New Moon 25 May 2017 Stormy Skies

New Moon May 2017 AstrologyThe New Moon on Thursday May 25, 2017 is at 4° Gemini. The New Moon May 2017 astrology takes up back to the ancient origins of our relationship to the night sky. With no major planetary aspects to the new moon, the backdrop of fixed stars and their constellations is my main source of interpretation.

The May 2017 New Moon is in the Sign of Gemini but the Constellation of Taurus. Specifically the Hyades in the face of the Bull, shown in the Lascaux cave painting above dating to around 15,000 BC. These Rainy Stars have always indicated tears and sorrows from misfortune and tragedy.

New Moon Meaning

A new moon represents the end of one cycle and the beginning of new 28 day lunar cycle. Sun conjunct Moon gives an invigorating burst of energy and initiative. This is an excellent time for making a fresh start, turning over a new leaf or starting any new project.

All possibilities are on the table as you put yourself at the center of plans for your future. Old habits, behaviors and beliefs can be questioned as you search for new and inventive ways to make progress.

The influence of the May 25 new moon lasts for four weeks up to the June 23 new moon. The best time for making a fresh start and for beginning new projects is during the first two weeks of this new moon cycle. This waxing phase of the Moon lasts from May 25 to the June 9 full moon.

New Moon May 2017 Astrology

The May 25 new moon makes no major planetary aspects. Much of the astrological interpretation comes from the fixed stars behind the new moon. There are, however, two minor planetary aspects to consider which I will include after looking up at the stars.

New moon May 2017 falls at 4°46′ Gemini Sign but the Signs no longer align with the Constellations from which they were named. See Precession of the Equinoxes for an explanation of why I use Fixed Stars and Constellations for astrological interpretation and not the twelve Sun Signs.

Taurus Constellation now takes up most of the Gemini Sign. This universally recognized Zodiac (Circle of Animals) Constellation has been observed since pre humans first looked up at the stars.

The cave art shown top depicting Taurus Constellation was painted at the Lascaux Caves in France over 17,000 years ago. (the constellation and stars are superimposed on the painting). Humans sought meaning in the stars and constellations. We never gave meaning to imaginary divisions of the heavens drawn on a piece of paper.

Between 4 and 8 degrees Gemini Sign are perhaps the most culturally significant groups of stars in Heaven. The Hyades star cluster is a group of six stars situated on the face of the Bull, Taurus Constellation.

The Hyades have the nature of Saturn and Mercury. Robson said they give tears, sudden events, violence, fierceness, poisoning and contradictions of fortune. [1]

The Hyades reputation for tears and sorrow is linked to their association with water. They are also called the Rainy Stars and foretell rain and storms for farmers and sailors.

The Saturn-Mercury nature can bring negative thinking and a tendency toward depression. However, discipline and authority are assets in times of crisis and fear such as natural disasters.

Ebertin links the Hyades to a staggering increase in sexual urge, self-preservation and greed, a dissolute life, excessive and licentious ways, and a striving for prestige leading to power politics. It is extremely important that power and strength must not be used to exploit other human beings. [2]

The combination of Sun and Moon in the Hyades, according to Robson, is associated with homosexuality. I have noticed this but only for some men, or a pronounced femininity.

A liking for higher education is hampered by misfortune, muddled thinking or interruption of studies. Robson also noted difficulties connected with writings and forgery but also tact and fair ability.

The list of misfortune attributed to the Hyades includes sickness, disgrace, poor sight and eye injuries, head injuries, murder, and a violent death.

New Moon May 2017 Astrology

New Moon May 2017 Astrology

New Moon May 2017 Aspects

The minor aspects to the May 25 new moon mentioned earlier are a semisextile (45°) to Venus and sesquisquare (135°) to Pluto. They appear in the aspect grid above but not in the new moon May 2017 astrology chart.

Venus square Pluto is the strongest aspect in the chart apart from Sun conjunct Moon. The minor aspects will trigger irritating or annoying situations regarding your love life or finances that cause you to act.

These situations or events can have a profound effect on your love life. Power and control issues may arise in existing relationships. Simmering tension may come to the surface as some manipulative behavior like jealousy or possessiveness. At the root of such behaviors would be a deeply buried fear or insecurity about not feeling loved or valued.

Threats and ultimatums are possible if either partner feels smothered or controlled. An unhealthy relationship may breakdown which would be very painful or dramatic. A well based relationship will withstand the intensity but there would still be some kind of transformation to improve relationships dynamics.

All aspects and fixed stars in a chart must be considered but for this and other moon phases I mention only the most significant.

New Moon May 2017 Summary

New moon May 2017 in the Hyades suggests tears and sorrows. Annoying minor aspects to Venus square Pluto point to the tears or sudden events being related to your love life or finances.

The irritating effects of any misfortune, no matter how small or remote, will require some corrective action. The remedy will involve, or lead to, a transformation as indicated by any square to Pluto.

You are already in the middle of a major transformation caused by Saturn trine Uranus 2017. The North Node links up to make this a grand trine aspect pattern shown by the blue triangle. This indicates the positive karma and soul evolution resulting from the transformation you start in the next two weeks.If New Moon May 2017 directly impacts your horoscope decan you can read about its effect in your monthly horoscope. For more detail about how it affects your natal chart see Sun Transits.

Previous Moon Phase: Full Moon 10 May 2017
Next Moon Phase: Full Moon 9 June 2017

New Moon May 2017 Times and Dates

Los Angeles
New York
May 25 – 12:44 pm
May 25 – 3:44 pm
May 25 – 8:44 pm
May 25 – 8:28 pm
May 25 – 5:44 am

1. Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology, Vivian E. Robson, 1923, p.188.
2. Fixed Stars and Their Interpretation, Elsbeth Ebertin, 1971, p.19.