New Moon 4 May 2019 – Leap of Faith

New Moon May 2019 AstrologyThe New Moon on Saturday May 4, 2019 at 14° Taurus is in good aspect to Neptune. So this is an especially good new moon for spiritual, artistic and creative pursuits.

The May 2019 new moon also gives the courage and passion to act on your hopes and dreams for the future. It gives the inspiration to follow your intuition and take a leap of faith.

New Moon Meaning

A new moon represents the end of one cycle and the beginning of another new 28 day cycle. Sun conjunct Moon gives an invigorating burst of energy and initiative. So this is an excellent time for making a fresh start, turning over a new leaf, or starting a new project. You can also question old habits, behaviors and beliefs as you search for new and inventive ways to make progress.

New Moon May 2019 Astrology

The May 4 new moon at 14°10′ Taurus makes only one planetary aspect as shown in the chart below. The sextile to Neptune is a positive influence but only a mild one given the orb is nearly four degrees.

The challenging influence of Mars opposite Jupiter is very strong at under one degree orb. But a helpful fixed star on the new moon degree ensures an overall positive effect from new moon May 2019.

New Moon May 2019 Astrology

New Moon May 2019 Astrology

New Moon Aspects

Sun sextile Neptune heightens your sensitivity and ability to read people and situations. Greater empathy and receptivity improves relationships with a shared understanding that could be non-verbal. Sharing your more caring and sensitive side will also improve your self-esteem and bring personal satisfaction.

New moon May 2019 is also good for group activities and spiritual work. It improves any intuitive or psychic abilities. Vivid dreams, meditation or occult work will bring inspiring insights leading to greater self understanding and contentment.

Mars opposite Jupiter gives strength, courage and sex appeal. It increases your self-confidence and desire to win. Wanting more out of life you will be willing to take risks to have your passionate desires fulfilled.

But selfishness, greed or overconfidence would bring loss and embarrassment. So be considerate of others and remember self-control, humility and patience. In this way you can succeed in business, romance, politics and sports.

New Moon Extras

13 ♉ 38 – Asteroid 127 Johanna
14 ♉ 10 – New Moon May 2019
14 ♉ 29 – Fixed star Almach
14 ♉ 34 – Fixed star Menkar

Fixed star Almach gives eminence, artistic ability and honors, especially in military endeavors. A cheerful nature with a liking for change, diversion and amusement brings popularity and benefits from others.

Constellation Andromeda bestows purity of thought, virtue, honor and dignity, but can also cause a battle with chimerical fears and a tendency to become easily discouraged. It gives love between husband and wife and reconciles adulterers.

Asteroid 127 Johanna, discovered in 1872, was named after Joan of Arc (1412–1431), a mystic visionary, military leader, martyr, saint and heroine of France. Executed by fire as a heretic after sentencing by a tribunal of pro-English clergy, she was later cleared of the charges in 1456. Beatified in 1909 at Notre-Dame de Paris, and canonized in 1920.

Find asteroid Johanna in your chart:

  1. Create your chart HERE.
  2. Choose “Extended Chart Selection”.
  3. Under “Additional objects” type 127 in “Manual entry”.


New moon May 2019 sextile Neptune gives the high ethical standards and idealism to counter the potential selfishness and greed of Mars opposite Jupiter. While Mars opposite Jupiter gives the passion and courage to act on the intuition and dreams of Neptune.

I am not afraid… I was born to do this. ~ Joan of Arc

The effects of the May 4 new moon last four weeks up to the June 3 New Moon. The best time for making a fresh start and for beginning new projects is during the first two weeks of this new moon cycle. This waxing phase of the Moon lasts from May 4 to the May 18 Full Moon.If the new moon directly affects your Sign you can read about it in your free Monthly Horoscope. Finally, for more details about how it affects your natal chart see Sun Transits.

New Moon May 2019 Times and Dates
  • Los Angeles, May 4 at 3:45 pm
  • New York, May 4 at 6:45 pm
  • London, May 4 at 11:45 pm
  • Delhi, May 5 at 4:15 am
  • Sydney, May 5 at 8:45 am

19 thoughts on “New Moon 4 May 2019 – Leap of Faith

  1. Jamie, that is a very cool article, especially for me, being an aries andromeda marriage celebrant conducting a wedding ceremony on that day!

  2. Always here Jamie … That pluto is about to conjunct my sth node and descendant too… Looking forward to more posts on that one!

    • Hi Sudipta. I don’t generally use semi square or sesqui square aspects but I believe they do have some effect. I guess it would be like a milder version of the square. I have read somewhere that a semisquare causes irritation that generates actions.

  3. Hi Jamie! On your post you metion: “The sextile to Neptune is a positive influence but only a mild one given the orb is nearly four degrees” so should I uderstand that the 4 degrees between moon and my natal Chiron (18 degrees taurus) is also of a mild influece? Would the trine to natal Jupiter 17 and natal Juno 16 (both in Virgo) be stronger then than the sextile to Neptune and natal Chiron?

    • Hi Meli. Yes that aspect to Chiron is definitely a very mild one. I treat Chiron like the asteroid (Juno) and only give then a very small orb. When doing natal readings I only look at conjunctions to asteroids. I do look at other aspects to Chiron but only if they are under 2 degrees orb to Sun, Moon or Ascendant.

  4. Thanks for including the Johanna asteroid Jamie. A look at the natal astrology of Jeanne d’Arc, and the time 13 years later, when the Voices begin, is very helpful to understanding the times we live in today. Merci

  5. Hello Jamie, This New moon is exact conjunct my Venus in 10 house. What to expect? Venus rules 4 and 11 house.

    • Hi Mimi. You know I don’t think Houses or Rulers are important in astrology. For you, this depends greatly on the exact position of your Venus because there are 2 very different stars at 14° Taurus only 0°05′ apart. Almach at 14 ♉ 14 and Menkar at 14 ♉ 19 (year 2000). Almach is pleasant while Menkar is unfortunate. This new moon is a good one because it falls just before Almach.

  6. Thank you dear Jamie. My Venus is 13.45 degree.
    What to expect realy?

  7. Thank you for posting this picture of Jeanne: many different portraits of her exist. Bar the costume, this one looks unnervingly like my mirror image (not a huge surprise–I have French ancestry): down to hair color, style and small asymmetrical facial details. And I’ve found out, this new moon it will be conjunct my natal Johanna. Maybe, I’ll SEE.:)

  8. What influence does the Johanna asteroid have exactly? Mine is in Cancer 4H at 6 degrees.

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