The New Moon in Pisces on February 20, 2023, aligns with Saturn. So the meaning of the New Moon February 2023 astrology is reaching your goals with hard work, patience and persistence.
The February 2023 New Moon is good for beginnings and endings. But particularly new beginnings because Venus sextile Pluto brings out the best nature of Saturn, and it also gives the passion and obsession to succeed.
New Moon February 2023 Astrology
The New Moon on Monday, February 20, 2023, is located at 01°22′ Pisces. A minor fixed star at 02°11′ Pisces will have some influence. But a more substantial impact on the new moon astrology comes from Saturn, just over three degrees away.
You will also see in the chart below that the Sun, Moon and Saturn are semisextile (30°) Venus and Pluto. The midpoint of Venus sextile Pluto sits between the New Moon and Saturn at 29°36′ Aquarius. So now Saturn, Venus and Pluto all positively influence the New Moon through an aspect pattern called the Eye.
New Moon Meaning
Sun conjunct Moon represents the end of one cycle and the beginning of another new 28-day cycle, giving a refreshing burst of energy and initiative. But it also brings emotional balance, not irrationally emotional, and not too cold and calculating.
So the New Moon in February 2023 is excellent for making a fresh start, turning over a new leaf, or starting a new project. You can also question old habits, behaviors, and beliefs as you search for new and inventive ways to progress.
The Eye
An Eye aspect pattern is formed by the February 2023 New Moon and Saturn at the midpoint of Venus sextile Pluto. The primary function of the Eye is gathering and assimilating information, and its flexibility, curiosity and alertness produce a state of concentrated attention.
Several sides of all issues are taken in mainly unconsciously. This gives a broad perspective but makes it difficult to know which information is essential. An inability to discriminate produces disappointments, misjudgments and naivety. Absorbing too much information leads to over-stimulation, which can become intolerable.
The apex of the Eye is where information is most easily absorbed and where it is most beneficial. The New Moon at the apex heightens perception and intuition, and Saturn at the apex makes it easy to discriminate. So now this New Moon February 2023 Eye gives deep insight, psychic abilities, an aptitude for teaching and counseling, and the ability to sense danger and protect others.
New Moon Saturn
A New Moon conjunct Saturn can cause hardship, insecurity, sadness and loss. But not for this New Moon because of the positive links to Venus and Pluto. While Saturn will still give a serious and reserved attitude, it will also provide stability, determination, wisdom and patience.
So the February 20 New Moon is excellent for working hard on your goals. It is perfect for building things from the ground up, with a focus on structure and organization. Significant achievements are possible. And with solid foundations, they will last a long time. Recognition, respect and promotion are possible.
Relationships will benefit from greater loyalty, dependability and trust. The New Moon February 2023 astrology is perfect for formalizing or cementing a relationship through engagement or marriage. Business partnerships and dealings with authorities, older people and government institutions are favored.
A focus on practicality and efficiency makes it easier to simplify your life. Uncluttering your life and removing deadwood will make your goals less complicated and easier to achieve. Even separations could be relatively amicable or at least not too messy.
New Moon Passion
Venus sextile Pluto deepens your love and intensifies your need for companionship. If single, you may become obsessed with someone and not be able to get them out of your mind. A new romance or friendship would be a whirlwind experience and significantly transform your life.
An existing relationship can evolve to a more profound or spiritual level. You would be more “into” sex than usual and may experiment with taboo areas of sexuality. Affairs and secret friendships are possible. The February 2023 New Moon is also good for uncovering secrets. You will leave no stone unturned to discover someone’s true feelings or intentions, perhaps even your true feelings.
You should also feel more passion for other things like fashion, tattoos, cooking and hobbies, especially creative work. Delving deeper into it means you get more out of it. You could also become fixated on gaining more power, wealth and influence. Huge profits are possible too, especially if your motivation is love, to improve the lives of others.
New Moon February 2023 Constellations
The February 2023 New Moon is in the Sign of Pisces. But as the image below shows, it is in the Constellations of Aquarius. The Signs and the Constellations do not match up. Over the last 2000 years, the Constellations have moved nearly 30° out of alignment with the Signs because of the precession of the equinoxes.
The Zodiac was invented only as a measuring device. The ecliptic line in the image below matches the degrees in the horoscope above. Like the original astrologers, I use the Constellations and fixed stars for interpretation, not the Signs.
The closest named star to the February 20 New Moon is in the northern constellation of Pegasus:- 28♒10 – Saturn
- 29♒36 – Venus-Pluto Midpoint
- 01♓22 – New Moon February 2023
- 02♓11 – Epsilon Pegasi, Enif
Fixed star Enif portends danger, especially in battle. [1] But also success in war, sports and business.
Constellation Pegasus gives ambition, vanity, intuition, enthusiasm, caprice, bad judgment [2] and spiritual power. [3] It portends events concerning ships and the ocean and also changes in the weather. [1]
New Moon February 2023 Meaning
The February 20 New Moon with Saturn is ideal for new beginnings and endings. But it is perfect for starting something from scratch, building something from the ground up. Long-term goals or plans can be implemented with determination and perseverance.
The Eye aspect pattern gives you all information you need and the intuition to know when and how to use it. Whether it is a new house, a love relationship or a small business, Venus sextile Pluto gives the passion and obsession to make it a success.
The influence of the February 20 New Moon lasts for four weeks up to the March 21 New Moon. The best time for starting new projects is during the two-week waxing moon phase, from February 20 to the March 7 Full Moon.
If the New Moon February 2023 astrology directly affects your Sign, you can read about it in your free Monthly horoscope. Finally, see Sun Transits for more details about how it affects your natal chart.
- Previous Moon Phase: Full Moon February 5, 2023
- Next Moon Phase: Full Moon March 7, 2023
- 2023 Moon Phases Calendar
New Moon February 2023 Times and Dates
- Los Angeles – February 19, 11:05 pm
- New York – February 20, 2:05 am
- London – February 20, 7:05 am
- Delhi – February 20, 12:35 pm
- Sydney – February 20, 6:05 pm
- Fixed Stars and Judicial Astrology, George Noonan, 1990, p.22.
- Fixed Stars and constellations in Astrology, Vivian E. Robson, 1923, p.56, 205, 206, 231.
- The Living Stars, Dr. Eric Morse, 1988, p.127.
The eye conjunct my Saturn return, that will be exact at March 3rd.
Me too, exact on 7th March. Any thoughts on that Jamie? I also have Jupiter conjoin my natal sun at the moment….
Hi Jim and Millie. This new moon and the Eye aspect pattern will be helpful for your Saturn Return. it is certainly good that there are no hard to aspect to Saturn at the moment. But much depend the aspects to Saturn in your chart.
Thank you , Jamie.
SUMMARY: X-ray Event exceeded X1
Begin Time: 2023 Feb 17 1938 UTC
Maximum Time: 2023 Feb 17 2016 UTC
End Time: 2023 Feb 17 2050 UTC
X-ray Class: X2.2
Location: N25E60
NOAA Scale: R3 – Strong
Unusual solar flare, long period exceeding X1. Does that sharpen the mind to pinpoint the Peak strength, Geocentic Rising at the Prime Meridian?
Ascendant 01Lib05 conjunct Messier 87
Pluto stressor to Saturn opposite Earth/Moon.
Age of Aquarius Progression, 17 Feb, release of Paul Rouleau report
Moon conjunct Messier 87, natal placement of Pluto, PMO Canada.
Should one pause on analysing this matrix? re: Virgo 12th, X Flare geocentric, until the invoices and cheques are cleared. An insatiable engorgement of Artwoke Liabilitists?
X2.2 Solar Flare
17 Feb, 20:10 UTC long duration peak
Asteroid Narcissus 05Sco55
this Solar flare is really full of itself, a big swap swinging Liabilitist. Ascendant conjunct Messier 87. Asteroid Narce conjunct Part of Fortune and South Node. In the Heliocentric view Pluto stresses the Saturn op Earth Moon. And in the Progressed Age of Aquarius, Moon conjunct Messier 87. Where’s your Pluto?
the Solar Flare that’s full of itself has a fan club. Note the unmistakable reference to the original art, the Banana
when it’s the Sun
so this new moon is exact conjucts my Ops in Pisces. What does this mean??
What is Ops?
Asteriod; wife of Saturn and mother of Jupier.
Ops 21Cap06
Sun 21Cap17
Jupiter and Saturn are generational planets. The case has been made that we are moving from one turn to a second turn. If my wise Wife and even wiser Mother concurs?
Not sure what that has to do with my natal Ops in Pisces at the exact degree of the new moon.
Ops at spring ingress
At the spring ingress Jupiter semi-square Saturn (45°).
Saturn at New Beginning New Moon, 01Pis33
My Sun is at 1 Virgo. So that would make it into a kite, right? How would that change the interpretation?
A planet opposite a New Moon would be considered weak, in your case the apex of a Yod. As your Sun is at the cusp of Exposure, a benign interpretation is found in the confusion with a Kite.
Hi Bob, Paul is correct. It makes a Boomerang Yod aspect pattern, not a Kite. The interpretation does not change much because the energy from the sextile planets focuses on your Sun, then bounces back to the New Moon and Saturn.
Thanks Jamie, I really appreciate all your hard work. You are my go to astrologer for no nonsense reports!
Hi Millie. You may my day too!
Oh boy, definitely an eye opener! 🤣 now what to do with this revelation. Time will tell. Was a great day to ask a question and get a surprising answer.