Pisces 2014 Horoscope

Pisces 2014 HoroscopePisces horoscope 2014 with decans for a more accurate forecast. If you are on a cusp, use the free horoscope to find your decan.

   Pisces Decan 1 – born Feb 19 to 28.
   Pisces Decan 2 – born Feb 29 to Mar 10.
   Pisces Decan 3 – born Mar 11 to 20.

Decan 1 Pisces 2014 Horoscope

The single major influence ahead for you this year is Neptune in your decan. The November 2013 solar eclipse trine your decan will continue to lift your spirits through till the end of April 2014. That was a very grounding eclipse because it teamed up with safe and secure Saturn. This Saturn influence will help manifest your dreams and keep your goals realistic and attainable. It may be a steady as she goes start to the year, but solid progress and recognition for achievement should keep you upbeat and satisfied. Things ramp up a notch because the April 29 solar eclipse is sextile your decan, which will remain in effect till late October 2014.

This eclipse lines up with Mercury, to make planning and communication a major theme for the months ahead. As this eclipse also helps out your Neptune transit, your thoughts and interactions with others will become most important. Thoughts, like words, are things. They have energy. Remember this, because you now have increased power to make the future you dream of. Been dreaming of love or money? Both are looking good for the end of the year.

The October 23 solar eclipse is trine your decan, remaining in effect till April 2015. This eclipse joins Venus in the sky, so for six months ahead, you enjoy the charm and favor of a beautiful Venus trine. This sometimes tranquil aspect is fired up by a sextile to Mars, the perfect recipe for most pleasurable activities. Your love life will definitely benefit, but you will also have a strong urge to increase you earning potential, which also looks most promising.

   Monthly Pisces Horoscope Decan 1
   Pisces 2015 Horoscope Decan 1
   Pisces 2013 Horoscope Decan 1

Decan 2 Pisces 2014 Horoscope

The hopefully positive end to 2013 continues to build up steam for you in 2014. The November 2013 solar eclipse made the confidence boosting trine to you decan, and this will maintain the ease and harmony through till the end of April 2014. You can now make the most of this low stress period because of a really fortunate Jupiter transit, which began with that November eclipse.

This is a major growth phase where luck is on your side. Travel is a good option now, but Jupiter also rules wealth creation. This bumper transit runs out in May 2014, but the good times keep rolling. The April 29 solar eclipse is sextile your decan, and will remain in effect till late October 2014. This eclipse reduces stress and clears you path of obstacles like the previous eclipse cycle, but the sextile is better for self promotion and the achievement of goals.

Mercury lining up with this April eclipse will give you good decision-making and communication skills for six months. May 2014 looks ideal for making money, doing business and planning trips, with the Mercury eclipse combining with your lucky Jupiter transit. For Pisces born February 29 to March 4 only, you have Pluto Sextile Sun Transit all year. While some others may struggle through the stress and turmoil of Uranus square Pluto, you should be able to power ahead and transform your life for the better. Look to make the biggest advances during the Jupiter transit through till May 2014.

You will have driving ambition and a powerful influence over your own destiny, and that of others. For Pisces born March 5 to 10 only, you have Saturn Trine Sun Transit from the beginning of May til the end of September 2014. This is a phase of hard work, recognition and achievement. Combined with the April eclipse, you can rely on excellent judgement and increased personal authority to make big gains in your career. Business negotiations, especially with real estate, would enhance your future security.

   Monthly Pisces Horoscope Decan 2
   Pisces 2015 Horoscope Decan 2
   Pisces 2013 Horoscope Decan 2

Decan 3 Pisces 2014 Horoscope

You have a very successful year ahead because for all of 2014, Saturn is trine your decan.  This represents a time of steady progress where extra patience, determination, and a strong sense of duty allow to you accomplish great things. It may seem a little boring at times, but even during those long hours of hard work, you will always have the self-satisfaction and that encouraging feeling, that you are laying a solid foundation for years to come.

You will find that you start to gain more respect from others, and may be called upon to take more of a leadership role. Promotions and taking on more responsibility in community groups or within the family are all possible this year. Others are looking to you to guide them, and even if they don’t say it, they appreciate your wisdom and experience. Late May to mid July 2014 certainly won’t be boring. You have the Lady Luck Jupiter Trine to make they slow and steady gains faster and bigger.

This is a real business transit and ideal for increasing your net worth. During this three-month phase, Jupiter is trine Saturn, completing a highly fortunate grand trine pattern to your decan. The achievements and successes you attain now are not just lucky breaks. They are a result of all the hard work you have put in over many year. Accept it with open arms because you are being rewarded for past efforts.

   Monthly Pisces Horoscope Decan 3
   Pisces 2015 Horoscope Decan 3
   Pisces 2013 Horoscope Decan 3

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