LIBRA: February | March | April | Weekly | Yearly
Libra March 2025 Horoscope with decans for a more accurate forecast. If you are on the cusp, use the free horoscope to find your decan.
  Libra Decan 1, Sept 23 to Oct 2
  Libra Decan 2, October 3 to 12
  Libra Decan 3, October 13 to 22
Libra Decan 1 – March 2025 Horoscope
February 17 to March 1 – Sun quincunx your decan can bring changeable goals and inconstant moods. Sometimes, you may feel this as an inability to relax and find true relationship harmony. But you can be successful in your personal and professional life by living in this highly energized state of give and take.
February 27 to March 29 – New Moon February 2025 quincunx your decan could make you feel insecure, anxious and indecisive. But it also gives the urge to achieve an imagined future goal. The key to success is learning to restrict yourself to a single plan. It will be easier to make decisions, and inner balance will replace uncertainty.
March 2 to 27 – Venus opposite your decan can repress love and affection, making you appear cold, stubborn and uncaring. Different expectations can create relationship tension. Patience and understanding are needed to maintain harmony. You can draw on inner strength and endurance to overcome hardship and resolve differences.
Venus retrograde this entire time suggests fate plays a more decisive role in love relationships. Destiny encounters are possible, and you may come into contact with your soul mate. But for some, giving and receiving love and affection becomes more difficult. Use this period of introspection to improve how you feel about yourself and to love yourself more.
March 2 to 31 – Mercury opposite your decan brings the potential for mental stress, restlessness, misunderstandings, and arguments. Your words, ideas, opinions, or plans may face opposition from others. The best option now might be to compromise and cooperate. Delay essential decisions and wait for better conditions to push your agenda.
2024 to 2030 – Pluto trine your decan evolves your soul to bring deeper meaning to all aspects of your life. Increased confidence, power and sexual magnetism help you improve your professional and private life. Significant achievements are possible, and you can positively influence those around you.
March 4 to 6 – Mercury sextile Pluto on the 5th brings deep, focused thinking that helps you understand complex ideas and communicate more effectively. You can investigate and question without making others feel uncomfortable. A more assertive and persuasive communication style lets you convince others of your ideas and plans.
March 9 to 15 – Mercury conjunct Venus on the 11th could make you uncomfortable or awkward in social situations. Carelessness with your words and a tendency to be opinionated could lead to disagreements or embarrassment. Tension in your love life is possible as differences in your ideas or plans become more apparent. Business, financial and legal matters should be treated with caution.
March 15 to April 7 – Mercury retrograde can bring challenging news, confusion, communication problems and travel disruptions. Business negotiations may be in a state of flux. Some crucial details may not yet be available, and others may be unreliable or dishonest. You may experience déjà vu or unexpectedly meet up with an old friend or lover.
March 19 to 31 – Sun opposite your decan brings pressure from competitors or superiors who could make your life difficult. Step back from the situation causing difficulty and work out why you are getting these reactions. Consider what you are trying to do and whether this is the best option.
March 2025 to March 2030 – Neptune opposite your decan can make you project certain ideals or qualities onto people or situations you might want but are not real. Being confronted by unpleasant truths would make you feel insecure and exposed. Clear up any misconceptions, and then things should start improving.
March 19 to 22 – Sun conjunct Neptune on the 19th makes you more sensitive to your environments and to the thoughts and feelings of others. Set boundaries to avoid being deceived or drained of energy. Your interest in the spiritual world will be stimulated, but beware of false prophets and conspiracy theories. Escape reality safely by watching movies or reading novels, especially mysteries, romance and sci-fi.
March 19 to 24 – Venus sextile Pluto on the 21st makes companionship more important as you long to share your love with someone special. If single, you may become more determined to meet someone. A new romance now would be intense and life-transforming. An existing relationship can become more passionate, intense or profound through sexual exploration or sharing secrets.
March 22 to 25 – Sun sextile Pluto on the 23rd makes you more driven, determined, powerful and influential. A deep desire to make something of yourself can lead to great achievements. This is a good time to transform psychologically extreme tendencies like obsession and compulsions. Personal and professional problems can also be more easily resolved.
March 23 to 27 – Venus conjunct Neptune can make you romantic, sensual and compassionate. But it also brings the potential for over-sensitivity, insecurity and escapism. Wishful thinking or over-idealization could lead to embarrassment or disappointment in your love life. This is no time to be a martyr, but it is good for relaxing, listening to music, dancing, art, or going to the movies.
March 24 to 27 – Mercury sextile Pluto, for the second time this month, climaxes on the 25th. Mercury retrograde suggests you could meet old friends or make adjustments to ideas or plans from earlier this month. It favors deep and meaningful conversations, research, uncovering secrets and solving mysteries. Psychology, astrology, and other spiritual subjects can be more easily understood now.
March 26 to 31 – Mercury conjunct Neptune on the 29th brings sensitivity, intuition, creativity and imagination. However, Mercury retrograde could cause confusion, disorientation, misinformation, deception and scheming. So be very clear and concise, and don’t make snap judgments. Seek trusted or professional advice if signing contracts or dealing with legal matters. Avoid conspiracy theories, cults, drugs, and alcohol.
March 29 to September 7 – Solar Eclipse March 2025 opposite your decan increases your determination to compete and win. However, some people may oppose your efforts. If so, step back from the situation and determine why you are getting these reactions. Compromise and compliments will make your life much easier.
Libra Decan 2Â March 2025 Horoscope
October 2024 to April 2025 – Jupiter trine your decan brings prosperity, good fortune and success. It makes you happy, optimistic, enthusiastic and generous. A more confident and adventurous outlook is ideal for beginning new projects, relationships, long-distance travel or studies. Personal growth comes through religion, spirituality, and group activities.
February 2 to March 23 – Mars square your decan brings the courage and passion to achieve your most passionate desires. However, a tendency to become impatient, bossy or impulsive can cause resistance or hostility from others. A buildup of stress, anger or frustration can be safely released through exercise, sport, sex, or self-gratification.
February 19 to March 8 – Venus opposite your decan can repress love and affection, making you appear cold, stubborn and uncaring. Different expectations can create relationship tension. Patience and understanding are needed to maintain harmony. You can draw on inner strength and endurance to overcome hardship and resolve differences.
Venus retrograde from March 1 suggests fate plays a more decisive role in love relationships. Destiny encounters are possible, and you may come into contact with your soul mate. But for some, giving and receiving love and affection becomes more difficult. Use this period of introspection to improve how you feel about yourself and to love yourself more.
February 27 to March 11 – Sun quincunx your decan can bring changeable goals and inconstant moods. Sometimes, you may feel this as an inability to relax and find true relationship harmony. But you can be successful in your personal and professional life by living in this highly energized state of give and take.
February 27 to March 29 – New Moon February 2025 quincunx your decan could make you feel insecure, anxious and indecisive. But it also gives the urge to achieve an imagined future goal. The key to success is learning to restrict yourself to a single plan. It will be easier to make decisions, and inner balance will replace uncertainty.
March 29 to April 10 – Sun opposite your decan brings pressure from competitors or superiors who could make your life difficult. Step back from the situation causing difficulty and work out why you are getting these reactions. Consider what you are trying to do and whether this is the best option.
March 29 to September 7 – Solar Eclipse March 2025 opposite your decan increases your determination to compete and win. However, some people may oppose your efforts. If so, step back from the situation and determine why you are getting these reactions. Compromise and compliments will make your life much easier.
Libra Decan 3 – March 2025 Horoscope
March 1 to April 12 – Venus retrograde suggests fate plays a more decisive role in love relationships. Destiny encounters are possible, and you may come into contact with your soul mate. But for some, giving and receiving love and affection becomes more difficult. Use this period of introspection to improve how you feel about yourself and to love yourself more.
March 9 to 21 – Sun quincunx your decan can bring changeable goals and inconstant moods. Sometimes, you may feel this as an inability to relax and find true relationship harmony. But you can be successful in your personal and professional life by living in this highly energized state of give and take.
March 14 to September 7 – Lunar Eclipse March 2025 semisextile your decan helps you make meaningful emotional connections with friends and family. You will learn new things about yourself and others that gradually improve relationships. Adapting to small but positive changes in circumstances improves your sense of security and emotional well-being.
March 14 to April 20 – Mars square your decan brings the courage and passion to achieve your most passionate desires. However, a tendency to become impatient, bossy or impulsive can cause resistance or hostility from others. A buildup of stress, anger or frustration can be safely released through exercise, sport, sex, or self-gratification.
March 16 to April 30 – Saturn sextile Uranus climaxing on April 4 is ideal for making a significant change. Common sense blended with creative flair allows you to take calculated risks that increase the likelihood of success. You can bring order out of chaos and make others feel safe and secure during times of upheaval. Unexpected repercussions are less likely than at other times. You can work well as part of a team because of the ability to unite people for a common purpose.
March 25 to April 12 – Mars trine Saturn climaxing on April 4 brings the passion, courage, dedication, and endurance to achieve long-term success. Your relentless hard work and self-discipline earn you respect and support. The perfect mix of caution and courage makes this a good time to take risks. This is also a good time to formalize or commit to a long-term relationship.
March 30 to April 9 – Mars sextile Uranus climaxing on April 4 brings a desire for fun and excitement. You will be physically, sexually, and intellectually attractive. So this is an excellent time for dating, and you will attract people who are somehow different. They may be from a different race or culture or be eccentric or stunning. Experimentation and kinkiness in the bedroom can reinvigorate an existing romance.