The First 2024 Presidential Debate

First 2024 Presidential Debate

The astrology of the first 2024 presidential debate gives clues about the tone of the discussion. But more importantly, it may help predict the outcome of the 2024 United States presidential election.

Joe Biden and Donald Trump have long-term transits that affect them now and will still be effective during the election. So, how they perform during this first debate should give us a good idea of how those transits will affect them during the election.

The First Debate Horoscope

The first 2024 presidential debate is scheduled for 9:00 pm at the CNN Center in Atlanta, Georgia.

First 2024 Presidential Debate

First 2024 Presidential Debate

This is a positive chart, technically because the Sun is semisextile Jupiter and generally because of the high proportion of harmonious blue aspects compared to challenging red aspects. The Moon trine Mercury and Mercury trine Saturn are ideal for a formal, structured debate of serious issues. They mean the public to be well-informed about the ideas and plans of each side.

This is supported by the Sun conjunct fixed star Tejat Posterior at 05♋38, which gives success in politics and government matters. It also allows one to gain wide popularity and make favorable impressions upon those they contact and the public if engaged in public affairs.

However, the Moon conjunct fixed star Markab at 23♓49 indicates injuries from enemies and striving for acceptance against seemingly impossible hurdles. Serious problems, harassment and unjust accusations are possible.

Donald Trump’s Astrology

Donald Trump Astrology

Donald Trump 1st Debate Transits

The stand-out feature of Donald Trump’s transits is Uranus conjunct Midheaven transit (0°08′). On election day, the orb is 1°21′. This transit indicates a change in career or status and can have a positive or negative influence. If his popularity rises due to this debate, it will be a good sign for his election prospects.

Joe Biden’s Astrology

Joe Biden Astrology

Joe Biden 1st Debate Transits

There is a lot more happening with Joe Biden’s debate transits. The most significant astrological influence is Pluto square Moon transit (0°41′). On election day, the orb is 1°12′. This most unhelpful transit brings emotional distress and power struggles. Importantly, given his age and questions of cognitive ability, Pluto is exposing his subconscious patterns of behavior, leaving him vulnerable and perhaps scared. Pluto is also impairing his intuition and judgment and harming his public image.

Uranus sextile Jupiter transit (0°42′) is favorable, and he will have this on election day (0°34′). It can bring sudden good fortune and unexpected lucky breaks and good fortune. It makes him more progressive and humanitarian and will help him break through barriers and overcome setbacks.

Mars opposite Mars transit (0°06′) portends a feisty contest more likely to upset Biden than Trump. It is not favorable for a contest because it gives a tendency to self-destruct from a loss of temper and rash, impulsive actions. It suggests that Joe Biden is the one who faces “injuries from enemies.”


The first 2024 presidential debate will be very informative and help people decide which way to vote. For many, Mercury trine Saturn will solidify their opinions.

Joe Biden has some favorable transits, but Pluto square his Moon is a real disadvantage. If he handles this well, it will improve his chances at election time.

Donald Trump has Uranus passing over his Midheaven, which usually has a variable and unpredictable effect. Fixed star Algol conjunct his Midheaven gives the wild hairdo but seems to have worked out well for him throughout his life, so it may not be too significant. However, his Midheaven is generally well-aspected, which gives him an edge in this debate.

43 thoughts on “The First 2024 Presidential Debate

  1. Hi, Today the Moon occults ( conjunct) Saturn, not in trine…
    Also, I added some asteroids.. Pinocchio is conj. Jupiter..
    Uranus is conj. Jup/Mars MP. Pluto trines the same MP.
    Best regards,

  2. I forgot add add Mars opposite Mars transit (0°00′) for Joe Biden. That was the reason I wanted to write about the debate when I saw the charts. It portends a fiesty contest that is more likely to upset Biden than Trump. Not at all favorable for a contest because it gives a tendency to self-destruction from a loss of temper and rash, impulsive actions. It suggests Joe Biden is the one to face “injuries from enemies.”

  3. You outdid yourself on this one, Jaime. You said,
    “Fixed star Algol conjunct his Midheaven gives the wild hairdo but seems to have worked out well for him throughout his life, so it may not be too significant.” Worked out well for him? Not paying attention I see. Algol is not doing anything for him but destroying him. His 10th is a disaster. You are the only astrologer I know of that gives Algol a good word. Let’s look at what is going on right now. Lawsuits (over 4000 in his career), felony counts, possible jail. Nice hair though. Why didn’t you mention Saturn transit, in Pisces square by a couple of degrees to his Gemini planets? There is no escaping for him. His house of enemies is strong and his fate was sealed long ago. Jupiter in Gemini may give him some reprieve but President or not, he will go down in infamy. If you were around him during his presidency you are now in jail.

      • It’s more than the hair I think. I choked on my oatmeal when I heard a woman at a rally say she would leave her husband if the don would have her. It could be the celebrity. The playboy that is the allure. I don’t get it but it’s there. If he goes to prison though, will he still get his hair done everyday? One of his stylists said that it is past his shoulders before it is swept into his updo. So I have been gardening and thinking about the hair. How very strange.

    • Hi Dennis. I was looking how Algol conjunct Midheaven has impacted his career and staus. It If it was that bad, how did he become president?

      • You assume becoming president is good. Look at what happened to his presidency. Two impeachments for starters. He divided the nation. He hates Nato but he loves russia and north korea. He oversaw a coup attempt. After he left office (barely) he stole documents and basically flipped the bird to the nation’s security. Tenth house is career and he had multiple business failures. Casinos bankruptcies, ‘university’ which he settled for 25m for fraud, steaks, water, airlines. Do I need to go on? His 10th is negative. But he’s rich and famous you say. So is El Chapo. He’s in jail for life. Bottom line: Algol brings disaster and suffering. Go back and study his chart more. Once Pluto started the opposition to his Saturn Venus conjunction, he became toast. The toast is now burning. But he rides the wave. Now he is telling Black voters that he’s like them because he’s a felon. This guy is bad news. And did I mention he is a sexual predator?

    • Also, from what I see, his Midheaven is NOT well aspected. Mars in the deep 12th at a most critical degree squares his midheaven. Uranus will be squaring that Mars in 2025. Also, I want to point out that at his most “crazy” (when he was declaring the election was stolen) he had Neptune squaring his Gemini planets, with Pluto opposing his Cancer planets. I’m not saying he’s going to lose the election because after the debate, where Biden either had sundowners or was truly suffering from a cold. The next day he was pumped up and assertive and did great at the rally. However, Trump lied his way through the debate… you can see that he cares nothing about truth whatsoever. Undoubtedly, those who still consider him great because “he says what he thinks” don’t care whether there’s verbal diarrhea coming out of his mouth– a very dark side of Gemini. I hate that networks are saying there was a “winner and a loser” because in my mind, it was “good vs. evil”.

  4. The debate is actually at 9 PM EST or 8 PM CST. Atlanta is on Central Time.

  5. I wonder if part of the issues with both of them is upset by Kennedy. Kennedy won’t probably get far this time, but may help next election. Kennedy may be a surprise knock for both candidates.

  6. Markab must be the pain around the Posterior I am feeling around this event and the lead up.

  7. Astrology does not actually make anything happen. It reflects possibilities and energies that may or may not affect outcomes depending on the soul development of the individual. Even if trump had the best lineup possible for the debate and presidential race he is on a path of self destruction. A very low moral character will not be supported by the best planets, stars or configurations. He did not know how to use all of the “good” in his natal chart. His ASC is at the last degree of Leo, a fated point–the last gasp of his kingdom and Pluto continues to quincunx this point ushering his end as it also ushers in the age of Aquarius. Selfish motives and underhanded behavior will end him. There are other non astrological predictions out there that strongly suggest that he will demise in one way to the other even before the election. Let it be.

    • I agree about the demise. I don’t think he will be “allowed” to become president again.

  8. I am so hoping former President Donald Trump gets re-elected again! The border and economy are so appallingly bad!!! The God above and the planets already know the answer. Now we must wait until November.

    • Your joking right. What ever happened to the Statue of Liberty-give me your tired your poor.

      The job market is strong, womens’s rights are continually being diminished; the deep south mostly wants to go back to the 1890’s, I am gratefull I live in NY as opposed to Louisana because my daughter in law had a disasterous miscarriage and would have died if she lived there, Trump is a rapist, adultrous plus , has already had 34 convictions and there are more to come, Also his picks for the Supreme Court are bipartisan and at least 3 are seriously corrupt. And flying the confederate flag and american flaf upside down -how disrepectfull is that……..

    • I too hope Trump makes it, warts & all. He is quite a character… Hoping he picks Nikki Haley for VP or Sec. of State. She is bright , strong & rational. Biden is in cognitive decline & has been for a while. It was painful to watch the debate but finally people see the emperor has no clothes on…

  9. If you lok at all aspects of Trumps chart, June and much of July will be a disaster. So will the Republican convention.

    Not to mention his 34 convictions or his appeals for Presidential immumity to the Supreme Court.-Neither of which wil be overturned. Plus much of his 2024 and 2025 charts are a disaster. He may get some lucky breaks here and there as well as from Aileen Cannon but her chart indicates she may be removed or given little power in 2025.

    In general it will be the women who will help defeat Trump. Plus he has at least 4 big lawsuits (much of them after the election) most of which he will lose. Astrology is a very helpful tool but it is suggestive and been proven wrong a few times as well.. Plus the Polls are a joke.

    I have been a professional astrologer for over 20 years and sorry but you missed a lot of factors in both Trump and Biden’s chart. It will be a tough dirty debate and one I will skip for the 1st time in 12 years.

    Iin general it is also ironic that Trump will be 79 during the election-not far off age wise from Biden’s 81.

  10. I just paged through a news feed. His hair looks scruffier, shorter, and less orange. So if the height of his hair is an indicator, he is losing.

  11. Trump defintely had the edge! “This was a game-changing debate, in the sense that right now, as we speak, there is a deep, a wide, and a very aggressive panic in the Democratic Party,” John King. CNN.

    • The Pluto square Moon! “ This most unhelpful transit brings emotional distress and power struggles.” You said it.

    • Yeah, the game. Cannot believe the dems fell into the win/lose game. The choices are clear. What do I stand for? I think it says more about some of the democrats than Biden. I wonder what the party chart says?

    • I just checked the betting odds. Trump has shortened to 1.57, Biden has blown out to 4.50, and Gavin Newsom has shortened to 7.00

  12. Well, the locals interviewed here are still standing strong behind each of them. The couple of individuals who want replacement, I don’t know. It’s early and hasty. It happens all the time, jumping too quick. And memories are short. I gotta look at the job they each do. Not much talk about future plans. Where are you Uranus? I really want to know what the plans are to prevent/handle another pandemic. And how to handle an economy with all the dollars in the hands of the few.

  13. They’ll leave Biden there and after he ‘wins ‘the election Kamala will be brought in. Think it’s too close to election time to remove him, if they do, it’ll be Kamala.

  14. Oh, and when is somebody gonna bust CBS news on the Afghanistan leak. The day before dumb ass Norah O Donnell announced the Special ops mission at the Afghan airport for the next day on the morning news. I could not believe it. She did it again on the evening news. Why would you announce a secret mission. Dumb ass! Probably came from that Clarissa woman on the ground there. Sooooo stupid.

  15. The debate highlight appears to be the golf exchange. Two candidates, six and eight handicap.

    In the Age of Aquarius chart, equal houses, Cancer sign serves the sixth where we see important debate transits, similar to Biden’s natal 12th, Mercury, Venus, Sun.

    Virgo sign – vital eighth analysis; Scorpio sign commands the tenth, Blaze Star for reference.

    Artwork evidentiary proofs appeal to the golfer, precession and accuracy.

  16. One last thing before I put this to bed. Somebody at The Hill did an article on how the transcript of the debate tells a different story. So the performance sucked, but the transcript is clear. What does this mean? Is that a shallow audience? It’s all about focus? Or news making craziness? Not sure.

  17. Trump was so so true to his natal Neptune square Mercury lying almost nonstop. Biden appeared unfortunately weak allowing much of the lies to slide. trump even refused to answer questions and continued to ramble much as he does in his rallies. Anyone really interested should look at the many fact checks available. The truly disturbing thing is that the media did not focus on the lies and misinformation but on “performance” and spotlighted Biden’s apparent weaknesses. And it was reported that Biden was getting over a cold. Too bad all around.

  18. In addition to what’s been said previously here, Joe Biden’s chart has Saturn (hindrances, change) opposite MC (career) for this event (and this year as well). Supposedly he had cold during debate. Also long transit Neptune opposite Neptune (dreams/expectations of people oppose his own). With the other aspects, overall a very unfortunate configuration for Mr. Biden with respect to the timing of this debate and election year.

  19. Federal Liberals in Canada, Democrats in USA, it’s like Moby Dick all over again.

    You could look at the astrology of the sinking of the Essex, for instance, November 20, 1820 and the astrology of Mark Carney, March 16, 1965, for an indication to where we may be going.

  20. Agree T Saturn at President Biden’s Pisces IC reflects potential for a turning point connected to personal/professional weakness, limitation, struggle that has national implications (IC, 4th House can reference country, homeland).

    Timing support for such a display at the debate: The debate Moon in Pisces, potentially an uncomfortable or debilitating influence. T Saturn so close to stationing retrograde at IC, possibly triggering an outlet for difficulty, challenge, or failure. These plus SA Saturn=Uranus in orb in Biden’s chart, generally indicating stressful or ‘out of control’ situations, make me think Biden’s handlers (or astrologers!) picked a bad day for the debate.

  21. Thanks again Jamie! Trump has had Algol there all his life as you said. He was known for generosity. Despite his shortcomings he did rise to the occasion, Isis put down, dialogue with N Korea, prosperity till Covid, it is doubtful any of the recent political theatre convictions will hold up, (typical Gemini superficiality?) Leo rising does give him power to use what is really on the public mind, the border, war escalation in Europe, chaos and brazen crime at home. He kept his head for the first half of the debate. I doubt Algol is a key detriment.

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