Fixed Star Markeb

Markeb at 28°53′ Virgo has an orb of 2°10′
Fixed Star Markeb

Constellation Argo Navis [Stellarium]

The Sun joins Markeb on September 21

Fixed star Markeb, Kappa Velorum, is a binary star system in the Sails (Vela) of the Ship, Argo Navis constellation. The two components are designated Kappa Velorum A and B. Apparent magnitude 2.48. Spectral type B2 IV.

Its traditional name is Markab but is spelled Markeb to differentiate it from the star Markab in Pegasus constellation. Markab is Arabic for something to ride. It is a small star in the Buckler of the Ship.

02♎0402♎24M87, Virgo A1°00′

Markeb Astrology

A small star in the Buckler of the Ship. Of the nature of Saturn and Jupiter. It gives piety, a wide knowledge, educational work and voyages. [1]

κ Carinae. A small yellow star in the ship, Argo. This star gives the native the ability to gain knowledge, and a lot of it useless, considerable traveling, unexpected criticism, a steadfast person. [2]

It Virgo  placing puts the emphasis more on the spiritual nature of the quest, especially as it is close to Zaniah with that stars religious associations. So, That approach, along with a life of devoted service to others, is likely to be the voyage for those with Markeb prominent on their charts. [3]

The star Markeb asserts its Jupiterian character by portending profitable journeys. [4]

Fixed star Markeb rules the lower part of the pancreas. [5]

Constellation Argo

Argo is the ship that carried Jason and the Argonauts in search of the Golden Fleece is today composed of the constellations Carina, Puppis, Pyxis, and Vela. In classical astrology it is correlative of events concerning the sea and shipping and of rivers and springs. It also has been said to be connected with death by drowning, especially if connected with the eighth house. Tetrabiblos asserts that its bright stars are of the nature of Saturn and Jupiter. [4]

According to Ptolemy, the bright stars are like Saturn and Jupiter. Argo is said to give prosperity in trade and voyages, and strength of mind and spirit, but it has been observed to accompany cases of drowning, a notable instance being furnished by the horoscope of Shelley, where Argo occupied the 8th house and contained the Sun, Venus and Uranus. Drowning is particularly to be feared when Saturn afflicts the Moon in or from Argo. It is probably on account of this constellation that Virgo, especially the first decan, is frequently found to be connected with drowning. [1]

Markeb Star, Kappa Velorum

Markeb Star, Kappa Velorum []

Fixed Star Markeb Conjunctions

Ascendant conjunct Markeb: Profitable journeys in company with Jupiterian and Saturnian people wherein the native is grave and discreet but suffers many injuries, which ultimately turn to good. [1]

Alexei Navalny 0°17′, David Duke 0°18′, Bruce Willis 0°36′, Dave Chappelle 0°51′, Rudy Giuliani 1°37′, Emma Watson 1°46′, Walt Disney 1°53′, Hugh Hefner 2°00′.

Midheaven conjunct Markeb: Honor and preferment. [1]

Kim Kardashian 0°09′ (and Jupiter), Elvis Presley 1°10′, Brad Pitt 1°24′, John Milton 1°50′.

Sun conjunct Markeb: High preferment in writings, business, religion, martial, and occupations requiring research. Natives with this conjunction develop a storehouse of knowledge, not always useful, depending on their education, and the use the native had made of their talents. [2]

Andrea Bocelli 0°20′, Stephen King 0°46′, Al-Biruni 1°23′, Elizabeth I 1°33′

Moon conjunct Markeb: Preferment in educational, religious matters and affairs dealing with the public. These natives are what can be termed as probers. They tend to dig in until they find the necessary information or whatever it is they are in need of, and make use of it to their advantage. Native is anxious to please or have popular acceptance. [2]

Tycho Brahe 0°29′, Jack Nicholson 1°00′, Anton LaVey 1°34′

Mercury conjunct Markeb: The natives intelligence is generally above the average, but they can be quite caustic when they deem it necessary, tend to express their opinions, at times not too concerned with fully expressing the bare facts. Honors possible. [2]

Bruce McLaren 1°28′, Bella Hadid 1°29′, Charlton Heston 2°06′. 

Venus conjunct Markeb: Natives with this conjunction generally have a wide range of acquaintances, they tend to be discreet, steadfast and of solemn demeanor. However, they are also of a pleasing nature. [2]

Roman Polanski 1°43′

Mars conjunct Markeb: These natives often subject themselves to being criticized for unexpected action or statements. Generally they are their own worst enemy. Then tend to resent criticism and can be pretty quick with their responses. [2]

Charles Bronson 0°20′, Agnetha Fältskog 1°09′, Friedrich Nietzsche 1°11′

Jupiter conjunct Markeb: High preferment in military, writings, and affairs dealing with the public, these natives get themselves involved, be it for good or for bad. Name and fame possible, good or bad. [2]

This brings too much fluid to the pancreas which can cause an irritation to the lining of the organ. An ulcer can be created at the bottom of the pancreas allowing fluids to leak out into the body. Elimination of excrement is continuous and visits to the bathroom are frequent. The fluids tend to collect at the very outer extremities such as the fingers and toes so they would be painful and swollen and which would require draining. Yeast would help to balance this area and aid in healing. Dry Parmesan cheese would also be helpful but it should not be overdone. This planet causes optimism in the work area. They delight in overworking others as they simply like to watch others work. They enjoy creating situations that would increase the workload so that they can have the pleasure of watching others work hard. They do, however, jump right in and help everyone work, but no one else would be happy about it. [5]

Kim Kardashian 0°15′ (and MC), Bob Marley 1°38′, Mariah Carey 1°56′ (and S.Node)

Saturn conjunct Markeb: Erwin Rommel 0°08′, Robin Williams 0°22′

Uranus conjunct Markeb: Mark Ruffalo 0°03′, Lilly Wachowski 0°44′, Will Smith 1°23′, Tucker Carlson 1°35′ (and S.Node), Celine Dion 1°50′

Neptune conjunct Markeb: Bonnie Parker 0°04′, John Wayne Gacy 0°28′, Bruce Lee 0°40′, Paul McCartney 0°59′, Michael Bloomberg 1°14′, Ernesto Miranda 1°34′, Muhammad Ali 1°41′, Mick Jagger 1°42′

Pluto conjunct Markeb: Dolores O’Riordan 0°26′, Immanuel Kant 0°55′, Corey Feldman 1°07′, Dwayne Johnson 1°08′, Jeremy Renner 1°11′, Michelangelo 1°13′, Elon Musk 1°24′, Hunter Biden 1°27′, Mark Wahlberg 1°31′

North Node conjunct Markeb: Camila Cabello 0°02′, Bob Dylan 0°26′, Percy Bysshe Shelley 0°26′, George Pell 0°28′, Salvador Dali 1°19′

South Node conjunct Markeb: Paul Cézanne 0°12′, Dr. Phil McGraw 0°15′, Ted Kennedy 0°27′, Tucker Carlson 1°03′ (and Uranus), Mariah Carey 1°36′ (and Jupiter), Elizabeth Taylor 1°41′


  1. Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology, Vivian E. Robson, 1923, p.30, 175.
  2. The Power of the Fixed Stars, Joseph E. Rigor, 1979, p.135-36.
  3. The Living Stars, Dr. Eric Morse, 1988, p.162.
  4. Fixed Stars and Judicial Astrology, George Noonan, 1990, p.67-69.
  5. The Fixed Star Health and Behavior Imbalance, Ted George and Barbara Parker, 1985, p.75.
  • All fixed star positions are for the year 2000. Add one degree per 72 years to correct for precession.