Fixed Star Scheat

Scheat at 29°23′ Pisces has an orb of 2°10′
Fixed Star Scheat

Pegasus Constellation [Stellarium]

The Sun joins Scheat on March 19

Fixed star Scheat, Beta Pegasi, is a single star on the leg of the Winged Horse, Constellation Pegasus. Average magnitude 2.42, varying from 2.31 – 2.74, Spectral type M2.5II–IIIe, orange-red hue.

The traditional name of Scheat was derived from the Arabic Al Sā’id “the upper arm”, or from Sa’d.

18♓3519♓17Fum al Samakah1°10′
02♈3503♈17Deneb Kaitos2°10′

Scheat Astrology

Fixed star Scheat has the spectral type M2.5, which indicates the planetary nature of Saturn.

According to Ptolemy it is of the nature of Mars and Mercury; to Simmonite, of Saturn; to other authors, of Saturn and Mercury; and, to Alvidas, of Neptune in square to Saturn or Mars. It causes extreme misfortune, murder, suicide, and drowning. [1]

This star imparts to its natives’ stubbornness, one who can be headstrong of a combative nature. The native gains and loses friends and acquaintances, may be unfortunate, of a changeable, almost unpredictable nature, has high enterprise, and may be subject to violence. May become of a controversial nature. Fantasizes. [6]

Scheat is an especially unfortunate star regarding the sea. It was said to indicate danger from that element in the form of tidal waves or violent storms. [2]

Scheat, the Shoulder of Pegasus, is a fixed star of accentuated Saturnian character. Tied up with a malefic, this could lead the native to lose his life in catastrophes such as floods, shipwrecks, mining accidents, airplane accidents or maybe by suicide. In a mundane chart, with transiting MC or Asc in conjunction, an accident or catastrophe may happen. The first atomic explosion, July 16, 1945, saw Scheat conjunct transiting MC and semisquare Saturn. When the severe Alaskan earthquake occurred March 27-28, 1964, Scheat was conjunct Mars square MC and opposite Asc. On the other hand, it is possible for a positive influence to emanate from Scheat, but only for some people and have an effect on their mental creativity if these people are ready to receive such inflow. Scheat has a bad effect only if tied up with malefics. [3]

α and β Pagasi; respectively Markab and Scheat, are both Mars-Mercury stars. Both these stars are true-black malefics in traditional astrology, promising injury by one’s hand or another’s and life imprisonment. We can now see how, in the times of profane use of astrology, this arose. At this far end of the Zodiac, we find it easy to delude ourselves that ‘now we know it all’; we can take our seats with the gods. ‘Markab’ is commonly a ship but may be used for any kind of conveyance, a saddle on a horse included, so off we go in or on it. If we did indeed learn what Andromeda had to teach us at the start of the journey, then fine, we can achieve ‘Great Mastery,’ the occasionally mentioned positive signature of these two stars: all we could wish for, that being the meaning of Scheat (Al Shi’at). But if we started out rightly, then we should have here no need to exhibit that mastery in secular power, nor should we still need to wish for more than we already have and are: ‘My Kingdom is not the world’, as Jesus said so well. So we can easily recognize the quiet, unassuming, untroubled true master from the embattled, imprisoned, pathetic pretender to mastery. [4]

Scheat rules the center of the ball of the left foot. [4]

The three main stars of Pegasus all have a similar astrological influence, those being Scheat, Markab and Algenib. Although Scheat has a nasty reputation in astrology, there are plenty of examples of people with this star prominent expressing the positive manifestations of Scheat. So much depends on the whole chart, the aspects from Scheat and the other stars in the chart.

Constellation Pegasus

According to Ptolemy the bright stars are like Mars and Mercury. The constellation gives ambition, vanity, intuition, enthusiasm, caprice and bad judgment. It prevails against the diseases of horses and preserves horse riders in battle. [1]

The constellation portends events concerning ships and the ocean and also changes in the weather. In medieval times, it was said to indicate vain individuals with a great deal of ambition but very poor judgment. [2]

Pegasus, like birds, angels, and most celestial winged creatures, is an allegory for the superior spiritual power that the hero first sought out to aid him in his task, and the Owl represents the wisdom side of that same power. [3]

In mundane astrology, Pegasus is associated with drowning, accidents, catastrophes, earthquakes, tsunamis, storms, floods, shipwrecks, mining accidents, airplane accidents, falling accidents, shooting down from high, horses, jockeys, transportation, communications, space travel, exploration, pioneering, science, invention and heroism.

Beta Pegasi, Scheat

Beta Pegasi, Scheat []

Fixed Star Scheat Conjunctions

Ascendant conjunct Scheat: Grave, thoughtful, melancholy, liable to disgrace, much care and anxiety, connected with building, mines and minerals (Saturn nature). [1]

Pegasus the winged Horse will appear and gallop aloft in the heavens. It will bring forth people endowed with swiftness of movement and limbs alert to perform every task. One man will cause his horse to wheel round in caracoles, and proudly mounted on its back he will wage war from on high; horseman and soldier in one. Another will possess the ability to rob the racecourse of its true length such is his speed that he will seem to dissemble the movement of his feet and make the ground vanish before him. Who more swiftly could fly back from the ends of the earth as a messenger or with light foot to the earth’s ends make his way? He will also heal a horse’s wounds with the sap of common plants, and will know the herbs which bring aid to an animal’s limbs and those which grow for the use of man. [7]

Equus arises in the 21st degree of Pisces. Those who are born with this constellation rising will be in charge of racers, charioteers, drivers, horsemen, dispatch-riders, scouts, and sometimes physicians, but those who compaound remedies from herbs for men and cattle. [8]

Midheaven conjunct Scheat: Trouble through old people, disgrace, trade losses, deceitful associates, rise followed by fall (Saturn nature). [1]

Cecilia Bartoli 0°33′ (and Saturn), Augusto Pinochet 1°29′.

Descendant conjunct Scheat: But if this constellation is found on the DSC with the malefic stars, they will be badly injured, either by a kick from a hoof, or from being thrown down [from a horse] or it will make them to die from an overturned carriage, and shattered with a miserable injury to the body. [8]

Warren Beatty 0°11′ (and Saturn), Shirley MacLaine 0°42′, Alexei Navalny 0°45′, David Duke 0°47′, Bruce Willis 1°03′ (and Sun), Rudy Giuliani 1°09′, Dave Chappelle 1°20′.

Part of Fortune conjunct Scheat: Julian Assange 0°05′, Rupert Murdoch 0°18′, Rudolf Hess 0°21′, Louis XVII 0°39′, Bernadette Brady 1°03′.

Sun conjunct Scheat: Danger through water and engines, liable to accidents or drowning. [1]

Preferment in astrology, occult, and matters dealing with the public. Success follows disappointments: Natives with this conjunction should exercise caution not to get involved in questionable activities, or else legal entanglement may ensue, some serious, some not so serious, depending upon the nature of the involvement. Potentially dangerous situations could prove disastrous. [6]

Sirhan Sirhan 0°18′ (and Mercury), Bruce Willis 0°24′ (and DC), James McGonagle 0°25′, Brian Mulroney 0°30′, Earl Warren 0°41′, Harvey Weinstein 0°44′, Edgar Cayce 0°44′, Ayrton Senna 1°32′, Ronaldinho 1°34′, Michelangelo 1°58′.

As an example of the importance of considering the whole chart, James McGonagle (a goalie in Canada’s Junior A Hockey League) tragically died in 2002, aged 19. He crashed his car “danger through engines” and went through the windshield into the water “danger through water….liable to accidents and drowning”. The tight square from watery Neptune (21′) and the Lunar Nodes (06′) made this tough for James. The North Node was conjunct fixed star Menkalinan (14′), “frequently, violent death.” The Sun was also quincunx Pluto (38′). Interestingly, when he died, transiting Pluto was conjunct his Vertex.

Brian Mulroney, the Prime Minister of Canada from 1984 to 1993, has Sun square Mars (33′) and Sun trine Pluto (19′). Neither Mars nor Pluto is on any major star, certainly not the nasty star that James’ North Node was on. The trine to Pluto helped take him to the top of politics. His Sun also sextiles his Midheaven (career) by just 24′. He gained his real power in 1982 when transiting Pluto was on his Vertex, on the most fortunate fixed star Arcturus.

Moon conjunct Scheat: Worry, loss and gain of friends through criticism, danger of accidents and by water. [1]

The native has many friends and/or acquaintances; however, the native is always acquiring new friends or acquaintances. Some of these natives may entertain the idea that ‘friends desert’ them, some of these natives are overly imaginative. Eventually, criticism is directed to the native. The native makes enemies known and unknown, and the native may become controversial. There is the possibility of a tendency towards fantasizing by some of these natives. Possibility of violence or chronic, difficult-to-diagnose or possibly serious illness. Self-destructive tendencies. [6]

Pete Hegseth 0°14′, John Wayne Gacy 0°15′, Richard Ramirez 0°21′, Kim Kardashian 0°57′ James Woods 1°21′.

Mercury conjunct Scheat: Many accidents and narrow escapes, especially by water, many enemies, trouble through writings, bad for health and domestic affairs. [1]

The native is mentally keen but can be criticized through their actions or statements. These natives always have one last and generally unkind remark or statement. The less advanced natives under this conjunction will tend to belabor or belittle someone, knowingly or unknowingly. The native can become a victim of unfortunate circumstances. There is the possibility of domestic problems with this conjunction. [6]

(No orb): This causes growth on the left foot, such as warts or types of fungus. There is a disruption of the energy through the lungs and breathing areas of the chest, causing fungus growth in the lungs. Anyone having this configuration should definitely not smoke, or a serious health problem will result. Emphysema, cancer, and other types of lung diseases of a serious nature are a certainty with those who have this configuration if they elect to smoke or otherwise take in foreign matter into the lungs. Natives with this conjunction should drink hot teas such as sassafras, red ginger, ginger root or goldenseal root in small amounts. These teas are purifiers and are too strong to drink continuously. As a preventative, a pinch of one of the teas in a large cup of hot water every other day would be adequate. However, if a disease has already taken hold, ginger root should be taken in small amounts every day, alternating with sassafras tea mixed with ginger root to add to the cleansing properties to the herbs. Combining sassafras with ginger root would ordinarily be too powerful for the body to handle, but in extreme cases, these persons can handle this combination for three days using a teaspoon of each herb in a large cup of hot water. This can be helpful even in the case of cancer or any type of fungus-related disease anywhere in the body. [5]

William Henry Drummond 0°02′, Pope Benedict XVI 0°04′, Shawna Leneé 0°06′, Elizabeth Montgomery 0°15′, Ed O’Neil 0°16′, Charles Baudelaire 0°31′, Jeffrey Archer 0°34′, Sirhan Sirhan 0°46′ (and Sun), Kitty Kelley 0°54′, David Letterman 0°56′, Henry, Duke of Gloucester 1°04′, Victor Hugo 1°12′, Gabriel Garcia Marquez 1°13′, Samantha Fox 1°16′, William Wordsworth 1°24′, Adrien Brody 1°27′, Kourtney Kardashian 1°39′.

Mercury conjunct Mars conjunct Scheat: This disrupts the subconscious flow of energy to the brain in addition to the problems that Mercury alone can cause at this point. There is difficulty with nurturing and thought processes. Natives usually succumb to cheat colds, and others notice that they continually have a slight cough. They feel they must be hostile when communicating their thought processes due to the fact that they feel they did not receive enough attention from their mother. Their minds can deteriorate to a raging frenzy and disrupt others at their employment, home, or wherever they are at the time. They can be physically violent and other people do not wish to associate with them because of their disruptive tendencies. This brings on anger, and they live their lives attempting to destroy those things they desire themselves. This is a self-undoing, and it is the way they wish to live their lives. [1]

Venus conjunct Scheat: Evil environment, suffering through own acts, danger of imprisonment or restraint. [1]

Natives with this conjunction tend to create their own problems and even create problems for those associated with them. There is the danger of having some restraint in their lives, possibly something that could change the course of their life. Some of these natives create or live in a poor environment and make no effort to improve themselves. [6]

Drew Barrymore 0°15′, Valerie Solanas 0°25′, Vincent van Gogh 0°44′ (and Mars).

Mars conjunct Scheat: Many accidents, sickness to native and relatives. [1]

The native, with this conjunction, has high enterprise and is very ambitious, but there can be some combativeness exhibited by the native. The native can also suffer from a variety of misfortunes, or from family upsets or other family conditions. Any recognition will come late. [6]

The danger of death in catastrophes such as floods, shipwrecks, mining accidents, airplane accidents, or maybe by suicide. [3]

(No orb): These individuals experience a slight inflammation through the muscles of the left foot and the bronchial sacs. This may manifest as a boil on the bottom of the foot or in the bronchial area. There can be a persistent cough with mucus, with the problem being difficult to diagnose and to heal. These persons should drink hot peppermint or spearmint teas continuously as it is difficult to draw the infections from the bronchial area. The infected mucus simply drifts to other parts of the body, infecting the intestinal and stomach areas. [5]

Che Guevara 0°20′, Jamison Twins 0°26′, Conor McGregor 0°52′, Vincent van Gogh 1°11′ (and Venus), Prince 1°42′.

Jupiter conjunct Scheat: Many voyages, losses through law, friends and relatives, the danger of imprisonment. [1]

Preferment in business, religion, legal, occult, writings, philosophy and unusual occupations. Natives with this conjunction, with a well-aspected Jupiter and other good horoscopic conditions, can prove successful in any of the above careers and make a name and fame for themselves. Negatively, the same general conditions would apply, however, coupled with this is the possibility of disappointment in business or careers. [6]

Friedrich Nietzsche 1°11′, Louis XVII of France 1°32′.

Saturn conjunct Scheat: Danger of death in infancy, domestic trouble, colds and consumption, death by drowning or accident. [1]

The danger of death in catastrophes such as floods, shipwrecks, mining accidents, airplane accidents, or maybe by suicide. [3]

Kurt Cobain 0°10′, Halle Berry 0°11′, Cecilia Bartoli 0°21′ (and MC), Anthony Hopkins 0°36′, Frida Kahlo 0°38′, Jack Nicholson 1°12′, Joseph Stalin 1°14′, Salma Hayek 1°21′, Warren Beatty 1°26′ (and DC), Queen Victoria 1°53′ (and Pluto).

Uranus conjunct Scheat: Deceitful, vacillating, little concentration, psychic, unreliable, involved in difficulties due to own acts, many accidents, death through drowning or by water, especially if in 1st, 6th, 8th or 10th houses. [1]

The danger of death in catastrophes such as floods, shipwrecks, mining accidents, airplane accidents, or maybe by suicide. [3]

(No orb): This causes slight spams through the feet that can be considered nerve disorders for the most part. Rubbing the feet often would be a good habit with any type of oil, and soaking them in warm water with a small amount of baking soda. Drinking a half glass of warm milk in the morning will literally heal the nerves and should be made a daily ritual. [5]

Gabriel Garcia Marquez 0°13′, Marilyn Monroe 0°39′, Elizabeth II 0°58′, Lorraine Warren 1°29′, Hugh Hefner 1°33′

Neptune conjunct Scheat: Prominent in inventive, occult or psychic matters, persecuted, peculiar domestic conditions, many accidents, danger of drowning. [1]

The danger of death in catastrophes such as floods, shipwrecks, mining accidents, airplane accidents, or maybe by suicide. [3]

Ivan The Terrible 0′12, Alan Leo 1°37′

Pluto conjunct Scheat: Danger of death in catastrophes such as floods, shipwrecks, mining accidents, airplane accidents, or maybe by suicide. [3]

(No orb): This position causes the person to have a self-destructive attitude. This is similar to Mercury conjunct Mars at this point, but the self-destructive tendencies are much greater in that they force others to dislike them. They carry out their own self-undoing through various means, like cutting themselves purposely; they burn themselves or commit suicide by jumping in front of a car or train. By doing these things, they feel they are hurting another individual in their life. They have a severe martyr complex to the point of self-destruction. This is an emotional disorder in that they feel they are harming others by harming themselves. No help can be given to these natives as they have set out to do these things in their incarnation. This configuration will occur again when the next age is on the scene. It will not be as powerful at that time as it has been in this age. There will be incarnations by those from this age who have chosen this configuration to experience these things; however, in the next age, others will simply ignore these self-destructive tendencies. In the coming Age of Aquarius, if they wish to injure or destroy themselves, others will pay little attention. The elevation of the minds of people in this new age will allow them to pay scant attention to those who wish to destroy themselves. They would feel that it would be better to rid themselves of such a person rather than become emotional over the self-inflicted injuries or destruction they have brought upon themselves. [5]

Queen Victoria 0°31′ (and Saturn), Walt Whitman 0°36′, Karl Marx 0°52′, Charles Baudelaire 1°52′.

North Node conjunct Scheat: Dr. Phil McGraw 0°13′, Paul Cézanne 0°37′, Ted Kennedy 0°54′, Mariah Carey 1°08′, Tucker Carlson 1°30′.

South Node conjunct Scheat: Percy Bysshe Shelley 0°00′, Bob Dylan 0°00′, George Pell 0°08′, Camila Cabello 0°30′, Salvador Dali 1°45′, Jake Paul 1°49′.

Scheat Star in Mundane Astrology

The mythology says Scheat is connected to misfortune and water and the air. I will focus on events related to storms, water, and the air (specifically planes, not spaceships). One more link I found was with industrial disputes. Only looking at Uranus and Saturn conjunct Scheat with orbs under 50′.

Water and Storms: The last time Uranus was on Scheat, the costliest hurricane in history hit America. On September 18, 1926, the Great Miami Hurricane killed over 370 people and left 50,000 homeless. In today’s terms, it cost $157 billion, compared to $99 billion for Hurricane Katrina in 2005. Uranus was conjunct Scheat by 45′. There were no aspects to Uranus as there will be this year. The last time Saturn was on Scheat, a ferry sank off Haiti on 01 April 1996, killing over 200 people. On 08 June 1996, an F5 tornado killed 16 people and caused $100 million in damages in Topeka, Kansas.

Air Accidents: The last time Uranus was on Scheat: The first African American to hold a pilot’s license, Bessie Coleman, died after falling 2,000 feet from her airplane on 30 April 1926. On 10 May 1926, two pilots parachuted to safety after their planes collided mid-air at Langley Field, Virginia. The last time Saturn was on Scheat: 03 April 1996, USAF CT-43 crashed in Croatia, killing all 35 onboard, including US Secretary of Commerce Ron Brown. 08 June 1996, an XB-70 Valkyrie and an F-104 Starfighter collided mid-air killing both pilots in Barstow, California. July 28, 1996, the US announced that a Lockheed U-2 spy plane had disappeared over Cuba. On August 6, 1996, Braniff Airlines Flight 250 crashed in Fall City, Nebraska, killing all 42 onboard.

Strikes: The last time Uranus was on Scheat: 03 May 1926, the British general strike in support of coal miners started. Over 1.5 million workers walked out, which led to the government declaring martial law. 19 February 1927, another general strike, this time in Shanghai, protesting the presence of British troops. The last time Saturn was on Scheat: 17 June 1996, Air France workers walked out on strike. 29 June 1996, a sailor’s strike ended in the UK. These last two tie in the “air” and “water” themes of Scheat so well.


Fixed stars evolve through time. Like us and our planet, their basic nature stays the same but slowly changes. As we evolve, the energy of the fixed stars and even the planets find new ways of expression. Scheat wasn’t involved in bringing down airplanes two centuries ago, nor spaceships last century ago. Just as technology is affected, so is our consciousness. We will find newer, higher manifestations of even the most dreaded fixed stars, including nasties like Scheat and Algol.

Scheat Star References

  1. Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology, Vivian E. Robson, 1923, p.99, 206, 231.
  2. Fixed Stars and Judicial Astrology, George Noonan, 1990, p.29-30.
  3. Fixed Stars and Their Interpretation, Elsbeth Ebertin, 1928, p.80.
  4. The Living Stars, Dr. Eric Morse, 1988, p.127-128.
  5. The Fixed Star Health and Behavior Imbalance, Ted George and Barbara Parker, 1985, p.168.
  6. The Power of the Fixed Stars, Joseph E. Rigor, 1979, p.218-220.
  7. Astronomica, Marcus Manilius, (1st century AD), p.350-353.
  8. Mathesis, Julius Firmicus Maternus, 336 AD, xvii.3.
  • Star positions are for the year 2000. Add one degree per 72 years to correct for precession.