New Moon August 4, 2024 – Get in Early!

New Moon August 2024 Astrology

The new moon in Leo on August 4, 2024, is favorably linked to Mars and Jupiter, which gives it a positive meaning in astrology. So, the new moon in August 2024 brings confidence, optimism, strength, courage, enthusiasm and initiative.

However, the approaching Mars-Jupiter conjunction on August 14 is harshly affected by Saturn. So get in early and act on your instincts to achieve your passionate desires. Otherwise, doubt and hesitation will restrict your opportunities and block your ambitions.

New Moon August 2024 Horoscope

The new moon on Sunday, August 4, 2024, is at 12°34′ Leo. The horoscope below shows Mars and Jupiter favorably aspected to the new moon via sextile aspects. Mars and Jupiter have an even more significant influence on this moon phase because they align on August 14.

New Moon in Leo 2024

New Moon August 2024 in Leo

New Moon August 2024 Astrology

Sun conjunct Moon represents the end of one cycle and the beginning of another new 28-day cycle. It gives a refreshing burst of energy and initiative. But it also brings emotional balance, not irrationally emotional, and not too cold and calculating.

So, the new moon in August 2024 is excellent for making a fresh start, turning over a new leaf, or starting a new project. You can also question old habits, behaviors, and beliefs while searching for new and inventive ways to progress.

Mars and Jupiter

This new moon sextiles Mars (2°36′) and Jupiter (2°26′), and Mars’s conjunction with Jupiter on August 14 strengthens these aspects. This creates positive energy that manifests as confidence, optimism, strength, courage, enthusiasm and initiative.

Mars with Jupiter brings good fortune, self-assertion, decisiveness, sexual desire and attraction. It is ideal for action, leadership, competition and adventure and favors sports, business, sex, and war. It also gives courage of conviction, morality, generosity and humanitarianism.


Although Saturn is not directly aspected to the August 4 new moon, the August 14 Mars-Jupiter conjunction 16♊40 is.  Mars square Saturn and Jupiter square Saturn make this a challenging alignment. It restricts opportunities, blocks ambitions and impairs judgments. This brings restlessness, hesitation, frustration, austerity and hypocrisy and makes people harsh, bitter, mean, tricky and deceitful.

New Moon Constellations

The new moon in August 2024 is in the Sign of Leo, but as the star map below shows, it is in the Constellation of Cancer. The Signs and the Constellations do not match up. Over the last 2000 years, the Constellations have moved nearly 30° out of alignment with the Signs because of the precession of the equinoxes.

The Zodiac was invented only as a measuring device. The degrees on the ecliptic line in the image below equate to those in the New Moon horoscope. I use the Fixed Star and Constellation like the ancient astrologers, not the Signs and Houses of modern astrology.

New Moon August 2024 Meaning

New Moon August 2024

The August 4 new moon is above Acubens in the crab’s southern claw. However, it is not technically within the orb of this faint star. It more closely aligns with brighter stars in the constellations of the Lynx and the Lesser Bear (not shown above).

The Lynx

Constellation Lynx gives stealth, cunning, many changes and an adventurous career.

The Little Bear

Constellation Ursa Minor gives indifference, improvidence of spirit and many troubles. [1]

Fixed star Kochab gives endless courage, martial gains, rashness, violence, a rise to authority, and malicious mischief.

With Sun: Activity, a do-or-die attitude, success in public relations but danger of deceit.

The Crab

Constellation Cancer has always been ruled by the Moon. It governs the subconscious, emotions, habits, memories, home, mothers, nurturing, the need for security, tradition and the past. The attributes were later transferred to the Sign of Cancer and the Fourth House.

Positive aspects: Cheerful, kind, friendly, receptive, sensitive, compassionate, sympathetic, maternal, hospitable, imaginative, tolerant, self-reliant, persistent, industrious, idealistic and retiring.

Harsh aspects: Moody, passive, restless, unstable, fickle, inconstant, unforgiving, eccentric, impulsive, selfish, sensational, clingy, overly emotional, easily insulted, susceptible to flattery, and prone to self-pity. [2]

New Moon August 2024 Meaning

Mars conjunct Jupiter is the primary influence on the astrology of the August 2024 new moon. The harmonious sextile aspects make this new moon ideal for acting assertively on your instincts. But don’t leave it too long. As Mars and Jupiter approach their conjunction on August 14, so does their square to Saturn.

The August 4 new moon favors competitive or physical activities like sports, business and dating. Get in early to avoid confidence, enthusiasm and initiative, turning to doubt, procrastination and hesitation. Strong self-belief and faith can turn to zealotry, persecution and religious war.

Fixed star Kochab mirrors the effect of Mars and Jupiter sextile the New Moon with endless courage and martial gains. However, it can also cause rashness, violence and malicious mischief (the suspect in UK dance class stabbings has Sun and Saturn conjunct Kochab).

Moon Phases

The influence of the August 4 new moon lasts four weeks up to the September 2 new moon. The best time to start new projects is during the two-week waxing moon phase, from August 4 to the August 19 full moon.

If the new moon in August 2024 astrology directly affects your Sign, you can read about it in your free Monthly Horoscope. Finally, see Sun Transits for more details about how it affects your natal chart.

New Moon August 2024 Times and Dates

  • Los Angeles – August 4, 4:13 am
  • New York – August 4, 7:13 am
  • London – August 4, 12:13 pm
  • Delhi – August 4, 4:43 pm
  • Sydney – August 4, 9:13 pm
  1. Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology, Vivian E. Robson, 1923, p.50, 114.
  2. The Power of the Fixed Stars, Joseph E. Rigor, 1979, p.95, 113-114.