The second inauguration of Donald Trump on January 20, 2025, will mark the most stunning political comeback in US history. Now, Donald Trump is more powerful and popular than ever. The astrology of Inauguration Day 2025 gives insights into his second term as president of the USA.
The horoscope for Inauguration Day 2025 below has four main features that stand out:
- Sun conjunct Pluto
- Moon square Mercury
- Venus conjunct Saturn
- Mars opposite Midheaven
These aspects directly impact the USA horoscope, suggesting this presidency will have profound consequences for the nation. As expected, it also links strongly to Donald Trump’s horoscope.
Absolute Power
Sun conjunct Pluto (0°47′) gives the president (Sun) absolute power (Pluto), like a king. The proximity to the Midheaven is insignificant. It is the same every Inauguration because it always occurs at noon when the Sun is directly overhead. But the Sun conjunct Pluto has never before occurred on Inauguration Day.
Part of Fortune conjunct (0°59′) and Pluto (0°11′) highlights the significance of this aspect and is very helpful for the president. It could also mean the wise use of power and positive transformation, allowing Trump to “drain the swamp” and eliminate waste and corruption. This is a rare opportunity to transform the USA using extreme methods.
However, Sun conjunct Pluto is a challenging aspect that indicates egotism, authoritarianism, extreme polarization, power struggles, powerful enemies, obsessive and compulsive behavior, paranoia, propaganda, crises, secrets, plots, violence and corruption. The Roman Emperor Nero had Sun conjunct Pluto (0°11′), and it brought the abuse of power and destruction.
Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men, even when they exercise influence and not authority, still more when you superadd the tendency or the certainty of corruption by authority. [Lord Acton]
Never before has one person held so much power. Unlike Nero, Trump controls the flow of information through the mainstream and social media.
The Eagle
Fixed star Altair is conjunct with the Inauguration Sun (1°14′) and Pluto (0°26′). The Eagle Star symbolized the power of the Roman Empire and now rules the USA, space exploration, bombs, missiles and drones.
Altair makes the president confident, ambitious, bold, valiant, unyielding, liberal and commanding, with legal and military advancement, tremendous and sudden but ephemeral wealth. Positively, it bestows hardiness, courage and generosity. Negatively, it causes mischief, bloodshed, disgrace, misfortune and possible ruin. Lord Acton knew what he was talking about. He had Moon and Neptune conjunct Altair.
With the Sun: Public honor, notoriety, favors from superiors, many friends and some envious ones who cause trouble through writings, unexpected and peculiar events, temporary family problems and some ill-health and losses.
Altair aligns with the USA Pluto (1°04′). To reinforce just how critical the president’s power is to the future of the United States, this nation is experiencing its Pluto return. The first conjunction was on February 22, 2024, and the final one on December 30, 2024. It leaves the one-degree orb on January 31, 2025.
So the second inauguration of Donald Trump marks the end of the USA Pluto return. The transformation will be complete; democracy has been replaced by autocracy, and now we await the ramifications.
Most empires last about 248 years (one Pluto return). If they do survive their first Pluto return, they undergo dramatic transformations. The bi-wheel chart below has the USA Sibly chart on the inner wheel and the Inauguration Day on the outer wheel.
Moon square Mercury (0°15′) suggests the president will be opinionated and care little about what others think. Emotional biases influence thoughts, and intellectual reasoning can affect feelings about a person or subject.
Disagreements are likely because of parochial views about family, clans, or larger emotional groupings. This aspect subjects the public (Moon) to misinformation (square Mercury). It brings prejudice and media bias.
Moon conjunct fixed star Seginus (0°30′): Preferment in legal, government, and public matters by indirect means, followed by disgrace and ruin. Losses are not taken easily.
Seginus generally gives a protective nature, keen mentality, subtle mind, a wide acquaintance, the potential for writing or public speaking, shamelessness, and loss through friends and companies. Harsh aspects (square Mercury) impart a tendency towards making sudden, often fatal decisions, self-destruction, and cruelty.
Seginus aligns with the USA Saturn (0°16′) and Donald Trumps Jupiter (0°32′).
Conservative Values
Venus conjunct Saturn (1°23′) indicates conservative values, especially toward women. It could lead to the restriction of women’s rights and freedoms, financial hardship, crisis, recession or even depression. Interestingly, Donald Trump also has Venus conjunct Saturn.
Fixed star Achernar conjunct Venus (1°58′) and Saturn (0°35′): Achernar gives an industrious, philosophical and religious nature, patience, beneficence, honors, business success, and high office in public affairs or religion. It is associated with morality and faithful adherence to religious beliefs or philosophical inclinations. No wonder “The Handmaid’s Tale” is flying off the shelves.
Mars opposite Midheaven (1°54′) reflects the history of anger, hatred, violence, rioting and murder associated with the January 6 United States Capitol attack. This aspect could make it harder for the president to succeed due to past actions, rivalries with other world leaders and enemies closer to home. A tendency to act impulsively or out of anger will damage the reputation of the president and the country.
Mars conjunct fixed star Pollux (0°49′): Brutal, tyrannical, violent, cruel, obstinate, willful, unintentionally creates jealousy, high position but final ruin, prefers to lead, not follow. There is the risk of domestic problems, health problems not easily cured, murder or violent death by suffocation, drowning or assassination.
Pollux generally gives a subtle, crafty, spirited, brave, audacious, cruel and rash nature, eminence, renown, dignified malevolence, an aptitude for getting into quarrels, a love of sports, especially boxing, violence, psychic ability, success in war, business and politics, and is connected with poisons.
Trump has Saturn conjunct Pollux (1°20′)
Mars conjunct fixed star Procyon (1°44′): Pride, controversy, slander, scandal, insensitivity, questionable statement, a complete lack of compassion for others, cruelty, violence, disgrace and ruin.
Procyon generally gives a sound, sharp mind, activity, drive, willpower, pride, wealth, good fortune, and sudden fame. But it can cause a hot temper, impudence, jealousy, petulance, violence, sudden and violent malevolence, and make its natives saucy, giddy, weak-natured, timid, fortunate and unfortunate, easily angered, careless, hasty and pig-headed. Procyon is also noted for sudden preferment by exertion, rise and success but a later fall from high position.
Procyon is conjunct Trump’s Venus (0°42′) and Saturn (1°13′) and conjunct the USA Mercury (1°30′).
It sounds like you hate Trump. Where is your disdain for Biden?
this is an clearly and unbiased post just dissecting his chart.
Oh come on, if you’ve been following this site for a long time, you know this isn’t true.
Thank you Flub!
Jamie, maybe we appreciate more just the transits affecting his term rather than editorializing.
Regardless, with Pluto now in Aquarius, things can only get better. Yes there will be both bad and good happenings but I feel hopeful. “Better to light one candle than curse the darkness.” Thank you for your site.
He merely stated astrological facts, this cannot be made up by anyone
It has nothing to do with one being better than the other
Stop with the divide mentality
Come on. He clearly did not just “state” the astrological facts. He interpreted astrological facts in accordance with his political views (with which you are in agreement by the looks of it). Clearly biased against Trump.
Here’s my interpretation of Moon square Mercury: the Moon (signifier for American people) will be very much at odds with how the media (square to Mercury) will be covering Trump presidency. All in line with the coverage of 2016-2020 presidency. See. There many ways to present an astrological fact.
That is exactly what I said: “This aspect subjects the public (Moon) to misinformation (square Mercury). It brings prejudice and media bias.”
So, does that mean that you interpreted astrological facts in accordance with your political views?
Moon square mercury you say. Moon is food too. False promises of food prices going down. Isn’t that why he got so much support. Just talked to FL. Inches is snow and cold not good for citrus crops. And CA on fire? After Hawaii volcano disruption, store pineapple different. Comes from Central America. Should we really be posting those people off? There’s some kind of interdependence that is being denied.
oh yeah it has been 4 days and food prices are not down. Cleariy you don’t understand the supply chain! lol
Hey Light Body, time will tell eh? I do get supply chain. It’s complicated. Your king said it, I didn’t.
Nat, it seems like you use anger and preconceived judgments against other people that aren’t there, to keep people away from you, at a distance, because closeness for you might feel too scary.
this is astrology not opinion.
I don’t think it sounds like he hates Trump. At least I didn’t take it that way
and I am a guarded fan of DJT
i notice you are the Astrology King… Perhaps look in the mirror.
What we despise in others most is the key to our healing. Look to your
intolerance and where you are disowning aspects of yourself.
What does the 4th house represent in this chart? I’m thinking the American people but correct me if I’m wrong. Thx
The 4th house is the land, settlements, the building of stable communities, agriculture, identification with ethnicity, one’s “clan” or “tribe,” and is associated with the base of society and its most cherished traditions. This is the house of the common folk and is also representative of rebellion against the government (the 4th house is opposite the 10th). It is the house of “nationalism,” mass ideologies — a love of the land — and is associated with socialism/the socialist party. The 4th house rules the harvest of the land — her crops.
I would add history.
Hi jamie from what do you derive “the 4th house is connected with socialism and communism” ? Cuz communism was designed as international/global movement not a national one…
Hi there. Just wanted to remind you that trump is not “more popular than ever.” He didn’t even get 50% of the vote. The U.S. remains horribly divided.
Your extreme bias is showing, though it’s an interesting chart…What murder is associated with the Jan.6 demonstration except the murder of unarmed Ashli Babbitt by a Capital policeman, who has never been subjected to justice?
Yeah just a bunch of peaceful tourists. This is why we can’t have nice things- willful ignorance
Both of you are failing to recognize that each party is infiltrated by bad actors who use passionate people as human shields. We have seen violence from people posing as both Democrats and Republicans, but in the end, each of you have to foot the bill.
The biggest change in my life occurred when I spent time in a state with the opposite views and laws, without any financial help.
When you strip away everything you’ve been told, and have to live in the opposite culture, you learn to love the good in one another.
They were unarmed. They were not threatening anyone. They were on public property. The police/guards held the doors open for them – did you really not see all the footage showing this??? Killing and beating unarmed protesters is the epitome of tyranny. But I guess it’s ok if you don’t like the protestors? Are you old enough to remember Kent State? What did you think of that? Did those protestors “deserve” to be killed too, since they were so disruptive? Killing people over beliefs is so medieval, yet here we are…
….But remember, Pluto has changed signs. Capricorn was a huge part of his term back in 2016…now she’s nesting happily in Aquarius…it’s going to be a different mode this time around, for sure.
Good times. May everyone get what they voted for- in spades. I’m moving to Canada.
Good luck, that might not do you very well in the long run.
Smart Move…… 👈🏾We Will Gladly Welcome Our Amercian Neighbour….. 🙌🏾 Trump is A Diaster and Amercians will See Their Leader Fall From Grace …. 😑
WELL NOW, JAMIE … If this little memento made to TRUMP HATRED and TRUMP DERANGEMENT SYNDROME you’ve written, doesn’t again say much more about YOU than it does about him. Why did you not include a Target overlay on his photo to complete the HIT JOB you laid out on the Man? WHEN YOUR ASTROLOGICAL FORECAST ON THE US ELECTION FELL FLAT ON ITS FACE, now you hold fast to this notion that somehow, in some strange inexplicable way, there was some sort of Abandonment of Democracy. What a pathetic set of ideas you support. NO EVIDENCE exists for that. In fact, it was quite the OPPOSITE. The entire country came out to vote and finally had enough of the lying pieces of garbage who have been intent on controlling America since JFK was in office. But you don’t make a Peep about any of that because you have no insight whatsoever to what we in America have gone through for the last 60 odd years. But finally our people had a candidate with the STRENGTH to fight back against the tide of corruption which is the New World Order that you obviously support. I cannot imagine how a hypocrite like yourself manages to get up each day and continue to look in the mirror, all the while thinking that you are some kind of fair commentator on World Events and Geo-Politics. I seriously think you need a wake up call from God himself, if you even believe in the Creator with all your magical asteroids and influential sub-genius cues that you use to justify this highly slanted politically Left Wing view you constantly serve up to us all, under the guise of ‘Astrology.’ You are anything but objective or you would have at least gotten the Election correct. But that’s all water under the Bridge now, never to be revisited. And you are so cowardly to face my criticism that you will summarily delete this post, if you can somehow beat a path to the DELETE BUTTON. Hope you are proud of yourself there, Jamie boy. It just makes one wonder how you could live an entire life up until now and never wake up to anything resembling the inspiration of Higher Consciousness. ….. Well, there’s always Hope.
No astrology, righteous John?
I wouldn’t apply it with the bias you are doing, JAMIE. I’ve taken courses with Robert Hand in Princeton, NJ. Some of us are objective about events and people. Others are Globalists, Communists, Climate Change liars, and Political Trojan horses with an Agenda, who love calling it ‘Objective,’ but only use it to inject their subjective political influence. If Astrology was a Science, I think you might represent the Dark Ages of its Renaissance, imho.
Don’t shoot the messenger, as they say!
A completely unnecessary, hate-filled rant. This is not the forum, “John of the Cross.” If this site’s astrology is not to your liking – does not support your rigid POV, please move on. If anything is lacking “inspiration of higher consciousness,” your post succinctly demonstrates such. Please move on.
Trump is going to fight the tide of corruption? Well, there’s always Laughter. Thanks for the chuckle to start the day!
Wow, so much vitriol. It’s contagious in your party of choice? This is an astrology forum, if you don’t like what the planets and stars are saying then maybe time to bow out.
Horoscope Donald John Trump.
Progressive aspects for 2025.
AR is Arabic part.
7-Jan-2025 029°,19’33 Libra Moon 120 C-11
15-Jan-2025 023°,34’29 Leo Merc 90 AR04
23-Jan-2025 023°,14’25 Libra Ven 135 AR12
25-Jan-2025 007°,13’23 Virgo Sun 30 mutual Nep
25-Jan-2025 029°,56’42 Libra Moon 60 Asc
27-Jan-2025 000°,00’00 Scorpio Moon New
9-Feb-2025 000°,25’35 Scorpio Moon 0 mutual Asc
17-Feb-2025 -08°,15’59 Moon // C–3
2-March-2025 001°,09’50 Scorpio Moon 60 mutual C–3
6-March-2025 023°,49’20 Leo Merc 30 Sat
9-March-2025 006°,12’12 Leo MC 135 Moon
16-March-2025 001°,38’22 Scorpio Moon 135 mutual North Node
16-March-2025 023°,52’18 Leo Merc 45 Merc
19-March-2025 001°,43’43 Scorpio Moon 90 C-12
24-March-2025 -08°,45’22 Moon // mutual Jup
8-Apr-2025 002°,24’04 Scorpio Moon * PRINCEPS (MERC – SAT )
9-Apr-2025 028°,48’22 Scorpio C–2 * BUNGULA (VENUS – JUP )
14-Apr-2025 002°,36’48 Scorpio Moon 135 AR06
22-Apr-2025 023°,29’12 Libra Ven * ARCTURUS (MARS – JUP )
23-Apr-2025 002°,54’00 Scorpio Moon 135 Ura
12-May-2025 003°,33’24 Scorpio Moon 90 mutual Sat
16-May-2025 003°,41’47 Scorpio Moon 0 AR03
19-Jun-2025 024°,20’00 Leo Merc 90 MC
22-Jun-2025 021°,28’53 Gemini Ura 45 mutual MC
22-Jun-2025 006°,28’56 Leo MC * PRAESAEPE (MARS – MOON )
3-Jul-2025 005°,17’35 Scorpio Moon 30 Black Moon
14-Jul-2025 024°,27’47 Leo Merc 120 AR08
17-Jul-2025 005°,45’24 Scorpio Moon 135 North Node
19-Jul-2025 005°,50’30 Scorpio Moon 30 Nep
28-Jul-2025 006°,07’20 Scorpio Moon * KHAMBALIA (MERC – MARS )
30-Jul-2025 006°,12’12 Scorpio Moon 45 Moon
7-Aug-2025 006°,29’03 Scorpio Moon 135 mutual Ura
11-Aug-2025 006°,36’52 Scorpio Moon 90 mutual MC
21-Aug-2025 023°,49’20 Libra Ven 90 Sat
30-Aug-2025 007°,14’34 Scorpio Moon 30 mutual Nep
16-Sep-2025 -11°,03’05 Moon // mutual Ven
18-Sep-2025 007°,50’51 Virgo Sun 60 mutual Moon
20-Sep-2025 007°,56’02 Scorpio Moon 135 Sun
21-Sep-2025 007°,57’03 Scorpio Moon 30 mutual C-12
22-Sep-2025 007°,59’20 Scorpio Moon 45 C–2
16-Oct-2025 001°,43’43 Capricorn C–3 150 C-12
18-Oct-2025 006°,47’35 Leo MC * NORTH ASELLUS (MARS – SUN )
18-Oct-2025 008°,52’18 Scorpio Moon 120 Merc
19-Okt-2025 029°,14’40 Taurus C–8 * ALCYONE (MOON – MARS )
22-Oct-2025 -11°,29’40 Moon # Asc
5-Nov-2025 009°,27’47 Scorpio Moon 45 AR08
18-Nov-2025 -11°,49’59 Moon // mutual Asc
22-Nov-2025 010°,00’27 Scorpio Moon 60 mutual C-11
23-Nov-2025 010°,02’49 Scorpio Moon 90 Plu
24-Nov-2025 029°,19’33 Scorpio C–2 150 C-11
7-Dec-2025 010°,02’49 Virgo C-11 30 Plu
9-Dec-2025 -12°,05’53 Moon // Pars
25-Dec-2025 011°,07’47 Scorpio Moon * ACRUX (JUP – )
The circus is back in town. The sounds of the calliope and ruckus sound in my brain. Fun fun fun under the Big Top. Yeah, I know it could get bad, real bad. Hanging onto sanity in the distortion of the maze hall of mirrors. Freaks jumping out impeding my path like some haunted house.
But there’s a triteness in all of it. So much to do and wasted energy on changing the name of the Gulf of Mexico and focusing on what’s in people’s pants and what they are doing with it. That would most likely be the parochialism mentioned that I feel.
The dude has been so vocal that from what is written here I can understand sun conjunct Pluto and Venus conjunct Saturn. Need some work on star stuff.
The most interesting to me is the carnival barking media control. Is media like Jupiter or talky talky Gemini? It is shrinking and can’t seem to find its way out the small mindedness it has to report on. Or does it?
Jamie, you are a very serious astrologer and I love your wise interpretation of our collective cultural experience and your sharing so much great information. I am grateful for your generosity. I was thinking about Pluto in this first degree of Aquarius during Capricorn season and could not help to see all the signs that we are headed for a disaster that might come in the form of a cleansing. The earthquake in Tibet is so symbolic to me. But reading your insightful interpretations I also could not help to think that this man is clearly a karmic mirror to this country. Whatever side people take, the capitalist empire building mentality does need to face its extreme, and maybe even bite its tale. All the planets moving into Aries announce the Leviathan and NN in Pisces calls for a victim or a sacrifice. But I still think there is a lot happening behind the scenes with that Mars retro hitting T’s natal Pluto and Mars. Once Mars turns direct more fire might burn. This is the year of the snake after all. Happy New Year, Jamie! Good health and move love to you!
Oh wow, just read about Tibet earthquake. Back to reality. News was interspersed with stampede in India to get religious amulets. Earthquakes often proceed volcanic eruptions. The teng Chong volcano on the Tibetan plateau is predicted to erupt in near future. There is a discussion going on about whether tectonic plate shifting is now speeding up after slowing for so long as thought. Scientists collect rocks all over I guess. Anyway the New Science article alluded to the water shift. Again. But the verdict is out. Scientists are watching the Oregon under water volcano due to blow this year. It’s so Mars Pluto ain’t it.
I really should add that as the ice cover melts there is less downward pressure on underwater volcanoes allowing the magma to expand. Was surprised to learn that there are like 60 underwater volcanoes eruptions a year m. The last big one was the Tonga one in 2022 sending ash and rocks 35 miles up in the air.
one does not need astrology to see trump as americas undertaker… on its way to splitting into several nations. a nation of deranged uneducated retards. the only place making money is wall st. where 90% of programers are russian.
Dear Jamie
Thank you for this interesting article and data.
Will Trump finish his term or become President again ? He is already causing so much anger and anxiety for so many nations. Pluto in Aquarius – is it not “people power” ? So how come USA is ending up now with dictatorship
With crazy, selfish , sentenced president who – in some ways – behaves like Putin – by grabbing Greenland ….
Is it really happening ?
Hi Bea. Pluto in Aquarius means little because the fixed stars are important not the signs.
I am not so shure Jamie cuz the division of the sun’s way seen from earth in twelve parts of 30° is meaningful. 12 is not a casual number. It is a holy number in deed. 12 stages of experiences and archetypes on the journey through the tropical zodiac.
Your post reminded me of Gerry Goddard, Klause
He published his book in a pdF before he died, but now GERRY GODDARD’S FINAL BOOK IS STILL AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE:
Transpersonal Theory & the Astrological Mandala: An Evolutionary Model
Hilarious Trump Derangement Syndrome as usual. Embarrassing and unprofessional bias. Why didn’t you call him a Nazi as well?
he is
Well, people were criticised that Trump was called a Nazi but the Trump team don’t have any bother with calling Starmer ‘Stalin’ and that’s OK then?? Talk about double standards…
Fantastic post ! Thank you for your hard work in researching the astrology !
Ugh. That was a painful read. I’m a professional astrologer and there is clear bias in how these aspects are being interpreted.
All the charts are there. Give specifics.
Well, you mentioned Mars reflecting the J6 situation. Many would argue that it reflects anger over the country’s traditions being trampled on.
The Venus conjunct Saturn? Women losing freedom, possibly? No I think it means women will return to traditional roles once the excrement hits the oscillating unit; there are clear indicators of that happening in this chart, and during crises, that’s what men and women do. Revert to traditional roles.
Also whenever there is a major crisis, the people demand a strongman. There’s Pluto conjunct Sun.
There are the 3 that stood out to me for alternative interpretation.
I agree about people demanding a strogman in a crisis. That is what happened in Germany before WWII and is hapopening all over Europse at the moment. There is no doubting Trumps popularity.
And you went straight to Hitler. This is why you get accused of bias. Look, it doesn’t matter what country it is, and the strongman can be good or bad. Indeed every country involved in that war had its own strongman. All humans demand a strongman when there is a crisis, not just 1930s
Or it might not be a strongman theme at all, the Pluto conjunct Sun. It might simply mean that the country will be transformed under this presidency.
Most political commentators are making the same comparison. Trump and Musk are pushing America and the world further to the right, towards extreemism. History has proven Lord Acton right: “Great men are almost always bad men.”
What you call bias, I would call an opinion based on astrology.
fascists came into power spewing simplton sulutions to complex problems, trump is simpler than a effing stone
I was wondering about that. Dictators in general. I am mono lingual so I don’t know. It’s such an extreme different kind of , I want to say person but I can’t. So I’ll sing oh no one knows what it’s like to be the sad man, the bad man behind blue eyes.
He bores me to death. It really wrecks listening to the news.
I agree these things are complex. Cuz not only persons have “karma” but also states and countries. So the usa kilked the indians and made a lot of s**t politics in middle- and south america like the spaniards too. European colonialism in africa. Hitler in germany. And so on… We always get a backlash from what we do wrong. Destiny. Past lives. History.
Senate just introduced a bill called Conception Begins At Erection with fines for masturbating. Those wokers. Wanting all that equality stuff. 🤣
Oh, it’s just the Mississippi state senate. I wonder if they will make it illegal to cross state lines to masturbate.
I’ve never read chart interpretations from two “professional astrologers” who agree. Perhaps the bias is your own. Astrology is a tool to aid us in our higher learning – SOUL growth. How about try to focus on that.
Very interested to see how this all plays out. Pluto is crossing over into trumps 6th house. Given his habits of lying and deception Pluto may not be crowning him king. His health could be seriously challenged and any idea that he is actually going to serve the American people in a selfless way has already been proven false. He is not universally popular in this country and his power is really on its last legs–note his Ascendant in the anerectic degree of Leo. Many non astrological prediction out there that the inauguration may not even take place. Revelations to come? Pluto is not nice to people who work behind the scenes to deceive.
And he is the master.
agreed! a 8 yr old can see his derangement, he might be in a straight jacket by easter
Btw. you can make a pluto out of neptune and vice versa…and you can use lying and deception (propaganda) as a tool for plutonic dictatorship…some one wrote here now trump will totally rule all social media…so…we had joseph goebbels who was perfect i this game… i.e. still talking about the “endsieg” even when russian troops were standing before the führerbunker…if i think about trump now the new emporers clothes are recognizable….anyway trump is NOT working class even if workers vote for him…he belongs to the “old” establishment now merging with all that gates, zuckerbergs new technology elite etc. AND he is strictly tight to ZIONIST establishment too who are the TRUE rules of usa…Black rock, goldman-sachs, rockefeller, pfizer, etc. etc. — and most of the tekk-billionaires also jews like his new “son in law” elon musk.
Main “god” of us-establishment is NOT jesus christ but MAMMON and they are MAMMONITES and trump doesn’t change anything with their FALSE RELIGION so WAKE UP ! They all think the world belongs to them and if countries want to go their own wayUNCLE SAMAELsays NO then they will use the CIA and their bigges WAR-MACHINE on earth including NATO/WOTAN to CHANGE things so they fit for their MAMMONISTS like in Ukraine and in many other countries before… “Ah the world is ours !!!”
Pluton was called “the rich” by the romans so he clearly is the GOD OF the MAMMONISTS !
So the what about sun conjunct pluto with trump inauguration ? Is trump jesus christ the redeemer or is he the god of the mammonists ? Stay clear you naive fools…
Further on i have clearly to defend Mr. Jamie Partridge from fully UNFAIR and biased criticism cuz he strictly uses the interpretations of the planetary aspects and fixed stars as given by the books.
Jaime you got the usa pluto spot on! no one has put so much research into this, brilliant!!
Thank you, Mick. Time will tell, and it won’t take long.
I am really confused by the term “strong man” to describe tyrants. I really don’t get that. It seems outdated by definition.
Like “traditional roles for women”. It’s misunderstood and outdated by definition.
I guess it should be called what it is. A demand for subservience maybe?
No vic it is not cuz there is always possibility of the misuse of that strengh/power…
It’s position, not strength. And since when is female’s masculine side not honored? Since male’s feminine side is not honored? Something’s way off here. Out of whack. Unbalanced. I guess that’s the way it is when people are judged by what’s in their pants.
Yo vic shurely ok with feminine side of masculine and vice versa… No prob… But ya know the conservatives what venus saturn and sun-pluto indicates here want clear seperation and archaic role play as in former times. But thats not my personal view. But if you mention balance the fanatic “progressive” aquarius gender depolarisation ideology is’nt balanced either.
Ah, you raise an important question in an off hand way. And I cannot equate it with this chart under discussion but I gotta ask cuz you might know. What is the radical left fanatic? It is always mentioned but with no example. Or is it just not going along with the conservative front?
The strongman is simply the guy who takes charge when all hell is breaking loose. He is necessary for the country’s survival. The people know it, and when they sense danger, they demand one. The strongman may or may not be a tyrant. It is a neutral term on its own. Not an outdated concept, still going on to this day.
The traditional roles for women are home and hearth. We got a taste of it during the COVID lockdowns. When the schools and daycares all shut down, the vast majority of the people who left the workforce to care for the children were women. And if it gets REALLY bad, it’s not going to be women slugging it out in the streets. They’ll disappear in to the house.
“for the countries survival”… ah ok you are still the biggest military power on earth but you have to fight for yr survival… Sorry dude i just have to laugh about that… Would be a nice idea if yr country would stop engaging around the globe and fight senseless wars like in iraq, afghanistan or ukraine. How about yr nosy elite world police playing guys would spend these enormous sums of maney for their own people? Whom should trump save if not yr own american people from yr own arrogant imperialist vampires? And will he do that??? I don’t think so at all.
Klaus, I don’t know where you are geographically, but the sun is clearly past the yard arm in your neck of the woods.
I was speaking of the general concept of the strongman. They pop up in nations all over the world and have been since the dawn of humankind. Might want to pull out a history book.
And like it or not, the inauguration chart is ominous.
No it is not. And if you wanna know where i am in germany. So what? You didn’t even get what i meant before.. And the same with usa. If yr own politicians stop playing world domination game then there would be enough money for the american people. Got it now?
I know what you were complainin’ bout and this was my answer and if you think trump is yr redeemer then go on believin’ false prophets.
I don’t think you get America Klaus. Through this debacle the spirit lives on. That is not just common to Americans , but all peoples. Except the controllers.
You miss aspiration, just like ol Kupiter sitting out there all inspected in the inaugural chart.
Just read about a town where people think all politicians are crooks so that makes Trump an honest man they can trust because he openly a crook. But there’s no aspiration to do better by people. It’s missing.
I meant unaspected Jupiter hanging out in the chart.
I have been trying to define the nebulous deep state some are so convinced exists in reality. I think it is the underlying spirit. It’s unconquerable. No matter how hard one gets beat up, it’s still there if you are lucky.
And if you mention bad covid times and other planned self inflicted catastrophies like 09/11 too… All home made by the usa and their tyrannical world domination league itsself…
The “strongman” is a nothing but a bully. Trump is a bully. What we need – when “hell is breaking loose” (please inform when exactly hell “broke loose”? lol) – or anytime, is to EVOLVE from these anachronistic and barbaric ideas, including notions regarding the sexes. “Traditional” role for women “home & hearth”? Whose traditions? From what culture, in what era? Wow. Just wow.
These comments belong in the Fox comment section.
“great men are mostly evil men” = Lord Acton
I predicted that Trump would win the election in a previous post because Trump had Jupiter in Gemini going through his 10th house of career conjunct his Sun, Uranus, and North Node in Gemini and trine his Libra in Jupiter. I don’t know if Trump will make it through his 4 year term with Pluto entering his 6th house of health though.
My other prediction is that Trump and Elon Musk will have a major falling out as Trump’s Mars in Leo is opposite Elon’s Mars & North Node in Aquarius.
I think the US will enter war as Gemini enters Uranus, which will change everything we as a society are complaining about now. Generation Z will be greatly affected by this as Uranus in Gemini will be opposite their Pluto in Sagittarius which signals to me they will be drafted into war against their wishes. In the US chart, Uranus is in Gemini, and whenever Uranus enters Gemini throughout history this has always been a result of war for America. War throughout history has changed societies completely for bad (killings and murders) and good (US emancipation from Great Britain, end of slavery etc.).
I agree with Jamie about the 248 year of reign for power in countries, and that will be in 2026 for the United States. I think America will not fall completely, but won’t be the #1 most power country in the world, the power will be shared with other countries (Pluto in Aquarius) by the time we get into the 2030’s.
Pluto in Aquarius transit will bring upheaval battles of the interest and well being of the public people vs interest of the aristocracy elite, and by the end of this transit the public people will take back the power from the aristocracy elite. Pluto in Capricorn favored the elite and Pluto in Aquarius favors the public everyday people. Luigi Mangione being accused of killing the CEO of United Health Care and the California politicians (Gavin Newsom and Karen Bass) who cut funding for water supply and hydrants in Los Angeles County resulting in massive burning down of homes is just the introduction of this everyday people vs the aristocracy elite battle. The everyday people are starting to get tired of the abuse and misuse of power from the aristocracy elite.
I think you are right. We need to flag this whole chart and comment section and circle back in 4 years!
Thanks and agreed!
I dunno if uranus really stands for the common people. That is just another myth…My opinion is more towards a nosy and arrogant tech elite which now works well together with the old mammonite elite. In this case saturn and uranus work together for total control of people. This was clearly shown by the jupiter/saturn conjunction in first degree aquarius conjunct altair in 2021. Old and new tech establishment unite preserving and reinforcing their power.
Further on in classical astrology aquarius sign was ruled by saturn too. Also when saturn went into aquarius we had the most severe corona restrictions just remember that !
I never stated Uranus stands for common people. I personally think Uranus rules over social groups such as tech bro’s, LGBT, feminist, liberals, gamers/streamers, social media content creators etc.
In the US natal chart Moon (the public) is in Aquarius (humanity). Pluto (power) is currently in Aquarius. At some point during this transit of Pluto (power) in Aquarius (humanity) it will conjunct the Moon (public) in the US natal chart. Which I predict will be the everyday public people taking back the power from the aristocracy elite. I may have not expressed it quite like that in my initial response, but that’s how I came with my prediction.
What many people dont wanna hear is every planet, sign etc. can have its own shadowy sides. If you think aquarius is only humanist you are wrong..
Uranus? It’s neoliberalism aka woke capitalism.
Iam of the leaning …aquarius being the greater good for humanity as we aquas do better loving the whole human race rather than on a individual level (failed there xx) with pluto now dont we see the powerful politicals falling flat on their face, moguls falling, the movers and shakers of the universe crashing, empires crashing, diddy and is ilk crashing …the great reckoning. aquarius does not need prestige or status or power, power should be given to those who are not in love with power: marcus aurelius
I like this interpretation because it’s more professional/ neutral . . Astrologers are only human, so one expects bias; however, they should not make subjective conclusions based on their personal beliefs/ hopes, as Jamie has done in this post.
Pluto swung back in Capricorn during the election. Pluto in Capricorn is authoritarian in nature with a need for structure. Trump has an authoritarian personality. It doesn’t mean he is a “strong man.” Pluto is now permanently in Aquarius for the next 20 years or until 2044. With Gemini, in this day and age, I think we will be seeing more propaganda. Pluto is a planet of knocking down the old structures and implementing new ways of doing things. Anyone still believe in the American Dream? It’s dead. Men who are misogynistic will need to grieve and get psychological assistance. We all need to grieve this because this was another broken promise we were brainwashed to believe. Feel your feelings and it’s okay to shed tears of grief. It takes strength to cry so I am holding space for all the men who are in this healing process.
Pluto in aquarius and pluto-uranus in general can be authoritarian too but in a ideological or “revolutionary” way.
Just look after the french revolution in the end it was a new kind of dictatorship and ended up with emperor napoleon.
Important : Pluto-uranus can be the orwellian digital dictatorship !
well…where did you see pluto knocking down the powers in capricorn?? it turbo charged those powers
The “age of aquarius” euphoria is only biased and without any critical thought. If you think one sign or archetype is “better” than another we will see and we have seen already. Freedom is nothing what you can design with ideology the same with all the other slogans from former french revolution 1789.
You are just blind for all the negative sides uranus can have (even more with pluto in the backpack!) cuz of this “age of aquarius myth” created in the 1960s.
Good to see you controversial again Jamie! Isn’t election day the pertinent one? Inauguration seems superficial., short term. Trump didn’t get much done last time at home, weak wall built late, swamp not drained, he was a punching bag for Democrats, a lever to get Biden elected. He got the popular vote, lets see if he can produce, only talk so far.
I am not sure he has to produce anything. I was looking at his conjunctions to the U.S. Mercury. He is a master at mind control. He even explained how he casts his spell using “the weave.”
So it doesn’t matter if he does anything. He will be great. The problem will be when complications arise and he and his are incapable of meeting the task. I could name a few, but don’t want to kick up a bunch of dirt. The only defense I hear, but what about Biden. But he will be long gone and the cheese stands alone.
What i am worried about is inauguration mars on trump’s venus-saturn. Not enough with that but also on marsian stars like pollux and procyon.
Anyone who thinks trump will be the great peacemaker i put into question: both mars-venus AND mars-saturn are classical war constellations. His announcements to seize other territories go in that direction. Will he follow putin ?
Trump will help his billionaires of his ilk to try to get richer. he will try a Plaza Accords on China as Reagan did to Japan but China aint japan. if he croaks on jan 20 I’ll be having a bbq for the neighbors
Shurely… Thats just another thing with mars on trumps venus-saturn: putting energy (mars) in the money-establishment (venus-saturn). Venus – saturn ironically many very rich people have that cuz obviously they hold back their money, are frugal or stingy. He will not fight (mars) the riches.
Thanks always for your insights. You are a conduit for the heavens
May have mentioned but has anyone else noticed the times lines of Uranus in Taurus –,-Removing%20the%20Uranian&text=May%2015%2C%202018%20%2D%20November%206,clean%2Dup%20of%20loose%20ends
Very interesting read
So is Jamie going nuts with all this Aquarius stuff or what?
All I can say is oh Aquarius oh Aquarius you water bearer you! Some got too much water, some not enough water. What up with the water? And what about the lead in drinking water? And what about the microplastics we are drinking? Ya can’t be happy with that crap in the water. Dilution don’t solve pollution.
On May 1, 2025, Uranus coincides with Algol again, and during this conjunction there was an assassination attempt on Trump in 2024, as it happened on his MC in a square with Mars on his Ascendant. Pluto, in addition to great power, also means big money, and the events today are part of the cycle of Pluto and Saturn, which began in January 2020. The first quarter of this cycle is coming, when Saturn enters the 20th gradus of Aries. In addition, the return of Pluto in the US horoscope can be considered as an independent horoscope, which also gives guidance.
So America was born at the top of the Age of Reason. Makes sense. Haha. So that is over too at 248 years.? That makes sense too.
Age of Reason was about critical thinking and moving away from the church controlled state.
I think Gore wrote a book about the end of rationality or something like that some years ago already.
The Assault on Reason written in 2017.
Hi Vic again USA has mercury (reason) connected with uranus and mars in gemini and opposite pluto. If jamie is right with his sibly chart then it has even a very mercurial star on his ascendant. Washington and many other key figures in us-history were freemasons. Parts of masonry i. e. the illuminati come from germany. The founder of them was adam weishaupt and jewish. He had a very very strong uranian chart but also pluto in scorpio strong. One main key for masonry is world domination and unification of all religions. They are the eye in the pyramid they are constructing for hundreds of years now. They replaced the old order of noblesse, kings, emperors and the church with their age of reason and science. During french revolution 1789 there was a cult of reason which should have replaced christianity. But thats all just another ideology in the end and another form of world domination. We changed from the age of pisces to the age of aquarius but i tell ya now we only changed the form of rulership and no archetype is better or bader than the other in the end.
As a woman, I would take reason over organized religion any day. I pick the least oppressive, meaning least apt to tell people how they have to be in their day to day living. Did I read Jamie somewhere use the righteous. 🤮. Assuming the roll of the deity that must be obeyed. It is never enough for those . I struggle between are they just insatiable control freaks or sexually turned on by sadism. Some like doing it. Others like watching others do it. Now if you want to do it on your own space fine. But like an associate recently said, I can’t listen to it anymore, it is pornographic.
Anyway vic i am no follower of religious dictatorship. I just wanted to remark that every “world – age” has its own problems. Reason cannot explain everything and anyone on the end. So belief will stay.
So if I am getting this right the 248 years is pretty closely associated with the great conjunction? The cycle of the jup sat conj in each element for 20 years. The cycle of 80 years for the conj to be in each element. And three cycles of the conj in each element would be 240 years.
This is getting out of hand again, so I will only allow astrological comments from now on.
Magna Carta progressed, 31 May 2024 with today’s transits, January 16.
I’m thinking about the Magna Carta the last few days, today Moon transits Regulus. On inauguration Moon and Vertex transits Magna Carta progressed Saturn.
It may be the Image of Trump wearing a crown is a reflection to the Magna Carta astrology, especially with Vertex showing up in Jamie’s chart.
Donald Trump progressed compare Magna Carta progressed, 20 January 2025. Moons a faster mover, and it aligns with DJT Sun at inauguration. Hindsight astrology ‘obeisance to the king’ we’ve seen the man in action and read the public news and comments.
Magna Carta progressed Moon 07Vir52. DJT prog. Sun 08Vir10
In a wider sense, have the Americans purloined the Magna Carta, and carried the Artwork over to the new regime?
Find a star at DJT progressed Moon 12Sco, or is it in orb of USA#11 ascendant 08Sco35? the claws of Scorpio?
Ulysses S. Grant 2nd Inauguration: “This was one of the coldest inaugurations in U.S. history with 16 °F (−9 °C) at noon,[1] and the inaugural ball ended early when the food froze.”
part of Fortune, 4th house angular, best be inside?
The outer ring is Trumps second, with Part of Fortune conjunct Pluto, Sun angular MC. From what I’m reading people and nations are warming up to the Trump#2 Part of Fortune by showing resolve, in the Middle East, for example, and in the various Senate hearings.
Hi Jamie, could the Sun conj Pluto be an indicator of death of the head of government? By the next inauguration in 2029, Pluto will be at 8 Aqu. I have just had this uncomfortable feeling that a 2nd term for Donald Trump would be too much stress for him and he would die in office. Ick. Gives me shivers. Also, my Virgo planets notice that the election charts are a bit different in each picture.
I knew an astrologer who felt we messed up by changing inauguration to Jan. When it was in March, it made a water trine with the chart of the country and that of election day. He felt that was deliberate. Although, it was much harder back then for the newly elected president to get to DC. Especially in the winter.
Hi Rose. Very good point. Sun Pluto in a mindane chart yes, Sun is the president, Pluto is death.
Jim Balsillie says Canada came ‘sleepwalking’ into Trump tariff crisis
would contest this assumption as it’s well known among commodity and marketing analyst’s the theories of Harold Innis and Thorstein Veblen, their natal charts True North Nodes featured in respect to current transits. ref Moon trine Moon. Would even go a step further that the airing of these theories helped formulate Presidential strategy.
People showing up with the Sun-Pluto yips, and Jupiter- Saturn if you’re looking at era type charts.
Sun-Pluto inauguration plus one hour Synastry with era chart Jupiter-Saturn.
Mars square Mars, I would say sports (or fitness) is a good distraction here, either as a spectator or participating.
Zeus, the King, era chart synastry with Inauguration, and Mass formation synastry with Inaugration
worth a study,
Mercury moving to mass formation conjunction this week, see it sextile chart Neptune, in a yod with Leo Moon. More talk of unity as Saturn is there too? Part of Fortune Virgo suggests more analysis within trade relationships.
In the spirit of further trade analysis DJT has provided a new date February 1st when tariffs are up again for consideration.
Local journalists have parsed his inauguration address, which lasted 30 minutes, or approximately 12:30pm if using midpoint.
Part of Fortune moves to about 12Aqr, in line with February 1st Sun. Ascendant aligns with DJT Mid heaven.
Three charts to consider. February 1st transits, DJT transits, and my own natal transits, which happens to have a POF conjunct Asc, and Jupiter conjunct inaugural address.
As if to confirm bias, new golden age.
Hi Paul again now if i see this chart with uranus and pluto at axis and i see elon elohim doing the “roman greez” of hitler and mussolini i cannot deny this reminds me of a fundamental change like hitlers coming to power in 1933 which had algol conjunct ascendant and also pluto-uranus signature (square).
Imperator trumpus maximus… And the jews now playing hitler eh…
Btw. there are heavy rumors of hitler being a illegal descendant of rothschild from vienna. So that would fit perfectly and now we can say we have a closed circle. Chapeau claque 😳uhhh… how f**ckin anti-semitic.. 😳
So that leads to the question what is it all about with trump, musk, hitler, israel/the jews and ALGOL ??? Is that only coincidence? I don’t think so..
Ah…. and what about consequently putting a swastika over the stars and stripes NOW !? And is only putin an imperialist ?? Really?
Interesting paul what means pluto over the epochal saturn-jupiter conjunction in aquarius? Amplifying or killing it? As trump would says a triumph for liberty or is it a dead born “age of aquarius” the virgos would analyze it.
Btw paul uhhh as you mentioned the virgos are the main culprit for that cuz they sit in the 8th house of the aquarian age…
Yes, years ago, Virgo 8th, final depositor on the aforementioned chart, I recall, which a British astrologer concurred. Fits in nicely with mortuary tables, demographics, factoring inheritance, but that is Virgo in service. Lawyering and judging could use more charm, and we see more of that now in civil cases.
As to your question I have a Virgo Pluto, amplified by a conjunct Lilith, 2nd house
Me too paul haha but not with lilith…
“Mortuary tables”… reminds me Alkaid… the beginning of the underworld including libra and scorpio in former times.
Now virgo normally are not the ones to build up things. Holding up, administer and maintain till nothing is there anymore in the end… The mourning and weeping when all is list.
Sun conjunct Armus on February 1. Star at the apex of the inverted Capricorn constellation triangle.
As to making comparisons with 80 or 84 years ago, the cycle of Uranus, most people could make up a rhyme or put on a performance.
King Crimson – Elephant Talk
King Crimson, October 2, 1981, album Discipline, released
Mars square Chiron! in a large learning triangle with Neptune quincunx Chiron, Mars trine Neptune. Interesting yod too, Chiron apex, with Moon, Venus, Uranus fulcrum, aha…low fertility rates late 1970s early 1980s.
astrohealer: Neptune quincunx Chiron, green line.
“The individual with this configuration in her natal chart may attempt to heal the collective one way or the other, as the longing to be held and healed is at the root of her existence. Since this thirst is largely unconscious and is not meant to be quenched, the individual may continue offering to the collective what she herself has been denied: a space for acceptance of all that is unacceptable, a voice for speaking all that is unspeakable and creating a possibility for all that is impossible.
“Maurice Blanchot, the French philosopher and author who had this configuration in his natal chart is an apt example of such an endeavor:
“He dedicated almost his entire life to the issue of the paradoxes involved in narrating the truth”
Also the Moon signifies the people in a National event chart. The people want what? Well what does that Glyph symbolize? That symbol is what they want. The ruler of the moon is conjoined the ruler of the Sun in a sign where the ruler of the moon is exalted. The hidden feelings associated with the moon’s anticia, posited also in the sign of Venus and Saturn gives a slight flare towards some greater hope. Mars in the chart represents opposition from those who are enimical to the government posted in the actual Land of the Nation; ruled by the moon nonetheless. It is in aversion to the sun. Yes the sun is conjoined Pluto and can show an indication towards being a tyrant but we must note the ruler of that sun and where it is posited and consider that maybe a more cosmic situation might be what is pushing any transformation we see on the chart.
The people want what? Freedom! But: is this freedom an outa kind or an inner kind of freedom in the end? Or both?
Jamie. How can anyone sane say you are biased?
Starmergeddon in UK has a Sun Pluto conjunction in Virgo. He has turned out in 6 months to be the biggest liar already.
Donald Duck is so obviously a criminal it’s almost funny that only the Americans could vote him back in. I know nothing really re astrology but the USA is in for a very rough ride indeed. Unless you are wealthy then of course it won’t even be in your consciousness.
Money is truly the only God.
And politics is about money.
Are there any decent government leaders anywhere in this world of ours?
Do you know Jamie that Marjorie Orr in UK recommends your site. Wishing you all the best Jamie and hope you are still well.
Did anyone notice elon musk raising his arm like a nazi “führer-gruss” this day?? Like hitler and trump he is uranian too. Generating hype and mass hysteria. I tell you hitler was also united with money people from the background otherwise he couldnt start all these wars.
In germany i would be punished for this musk behaviour. But he is a jew AND the richest man of the world so he thinks he can do what he wants. Not the only one in yr elite club of the chosen ones.
ahhh ja LC you are so right comparing trumpus maximus with ronald mc donald duck. No one described the “spirit” of the usa as good as walt disney in deed!!!
Oh yeah and did you write “spirit” vic? Here is the true answer !
Sry i have to correct myself: shurely NOT donald duck but DAGOBERT duck!!!
Like I said before Klaus, you don’t get America.
Would be interesting to hear people’s opinion on that actuall horoscope analysis instead of arguing whether jamien likes trump or not.
What is the critics interpretation of his planets?
based on that interpretation you may criticize.
As that is what is up for discussion. The planetary influence, not whether trump is a good or a bad man. That is subject to opinion.
Some like him, some hate him.
But the analysis of his planets, stars and aspects that is an analysis. It has nothing to do with like or dislike. It is an analysis based on planets and stars. Simples.
I suggest you counter Jamie’s analysis with your own to prove he’s wrong instead of just claiming with no evidence.
Makes you look unintelligent guys. Like You don’t understand what an analysis is, you disagree with Jamie’ you say? Well then… counter analysis. It’s. It not rocket sience peeps
Good man, bad man. When I re-read Jamie’s writing and it is a great one to examine the big guys, I was struck by downfall by envious friends. I think he is okay there because I don’t ever sense anyone envies him. That would be the upside of not having any friends I guess. Envy is kinduv a Venus Pluto thing. They gnaw per me. Might just be the ones I know.
I had a mars rx moment. I had a hiccup or so I thought. Turns out it was for the best. Slowing down or bring slowed down, well, it can turn out awesome. For the best. How does mars rx read in this situation. Because it was advertised as hit the floor running kind of thing. Is that wise with mars rx? For me, over riding the situation would have confused matters and made a mess.
I’m impressed at how much of this has come to pass over the last 48 hours. Excellent summation & keep up the great work.
Thank you Dr B.
I have trouble focusing on writing now because I can’t get the sounds of screaming and crying out of my head from the genocide carried out with the bombs and approval and now the encouragement of the USA. Even the cancellation of refugee entry after being approved really is “a complete lack of compassion for others, and cruelty.”
What kind of genocide you mean here Jamie? Where? In Palestine or what?
Vengeance never ends. It’s a narrow road.
People were probably too busy for the New Age self help stuff and stayed stuck with the pain and blame.
The sadism going on is overwelming. That’s another thing.
Did crowds really once fill the Roman coliseum cheering as they watched lions rip people to pieces. Regime takeover. But the empire fell?
It seems sex is always what the churchy ones says brings about the end but I think it is something else. The need to destroy that is never ending. Never enough.
Some write Aries as in mars just plain reactive Pluto as in Scorpio harboring their stuff and Saturn as in Capricorn calculating.
Thx Jamie and trump now delivers new heavy bombs to israel. This s**t never ever stops. “The holy land” jaja… And Trump & Musk are the new saints coming directly from heaven sent by GOD himselve. Aha aha aha.
Maybe you remember Trump was furious not to get second term before and lost his investments plan to help Israeli settlers to extend.
Now he wants Gaza to become part of Israel.
Maybe you remember Trump told before he could stop Putin against Ukraine.
Now he demands all goods and minerals from Ukraine to stop the war – exactly what Putin wanted.
etc. etc.
DJT natal compare Jupiter-Saturn era chart
The nodal axis align, DJT Vertex is with Pluto, the area of the USA Pluto return.
Historically I think this is impressive, and would help him with his convictions and ambitions.
World Economic Forum talking about Age of Intelligence, which sounds like a marketing effort, but we have an Age of Aquarius chart:
Synastry with Chinese New Year, January 29.
for colour, add asteroid Compassion, Solidarity and Magnanimity, 8990, 8991, 8992, and maybe cheer up Jamie!
I think the age of intelligence thing goes back to the great conjunction you mentioned. Change of elements. From material concerns (earth)to innovation and ideas (air). However, innovation is not necessarily intelligent as technology often wounds. So intelligence is a stretch and confusion of terms I think by assumption that technology is always better.
Not to forget, the heliocentric Jupiter-Saturn synastry with inauguration
two T-squares, one with the Neptune conjunct Saturn, Mercury opposite Mercury. Would this be the economy and business deal t-square? And is the other one more for resolving social constructs?
Just thinking of technology hype from 90s… Ah computers are freedom…
Street Roses 14 February 1997 Synastry with inauguration
Node axis aligned, but by head/tail 29Pis/29Vir
14 Feb 97, Hale Bopp / Venus, conjunct inauguration address Part of Fortune , trine inauguration Jupiter.
Neptune sextile Neptune, coincides with 1st Saturn return. ‘You will find new freedom in a new consciousness’. Robert Hand.
is there any indication of severe danger in this sob-trumpee’s chart? like the cia plotting something, the fuqer was born on a eclipse this is a prince of chaos who wants to take credit for the hostage freeing at the moment but in a few weeks he will join the idf in going to war with iran
“God” beware. Don’t you know netanyahu knew hamas would attack? He did nuttin to protect his own people. Some freaks had a goa party in negev desert. They were not worth for him. Otherwise he had a very good reason from that to start all these wars. And now not only biden but also trumo delivers the weapons. Greez.
On the inauguration: Western media has been in existence since WWII – practicing Hitler’s Propaganda media style. Hitler believed that when a lie is repeated a 100 times, the lie becomes truth.
Those who ran US behind and scenes and who controlled the media are Hitler’s offshoots – the masons.
With the help of the Vatican Ratlines many of Hitler’s SS men = masons – fled to the US. This is well documented.
And now you can better understand why the US politics has been so similar to that of Hitler – very aggressive and filled with lies and wars.
Germany attacked Northern France (Normandy) in the late 1800’s for their territory in order to control the English Channel and the Mediterranean. France upheld its territory.
Then only about 20 years later, Germany launched the First World War. They lost this war.
And then in 1939 Germany once again launched The Second World War with many casualties.
Moving forward, Germany forces upon European countries to be part of EU – I need not say more to whose benefit.
The masons have been active in causing world wars for a long time and not Russia. Russia was part of Hitler’s propaganda to cover up the real reason what they wanted from Russia.
Read truthful university history books on WWII and you will come to understand why Germany was taken as a Allie and not punished for what it had done to Europe and the 150 million Europeans and Russians that were killed. England and France and Israel uphold the Truth. Canadian Universities also uphold the Truth.
US was Germany’s secret Allie which is why they constantly go against the real Allies – such as France, England and Russia and never against Germany. Germany is almost never even mentioned. And this is also the reason as to why US never wanted to stop Germany from forming EU – only for its own economic gain. European banks and industries have been destroyed and now EU relies on Germany – EU is a new form of colonialism.
Hitler had a 1000 year Reich which today’s masons are trying to uphold. WORLD DOMINATION and constantly blaming the victim country.
And it is well known that Germany wanted Russia’s resources – mainly its oil – which is the only reason why the west never stopped lying and targeting Russia and continued with the Cold War. Russia has more oil than middle east. Why is the west so much against communism: only one reason – the resources are not privately owned – they are owned by the nation and its government.
Lastly – Donald Trump is also a target by the same group who also wish to destroy the US, eventually even Australia but maybe not in our time.
Thank you! Betty
Betty on January 25, 2025
Germany attacked northern France in the late 1800’s
Another giveaway is that whichever nation in europe fought with the Allies and not with Hitler are targeted to this very day.
Hello Betty the SS had some occult thinking and some leading members of the nazi party came out of so called Thule society which were all about the superiority of the “aryan” race as they called it cuz they falsely thought the germans were aryans. In general “superiority” over others is never a good idea and leads to bad deeds against.
Hitler himself wasn’t part of masonry neither the thule society. But he was a radical anti-communist after initial short sympathy with them. The same with benito mussolini in italy who invented fascism but was a former socialist. Hitler even forbid masonry in germany during third reich and also astrology despite some of the top nazis like rudolf hess and also heinrich himmler has strong occult and astrologic interests. So dear betty i have to correct you in some points. And today we german people in the majority want no more senseless wars and instead peace if possible. Greez from germany 🤗
Trump issues order to declassify or reclassify JFK MLK and RFK documents.
Chart set for January 23, 3:00 pm, an envelope pattern, with USA#11 outerwheel.
Over 20 years ago I mentioned on another forum that it looked to me that the government used the assassinations to put in a demographic transition. These days with DJT we could be seeing the same thing, but going the other way. 9/11 and Pandemic also fits into this general pattern.
Nice if he would do that. But JFK and his sons were no saints. The father had heavy mobster contacts.
And mafia financed campaigns of them all. Afterwards they made effords to fight against mobsters so mafia united with cia to kill them.
I think that’s all important part of JFK story. Also trump had mobster contacts cuz he was bankrupt after engaging in atlantic city like bugsy siegel vegas style or so. I think they gave him money to survive his own produced desasters.
Solar Flare – tree ring Carbon 14 spike from year 774, heliocentric Uranus opposite Pluto, shares the same axis in the 2025 inauguration chart, 20-22 Gem-Sag, and DJT geocentric natal chart
Your calculations and interpretations have been scarily agreeing to events.
Do you see any silver linings, when this craziness ends?
Please send us some hopeful prediction.
Thank you Brian.
In 2015 I wrote up Donald Trump’s Horoscope and said:
“Jupiter trine Uranus (0°26′) is the tightest aspect in Donald Trump’s horoscope. It gives a fundamental dislike of tradition and an ingenious, progressive spirit. He believes everyone deserves the chance to succeed without restraint from rules and regulations. He would see big government inhibiting a person’s freedom to grow and succeed. Along with the Sun-Uranus conjunction, this aspect makes Donald uninhibited and free to share his values, with no thought of societal or political standards.
Behind the strong-man image are actually well-intended liberal, tolerant and progressive beliefs and values. He has an optimistic view of the future and will discard any belief or system that no longer works. He is comfortable being eccentric and misunderstood. This aspect also gives an open-minded approach to religion.”
My hope is that he reads it!
It looks to me he let Musk to destroy everything he could stay at the background.
He was not too happy to see the cover of the Time.;)
The question is how long will Musk survive – as electric car market is going down and what is at the background in fact?
Just Silicon Valley or something worse – like Ku Klux Kan?
Hi Jamie. You were spot on. The naysayers who posted on here were wrong. Sad days for USA.