Comet Astrology – A Complete Guide to Interpretation

Comet Astrology

Comet Lovejoy, 2011 [Jim Miller via Getty Images]

The astrology of comets is well understood. We have paid more attention to comets than other celestial objects because they are so unexpected, awe-inspiring, and profound in their effects. Comets have always instilled fear in humans, perhaps because of our genetic memory of catastrophic disasters following their appearance.

For countless millennia, comets have been drawn, documented, recorded, studied and interpreted. Our ancient ancestors handed down a wealth of information that historians, philosophers, and astrologers have passed on. There is no need to test the findings. They are the same across all cultures. This astrological guide for interpreting comets is compiled from sources in the bibliography.

General Meaning of Comets

The appearance of a comet indicates change and transformation. It disrupts the energies of the inner solar system, affecting humans, animals and the weather. Sometimes, they bring change for the better, but they usually symbolize evil power, bringing misfortune and disaster. After the initial disruption, trade, financial and political arrangements are realigned.

Comets cause natural disasters like extreme heat, drought, winds, floods, fires, hurricanes, earthquakes, and tsunamis, as well as sterility of the earth, scarcity of crops and pestilence.

Human-related disasters include war, rebellion, revolution, riots, slaughter, famine, sickness, epidemics, the death of a leader, and alterations of kingdoms, states, empires, laws and customs.

Comets also deliver a message through the rise of an agent. Depending on the type and location of the comet, it may be a military, political, or religious leader, reformer, or trader.

Astrology of Comets

The Augsburg Book of Miracles, 1550

The Astrology of Comets

Comets are only used in astrology when they are visible. A horoscope is erected for perihelion (closest approach to the Sun). The most significant astrological meaning comes from the position and time of perihelion. Charts can also be made for the time of first observation, greatest brilliance, or even discovery, given we now have the technology.

The timing of events is governed by the comet’s position relative to the Sun. The type of event and people affected by the misfortune are governed by the color and shape of the comet’s head and the constellation in which it appears. The nation or area affected is determined by the constellation in which the head appears and the direction in its tail points.

Various other factors, including the comet motion and planetary and fixed star conjunction, are also used in astrological interpretation.

  1. Timing
  2. Color
  3. Shape
  4. Constellation
  5. Motion
  6. Conjunctions
  7. Other Factors

Timing of Events

The period from first visible appearance to perihelion is when the characteristic patterns of disturbance associated with a comet at its approach are felt. The effects begin to appear much earlier if the comet is first seen in the east in the morning than when it appears in the west in the evening.

The time the comet is visible is used to ascertain the duration of the event. The effects were supposed to last one-eighth of their period (beginning when they were first visible). Other methods include six months or a year of disaster for every day a comet was observed. The shortest time a comet has been observed to be visible is seven days, and the longest is 180 days.

The ‘message’ is not delivered until the comet reaches perihelion, where it is assimilated into the system. These new decrees are issued at perihelion. Perihelion is the sensitive point in comet astrology, as this is the message. The message alters trade and political arrangements, reforms alliances into new patterns, and creates new connections.

When Mars or the Sun transits the place of perihelion, effects begin in earnest, the decree is implemented, and arrangements change radically. Later, the winners and losers become apparent after ignition (transit by the Sun or Mars). Even so, the effects may linger for some time, with the perihelion as a sensitive point for many years, sometimes centuries. The perihelion degree is then brought forward as a sensitive point and added to subsequent charts.

Comets signify realignment of trade, financial and political arrangements, with an initial disruption in the system. They signify new connections and disruption, which brings new opportunities. Some benefit from their effects, some suffer, and some hardly notice them. The effects of comets are first noticeable in those places and enterprises ruled by the sign of their perihelion; after this, look for effects in the quadruplicity. Effects were not far behind for the other mutable signs and then spread generally.

Comet Prediction

Comet symbol on Rock 35 from Area di Foppe, Nadro di Ceto (Brescia, Italy), 6000 BC.

Comets Color

The type of event and people affected by the misfortune are governed by the color of the comet’s head. This is the oldest method of predicting the effects of comets in astrology. Colors are assigned to the planets as follows.

The Sun: Splendent, yellow, or gold-colored, glorious to behold: Sedition, plague, sickness, droughts, disruption, death of kings, and dangers, especially to authority figures.

The Moon: Pale, brightish white: Great mortality among the common people, other matters that affect common people and women, alteration of customs and laws, cowardice, catarrh, paralysis, epilepsy, sterility, arguments, and wars of little importance.

Mercury: Different colors or multicolored like a rainbow, such as azure, yellow, red, green, etc: Wars, famine, strong winds, plague, madness, lethargy, epilepsy, treachery, sickness, food shortages, and bad for trade. Death of kings, nobles, great men, literary people and youths.

Mercury: Blue or azure: Death of kings and rulers, chiefly in the areas towards which it extends its rays. War, calamities, pestilence, famine, destruction, tribulation, anxiety, trouble and sadness to those influenced strongly by Mercury. Fog will cause widespread damage to vineyards, generating insects and rodents.

Venus: Illustrious, pleasant, bright, silver-colored, clear and transparent: Troubles for kings and women, droughts, floods, changes of states and laws, and problems with the stomach and kidneys.

Mars: Red, rutilant, or fiery: War, massacres, quarrels, fights, riots, violence, sedition, change of government, fire,  excessively hot weather, dryness, drought, storms, scarcity of food, famine, pestilence, shipwrecks, dysentery, fever, thieves, robbers and pirates attacking the land and coast.

Jupiter: Very bright, brilliant, splendid, clear, more white than a Sun comet: A plentiful and fertile period, with abundant corn and fruit, rain, seasonable winds and showers, but struggles over religious matters, laws and privileges.

Saturn: Leadon, pale or ashy-colored, dusky, greenish-black: Mortality, beheading, famine, plague, exile, penury, grief, trouble, fear, terrorism, suffering and danger of destruction to nations under the rulership of Saturn, chronic diseases, cancer, excessive cold weather in winter, strong winds, shipwrecks, destruction of fish, destruction of fruit by caterpillars, locusts, and similar pests.

Comet Shape

Through the formations of the heads, comets indicate the kind of event and the class upon which the misfortune will take effect.

Main Categories:

Veru (dart): Like a dart or spit. It brings fruit scarcity on the earth and in the trees, war, pestilence, mutations in church and state, grievous slaughters, and the death of kings and nobles.

Tenaculum: Almost red; under it is a beam that seems to be ash vapor. It causes shortages, although not in an excessive way (not famine), and fighting.

Pertica (perch): Sometimes stretching lighting and denser beams with a great tail. It brings scarcity, drought and famine. If with the Moon, the death of common people; with Mercury, the death of young people and scholars; with Venus a great flood; with Mars, several wars and death by the sword; with Jupiter, whatever its meaning, something about kings and rich men; and with Saturn its effects will be worse. If it is a Mars comet (color), many wars and death by sword and effusion of blood and fires.

Miles (soldier): As large as the Moon, it has many hairs and sheds its rays backward, crossing the twelve signs. It is malefic for those in power and brings men who desire to change laws and establish new governments. War, changes in customs, damage and detriment to women, scarcity of crops, and earthquakes. If pale, famine and plague will fall on cattle. If very pale uniformly, civil wars rather than nation against nation. If it appears in the Milky Way (this comet cannot shine in the east for more than seven days), it heralds long misfortunes, if for a short period, short duration. Miles is Venusian in temperament.

Dominus Aschone (cerusleus): Blue or azure and associated with Mercury. It causes war, calamities, pestilence, famine, destruction, tribulation, and the death of kings and rulers, chiefly in the areas towards which it extends its rays. Anxiety, trouble and sadness to those influenced strongly by Mercury. Widespread damage to vineyards by fog will generate insects and rodents.

Aurora (Matituna, Matula): Red with a long tail (but not so long as Dominus Aschone) and has a Mars temperament. When it appears in the east, its head is upside down; it brings drought, famine, fires and wars. There shall not be such plenty as formerly, yet not famine.

Argentum (Argento, silver): Has a bright silver-white tail, too bright for it to be stared at for any length of time. This is the brightest and clearest of all comets. It brings fertile years where it appears, especially if Jupiter is in a water sign. If Jupiter is in Cancer of Pisces, it promises an abundance of corn and fruit where it appears. If Jupiter is in Scorpio, it will not be as good.

Rosa: Large and round, it has a human face, and its color is similar to silver mixed with gold. It signifies death for rulers and rich men and change for the better.

Nigra (Niger, black): Has a Saturnian temperament, but its color is more light blue than black. When it appears, it brings death and beheadings.

Other Categories:

Broom: The sweeping of unclean spirits from the land.

Cerastias: Shaped like a horn, the hieroglyph of power. It portends the great strength of the monarch and absolute power.

Column or pillar: The constancy of some prince, or some great saint, or else of some people, or some nation.

Diceus (quoit star): Amber-colored, it emits only a few rays from the margin. It is in the shape of a dish or plate. The main variety is Rosa sive Chryseus (Ilythia), which is bright and shining and is a silver color mixed with gold or amber. It heralds truth, slaughters, government changes for the better, and prisoners’ release. Some of these comets resemble a shield and are known as Clypei-Formes. Corresponds to Saturn.

Flute: Something unfavorable respecting music.

Lampadias (lampas, fax; lamp, torch): In the figure of a cask, appearing convex and emitting a smoky light. Sometimes, its flame goes up like a sword, double or treble-pointed. In the east, it heralds that those parts can be overwhelmed by fog and that the gloomy air will spoil their fruits; in the south, it heralds that droughts and snakes can torment Africa; in the west that Italy will be afflicted by continuous flooding; and in the north it signifies famine.

Pyramid: Great losses by fire and some tyranny approaching.

Sword: Desolations.

Trumpet: Wars.

Torch: Fire.

Waved and dissipated in the forms of water: Seditions in the people.

Vulture Stone, Göbekli Tepe

Vulture Stone, Göbekli Tepe representing a catastrophic comet strike @ 11,000 BC.


Most astrologers say the Sun Signs are used in comet astrology. But those same astrologers say the iconography of the “Sign” was often used. For example, a comet crossing the sheaf of wheat held by Virgo signifies crop failure. If it appears in the parts of the “Sign’ representing the secret members, something respecting lewdness of manners will occur.

The constellation in which the comet appears shows the type of event and people affected by the misfortune. The constellation where the comet’s head appears and the direction in which its tail points determine where the event occurs. Nations, regions and cities are assigned to the twelve ecliptic constellations.

The fixed stars that align with the position of the comet’s appearance and point of perihelion can add very specific information about its effects.

If the comet appears in a triangular or quadrangular figure formed by the stars, something respecting wit and learning will occur.

Aries Constellation

Great wars, future clashes of arms, warlike preparations and widespread mortality. The abasement, elimination or death of a ruler and powerful, eminent or important people, evil to nobles, the rise or promotion of a bad person, elevation of poor or common people, events concerning sacred rites and the worship of God, diseases affecting the head, effusion of blood, common diseases and infections of eyes and the head, epidemic disease of livestock especially sheep, changes in the weather that affect the growth of crops especially new shoots of arboreal crops like grapes and figs, great dryness, fearful drought in the regions ruled by Aries. If discovered in the eastern part of the heavens, it will operate sooner and cause widespread enmity; if in the western, it will be slower, causing trouble to kings and rain, floods and snow in winter.

Aries rules England, Germany, Denmark, Lesser Poland, Palestine, Syria, Burgundy, Capua, Naples, Florence, Verona, Padua, Marseilles, Saragossa, and Bergamo. Anciently, it ruled Persia, Syria, Egypt, the Nile, the Dardanelles, and the Sea of Marmara.

Taurus Constellation

The results of the beginning of large political undertakings, tolerance of evils, captivities, the death of an important person, financial losses, earthquakes, great winds, much cold in the winter, injuries, danger from animals, vehement sicknesses, malaria, dry scurfy diseases like scabies and impetigo, corruption of fruit, destruction of corn, pestilences, food shortages, harm to the larger livestock like cattle. If discovered in the east, the danger of war and sickness; if in the west, much heavy rain.

Taurus rules Ireland, Iran, Greater Poland, Anatolia and the Archipelago, the southern parts of Russia, Dublin, Mantua, Leipzig, Parma, Franconia, Lorraine, Pylos, Cyprus and Samos. Anciently, it ruled Arabia, Asia, and Scythia.

The Hyades: Favorable for agriculture but violence, trouble, rain, storms and tempests on land and sea.

The Pleiades: Great harm to mankind, the death of many people, events that affect family and family life.

Gemini Constellation

Wars, quarrels, dissension, immorality, lasciviousness, incest, fornication, loose living, elimination of honest people, death of children and young men, sickness and abortive births. Storms, thunder, lightning, and high winds eradicate and subvert trees, birds and houses. If discovered in the east, trouble to leaders and eminent people lose their rank; if in the west, imprisonment, rain and floods.

Gemini rules North America, Armenia, Lower Egypt, Lombardy, Sardinia, Brabant, Belgium, Flanders, the West of England, London, Versailles, Marseilles, Mainz, Bruges, Leuven, Córdoba, and Nuremberg. Anciently, it ruled the Black Sea and the River Ganges.

Cancer Constellation

Wars, discords, death of some great person, rape, robbery, drowning, thunderstorms, famine and pestilence. An abundance of locusts, caterpillars, worms and other pests destroy crops. If discovered in the east, scarcity of food later in the year; if in the west, fights between rulers and, after this, peace and benefits to the public from their rulers.

Cancer rules the Netherlands, Scotland, Zealand, Georgia, Africa (especially Algiers, Tripoli, and Tunis), Burgundy, Istanbul, Amsterdam, Cadiz, Venice, Genoa, York, St. Andrews, Manchester, New York, Bern, Lubeck, Milan, and Vicentia. Anciently, it ruled India and Ethiopia.

Leo Constellation

Wars between rulers, war towards the end of the year, especially in the east, prejudice, trouble to those in authority, pest-infested food, and destruction of food by wild beasts, pests and vermin. Ailments and pain affecting the eyes, strangury. If discovered in the east, quarrels, storms, drought, and effusion of blood; if in the west, sickness, disease and danger of rabies in dogs.

Leo rules France, Italy, Bohemia, Sicily, Rome, Bath, Bristol, Taunton, Cremona, Prague, Apulia, Ravenna, Philadelphia, and the Alps. Anciently, it ruled over Armenia, Bithynia, Cappadocia, Macedonia, Phrygia, and Chaldea, as far as Basrah.

Virgo Constellation

Lack of restraint, many grievous ills suffered by females, the downfall of leaders, job losses, dismissal of staff belonging to people in power, loss in trade, trouble to merchants, harassment of honest people, abortive births, fever with pain and shakes, ulcers and pimples. If discovered in the east, war; if in the west, poor crops.

Virgo rules Turkey, Switzerland, Greece, Crete, Lower Silesia, Croatia, Iraq and Turkmenistan (ancient Mesopotamia between the Tigris and the Euphrates), the West Indies, Paris, Lyons, Toulouse, Saint-Étienne, Basel, Heidelberg, Reading, Jerusalem, Bagdad. Anciently, it ruled Arcadia, Caria, Ionia, Rhodes, and the Doric plains.

Libra Constellation

Death of leaders and great people, events concerning sacred rites, changes in religious customs, slaughter, secret plots, treachery, robberies, poverty, injustice, purchasers and buyers suffering loss through contracts, high winds, scarcity of rain, drought, earthquakes, scarcity of food especially cereals, suffering through cold. If discovered in the east, trouble to countries under Libra and illness of horses and mules; if in the west, the contrary, but trouble with servants.

Libra rules Portugal, China, Japan, parts of India near them; Austria, Uzbekistan, Estonia, Latvia, Upper Egypt, the Caspian Sea, Alsace, Savoy, Lisbon, Vienna, Antwerp, Frankfurt, Fribourg, Charlestown in America. Anciently, it ruled Italy and especially Rome.

Scorpius Constellation

War, rebellion against rulers, contentions amongst authority, danger, death of an eminent man, detriment and damage to soldiers, labor and travel. Scarcity of water, drought, scarcity of crops, a plague of reptiles and locusts, and other insects harmful to agriculture. Problems with pregnancy, danger in childbirth, pains in testicles and bladder. If discovered in the east, drought and trouble through beasts; if in the west, locusts.

Scorpio rules Norway, Judaea (Israel), Morocco, Mauritania, Catalonia, Bavaria, Silesian Voivodeship, the Barbary Coast (Algiers, Tunis, and Tripoli), Cappadocia, Valencia, Frankfurt an der Oder, Messina, Ghent, Liverpool. Anciently, it ruled Carthage, Libya, Egypt, Sardinia, and other islands off the Italian coast.

Sagittarius Constellation

Events affecting leaders or a large portion of mankind: danger of war, mobs, decay of nobility and lawyers, suppression of great, noble and learned people, miscarriages. If discovered in the east, death of leaders, robbery and food scarcity; if in the west, abortive births.

Sagittarius rules Yemen, Spain, Hungary, parts of France near Cape Finisterre, Dalmatia, Istria, Tuscany, Moravia, Slavonia, Liguria, Cologne, Buda, Avignon, Narbonne, Toledo. Anciently, it ruled Crete, Latium, and Sicily.

Capricornus Constellation

Events that greatly influence human affairs and portend changes in climate, political customs and religious traditions and institutions. War, calamity, misfortune, quarrels, death of leaders and eminent people, contempt for religion and religious people, religious persecution, robbery, poisoning, immorality, fornication, adultery, cockiness, major storm, especially at sea, and hail, snow and a cold winter that threatens famine and pestilence. If discovered in the east, overthrow of governments, snow, much rain and damage to crops; if in the west, abundance of grass and water.

Capricornus rules India, Greece, Mexico, Panama, Colombia, Albania, Bulgaria, Lithuania, Macedonia, Saxony, Thrace, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Styria, Hesse, Brandenburg, Vilnius, Oxford, the Orkney Islands and parts of Iran including Khorasan. Anciently, it ruled France, Germany, and Spain.

Aquarius Constellation

War for a long time, slaughter, death of illustrious people and common people, epidemics, pestilence, high cost of commodities, storms, thunder, lightning, scarcity of birds and fish, full-flowing rivers and springs, sufficient water for agricultural requirements. If discovered in the east, death of an eminent person, an abundance of grass; if in the west, killing in combat, rumors of war, England at war.

Aquarius rules Jordan, Russia, Tartary, Prussia, Lithuania, parts of Poland, Lower Sweden, Westphalia, Moscow, Hamburg, Bremen, Piedmont, Afghanistan and other areas bordering on Iran, and the affairs of state in England. Anciently, it ruled Cilicia and Tyre.

Pisces Constellation

War among allies, civil war, rebellion, slaughter, and contentions that touch matters of faith, privileges and customs in religion and ancient traditions. Events concerning the sea, especially those that affect the destiny of leaders and large numbers of mankind, danger at sea, dangerous navigation, destruction of fish, and overflowing of rivers. If discovered in the east, universal enmity; if in the west, anxieties and deaths amongst men in the western or northwestern countries continuing for three years, floods and death of birds and fishes.

Pisces rules Portugal, Calabria, Normandy, Galicia in Spain, Cilicia, Alexandria, Regensburg and Worms in Genmany, Seville, Santiago de Compostela, Tiverton. Anciently, it ruled the Euphrates and Tigris rivers, the Red Sea, and Parthia.

Comet Meanings

The Shaft Scene in the Lascaux Caves may commemorate a comet strike around 15,200 BC.

Other Constellations

Andromeda: Earthquakes, executions.

Aquila: Changes in the weather, bombs, missiles, drones, the U.S.A.

Argo: Events concerning the sea and shipping, rivers and springs, death by drowning, currency and trade, communications

Auriga: Earthquakes.

Boötes: Events concerning agriculture and the effects are notably delayed.

Canes Venatici: Beneficial to the affairs of nations and kings.

Cassiopeia: Africa.

Centaurus: Weapons and poison.

Cepheus: Earthquakes and other events that affect large portions of mankind, death of leaders, executions, assassinations.

Corona Australis: Unforeseen troubles to those in positions of authority.

Corona Borealis: Matter concerning the air, especially the weather and its effects on agriculture.

Corvus: Storms, terrorism.

Crux: Sacrifice, suffering, Brazil.

Cygnus: Hostile to all things in the air.

Delphinus: Events concerning the sea.

Draco: Poison scattered over the earth, especially hurtful to mineral resources and presages the pollution of rivers and the air. China.

Eridanus: Rain, events concerned with rivers and streams.

Hercules: Events that affect large portions of mankind, such as earthquakes.

Hydra: Events concerning the sea, difficulties and tragedy for ships. If in the Head of Hydra, someone will be poisoned.

Lyra: Events concerning the weather.

Ophiuchus: Dangerous to mankind, occasioning much mortality by poisoning.

Orion: War, a direful influence on agriculture, violent storms and much rain

Pegasus: Events concerning ships, the ocean, and also changes in weather.

Perseus: Events affecting many people, especially those caused by major meteorological phenomena.

Sagitta: Events concerning the weather.

Serpens: Poisoning, mines and minerals. If in the Head of Serpens, someone will be poisoned.

Triangulum: Events concerning rivers, streams and the weather.

Ursa Major: Particularly injurious to the affairs of nations and kings. Russia.

Ursa Minor: Particularly injurious to the affairs of nations and kings.

Motion of the Comet

Towards the Sun: Affects eminent persons.

West to east: Foreign invasion.

Static and still: Indigenous enemy and sedition.

Quick motion: Mutation of empires.

Retrograde: Rare occurrences.

Conjunctions to Planets

Conjunct Sun: Death and destruction of kings and government, Fall of the powerful.

Conjunct Moon: Trouble and shame to the population as a whole, losses of assets.

Conjunct Mercury: Much consumption of wealth, with shame and infamy, transport problems.

Conjunct Venus: Death of great women and damage to things associated with women.

Conjunct Mars: Grievous and terrible sicknesses, war, slaughter, bloodshed, and the alteration of kingdoms.

Conjunct Jupiter: Wrath and destruction to kings and anyone in authority, fall of the distinguished,  destruction of palaces.

Conjunct Saturn: Destruction of the fruits of the earth, scarcity, famine, resistant and long-lasting diseases.

Conjunct Lunar Nodes: Pestilence and infection.

Other Factors in Comet Astrology

Comets have the planetary nature of Mercury and Mars.

For a comet to affect a given country, it must be visible in that country.

The greater the comet’s brilliance (apparent magnitude), the greater its effect.

A long tail portends the death of important people and wars in the places where the tail points (associated by constellation)

Similar events will occur if a comet follows a similar path to a previous comet.

  1. The Natural History, Volume II, Pliny the Elder, 0077.
  2. Tetrabiblos, Ptolemy, 0160.
  3. De Cometis, John Gadbury, 1665.
  4. Star Names: Their Lore and Meaning, Richard Hinckley Allen, 1889.
  5. Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology, Vivian E. Robson, 1923.
  6. Noonan, Fixed Stars and Judicial Astrology, 1990.
  7. Unexpected Visitors: The Theory of the Influence of Comets, Jonathan Flanery,, November 2005.
  8. The Little Book of Comets and Astrology, Kim Farnell, 2020.

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