it possible that… since Medusa lost to Perseus… which Perseus Constellation is the letter “K” and also has the word Kar Knem… since Trump is Algol, the other side must be the one to defeat Medusa and it just so happens that Kamala Harris’s name is also the letter “K” and there are other letters that are almost similar to Kar Knem, just slightly switched around. Do you think Kamala will be able to defeat Algol and Trump in this election? Hi. Hi. Hi.

    • Hi there. I think trump and his fans see that exactly opposite. For them HE is the hero who cuts down the heads of “radical leftists like harris.” So now what ? Also perseus is a man and medusa was a woman. Confusing isn’t it ? Trump is a classic patriarchal macho (mars/regulus/ascendant) He sees harris as some kind of “communist threat medusa” and his fans see him as perseus who will save the usa from evil immigrants and commies. He is against gender change/confusion and for a strong military (mars) so i don’t know how that fits into what you write.

    • You know that Charlie conspiracy meme, from that scene in It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia? That’s what comes to mind when I read this comment lol

      • No i don’t. The thing i described obove is not how I see things personally. I just tried to understand how the trumpists see that and their “hero” concerning the medusa/algol myth swakon mentioned above. And personally as a german i cannot even vote in “god’s own nation” despite us here in so called germany which i call the inofficial 51. State of america being asked by dumb media whom we would chose. Any way i have no good opinion bout us-politics in general. So what ??? LOL LOL LOL 🤡😈👹

  6. Taking Out The Garbage, is a well known expression Pluto in Capricorn heightened by an anarchic 29°Cap position. Both sides having fun with it , and astronomers as well, Venus,Ceres,Pluto 29°Cap stellium at Betelgeuese observation window.

    • Yep Paul “both sides have fun…” Me too Paul. I always enjoy showman trump’s horror clown theatre even if some call him a fascist…yes hitler did that too. But where is the new charlie chaplin ? Btw. Paul Betelgeuse you put in capricorn now ? Otherwise shure you are right with that anachist saturn-uranus critical zone in between the signs which pluto crosses now. P.s. greez from miss umbridge but sorry i was too lazy to chose another picture. Have a nice “halloween” 🙋👹😈🤡

    • Make me laugh. I have weighty Pluto signature in my natal chart. I am forever fantacizing about recycling garbage ie re-purposing it. Exact sextile between Neptune and Pluto. I like trash. How to turn it around. What can I make with it. But some garbage stinks and it has to go. No value at all.

    • All about garbage today on election day here in America. Like what will be trashed and dumped. What will Americans throw away? For me, it’s more about who are the people in this America where I reside. It can’t help but affect how I walk amongst the masses. And if a dictator is chosen, I am just really really glad I was born in the late 50s and have been able to have been able to venture freely for as long as I have. The increasing number of crooks appearing in my life since the millennium, have probably been a precursor to the worst. A rising trend. It’s just now that they can say it out loud and be cheered on.

      I have yet to find any astrological connection to this history which is why comet arrivals intrigue me. And maybe Saturn square Pluto personally pushing me to stand up. Must’ve erred somewhere in a past life.

    • Oh my gosh. I would never have guessed what trash I would have discarded today. I am liking Pluto. Painful as the process is, so good to make the dump. Till the next round of constipation. Cheers!!!

  7. The kite aspect pattern has its overall impact on Pluto on the point of Jupiter Saturn conjunction from 12/2020 (orb 1 degree). It means a strong and deep transformation of global village and global system of international relations. It is last passage of Pluto through this point… within this astrological year (spring 2024 – spring 2025) with focus on historical change in world leadership (Pluto on Altair, again after Future US president inauguration).

    • Hi Mr, Velek ! Will the next us-presidential inauguration be with sun conjunct pluto on altair ? Uh uh uh….

      • Yes, there will be conjunction Sun Pluto with orb 1 degree from 20 January 2025, 08 am, New York, to 22 January 2025 with conjunction Pluto Altair as well (with peak in early February 2025). So there will be unfortunately a room for manipulation on that day. Let Americans take care…

  8. Jamie, you got me thinking…

    I feel like a New Moon can be a seeding period of sign-related focus, activity, or growing awareness, that leads up to a highlight (reveal or conclusion) at the following Full Moon. So interesting that this 9 Scorpio NM (surfacing intensity, desire, passion) culminates with a 24 Taurus FM on Nov. 15 (suggesting a tangible result), that is emphasized with T Saturn Retrograde turning direct the next day, on Nov. 16 (potentially reflecting an important turning point). All the more intriguing since the FM and T Uranus will conjunct transiting Uranus at Harris’s natal Jupiter and Trump’s MC (sextile natal Saturn-Venus). Altogether, seems like pivotal timing.

    I got curious about the impact (or not) of the November lunations in Trump’s previous presidential races. In 2020, when he lost, the lunations didn’t occur until after the Nov. 3 election. For his win in the Nov. 8, 2016 election there was a NM at 8 Scorpio on Oct. 30 followed by a FM at 22 Taurus on Nov. 14, conjunct his MC (sextile natal Saturn-Venus). Hmm, I was surprised with this striking similarity to the lunations this year.

  9. Robert Pape on Amanpour and Company did interesting commentary on current political violence. Talked about social change going on as U.S. is moving from white democracy to multi racial democracy. Now why gender got all mixed up in the extremist control thing I don’t know. So democracy for all? Or not? Seems like an Aquarian issue.

  10. The fact that you predicted the assassination, makes you exceptional.
    Why would you let your bias/emotions/TDS tarnish your reputation? Are you Allan Lichtmann now?

    Maybe as Australian, you don’t see the irony, but …
    Who’s actually the authoritarian here? Dan Andrews? Jacinda Arden ? Did you mean Donald Trump?…

  11. My reputation is insignificant compared to the devastating effect this Trump victory will have on Ukranian, Palestinian, Lebanese and Iranian people.

    • Biden and Harris bear full blame in setting the Middle East and Ukraine ablaze.
      Just compare conditions in Gaza during President Trump’s first stint with Gaza today, and you’ll see who will make peace in the world.

      The American voter knows best when it comes to leadership. The problem with you foreign astrologers is you don’t understand the American zeitgeist. Your predictions only conform your own bias.

      • How rude (and ignorant) .
        Trump handed Jerusalem over to Israel (further emboldening them) , did nothing to curb the illegal settlers and had no plan on the two state solution .
        His son in law has already stated his intent (and visited Israel) concerning building on seafront land in Gaza for Israelis .

        Trump loves Putin (an open dictator) and would have done nothing .
        He is primarily a self serving businessman/ holiday resort realtor so goes where the money is (recently did a deal to built a trump tower in Saudi) .

        China is the interesting player in the current game (mediated a treaty between iran and Saudi in 2023, and the first country to mention the two state solution when it all kicked off last year) .
        Palestines real hope is Saudi standing up for them properly cos everyone loves that Saudi money (including Israel) .

        The two state solution IS coming … the problem will be just how much/ little land the Palestinians are offered … same with Ukraine .

        As for the “American zeitgeist” … your nation is not even a toddler in the history of civilisation and you voted a self serving, bullish, sexist, criminal tv personality who incited civil unrest in your country when he lost last time as your representative on the world stage .

        So yeah sorry if you don’t how the world views your leader … we understand why you like him (he gives good tv) and we thank you for McDonald’s and Coca Cola … but should your country be the moral and cultural leaders of our planet for this new century ?
        I think not .

    • Hi Jamie you know i will always respect you as a curious, hard working and innovative astrologer. I will NEVER insult you personally cuz of different political opinions. I wanna thank you again that you opened my eyes for the importance of the fixed star plane in astrology wich helps to understand some questions that are not wholly explained by other astrological techniques. BUT i have one thing to answer to what you wrote above bout ukraine, gaza etc Why does america always think it has to contol the whole world ? Why does israel think it gets peace with the methods of the so called “agent” ? What should get much worser in world politics than as it is right now under the so called democrats in washington ? And on the other side trump shurely is not the “messias” as his fans want to see him. What bothers me is: why the hell do the usa think they are the centre of the world ? In my eyes this is arrogant. Here in germany our politicians are crying now ” ohh what shall we do if the so called trans-atlantic axis get damaged by trump ?” Uhhh we are sooooo dependant on this, uhhh we will die all and the evil putin will invade germany again….Nothing but bullshit. The main reason for the permanent emotional fear-mongering is the globalists world government plans (“one world”) are crumbling down in the end. I have to tell you i believed the one world bullshit for many years cuz as a spiritual being i thought it would be a good idea to have peace on earth. Now especially the germans wanted to believe this myth cuz after 2 world wars we have enough of all that. Especially our green party but not nowadays. Especially our misses baerbock sponsered by the globalist davos wef which was an idea of mr. henry kissinger at first. The globalist world government is a primary jewish = freemasonry idea but you know our mr. klaus schwab who founded that elite club wef he comes from a family that once delivered weapons to hitler from their machine company in switzerland. Now – back on track Jamie: i blame america for the ukraine war AND the war in gaza. I blame the usa for planning to conquer russia with the help of installing zionist clown zelenskiy there. It was initially planned by zbigniew brzezinski under president jimmy carter in the 1970s. He even wrote a book about it. I blame the usa for making a second “surrogate” ukraine out of germany. And cuz of all the refugees (not only the ukrainians) our villages and cities have no more money for other things. Poor poor “inofficial 51. state of uncle sam” The plan is they knew that putin once will react and he did. So part of the us-plan is now putin bombs the ukrainians out of their country. Then NATO-(W)OTAN troops can get in and fight total war with russia cuz there will be no more people they must take care of. And what about trump ? Does he really want to give up his massive involvement in zionist projects and his close friendship with “bibi” ? Does he want to give up the american occupation of germany and give us back our full souvereignity ? Does he want to give up putting americas nose in the interiour things of other so called independant countries? Does america give up to control the whole world market ? Since 1945 uncle sam every year fighting wars and made regime changes in other countries for the sake of their own (economic) world domination ? Yeah Donald make your america great again but stay away from other countries. And put us-troops out of my country cuz i don’t want to pay even more money for that us-occupation than under the democrats. Then mr. trump you would be my hero ! PS Jamie after this comment i would ‘nt be astonished if us-zionist world domination intelligence agencies want my data from you….i think they read and write on yr site too….this is not only the capacity of russia and china btw….

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