Bernie Sanders Horoscope

Bernie Sanders HoroscopeBernie Sanders was born in New York on September 8, 1941. The time of 12:27 pm for the Bernie Sanders horoscope is rated X at Astro Databank, meaning time unknown. It comes from an unnamed, second-hand source. [1] Therefore, the position of the Moon, Ascendant and Midheaven cannot be taken seriously. As with the Donald Trump horoscope and Hillary Clinton horoscope I take a politically unbiased approach to natal chart interpretation which is based only on fixed stars and aspects.

Sun conjunct fixed star Mizar at 14°51′ Virgo gives Bernie Sanders power and authority in service to others.

Sun square Jupiter gives lucky breaks and popularity but he can over-estimate his own abilities or resources. Ideologies and belief systems can become extreme which is shown by his far left politics.

Mercury conjunct fixed star Zaniah at 03°42′ Libra gives refinement, honor, congeniality and a lovable nature with a talent for negotiating peace. Mercury conjunct Zaniah accounts for Bernie’s popularity, social success and many friends, especially among women.

Mercury trine Uranus gives a brilliant and creative mind with a talent for solving problems. Bernie’s unorthodox and stimulating communication style is especially suited to the Internet. His originality and future oriented thinking suits socialist politics and explains why he attracts other slightly off beat or progressive people.

Mercury conjunct Neptune can create problems deciphering what is real and what is not, what is important and what is just background noise. However, this aspect allows Bernie to sense the thoughts of those around him, perhaps even the wider population in general. He can not only perceive a great amount, but can also project much verbal and nonverbal information plus psychic energy. His ideas can touch and inspire others.

Mercury sextile Pluto makes Bernie a deep thinker on serious subjects. His mind has a probing nature which allows his powerful intuition to uncover the truth. His style of communication is persuasive and intense yet mysteriously attractiveness. Having strong opinions comes naturally with this aspect. These opinions can be extreme or controversial, but Bernie is just the right person to shine a light on hidden or socially unacceptable ideas and beliefs.

Bernie Sanders Astrology Chart

Bernie Sanders Horoscope

Venus conjunct fixed star Spica at 23°01′ Libra gives success, renown, riches, a sweet disposition and androgynous qualities. Venus conjunct Spica brings benefits from friends and social success but false friends of own sex.

Venus opposite Mars creates an intense emotional life resulting in equally intense relationships. Bernie can express his strong feelings through deeply passionate and sometimes dramatic displays of affection. The direct way in which he shows his affections can turn into an asset. The dynamic physicality of this aspect can even manifest as distinctive or exaggerated facial features, or pronounced musculature of the body.

Venus trine Jupiter will lessen any hardships and bring love and joy to Bernie’s life. Honesty, loyalty and fine morals earn popularity and a good name. Yet he is not simply a soft and cuddly individual. There is a genuine depth to his charismatic appeal. An adventurous and creative nature makes Bernie stimulating as well as fun to be around. He is sincere about helping others and is very effective in driving the overall success of common goals.

Mars sextile Jupiter gives strength, courage, honesty and generosity. Bernie Sanders is the person who gets things done. While others procrastinate and make excuses, he uses his initiative to tackle any task with energy, enthusiasm and optimism. This is an aspect of successful actions. He loves to compete and is a good team player. Can be assertive while maintaining harmony which makes him a good leader. A desire to help others and be useful gives Bernie a good reputation. He has noble traits and should be popular. There is nothing fake at all about his generous nature or bravado.

Jupiter conjunct fixed star Bellatrix at 20°07′ Gemini gives great civil or military honor but danger of sudden dishonor, renown, wealth, eminent friends and quick decision-making. His thoughts and plans are realized with energy, courage and fighting spirit. He has strategic talents and the ability to organize but can also display reckless aggressiveness. His success means Bernie is surrounded with envy and hatred. Jupiter conjunct Bellatrix gives a philosophical and religious mind, hypocrisy and possibly fanaticism. There will be legal prominence and great honor but danger of slander.

Saturn and Uranus conjunct fixed Star Alcyone at 29°10′ Taurus causes love, eminence, peace and optimism but can also makes Bernie wanton and turbulent. Many travels and success through active intelligence. His ambition and endeavor results in preferment, honor and glory.

Saturn conjunct Uranus creates conflict between the past and the future, between tradition and change. Bernie has successfully transformed this inner conflict by revolting against the status quo. This is Bernie’s “political revolution”.

Saturn trine Neptune gives a talent for turning dreams into reality. Bernie is prepared for hard work and will show determination to see his vision carried out. He may feel destined to carry out a special task and leave his mark. He will practice what he preaches and be a good teacher, sacrificing personal pleasures in order to achieve his goals.

Bernie Sanders Horoscope Summary

The key to the political success of Bernie Sanders is the positive links between Mercury and all of the outer planets. This puts Bernie in direct psychic contact with the masses so he lives and feels their social problems. As a manifestation of the masses, he acts like a lightning rod and attracts those wanting to be a part of social change.

If by chance, the birth time used is correct then the September 1, 2016 solar eclipse at 09°21′ Virgo conjunct his Midheaven would signal a high point in his political career.

[1] Bernie Sanders, Astro Databank.