Taurus 2022 Horoscope

Taurus 2022 Horoscope with decans for a more accurate forecast. If you are on a cusp, use the free horoscope to find your decan.

   Taurus Decan 1 born April 20 to 30
   Taurus Decan 2 born May 1 to 10
   Taurus Decan 3 born May 11 to 20

Decan 1 Taurus 2022 Horoscope

December 26, 2021, to February 15, 2022 – Jupiter sextile your decan is a time of happiness and optimism when good things will seem to come more easily. You’ll feel more sociable and can expect good relations with everyone.

Your interests and activities are likely to broaden and could include further study or long-distance travel. You could increase your wealth through investments, business deals, or plain good luck.

January 14 to February 3 – Mercury Retrograde brings the potential for communication and technology breakdowns, nervous anxiety, travel delays, and lost items. You can also expect to dwell on things, reminisce about the past, or unexpectedly meet up with people from your past.

Take extra care with your words and try not to react too quickly in any arguments or if provoked. Business negotiations will be in a state of flux. Some important details will not yet be available, and others may be unreliable or dishonest. This is especially so when Mercury retrograde is square your decan from January 14 to 26.

April 30 to October 25, 2022 – Solar Eclipse April 2022 in your decan brings a burst of energy, vitality, and enthusiasm. This is like your personal new year celebration so it is the perfect time for new beginnings.

You can express yourself with more ease. Increased confidence and initiative helps you reach your goals. You can make a good impression on those with the power and influence to make a big difference in your life.

May 27 to June 6 – Venus in your decan is one of the best times of the year for your love life. It is easy for you to give and receive love and affection. You will be more attractive, charming and popular than usual. And you should also feel beautiful and attract beautiful people and things.

This is a good time for seeking pleasure through sex, amusement, entertainment, and partying, but also for relaxing in comfort or having fun with children. It is also a good time for creative work, shopping, and other financial matters.

July 3 to 21 – Mars in your decan gives an abundance of assertiveness and initiative that makes this a great time for starting new projects. You can be very constructive and productive but also highly creative. Physical activity is especially favored like exercise, sport, dance, and love-making.

Increased sex appeal and charisma make this an excellent time for dating. You also have the courage to stand up for your rights and to protect loved ones against threats. However, being too assertive and forcing your will onto others could lead to arguments and conflict.

October 25, 2022, to April 20, 2023 – Solar Eclipse October 2022 opposite your decan increases your determination to compete and win. But an inflated ego will make it harder to get your own way and achieve your goals.

People are more likely to oppose your efforts if you are too demanding or assertive. They may feel threatened and could even actively work against you. If so, step back from the situation and work out why you are getting these reactions. Compromise and compliments will make your life much easier.

More About Taurus Decan 1

Decan 2 Taurus 2022

April 2021 to May 2023 – Uranus in your decan brings change and uncertainty while making you feel less inhibited and more open-minded. Have you been living as family, friends, or society expect you to? Or have you been true to your own personal identity?

The inner changes you go through can manifest outwardly as big changes in your life, from work to home and relationships. Unexpected events and unwelcome change may bring anxiety and tension but also higher self-awareness.

December 4, 2021, to April 30, 2022 – Solar Eclipse December 2021 quincunx your decan can make you feel insecure, anxious and indecisive. But it also gives the urge to achieve an imagined future goal. The key to success is learning to restrict yourself to a single goal. It will then be easier to make decisions and uncertainty will be replaced by inner balance.

December 7, 2021, to March 16, 2022 – Saturn square your decan can be a test of character as it becomes harder to reach your goals. Restrictions and burdens can lead to feelings of frustration, discouragement, isolation, and sadness.

Facing adversity with patience, determination and persistence can lead to will strengthen your resolve and improve your self-confidence. But if it all gets too hard and you can see no way to win, it might be better to cut your losses and conserve your energy.

February 10 to March 28, 2022 – Jupiter sextile your decan is a time of happiness and optimism when good things will seem to come more easily. You’ll feel more sociable and can expect good relations with everyone.

Your interests and activities are likely to broaden and could include further study or long-distance travel. You could increase your wealth through investments, business deals, or plain good luck.

February 10 to 27 – Jupiter sextile Uranus climaxing on the 17th brings good fortune, freedom, and opportunities to make your life more exciting and interesting. This is a good time to tackle difficult tasks that have caused frustration or limitations in the past.

Creative intelligence and experimentation can lead to new ideas and breakthroughs. Previous impatience will quickly be replaced by excited anticipation and unexpected opportunities.

April 30 to October 25, 2022 – Solar Eclipse April 2022 in your decan brings a burst of energy, vitality, and enthusiasm. This is like your personal new year celebration so it is the perfect time for new beginnings.

You can express yourself with more ease. Increased confidence and initiative helps you reach your goals. You can make a good impression on those with the power and influence to make a big difference in your life.

September 1 to December 10, 2022 – Saturn square your decan again can represent a forced turning point. If your ambitions are thwarted you may have to reassess your goals. A tactical retreat might or some compromise may be the best option.

Once this difficult and draining phase of life has passed, your confidence and enthusiasm will return. You can then start building new foundations with a greater sense of purpose.

  • Only for those born from May 8 to 10.

November 8, 2022, to April 20, 2023 – Lunar Eclipse November 2022 in your decan brings your intimate relationships into sharp focus. You can use this eclipse to reset your relationship goals.

This is a good time to start a new relationship or energize an existing one. Your balanced approach to problem-solving makes this an excellent time to clear the decks and make a fresh start.

More About Taurus Decan 2

Decan 3 Taurus 2022 Horoscope

2018 to 2024 – Pluto trine your decan brings intensity, endurance and passion. An extreme boost to your ego and confidence levels gives you awesome personal power and influence.

People will be drawn to your strong presence and charisma. Powerful people will want to team up with you for win-win situations. Business, career, and finances should all go well, and you may be handsomely rewarded for seemingly little effort.

  • For those born May 11 to 14 the effect is waning.
  • May 15 to 18 feel Pluto most strongly this year.
  • May 20 feel the full strength next year.

2021 to 2025 – Neptune sextile your decan makes you feel more connected in a spiritual way to others, more sensitive to other people and your environment. Your increased empathy and concern will have an uplifting effect on others. This spiritual journey of enlightenment may involve groups, meditation, dreaming, studies, or consultations with Gurus, Tarot readers, astrologers or psychics.

  • Only those born May 11 to 15 feel Neptune’s full strength this year.
  • Those born May 16 to 20 feel it in the coming years.

November 19, 2021, to April 30, 2022 – Lunar Eclipse November 2021 in your decan brings your intimate relationships into sharp focus. You can use this eclipse to reset your relationship goals.

This is a good time to start a new relationship or energize an existing one. Your balanced approach to problem-solving makes this an excellent time to clear the decks and make a fresh start.

March 7 to September 20 – Saturn square your decan can be a test of character as it becomes harder to reach your goals. Restrictions and burdens can lead to feelings of frustration, discouragement, isolation, and sadness.

Facing adversity with patience, determination and persistence will strengthen your resolve and improve your self-confidence. But if it all gets too hard and you can see no way to win, it might be better to cut your losses and conserve your energy.

  • Only for those born from May 11 to 16.
  • But all of Taurus decan 3 has this transit again from November 2022.

March 24 to May 13, 2022 – Jupiter sextile your decan is a time of happiness and optimism when good things will seem to come more easily. You’ll feel more sociable and can expect good relations with everyone.

There should be opportunities to increase your wealth through investments, business deals, the law, or through plain good luck. Some of you have this transit again later this year because of Jupiter retrograde.

April 2 to 23 – Jupiter conjunct Neptune climaxing on the 12th brings harmony, ease, good fortune, and growth. This is also a spiritual enlightening phase of life that gives you a good overall perspective of who you are and your place in the world.

Growth and good fortune are possible through further education, group activities, travel, and acts of kindness and charity. You can grow spiritually without throwing away your material possessions.

April 24 to May 13 – Jupiter sextile Pluto climaxing on May 3 gives the power and influence to make positive changes. A strong urge to reform something in your life will coincide with an opportunity to do just that.

Personal, material, and spiritual growth, increased wealth, and career advancement is possible. This should be a time of success and great satisfaction with your achievements.

May 16 to October 25, 2022 – Lunar Eclipse May 2022 opposite your decan increases your desire or need to accomplish great things and succeed. But different areas of your life may not be working in the same direction. Your mood is more affected by others and your mood has a stronger impact on others. The key to success is compromise and cooperation.

October 22 to December 26, 2022 – Jupiter sextile your decan again brings opportunities for increased wealth and prosperity. New adventures will expand your horizons and broaden your outlook on life.

This should be a time of spiritual and material growth. However, take care not to become too overconfident or extravagant during Jupiter retrograde from October 22 to November 24.

  • Only for those born from May 18 to 20.

November 25, 2022, to March 12, 2023 – Saturn square your decan again can represent a forced turning point. If your ambitions are thwarted you may have to reassess your goals. A tactical retreat might or some compromise may be the best option.

Once this difficult and draining phase of life has passed, your confidence and enthusiasm will return. You can then start building new foundations with a greater sense of purpose.

More About Taurus Decan 3

All 2022 Horoscopes

Your Taurus 2022 Horoscope is based on planetary transits and moon phases to your decan. This is a more accurate and authentic method than the use of houses, zones or sectors.