Fixed Star Thuban

Thuban at 07°27′ Virgo has an orb of 1°40′
Fixed Star Thuban

Draco Constellation [Stellarium]

The Sun joins Thuban on August 31

Fixed star Thuban, Alpha Draconis, is a binary star system in the tail of the Dragon, Draco Constellation. Magnitude 3.67, spectral type A0IV + A1V. Despite being the Alpha star, Thuban is much fainter than Etamin, the brightest star in the constellation.

Thuban. The formation of this name begins with the Arabic name for γ Dra; ra’s al-tinnīn, “the Serpent’s Head.” In medieval time this was transliterated into Latin as raztaben, rahtaben, razcaben, and several other corruptions (eventually leading to the name for β Dra). By Renaissance times the form Rastaben had appeared, and this name was erroneously attributed, in its last part, to the Arabic word thuʿbān, “serpent,” rather than al-tinnīn (subsequently thuʿbān was wrongly regarded as an Arabic name for the constellation Draco). Finally in recent times, the erroneous word, written as “Thuban,” was applied as a star name to α Dra.

or Adib. From the Arabic name al-dhiʼb, “the Wolf,” for ζ Dra (originally ζ and η Dra were the Arabic al-dhiʼbān, “the Two Wolves”). “Adib” was wrongly transferred to θ Dra in recent times, and still more recently to α Dra. [1]

It’s Chinese name I s 右樞 (Yòu Shū), “Right Pivot.” [7]


Thuban Astrology

Fixed star Thuban has the spectral types A0 and A1, indicating the planetary nature of Venus.

SPECTRAL CLASS A: These bluish-white stars give great honors, artistic appreciation, unexpected gains, good fortune, riches, good judgment, sociableness, creativeness, idealism, and impulsiveness. Challenging aspects cause wantonness, indiscretion, scandals, foolhardiness, destructiveness, cleverness, many anxious moments and a self-seeking nature. [2]

The star Thuban (α-Dra) was the pole star 3000 years ago. It was called the “Judge of Heaven” during the reign of the first Saragon king of Akkad, and it can be seen from the bottom of the central passage of the Great Pyramid of Cheops. [3]

Having the fixed star Thuban in your astrology chart shows a depth of character. Artistic skills and a passion for all the arts are found. Living a life where your talents are regularly seen and heard is a pathway offered here. Singing, preaching, writing and general leadership are all promising with Thuban in your astrology chart. Thuban does also indicate a hard time with family. Situations where a lack of understanding and compromise spoil the mood for reconciliation. Although with patience, the Thuban star energy will take over, and all love connections grow due to the complications. On the shadow side of Thuban if the star’s energy is used negatively, it backfires on us. If our intentions with our fellow man are not honest and forthcoming an anger sets in. Creating mistakes and broken promises. Be sure to handle all things in this time calmly with gratitude. Remind yourself the universe is testing you, and act accordingly. Caught in a pattern of forces over which we have no control and are restless for change, this energy is best focussed on analyzing the current situation. Travel opportunities and finances are favored, especially if others are included. Just don’t be a slave to the addiction of emotional highs and lows… since this will isolate and divide. [4]

Constellation Draco

According to Ptolemy, the bright stars are like Saturn and Mars. Draco gives an artistic and emotional but somber nature, a penetrating and analytical mind, much travel and many friends but danger of robbery and of accidental poisoning. It was said by the Ancients that when a comet was here, poison was scattered over the world. By the Kabalists, it is associated with the Hebrew letter Mem and the 13th Tarot Trump “Death.” [5]

The early astrologers called Draco “The Poisonous Dragon.” The constellation is especially hurtful to mineral resources and presages the pollution of rivers and the air. The Moon’s Nodes are named after this constellation. The Dragon’s Head (North Node) and the Dragon’s Tail (South Node) refer to the Moon’s undulating course symbolized by the twisting of the Dragon about the North Pole. [3]

Thuban, Alpha Draconis

Alpha Draconis, Thuban []

Fixed Star Thuban Conjunctions

Ascendant conjunct Thuban: Good fortune, happiness, gifts, fortunate for love and marriage, gain by legacies and inheritance. (Venus nature) [5]

When rising, Thuban indicates prospectors of gold and silver or those who are ministers of money (occupations in banking, insurance, or other financial professions.) [3]

Whoever was born with this constellation rising will be Marsi (wizards and snake-charmers), who are accustomed to prepare beneficial remedies from poisons and the pigments of herbs. [6]

Sarah Paulson 0°58′, Kenneth Copeland 1°16′. 

Midheaven conjunct Thuban: Honor and success, dealings with and help through women, success in occupations of a Venus nature. [5]

Sarah, Duchess of York 0°08′, Dana White 0°32′.

Descendant conjunct Thuban: If setting and if Mars is conjunct the descendant or in harsh aspect with it, it is said to presage the native being burned in his own house or killed by public execution. [3]

But if this constellation is found in the DSC, they will perish struck by the bite or serpents, or surely by having drunk poison. [6]

Nicole Brown Simpson 0°13′.

Part of Fortune conjunct Thuban: F. Scott Fitzgerald 0°08′, Leopold II of Belgium 0°37′.

Sun conjunct Thuban: Bruce McLaren 0°13′, Warren Buffett 0°17′, Michael Jackson 0°42′. 

Moon conjunct Thuban: Ted Kennedy Shirley MacLaine (and Neptune), Shirley MacLaine 0°26′, Elon Musk 1°11′.

Mercury conjunct Thuban: JD Vance 0°18′, Sara Aldrete 0°59′, Percy Bysshe Shelley 0°59′, Tom Brady 1°00′.

Venus conjunct Thuban: Oliver North 0°29′. 

Mars conjunct Thuban:

Saturn conjunct Thuban: Kourtney Kardashian 0°17′.

Uranus conjunct Thuban: Helen Keller 0°02′, Nigel Farage 0°21′, Courtney Love 0°22′, Boris Johnson 0°25′.

Neptune conjunct Thuban: Elizabeth Taylor 0°05′, Ted Kennedy 0°13′ (and Neptune), Donald Rumsfeld 0°31′.

Pluto conjunct Thuban: Barack Obama 0°04′, Jordan Peterson 0°45′, Diego Maradona 0°48′, Princess Diana of Wales 0°51′.

North Node conjunct Thuban: Emily Dickinson 0°12′.

South Node conjunct Thuban: Theodore Roosevelt 0°08′, Alexander the Great 0°49′.


  1. A Dictionary of Modern Star Names, Kunitzch, Smart, 2006, p. 34.
  2. The Power of the Fixed Stars, Joseph E. Rigor, 1979, p.245-246.
  3. Fixed Stars and Judicial Astrology, George Noonan, 1990, p.9.
  4. Thuban Fixed Star Meaning,, Ian Scott.
  5. Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology, Vivian E. Robson, 1923, p.43, 100.
  6. Mathesis, Julius Firmicus Maternus, 336 AD, xvii.7.
  7. List of Chiense Star Names – Wikipedia.
  • All fixed star positions are for the year 2000. Add one degree per 72 years to correct for precession.