AQUARIUS: Last Week | This Week | Next Week | Monthly | Yearly
February 10 to 16
Monday to Wednesday brings balanced thinking and easy-flowing communications. It will be easier to prioritize your goals and determine how best to achieve them. You can more effectively express your thoughts and plans. So this is an excellent time for planning, negotiations, bargaining, business deals, self-promotion, studies, social media and seeking support or favors. But it is also ideal for relaxing or socializing.
Thursday to Sunday, your senses become acute, which makes you extremely sensitive to all vibrational energy. Your intuitive abilities and psychic impressions are assets to your communications and relationships. Others should like hanging around you because you will know when they are feeling down, so you can be sympathetic when others are not. This is a good time for artistic and creative work, from singing to writing.
Aquarius Tarot
The Seven of Swords can point to someone behaving with less than ethical intentions. It sometimes also means prying into someone’s life where you don’t belong. You may be right if you sense that someone is spying on you. If you are tempted to dig through someone else’s life (unless it is that of your minor child who has given you cause for concern), resist the impulse. Everyone deserves privacy. If you are involved in any sort of competition this week (formal or informal) you will want to keep a close eye out for any cheating. This can range from someone cheating at a pick-up poker game to someone trying to frame you at work for something serious. The bottom line is to cover your tail to ensure you are doing things the right way, and then you’ll have nothing to worry about, even if someone is out to get you.