Fixed Star Almach

Almach at 14°14′ Taurus has an orb of 2°10′
Fixed Star Almach

Andromeda Constellation [Stellarium]

The Sun joins Almach on May 3

Fixed star Almach, Gamma Andromedae (γ And), is a multiple star system with a combined magnitude of 2.10 in the foot of the Chained Woman, Andromeda Constellation. Looking through a telescope, Almach appears as a stunning double star, a bright gold star next to a dimmer blue one.

  • The brighter primary is γ1 Andromedae, magnitude 2.27.
  • The fainter companion is γ2 Andromedae, magnitude 4.84.

Looking through a bigger telescope, γ2 Andromedae itself looks like a double star. So γ1 Andromedae is called γ Andromedae A, and γ2 Andromedae is called γ Andromedae BC. Finally, spectroscopy revealed that γ Andromedae B is a binary star. So what appears as a single star to the naked eye is actually a quadruple star system. [1]

  • γ Andromedae A: single, magnitude 2.3, spectra K2+IIb.
  • γ Andromedae B: binary, magnitude 5.5, spectra B9.5V/B9.5V.
  • γ Andromedae C: single, magnitude 6.3, spectra A0V.

The traditional name Almach is derived from the Arabic العناق الأرض (al-‘anāq al-’arđ̧), which means the caracal (desert lynx). Another term for this star used by medieval astronomers writing in Arabic was آلرجل المسلسلة (Al Rijl al Musalsalah) which means the Woman’s Foot.


Almach Astrology

The planetary nature of fixed star Almach is given as Venus by Ptolemy and Robson, Mars by Noonan, and changing between Venus/Jupiter and Mars by Ebertin. The spectral types of K2, B9 and A0 indicate the nature of Mars, Jupiter and Venus.

Of the nature of Venus. It gives honor, eminence and artistic ability. [1]

Y Andromedae. A double star with a color contrast of orange and blue. The primary star is a giant, spectral class K3, and its companion belongs to spectral group A2. ‘The left foot of Andromedae.’ The native has good fortune, is successful, subject to honors, unexpected gains, patient, industrious, and good for romance and domestic affairs. Generally, Almach will be most effective with positive nativities, while  Menkar will be most effective with negative nativities or nativities with negative qualities. [6]

Almach has the nature of Mars and brings with it honors in military endeavors. [2]

This pale blue-green star in the Feet of Andromeda has a Venus character and a faint Jupiter-like influence. It is supposed to give a cheerful nature with a liking for change, diversion, and amusement. The popularity of these people will bring benefits from others. Almach is a double star. It has a yellowish-reddish companion, which is supposed to have a Martian character. Both stars are moving around a center point. This is supposed to bring about the change in preponderance of the Venus and Mars character alternatively. The ecliptic (longitudinal) positions of Menkar and Almach coincide closely. Therefore, a blending of the influence of both fixed stars is the case. [3]

The foot by which Andromeda is chained is called Almach, γ Andromedae. By some accounts, this is a burrowing animal, having nothing to do with the Constellation we know, but the present author has found fairly similar words meaning ‘deep in water’, as her foot must have been, then ‘a clasp’, holding her there, and another word meaning ‘exemplary punishment’, which also fits the story. Ptolemy makes a pure Venus of this star, a very touching tribute to Andromeda’s patience during her ordeal. When well-aspected, it does reveal great patience, the best of Taurean qualities, though it is so close to Menkar, α Ceti, that we must take account of what we have dais of that star also. We may add that the patience shown here may well spring from a firm faith and trust in Divine help, as the lady must have needed with the monster’s nose that close to her! [4]

Almach rules the left side of the neck. [5]

Constellation Andromeda

According to Ptolemy, the influence of this constellation is similar to that of Venus, though the legend would lead one to suppose some connection with Virgo. It is said to bestow purity of thought, virtue, honor and dignity upon its natives, but to cause battle with chimerical fears and a tendency to become easily discouraged.  If Mars afflicts the luminaries from Andromeda, and especially if in an angle, it causes death by hanging, decapitation, crucifixion or impalement. [1]

Tetrabiblos asserts that the bright stars of this constellation are of the nature of Venus, and so is its brightest star. It is a generally favorable constellation denoting that which is honorable and eminent. Badly placed, however, it can portend earthquakes, and in the Middle Ages was said that Mars in this constellation in aspect with the Sun caused death by crucifixion or hanging. [2]

Almach Star, Gamma Andromedae

Gamma Andromedae, Almach []

Fixed Star Almach Conjunctions

Ascendant conjunct Almach: Some classical astrologers asserted that Almach rising in a chart portended an executioner or a jail warden, and also individuals who were foremen on construction sites and mines. [2]

Martin Luther King 0°34′, Boy George 0°46′, Immanuel Kant 0°53′.

Midheaven conjunct Almach: John Maynard Keynes 0°17′ (and S.Node), Henri Matisse 0°18′, Marilyn Manson 1°02′, Muhammad Ali 1°11′, Corey Feldman 1°20′ (and Moon). 

Descendant conjunct Almach: Harvey Weinstein 0°14′, Marquis de Sade 0°15′, Yuri Gagarin 0°20′, Mata Hari 0°24′, Lilly Wachowski 1°18′, Alice Cooper 1°19′, Lana Del Rey 1°26′ (and Venus), Jim Carrey 1°30′.

Imun Coeli conjunct Almach: Niccolo Machiavelli 1°56′ (and Saturn). Niccolo Machiavelli °′, 

Part of Fortune conjunct Almach: Megan Rapinoe 0°06′, Otto von Bismarck 0°11′, Olivia Rodrigo 0°19′, Kim Kardashian 0°33′

Sun conjunct Almach: High preferment and honours in writings, and matters connected with the public, legal, sports and government affairs. The native can enjoy favors from the public; fame and prestige. [6]

Audrey Hepburn 0°06′, Adele 0°57′, Chris Brown 1°04′, Catherine the Great 1°05′, Dwayne Johnson 1°08′

Moon conjunct Almach: The native will be of a persevering nature, can gain and lose friends. Possible fame, good or bad with this conjunction. The native can enjoy high honours in writing, military and affairs connected with the public, some controversial questions could arise from the natives writings – activities. Some of the natives with this conjunction can become insensitive with their concern for others. [6]

Edgar Cayce 0°07′, Elizabeth I 0°10′, Karl Marx 0°25′, Emmanuel Macron 0°33′, Edwin Castro 2°01′, Corey Feldman 2°13′ (and MC).  

Mercury conjunct Almach: The native has a keen mentality, can gain high honours, enjoy wide popularity  in their careers, or professions. Success and good fortune may be the ‘lot’ for these natives. There could be financial problems, but natives with this conjunction have the ‘inner power’ to overcome obstacles. Good for domestic matters. [6]

William Lilly 0°03′ (and Uranus), Emma Watson 0°32′, Rudy Giuliani 0°36′, André the Giant 0°57′, Sid Vicious 1°13′

Venus conjunct Almach: The native may develop strong opinions on certain subjects that are of personal importance, they also have the inborn ability to acquire many talents and profit thereby. There is a good possibility of national prominence for the native with this conjunction. Native may develop and become a ‘private person’; have many acquaintances, but few close friends. [6]

This brings out the creativity, but the person cannot bring out this creativity from a communication standpoint. The planet Saturn here in conjunction or opposition would restrict the beauty of the individual by creating a homely and dull appearance about the face and neck. Venus in good aspect to Saturn at this point would enable these persons to communicate with the public quite easily through the voice as they could be great singers. Since free will is involved, they may not use it in this way. There would be a problem with discipline here with respect to their art form that would bring them some degree of sadness since they would not be able to fully develop their creativity to a point where it would be accepted by others. This position does not affect the body, but they do long for recognition of their art form, thus causing such sadness within. Overindulgence is the key here as they take the beauty of their art form and turn it into something unacceptable by others because of their excessive drinking, eating habits, or other indulgences. [5]

Lana Del Rey 0°54′ (and DC), William Butler Yeats 1°00′ (and Pluto), Mark Zuckerberg 1°56′.

Mars conjunct Almach: High honours in government of public affairs can be expected if the native chooses a career in these fields. There could develop in these natives a tendency towards abruptness, also severity. Considerable traveling may be involved. [6]

Marcel Marceau 0°15′, Bruce Willis 1°12′, Mick Jagger 1°13′, Isaac Newton 1°44′. 

Jupiter conjunct Almach: Natives with this conjunction can become successful through hard work; friends will tend to gravitate to the native. Honors are possible. [6]

Ulysses S. Grant 0°11′, John Lennon 0°17′ (and Saturn), Ernesto Miranda 0°31′, Adele 0°49′, Henri Matisse 1°23′

Saturn conjunct Almach: John Lennon 0°11′ (and Jupiter), Niccolo Machiavelli 1°54′ (and IC), Jeremy Renner 1°57′. 

Uranus conjunct Almach: Bill Cosby 0°14′, Bruce McLaren 0°16′, Jon Voight 0°41′ (and S. Node), William Lilly 0°46′ (and Mercury), Morgan Freeman 1°59′. 

Neptune conjunct Almach: James Joyce 0°12′, Helen Keller 1°06′, Franklin D. Roosevelt 1°12′

Pluto conjunct Almach: Nicholas Culpeper 0°11′, William Butler Yeats 1°16′ (and Venus).

North Node conjunct Almach: Clarence Thomas 0°37′. 

South Node conjunct Almach: Walt Disney 0°56′, John Maynard Keynes 1°34′ (and MC), Jon Voight 1°37′ (and Uranus), Josemaria De Balaguer 1°41′


  1. Gamma Andromedae – Wikipedia.
  2. The Power of the Fixed Stars, Joseph E. Rigor, 1979, p.66-67.
  3. Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology, Vivian E. Robson, 1923, p.26, 128.
  4. Fixed Stars and Judicial Astrology, George Noonan,1990. p.30.
  5. Fixed Stars and Their Interpretation, Elsbeth Ebertin, 1971, p.11.
  6. The Living Stars, Dr. Eric Morse, 1988, p.130
  7. The Fixed Star Health and Behavior Imbalance, Ted George and Barbara Parker, 1985, p.19.
  • All fixed star positions are for the year 2000. Add one degree per 72 years to correct for precession.