Fixed Star Zubeneschamali

Zubeneschamali at 19°22′ Scorpio has an orb of 2°00′
Fixed Star Zubeneschamali

Libra Constellation [Stellarium]

The Sun joins Zubeneschamali on November 11

Fixed star Zubeneschamali, Beta Librae, is a single star that marks the Northern Scale of the Balance, Libra Constellation.

Magnitude 2.61, spectral type B8V, color blue-white. However, earlier observers often described Beta Librae as the only greenish star visible to the naked eye. The brightness of Beta Libra periodically varies by a magnitude of 0.03. This could indicate the presense of a smaller companion but one has never been detected. So it is categorized as a single, suspected variable star.

The traditional and official name Zubeneschamali is derived from the Arabic الزُّبَانَى الشَمَالِي (al-zubānā al-šamāliyy) meaning “the northern claw”. In early Greek astronomy, Libra stars represented the claws of a larger Scorpion. The southern claw was represented by Alpha Librae, Zubenelgenubi.

20♏0620♏48Blaze Star1°00′

Zubeneschamali Astrology

Fixed star Zubeneschamali has the spectral type B8, indicating the planetary nature of Jupiter.

SCALE, NORTH. β Librae. A pale emerald star situated in the northern scale of the Balance. Its proper name is Zubeneschamali, from Al Zuban al Shamaliyyah, the Northern Claw, a reference to the ancient celestial sphere in which Libra was omitted and Scorpio occupied 60°. It is symbolically called the Full Price. According to Ptolemy it is of the nature of Jupiter and Mercury, but later writers have considered it similar to Jupiter and Mars, and Alvidas likens it to Mars in sextile to Jupiter. It gives good fortune, high ambition, beneficence, honor, riches, and permanent happiness. [1]

EL SCHEMALI. β Librae. A blue-white star in the northern balance of the scale. Spectral class B8. Also called SCALE NORTH. This star imparts to its natives ambition, good fortune, honors, wealth, happiness, high ambition, psychic preferment. [7]

This star is much noted for particular sharpness of mind and intellect, and there is often a very powerful psychic quality there also – or psychotic if the planets and aspects are of a harsh enough nature. For good or ill it will go to the extremes of what a human mind can achieve. [2]

The Northern Scales has a Jupiter-Mercury nature and therefore positive properties. Tied up with the MC and Ascendant or with well placed stellar bodies, the Northern Scales are credited with helping the native to gain honors and distinction. When connected with Mercury they are supposed to make the native studious. In good position, the star will arouse, above all things, spiritual and mental forces. The conjunction with Sun, Moon, or Jupiter favors civil servants, lawyers and scientists. Confiscation of possessions during times of war. Credited with bestowing an immortal name. [3]

Chaldeans believed that when this star was clear the crops would be good. [4]

Zubeneschamali rules the middle section of the colon. [5]

  • Psychic entertainer Uri Geller has a conjunction of Moon, Venus and Jupiter on Zubeneschamali, quincunx Uranus.
  • Charles Manson has the conjunction of Sun and Venus on this same star, but psychic turns to psychotic with a square to Saturn.
  • Leonardo DiCaprio also has the Sun and Venus conjunct Zubeneschamali, but a trine to Saturn seems to make him more lovable.
  • Valerie Solanas, the radical feminist who tried to kill Andy Warhol, had Moon and POF on this star, sent psychotic with quincunx aspects to Sun, Mercury and AC.
  • Lynndie England gained an immortal name for all the wrong reasons at Abu Ghraib prison. Her good fortune from a Venus Jupiter conjunction on Zubeneschamali went pear-shaped for her reputation with a square to MC, made worse with the Sun conjunct Zubenelgenubi, the malevolent neighbor star.
  • Mohandas Gandhi gained immortal status with Venus and Mars conjunct Zubeneschamali, but an opposition to Pluto made it an intense struggle against powerful forces.
  • Psychiatrist Alois Alzheimer combined the spiritual and mental forces of the North Scale with a conjunction to Jupiter, North Node and the Vertex Point, trine Chiron.

The combination of spiritual and intellectual powers brings a name to be remembered for astrologers:

Beta Librae, Zubeneschamali

Beta Librae, Zubeneschamali []

Fixed Star Zubeneschamali Conjunctions

Ascendant conjunct Zubeneschamali: A splendid and illustrious life; glorious, mighty and commanding nature; fame, busy with many activities, bountiful resources, well known or feared in cities and regions. Prosperity from youth and in own city. [6]

Honor, preferment, good fortune. [1] Honors and distinction. [3]

Clint Eastwood 0°11′, Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis 0°24′ (and S. Node), Sarah, Duchess of York 0°35′ Robert Pelletier 0°36′, Marcel Duchamp 0°41′, Henri Toulouse-Lautrec 0°55′, Keith Richards 1°22′, Emily Dickinson 1°34′, Wolfgang Von Goethe 1°46.

Ascendant conjunct Zubeneschamali and born in the day: Natives who are lovers of letters, scholars, popular speakers, ingenious, lovers of music and the arts, who hit the mark, good-looking, capable of many activities, dignified, pious, religious, fit for business, well known or those who acquire gold and silver and other riches thanks to fortunate relationships or exchanges and who retain their noble feeling even in misfortune. [6]

Ascendant conjunct Zubeneschamali and born at night: They claim to be wise and are braggarts and affected and pretenders. They are nevertheless erudite, have a good memory, are capable of teaching and are pure in their desires. [6]

Keith Richards 1°22′

Midheaven conjunct Zubeneschamali: A splendid and illustrious life; glorious, mighty and commanding nature; fame, busy with many activities, bountiful resources, well known or feared in cities and regions. Prosperity from youth and in own city. [6]

Honor, preferment, good fortune. [1] Honors and distinction. [3]

Sean Connery 0°19′, Rolf de Heer 0°29′, Keith Holyoake 0°54′, Elizabeth I 0°56′, Marie Curie 1°06′, Jack Paar 1°10′, Napoleon III of France 1°18′, Nicholas Culpeper 1°21′ (and Venus), Hendrik Verwoerd 1°28′, Chuck Schumer 1°41′, Emanuel Swedenborg 1°52′. 

Descendant conjunct Zubeneschamali: A splendid and illustrious life; glorious, mighty and commanding nature; fame, busy with many activities; bountiful resources; well known or feared in cities and regions. Prosperity around middle age or through marriage or women. [6]

Halle Berry 1°11′ (and Neptune, S. Node), Allan Kardec 1°44′.

Imum Colei conjunct Zubeneschamali: A splendid and illustrious life; glorious, mighty and commanding nature; fame, busy with many activities, bountiful resources, well known or feared in cities and regions. Prosperity in old age or through savings, investments or pensions, death will be famous and known to all. [6]

Part of Fortune conjunct Zubeneschamali: Valerie Solanas 0°45′ (and Moon), Vera Atkins 1°04′.

Sun conjunct Zubeneschamali: Great good fortune, high position, transitory difficulties eventually proving beneficial. [1]

Favors civil servants, lawyers and scientists. [3]

The native has good organizing ability, may benefit from their associates, gain an authoritive position. High preferment in legal, religion, sports, martial and matters dealing with public affairs. The native may encounter temporary difficulties, even small setbacks, but will overcome them. Negatively, the native can have legal problems, become involved in unusual situations. [7]

Ennio Morricone 0°07′, George Blake 0°08′, King Edward VII 0°15′, Leonardo DiCaprio 0°21′ (and Venus), Jonathan Winters 0°52′, Grace Kelly 1°11′, Charles Manson 1°22′ (and Venus), Carl Sagan 1°37′, Whoopi Goldberg 1°49′. 

Moon conjunct Zubeneschamali: Active mind, organizing ability, benefits through new and influential friends, valuable gifts, uses friends’ names to obtain money but matter is amicably settled, high position, love of respectable women. [1]

Favors civil servants, lawyers and scientists. [3]

A splendid and illustrious life; great, distinguished and opulent nature. [6]

High public preferment is possible; the native has good organizing ability, an active mind, gains assistance of friends. [7]

Barbara Castle 0°03′, Gough Whitlam 0°15′, Alexander Scriabin 0°26′, Nancy Pelosi 0°32′, Jonathan Cainer 0°35′, Howard Baker 0°42′, Hans Driesch 0°44′, Uri Geller 0°49′ (and Venus, Jupiter), Linda McCartney 1°00′, Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick 1°01′, Katy Perry 1°11′, Mary MacArthur 1°24′, Roger Federer 1°37′, Valerie Solanas 1°46′ (and POF), The Weeknd 1°48′ (and Pluto).

Mercury conjunct Zubeneschamali: Active, alert, favors from influential people, good position, much expenditure, benefits through writings. [1]

Studious. [3]

The native is mentally keen, very ambitious. Writing and public preferment is possible. These natives acquire the ability to know how to make their words count, for good or for bad. This can exhibit itself as  writings, as speeches and if the native is careless with their statements or writings they can face many unforseen problems. Forthrightness is the keynote of this conjunction. Domestic problems possible. The native can say in a few words what generally takes many words. [7]

Winston Churchill 0°01′, Christos Tsiolkas 0°05′, Escoffier Auguste 0°05′, Luc Jouret 0°11′, Nola Williams 0°12′, Morris Lurie 0°26′, Tony Abbott 0°31′, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva 0°34′, Jean-Claude Van Damme 0°34′, Andrew Tate 0°36′, Kim Kardashian 0°42′, Andre Gide 0°45′, Ezra Pound 1°03′, Virginia Mae Brown 1°17′, Arthur Rimbaud 1°24′, John Galliano 1°41′, Mark Twain 1°42′, Montgomery Clift 1°49.

Venus conjunct Zubeneschamali: Social success, help from women, favorable for love affairs and marriage. [1]

The native is ambitious, a generally pleasing attitude, bouyant with an inspirational mind. Socially active.  Negatively this conjunction gives the native the same attributes but offer domestic and romantic problems. Psychic preferment. [7]

Nicholas Culpeper 0°07′ (and MC), Dmitri Shostakovich 0°08′, Charles Manson 0°09′ (and Sun), Ben Thompson 0°13′, Drake 0°15′, Martin Luther 0°15′ (and Saturn), Tarja Halonen 0°15′, Chris Evert 0°16′, Marina Abramović 0°18′, Rosaleen Norton 0°20′, Steven Spielberg 0°37′ (and Jupiter), Marie Stopes 0°46′, Jeff Green 0°48′, Andrea Dworkin 0°49′, Leonardo DiCaprio 0°52′ (and Sun), Angela Rippon 0°52′, Samuel Adams 0°56′, Uri Geller 1°02′ (and Moon, Jupiter), Joseph Crane 1°17′ (and Saturn), Jose Maria Carreras 1°17′, Mohandas Gandhi 1°28′ (and Mars), Bill Gates 1°28′, Lynndie England 1°38′ (and Jupiter), Sir Hugh Greene 1°41′, Carl Wilson 1°50′, Ted Bundy 2°00.

Mars conjunct Zubeneschamali: High ambitions, success through energy, influential position, forceful writer and speaker. [1]

The star imparts to its native an ambitious nature of an enthusiastic kind, vigorous and aggressiveness, oratorical ability, open-minded and frank. The native can rise to an influential position. [7]

Liu Xiaobo 0°20′, Harvey Weinstein 0°24′, Athol Rusden 0°28′, Mark Zuckerberg 0°40′, Maureen O’Hara 0°47′, Barbara Hutton 0°54′, Cindy Sherman 0°58′, Jimi Hendrix 1°02′, William McKinley 1°12′, Richard Petty 1°12′, Hans Arp 1°17′, Mohandas Gandhi 1°20′ (and Venus), Jeremy Renner 1°23′, Emmeline Pankhurst 1°25′, Dylan Thomas 1°31′.

Jupiter conjunct Zubeneschamali: Philosophical mind, ecclesiastical or legal preferment, able writer or speaker, influential friends. [1]

Favors civil servants, lawyers and scientists. [3]

Preferment in religion, philosophical and all matters dealing with the public. Native is capable, should have many friends. [7]

(0°30′ orb): This brings self-esteem to these natives through their good works. These are the person who would give up their own life for another. They build very powerful relationships. This is truly the eagle and not the scorpion. They work on a high level and pick their associates very carefully. Although this can be overdone, they never harm another. [4]

Ian Anderson 0°00′, Salman Rushdie 0°08′, Carl Wilson 0°09′, Bryan Brown 0°10′, Marcel Marceau 0°12′, Edith Allonby 0°15′, Emile Zola 0°20′, Elvis Presley 0°23′, Uri Geller 0°28′ (and Moon, Venus), Raymond Merriman 0°30′, Diane Arbus 0°31′, Larry Csonka 0°33′, Peter Dutton 0°37′, Barry Crump 0°38′, Arnold Schwarzenegger 0°39′, Steven Spielberg 0°41′ (and Venus), Lynndie England 0°44′ (and Venus), Todd Akin 0°47′, Charlton Heston 0°47′, Janet Street-Porter 0°50′, David Essex 0°52′, O. J. Simpson 0°53′, Gilles Duceppe 0°53′, Steve Forbes 0°56′, Queen Camilla 0°56′, Robert Englund 1°17′, April Ashley 1°18′, Charles Jayne 1°29′, Alois Alzheimer 1°37′ (and N. Node, Vx).

Saturn conjunct Zubeneschamali: Cautious, reserved, studious, economical, analytical, good chemist or detective, good judge of human nature, early losses never fully recovered, favorable for gain and domestic matters, sickness to children in infancy. [1]

Robert Kennedy 0°01′, Martin Luther 0°10′ (and Venus), John Galsworthy 0°22′, Rock Hudson 0°26′, Jamison Twins 0°34′, Denzel Washington 0°45′, Steve Earle 0°55′, Annie Lennox 0°57′, Mark David Chapman 1°01′, Kevin Costner 1°02′, Jonathan Winters 1°03′, Sydney Omarr 1°12′, Chris Brennan 1°13′, Joseph Crane 1°13′ (and Venus), John Derek 1°23′, Chris Evert 1°24′, Debra Winger 1°27′, George Melly 1°32′, Leopold Auenbrugger 1°42′, F. Scott Fitzgerald 1°44′, J. P. Morgan 1°59′. 

Uranus conjunct Zubeneschamali: Economical, great self-control, psychic, material instincts, many difficulties, good for gain but much expenditure, loss through law and enemies, help from influential friends, occasional peculiar domestic disharmony, sudden death often from heart trouble. [1]

Katie Holmes 0°04′, Rudolph Valentino 0°06′, Kate Hudson 0°44′, Kourtney Kardashian 0°47′, Walter Koch 0°47′, Isaac Newton 1°16′, Dane Rudhyar 1°41′, Stormy Daniels 1°43′, Napoleon II of France 1°50′, Michelangelo 2°00′.

Neptune conjunct Zubeneschamali: Occult writer or speaker, medical or chemical discoveries, practical, kind, sympathetic, alive to self-interests, gain through marriage and business, disharmony with parents, grandparents or relatives, legacy obtained through litigation, suffers from accidents, death resulting from previous injury. [1]

Robson Green 0°04′, Christos Tsiolkas 0°11′, Augusten Burroughs 0°06′, Roberta Close 0°19′, Matt Biondi 0°24′, Halle Berry 0°33′ (and DC, S. Node), Robert Downey Jr. 0°37′, Rodney King 0°40′, Piers Morgan 0°44′, Salma Hayek 0°47′ (and S. Node), Brooke Shields 0°50′, Matt Dillon 1°02′, Jim McGovern 1°04′, Bashar al-Assad 1°09′, Price Edward 1°10′, Cecilia Bartoli 1°17′, Charlie Sheen 1°18′, Nicholas Cage 1°31′, Nigel Farage 1°33′.

Pluto conjunct Zubeneschamali: Holly Parker 1°19′, The Weeknd 1°27′.

North Node conjunct Zubeneschamali: Sid Vicious 0°53′, Tiger Woods 1°53′.

South Node conjunct Zubeneschamali: Imelda Marcos 0°14′, Alice Cooper 0°21′, Salma Hayek 0°23′ (and Neptune), Sam Altman 1°00′, Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis 1°10′ (and AC), Halle Berry 1°51′ (and Neptune, DC). 

  1. Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology, Vivian E. Robson, 1923, p.203-204.
  2. The Living Stars, Dr. Eric Morse, 1988, p.78.
  3. Fixed Stars and Their Interpretation, Elsbeth Ebertin, 1928, p.66.
  4. Fixed Stars and Judicial Astrology, George Noonan, 1990, p.34.
  5. The Fixed Star Health and Behavior Imbalance, Ted George and Barbara Parker, 1985, p.94.
  6. Shiny stars, passionate, harmful, rescuers. Anonymous from the year 379, translation by Giuseppe Bezza from CCAG V/1 pp. 194-211.
  7. The Power of the Fixed Stars, Joseph E. Rigor, 1979, p.157-158.
  • All fixed star positions are for the year 2000. Add one degree per 72 years to correct for precession.