Fixed Star Mira

Mira at 01°31′ Taurus has an orb of 1°00′
Fixed Star Mira

Cetus Constellation [Stellarium]

The Sun joins Mira on April 21

Fixed star Mira, Omicron Ceti, is a 3.0 magnitude variable binary red giant star located in the neck of the Whale or Sea Monster, Cetus Constellation.

Although known in ancient China, Babylon or Greece, Johannes Hevelius gave it the name Mira in 1638, Latin for wonderful or astonishing.


Mira Astrology

STELLA MIRA. ο Ceti. The ‘wonderful star’. Color spectral M6, orange-red. It is the show object in the heavens as a variable of long period. It changes its magnitude from 1.7 to 9.6 in 332 days. The last  maximum recorded was the 1st of December 1897 when it was a magnitude of about 3.0. Its maximum magnitude is from 1.7 to 5.0 and its minimum from 8 to 9.5. It is generally at its brightest for about 2 weeks. This star imparts to its natives success, materialism, notoriety, self destruction, the ability to conquer, enduring to the end, melancholy, boldness, demon power. The influence of Mira would be at its greatest when it is at maximum magnitude, once every 332 days. [1]

Mira, Omicron Ceti. Mira stands for Stella Mira, the “marvelous star” in the Tail of the Whale. It is a double star, given this name because of its changing lights, which go from 2 to 10 in variation of light in 332 days. Its nature corresponds to Saturn and Jupiter. Connected well and with a well-placed Saturn, and otherwise well aligned, it means prudence, perseverance, versatility, progressive spirit and endurance in solving difficult problems. This fixed star in unhelpful connections will bring as results failures, fiascoes and enmity, especially with Saturn transits; when linked with the Moon, melancholy will then appear. Linked with Mercury, it will mean a lessening of spiritual forces. In critical situations, suicide is indicated. [2]

Fixed Star Mira

Stella Mira, Wonderous Star, and Collum cet, Neck of the Whale, are alternative titles for ο Ceti. The first name comes from its extraordinary variability in brightness, from visible magnitude 1.7, by far the brightest in Cetus at certain times, to 9.5, needing a telescope to see it at all. The period of variability is about 330 days. Its proximity to Mirach (β Andromedae) does give us now a hint of the Sea Monster, with more than a hint that the monster was heading for trouble rather than a meal. A whale’s neck contains its remarkable spouting organ, another feature which signals inadvertently its presence to the hunters. Seen in another way, the whale looks very impressive, as does this star, even terrifying, but is in fact a gentle creature, and quite vulnerable in modern times. The Monster, too, is really all size, noise and puff when the chips are down as we shall see when we tell the story of Andromeda. Ptolemy did not classify this star, but Mars-Saturn, a gun with the safety-catch stuck, fits well. The well-aspected man will avoid fighting where Taurean peace will do him better service. Others may find they have rushed in needlessly and without a weapon any better than “sound and fury”. [3]

Constellation Cetus

According to Ptolemy this constellation is like Saturn. It is said to cause laziness and idleness, but to confer an emotional and charitable nature, with the ability to command, especially in war. Makes one amiable, prudent, happy by sea and land, and helps to recover lost goods. [4]

Fixed Star Mira Conjunctions

Ascendant conjunct Mira: Salman Rushdie 0°33′ (and POF), Liza Minnelli 0°33′, Sam Altman 0°43′ (and Sun), Proclus 1º13′.

Midheaven conjunct Mira: Virginia Giuffre 0°11′, Pope Francis I 0°34′, Giorgia Meloni 1°00′. 

Descendant conjunct Mira: David Berkowitz 0°02′, Robin Williams 0°04′, Sidney Gottlieb 1°00′.

Imun Coeli conjunct Mira: Malcolm X 0°45′ (and Moon). 

Part of Fortune conjunct Mira: Salman Rushdie 0°18′ (and AC), April Ashley 1°12′ (and Uranus), Billie Eilish 1°27′.

Sun conjunct Mira: Preferment in legal, government, scientific, and all matters dealing with public affairs. The native can develop new and original ideas, has determination and perseverance; but might have  some misgivings due to regretful actions, which later developments would reveal. [1]

Melville Davisson Post 0°01′, Iggy Pop 0°02′, Andie MacDowell 0°05′ (and S.Node), Mike Barson 0°15′, Elizabeth II 0°16′, Hans Fritzsche 0°18′, Carmen Electra 0°25′, Ryan O’Neal 0°27′ (and Venus), Daniel Chester French 0°33′ (and Pluto), Joan Miró 0°33′ (and N.Node), George Takei 0°43′, Machine Gun Kelly 0°47′, Adolf Hitler 0°50′, Napoleon III 0°54′ (and Mars), Sam Altman 0°57′ (and AC), Françoise Rosay 0°59′, Amber Heard 1°28′.

Moon conjunct Mira: The native can be subjected to changing fortunes, setbacks, however the more advanced natives will overcome any setbacks in plans or careers due to their dogged persistence and quiet nature. [1]

Melancholy. [2]

Charles III 0°22′, Malcolm X 0°36′ (and Moon), Imelda Marcos 0°36′, Nayib Bukele 0°42′, Joe Biden 0°43′, Bobby Fischer 1°22′, Celine Dion 1°24′.

Mercury conjunct Mira: Natives with this conjunction can develop a pushy almost objectionable attitude. These natives will pursue a course, once their minds are made up, regardless of whether the outcome is beneficial or leads to disaster. These natives are more of a determined nature, than headstrong. The more negative nativities will endure to the end, never relenting, regardless of consequences. [1]

A lessening of spiritual forces. [2]

J. P. Morgan 0°11′, Timothy McVeigh 0°46′, Anton LaVey 0°48′, Beatrice, Princes of the UK 0°51′, MacKenzie Scott 1°14′, Nigel Farage 1°15′.

Venus conjunct Mira: The native develops a prudent nature, can become cautious but determined. Caution should be exercised by these natives – – they could be compromised in wrongful situations and right or wrong, the native will suffer the consequences. [1]

Ryan O’Neal 0°05′ (and Sun), Michelangelo 0°30′.

Mars conjunct Mira: Leon Blum 0°33′, Celine Dion 0°56′, Emanuel Swedenborg 0°59′, Napoleon III 1°02′ (and Sun).

Jupiter conjunct Mira: Martin Luther King 0°38′.

Saturn conjunct Mira: If well aspected it gives prudence, perseverance, versatility, progressive spirit and endurance in solving difficult problems. [2]

Nancy Pelosi 0°04′, Tucker Carlson 0°59′.

Uranus conjunct Mira: April Ashley 1°11′ (and POF).

Pluto conjunct Mira: William Lilly 0°54′, Daniel Chester French 1°02′ (and Sun), Vincent van Gogh 1°18′.

North Node conjunct Mira: John Belushi 0°39′, Joan Miró 1°18′ (and Sun), Joe Rogan 0°29′.

South Node conjunct Mira: Andie MacDowell 0°36′ (and Sun).


  1. The Power of the Fixed Stars, Joseph E. Rigor, 1979, p.60-61.
  2. Fixed Stars and Their Interpretation, Elsbeth Ebertin, 1971, p.5.
  3. The Living Stars, Dr. Eric Morse, 1988, p.123.
  4. Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology, Vivian E. Robson, 1923, p.38.
  • All fixed star positions are for the year 2000. Add one degree per 72 years to correct for precession.

2 thoughts on “Fixed Star Mira

  1. No tiene mucho valor dado que Urano es un planeta lento; excepto si estuviera en la cúpide de una de las cuatro casas angulares.

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