Lunar Eclipse Full Moon September 17, 2024 – Suspicious Minds

Full Moon September 2024 Astrology

The full moon in Pisces on September 17, 2024, is a partial lunar eclipse. It is stronger than a regular full moon and signals the beginning of a new six-month cycle. With the Moon aligned with Neptune, the spiritual meaning of the September 2024 full moon astrology is sensitivity, intuition, spirituality and sacrifice.

The September 2024 lunar eclipse also coincides with Mercury opposite Saturn. It is associated with pessimism, narrow-mindedness, criticism and communication problems. Suspicious minds are possible, but a positive link to Uranus brings the potential for positive changes and spiritual awakening.

Full Moon September 2024 Horoscope

The full moon on Tuesday, September 17, 2024, is at 25°40′ Pisces. The Moon with Neptune makes this a challenging eclipse, but the harmonious blue Uranus aspects offset this somewhat.

However, Mercury opposite Saturn is the most significant planetary combination in the chart below, reinforcing the negativity of the Sun opposite Neptune.

Full Moon in Pisces September 2024

Full Moon in Pisces September 2024

September 2024 Full Moon Astrology

Like a regular full moon, only more potent, the Sun opposite Moon of a lunar eclipse sharpens the focus on home, family, and intimate relationships. Opposing forces, such as work versus home or what you need versus what you want, create inner tension and external pressures. This can lead to conflict and crises that drain your energy.

A full moon amplifies your feelings and instincts. This allows you to harness your emotional strength and intuition to overcome relationship challenges. Subconscious awareness allows for an honest and balanced look at your relationships. You will see any relationship dynamics or negative feelings causing disharmony.

Full Moon Aspects

Full Moon conjunct Neptune makes you emotionally sensitive, imaginative, intuitive and impressionable. But it can make you vulnerable to confusion, delusion, deception and scandal. Lies, self-pity, fantasies, fear of competition, suspicion and paranoia can lead to insecurity, loss, guilt, disappointment and discouragement.

Avoid others taking advantage of your kindness and compassion. Be very clear to yourself and others about your intentions. You may be more susceptible to victimization, infection, poisoning and addiction. However, this is an excellent full moon to develop your creative, spiritual, and charitable nature.

Full Moon sextile Uranus further enhances your imagination and intuition. It lowers your inhibitions and brings positive change, freedom and excitement. This full moon is ideal for trying something new in your domestic routine or personal life. 

A more curious, inventive and creative nature helps you find original ways of doing things. You might receive flashes of insight to solve lingering problems in an instant. Chance encounters and stimulating interactions could lead to instant attraction and new friendships. This is also an excellent full moon to break and replace old habits with something new.

Uranus sextile Neptune promotes a spiritual awakening. Concern about the future, the environment and humanity could help you connect to others at the mass-conscious level. You may become more interested in occult and metaphysical subjects and seek answers to philosophical questions that traditional religion or science cannot explain.

Answers and inspiration may come through dreams, flashes of insight, and interaction with groups of like-minded people. This aspect is ideal for creating and inventing, especially if you have felt blocked or your life has stagnated.

Negative Thinking

Mercury opposite Saturn brings serious thinking and conversation but narrow-mindedness, pessimism, mean words and criticism. A negative and rigid outlook can lead to communication problems, isolation and sadness. Bad news or challenging predicaments are possible, especially if you have been neglectful in some way earlier.

Take extra care when making important decisions, signing contracts or making investments. Although you may have a critical eye, you could also make mistakes. Try not to be too hard on yourself and others. Remember, you will probably see the worst in every situation. Being alone studying or on the computer would feel more comfortable than socializing, with in-depth research offering a way to keep your mind busy.

The Constellations

The full moon in September 2024 is at the end of the Pisces Sign but at the beginning of the Pisces Constellation. Over the last 2000 years, the Constellations have moved nearly 30° out of alignment with the Signs because of the precession of the equinoxes.

The Zodiac was invented only as a measuring device. The degrees on the ecliptic line in the image below equate to those in the horoscope. I use the Fixed Star and Constellation like the ancient astrologers, not the Signs and Houses of modern astrology.

Full Moon September 2024 Meaning

Full Moon September 2024

The lunar eclipse and Neptune align with tiny stars in the Pisces Constellation, but they align with significant stars in the Pegasus Constellation:

The Fishes

Pisces Constellation brings sensitivity, honesty, sympathy, and a love of beauty and refinement. It makes you optimistic, philosophical, sympathetic, modest, intuitive, just, kind, wise, considerate, generous, understanding, idealistic, and creative.

Harsh aspects cause morbid pessimism, worry, self-pity, and a feeling of being persecuted, misunderstood and unwanted. You may become aimless in thought and action, your worst enemy, indecisive, indifferent, stubborn, anxious, sad and emotional. [1]

The Moon in the Pisces Constellation brings originality, imagination, creativity, empathy and a desire for personal knowledge. It makes you sensitive, hospitable, adaptable, companionable, and fluent.

Harsh aspects cause neurotic tendencies, unusual fancies, a wild imagination, impractical ideas, and a lack of coherent expression. You may feel unnecessarily persecuted and become lazy, self-indulgent, gullible, restless, highly emotional, overly sentimental and withdrawn, with a tendency to brood unnecessarily over unimportant subjects, people, ideas and fancied wrongs. [1]

The Flying Horse

Constellation Pegasus, the Flying Horse, symbolizes ambition, vanity, intuition, enthusiasm, caprice, and impaired judgment. It portends events concerning ships and the ocean and changes in the weather.

In mundane astrology, Pegasus is associated with drowning, accidents, catastrophes, earthquakes, tsunamis, storms, floods, shipwrecks, mining accidents, airplane accidents, falling accidents, shooting down from high, horses, jockeys, transportation, communications, space travel, exploration, pioneering, science, invention and heroism.

Fixed star Markab gives good fortune, wealth, and high honors. Harsh aspects can cause unrealized ambition, misfortune, disgrace, ruin, imprisonment, fevers, cuts, blows, stabs, fire and violence.

With Moon: Spiritual and mental power, alertness, a good head for figures, the ability to further propaganda activity, striving for acceptance, and reasonably good health but many accidents. Harsh aspects may bring injuries from enemies, lack of recognition for achievements, unjust accusations, harassment, and legal or domestic problems.

Fixed star Scheat causes stubbornness, changeability, an unpredictable nature, controversy and fantasies. Scheat can positively affect mental creativity and only has a harmful effect in conjunction with a malefic (such as Neptune).

With Neptune: Prominence in inventive, occult or psychic matters, persecution, peculiar domestic conditions, many accidents, danger extreme misfortune, violence, murder, suicide, drowning or loss of life in catastrophes such as floods, shipwrecks, mining accidents, airplane accidents or maybe by suicide.

Full Moon September 2024 Meaning

The September 17 full moon is a lunar eclipse, making it more powerful and longer-lasting than a regular full moon. The conjunction with Neptune is a challenging influence that causes confusion and deception. However, positive Uranus aspects bring the possibility of positive change, new friends and spiritual enlightenment.

Unfortunately, Mercury opposite Saturn is more potent than the Uranus and Neptune aspects. It brings negative thoughts, harsh words, bad news and sadness. The combination of Neptunian paranoia and Mercury-Saturn pessimism leads to suspicious minds.

The full moon and Neptune are in the Pisces Sign and Constellation, both ruled by Neptune. This reinforces the themes of sensitivity, spirituality, confusion, deception, sacrifice, victimization and persecution. Mercury opposite Saturn emphasizes adverse outcomes.

Neptune also rules water, while Constellation Pegasus is associated with storms, floods and drowning. This lunar eclipse activates the two brightest stars in Pegasus, increasing the risk of major storms and floods, accidents at sea and other catastrophes like earthquakes, tsunamis, shipwrecks, and plane crashes.

Moon Phases

The previous new moon will have some influence over the first two weeks of this moon phase. Much like the September 17 full moon, the September 2 new moon brings fear, worry, confusion and deception.

As a lunar eclipse, the September 2024 full moon begins a new eclipse phase. Its influence combines with that of the October 2 solar eclipse and stays effective up to the lunar eclipse on March 14, 2025.

If the Full Moon September 2024 astrology directly impacts your horoscope, you can read about it in your monthly horoscope. For more detail about how it affects your natal chart, see full moon transits.

Full Moon September 2024 Times and Dates

  • Los Angeles – September 17, 7:34 pm
  • New York – September 17, 10:34 pm
  • London – September 18, 3:34 am
  • Delhi – September 18, 8:04 am
  • Sydney – September 18, 12:34 pm

Lunar Eclipse September 2024 Visibility

The September 24 lunar eclipse will be visible in western parts of Africa and Europe, southern and eastern North America and all of South America. It rises over North America and sets over the rest of Africa, Parts of Asia, Europe and the Middle East.

Lunar Eclipse September 2024 Visibility

Lunar Eclipse September 2024 Visibility


  1. The Power of the Fixed Stars, Joseph E. Rigor, 1979, p. 207, 324-325.