Fixed Star Mirach

Mirach at 00°24′ Taurus has an orb of 2°10′
Fixed Star Mirach

Andromeda Constellation [Stellarium]

The Sun joins Mirach on April 19

Fixed star Mirach, Beta Andromedae, is a single star situated on the left hip of the Princess, Andromeda Constellation

Variable magnitude with an average of 2.05 (2.01 to 2.10). Spectral type M0 III. [1]

The traditional name Mirach is a corruption of the Arabic name ميزر (mīzar), which means girdle and refers to Mirach’s position at the left hip of the Princess. Not to be confused with the fixed star Mizar (ζ Ursa Major). Mirach is listed in the Babylonian MUL.APIN as KA.MUSH.I.KU.E, meaning “the Deleter.” The star has also been called Cingulum and Ventrale. [2]


Mirach Astrology

Fixed star Mirach has the spectral type M0, indicating a purely Saturn planetary nature.

β, 2.3, yellow. Mirach. In astrology, it was a fortunate star, portending renown and good luck in matrimony. [2]

MIRACH. β Andromedae. A yellow star situated in the girdle of Andromeda. From Mirak, the Loins. Often called Zona Andromedae, or Andromeda’s Girdle. According to Ptolemy it is of the nature of Venus; and, to Alvidas, of Mars and the Moon. It gives personal beauty, a brilliant mind, a love of home, great devotion, beneficence, forgiveness, love, overcoming by kindness, renown, and good fortune in marriage. [3]

MIRACH. β Andromedae. A red giant star in the girdle of Andromedae. “The Girdle or Loins.” Spectral group MO. An adventurous person, one who can be insolent; domestic problems, love of home life, mentally keen, able to forgive, a devoted person, a kind person. Secret bad habits, stubborn, determined, turbulence. [4]

Mirach is of the nature of Saturn, and though it brings difficulties, it can also presage good fortune in marriage. [5]

Mirach, the Side of Andromeda, corresponds to the nature of Venus with a Neptunian influence in the positive sense: cheerfulness, happiness, love of company, and many interests, but also altruism, a tendency to inspiration and medium-ship as a base for artistic creation. These people have a stimulating effect on others, make friends easily and are helped in life by others. This is especially true in aspects with Venus, Jupiter and Sun, with a well-placed Neptune, and in connection to Midheaven or Ascendant. However, should the cosmic picture be unfortunate, these helpful configurations with the fixed star are less effective. [6]

Mirach, β Andromedae takes us past the lady’s most critical stars so that, reasonably, Ptolemy gives this a pure Venus rating. The origin of the Arabic name is obscure, so earlier Western commentators muddled it with Mizar, a girdle, roughly its position on the figure as now commonly drawn. The closely similar name ‘Merak’ (β Ursa Major) means the loins or genitals, and yet another very similar word means ‘womanly.’ Still, another means is ‘to let the milk flow.’ It all depends on where we see it on the anatomy of this lady, who has been redrawn since she gained a star from Pegasus (Alpheratz, α Andromeda). An etymological connection with the Virgin Mary or the Archangel Gabriel (in Arabic) is not impossible. All of these, which emphasize the feminine and the Divine qualities, are more in keeping with the Andromeda we know, better fitted to Ptolemy’s Venus simile. The careful, well-attuned gentle approach is what we should find from people with this star well-aspected; otherwise, there may be an over-timid attitude, perhaps markedly effeminate in a male. [7]

Mirach rules the midpoint between the forehead and the top of the head. [8]

Constellation Andromeda

According to Ptolemy the influence of this constellation is similar to that of Venus, though the legend would lead one to suppose some connection with Virgo. It is said to bestow purity of thought, virtue, honor and dignity upon its natives, but to cause battle with chimerical (wildly fanciful, highly improbable) fears and a tendency to become easily discouraged. It gives love between husband and wife and reconciles adulterers. If Mars afflicts the luminaries from Andromeda and especially if in an angle, it causes death by hanging, decapitation, crucifixion or impalement. By the Kabalists it is associated with the Hebrew letter Pé and the 17th Tarot Trump, The Stars. [3]

Tetrabiblos asserts that the bright stars of this constellation are of the nature of Venus, and so is its brightest star. It is a generally favorable constellation denoting that which is honorable and eminent. Poorly placed, however, it can portend earthquakes, and in the Middle Ages was said that Mars in this constellation, in aspect with the Sun, caused death by crucifixion or hanging. [5]

Beta Andromedae, Mirach

Beta Andromedae, Mirach []

Fixed Star Mirach Conjunctions

Ascendant conjunct Mirach: These people have a stimulating effect on others, make friends easily and are helped in life by others. [6]

Eva Perón 0°09′, Proclus 0º09′, Sam Altman 0°23′ (and Sun), Salman Rushdie 0°33′ (and POF), MacKenzie Scott 1°14′, Liza Minnelli 1°40′

Midheaven conjunct Mirach: These people have a stimulating effect on others, make friends easily and are helped in life by others. [6]

Pope Francis I 0°31′, Holly Parker 0°48′, Virginia Giuffre 0°55′, Elon Musk 1°40′, Otto von Bismarck 1°54′, Giorgia Meloni 2°07′(and S. Node). 

Descendant conjunct Mirach: Sidney Gottlieb 0°06′, David Berkowitz 1°09′, Robin Williams 1°11′, Dua Lipa 1°16′ (and S.Node), Hugo Grotius 1°18′, Adolf Hitler 2°09′ (and Sun).

Imun Coeli conjunct Mirach: Malcolm X 0°21′ (and Moon). 

Part of Fortune conjunct Mirach: Machine Gun Kelly 0°14′ (and Sun), Franklin D. Roosevelt 0°36′, Salman Rushdie 0°48′ (and AC), Beatrice, Princes of the UK 0°55′ (and Mercury), Alan Leo 0°58′

Sun conjunct Mirach: Trouble through opposite sex, disappointments in expectations but otherwise favorable. [3]

Native can expect preferment in business, writings, sports, political matters and affairs dealing with the public. The native is endowed with a keen mind, and subject to many disappointments not bothersome to natives with this conjunction. In some cases the natives moods will dictate their actions. Possibly a lack of self-confidence which might appear as eccentricity. [4]

These people have a stimulating effect on others, make friends easily and are helped in life by others. [6]

This position touches off the pineal gland, the pituitary gland, and the area of the body affected by the fixed star Vertex. These persons are continuously opened to the spiritual realm and would have a difficult time functioning on the earth plane. They hear voices constantly, and without understanding this reality, they can be considered insane. These persons are the schizoids who are attached to many entities. The artist Michelangelo, the creative genius, would have been a good example. They are not necessarily evil but are open to any entity. They can be creative, have personal beauty, and yet be unable to involve themselves in mundane situations. The individual would function “out of this world,” so to speak. This could be very beneficial if they would consult a spiritual healer so as to close off this energy when necessary to protect themselves. Being aware of it, controlling and understanding it would ease the problem with their personal relationships. They can be loved by those close to them, but other people have a difficult time bringing the person with this degree into their lifestyle. [8]

Françoise Rosay 0°07′, George Takei 023°′, Jayne Mansfield 0°24′ (and Venus), Ryan O’Neal 0°39′ (and Venus), Miranda Kerr 0°40′, Carmen Electra 0°41′, Leopold Stokowski 0°45′, Elizabeth II 0°50′, Mike Barson 0°50′, Christiaan Huygens 0°58′,  Kate Hudson 0°59′, Andie MacDowell 1°00′ (and S.Node), J. P. Morgan 1°02′ (and Mercury), Iggy Pop 1°04′, Melville Davisson Post 1°08′ (and Jupiter), Hayley Mills 1°22′, Hans Fritzsche 1°25′, Daniel Chester French 1°40′ (and Uranus, Pluto), Joan Miró 1°40′ (and N.Node), James Woods 1°46′, Charles Chaplin 1°50′, Conan O’Brien 1°52′, Machine Gun Kelly 1°54′ (and POF), Adolf Hitler 1°57′ (and DC), Napoleon III 2°01′ (and Mars), Sam Altman 2°04′ (and AC). 

Moon conjunct Mirach: Trouble with opposite sex owing to indiscretions, bad for domestic affairs, honor through martial matters. [3]

High preferment in matters dealing with the public, martial affairs, however, they could be subjected to some setbacks or unexpected disappointments. A tendency to be imprudent in some matters. Possibly domestic problems. [4]

Celine Dion 0°17′ (and Mars), Nayib Bukele 0°24′, Malcolm X 0°30′ (and IC), Charles III 0°44′, Joe Biden 1°22′, Imelda Marcos 1°43′

Mercury conjunct Mirach: Vacillating, unstable, peculiar events, many travels and changes. [3]

(+) The native is tolerant, mentally quick, will have moderate success. Native is a private person. Peculiar events in the life of the native is possible.

(–) The native is tolerant, subject to many changes can be indecisive, mentally reckless, even unreliable. There is the possibility of an unstable lifestyle, many ups and downs, subject to legal problems. The native is a private person. Peculiar events in the life of the native is possible. [4]

Beatrice, Princes of the UK 0°15′ (and POF), Joaquín “El Chapo” Guzmán 0°58′, Mark Zuckerberg 1°05′, J. P. Morgan 1°18′ (and Sun), Timothy McVeigh 1°53′, Anton LaVey 1°55′.

Venus conjunct Mirach: Voluptuous, bad morals, scandal, drink or drug-taking late in life. [3]

(+) The native will develop a devotion or attachment to some cause or an idea fancied by the native, or an unusually close attachment to another person. There is also an indication that the native will be somewhat impulsive.

(–) This conjunction subjects the native to a lifestyle that is out of the ordinary. It would be an eventful life. The native will prefer luxury and in some instances the native will fantasize. This could resolve itself in any number of ways. There is a strong possibility of the native having ‘secret’ bad habits. This could be drinking, drug taking, or other habits that would eventually affect the natives health. There is a tendency towards being impulsive, which could create actions of a problematical nature. [4]

These people have a stimulating effect on others, make friends easily and are helped in life by others. [6]

Niccolo Machiavelli 0°26′, Marilyn Monroe 0°37′, Jayne Mansfield 0°57′ (and Sun), Ryan O’Neal 1°01′ (and Sun), Queen Victoria 1°17′, Morgan Freeman 1°32′, Michelangelo 1°36′

Mars conjunct Mirach: Ill-mannered, boisterous, evil associations, may be a tramp. [3]

(+) The native with this conjunction is persevering, almost stubborn, very ambitious and quite determined. However, the native can suddenly change course, go in another direction. They are subject to being influenced by others into a course of action different than that which they had originally set out on, proceeding with what seemed at the time to be clear cut actions.

(–) The native should exercise great caution in the selection of friends and associates, some of whom could adversely affect the natives reputation. These natives will have a tendency to gravitate towards undesirable associates. They are also inclined to accept poor advice which could lead to serious problems. The native could develop into a boisterous, ill-mannered person. Conceit is possible. [4]

Leon Blum 0°32′, Clint Eastwood 0°58′, Celine Dion 2°03′ (and Moon), Emanuel Swedenborg 2°06′, Napoleon III 2°09′ (and Sun), Marquis de Sade 2°10′.

Jupiter conjunct Mirach: Help from women but the danger of scandal, much travel, legal or ecclesiastical difficulties. [3]

Unless Jupiter is well aspected there is danger that the native could become involved in a scandal. The native can receive assistance from friends, but subject themselves through their actions to serious legal or social problems. Name and fame – good or bad – is possible. [4]

These people have a stimulating effect on others, make friends easily and are helped in life by others. [6]

Melville Davisson Post 0°42′ (and Sun), Pablo Neruda 1°08′, Martin Luther King 1°45′, Nigel Farage 1°57′

Saturn conjunct Mirach: Strong passions, debauchery, mechanical genius, misdirected talents. [3]

Nancy Pelosi 1°11′, Helen Keller 1°21′, Tucker Carlson 2°06′.

Uranus conjunct Mirach: Unbalanced mind, may commit a crime in insanity, occult interests, continual disappointments, bad for domestic affairs, peculiar or violent death. [3]

Jimmy Swaggart 0°09′, Carl Sagan 0°44′, Charles Manson 0°51′, Manuel Noriega 1°26′, Daniel Chester French 1°50′ (and Sun, Pluto), Elvis Presley 2°00′, Roman Polanski 2°09′

Neptune conjunct Mirach: Persevering, ambitious, strong passions, eccentric, dishonest, domestic disharmony and separation, may disinherit children or family, trouble through companies and inventions, successful business, many enemies and few friends, painful and lingering death. [3]

If Neptune is well-aspected, these people have a stimulating effect on others, make friends easily and are helped in life by others. [6]

Winston Churchill 0°13′

Pluto conjunct Mirach: Daniel Chester French 0°04′ (and Sun, Uranus), William Lilly 0°12′

North Node conjunct Mirach: Joan Miró 0°12′ (and Sun), John Belushi 0°27′, Megan Fox 0°32′, Joe Rogan 1°36′, Gavin Newsom 1°57′. 

South Node conjunct Mirach: Prince 0°48′, Dua Lipa 0°56′ (and DC), Giorgia Meloni 0°58′ (and MC), William Butler Yeats 1°08′, Ivan The Terrible 1°33′, Andie MacDowell 1°42′ (and Sun), Peter Ustinov 1°52′.


  1. Beta Andromedae – Wikipedia.
  2. Star Names, Their Lore and Meaning, Richard Hinckley Allen, 1889, p.36.
  3. Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology, Vivian E. Robson, 1923, p.26, 178-179.
  4. The Power of the Fixed Stars, Joseph E. Rigor, 1979, p.57-59.
  5. Fixed Stars and Judicial Astrology, George Noonan,1990. p.31.
  6. Fixed Stars and Their Interpretation, Elsbeth Ebertin, 1971, p.4.
  7. The Living Stars, Dr. Eric Morse, 1988, p.129.
  8. The Fixed Star Health and Behavior Imbalance, Ted George and Barbara Parker, 1985, p.15.
  • All fixed star positions are for the year 2000. Add one degree per 72 years to correct for precession.