Fixed Star Zavijava

Zavijava at 27°11′ Virgo has an orb of 1°40′
Fixed Star Zavijava

Virgo Constellation [Stellarium]

The Sun joins Zavijava on September 19

Fixed star Zavijava, Beta Virginis, is a single star on the left side of the Head of the Maiden, Virgo Constellation. Magnitude 3.60, spectral type F9 V.

The traditional name Zavijava comes from the Arabic word زاوية العواء zāwiyat al-cawwa’ which means Corner of the barking (dog). Another name was Alaraph. Spectral class: F9 V.

02♎0402♎24M87, Virgo A1°00′

Zavijava Astrology

Fixed star Zavijava has the spectral type F9, indicating the planetary nature of Mercury, and to a lesser degree, the Sun.

ZAVIJAVA. β Virginis. A pale yellow star situated below the head of Virgo. From Al Zawiah, the Angle or Corner (see Zaniah), but according to Bullinger the name means the Gloriously Beautiful. Symbolically called Correct Weighing. Of the nature of Mercury and Mars. It gives beneficence, force of character, strength, combative movements and destructiveness. [1]

Both Zaniah and Zavijava have a good astrological reputation following closely their natures as indicated by their stellar spectra. [2]

ALARAPH, β Virginis. A yellowish-white star below the head of Virgo. Spectral class F8. This star imparts to its natives strong character, self destruction, boldness, patience, salvation, combativeness, many problems, perfection. NOTE: This, being a 4th magnitude star, is not nearly as effective, and then only when in direct conjunction as 1st or 2nd magnitude stars would be. [6]

The second star of Virgo by Greek-letter rating, β Virginis, is not actually the second brightest; its current visual magnitude is 3,8, whereas there are several others between 2.9 and 3. This star is alternatively named Zavijava or Al Araf (or Alraph). It is not surprising that Ptolemy gave it the very Leonine qualities of a Mercury-Mars star. Of the names, Zavijava probably derives from Al Zawiyah which among other things means a small Mosque subsidiary to a larger one nearby. Since such a Mosque is very much a symbol of authority in its locality, as a parish church is in other communities, the idea conveyed here is of someone holding a position of command but subject to a higher command behind them.

Al Araf conveys the same notion in another way, being a much-diminished corruption of an original which meant: ‘Those who send forth (others to carry out their orders)’, or: ‘Those who are Sent forth…’.That seems a very logical notion for the star which carries us on from Leo, symbol of commanding others, into Virgo where we work for those who have command over us. The Mercury-Mars quality perhaps suggests more of the Leo nature, the intelligent director behind the action, but the name can just as well imply that ‘the successful applicant will work in the field on his own initiative, directly responsible to the M.D.’, as current top-job adverts put the matter. The planetary smile therefore suggests one who has the intelligence and energy to be sent out and not need a higher authority to lead him all the time.

And so the qualities we find in people with this star very precisely engaged upon their horoscopes (it is faint, with small orb), are those of a reliable worker, attentive to every detail of the job, able to control this if the star and its companion planet is well aspected, so that he will make a good salesman, executive, manager or subordinate commander, but needs someone of higher rank to have given him the job. If less well aspected he can be the sort of underling who provokes his men to strike or mutiny by over-playing the ‘little Hitler’ act. His own downfall is then assured. If he does have that harder aspect there, however, he can best use it by avoiding controlling others, taking on instead something like painstaking research in difficult fields where there are few people or sources to guide him.

Several more stars, not in the Zodiacal constellation, lie very close to Al Araf by longitude: Labrum, the lip of Crater the Cup; Alkaid, the Head Man in the locality, an Ursa Major star; and Markeb the Boat, in the Argo Constellation. All these have to do with swearing loyalty to another, taking charge under him, and’running the ship’ for him. [2]

Zavijava rules the center of the pancreas. [4]

Constellation Virgo

Ptolemy makes the following observations; “The stars in the head of Virgo, and that at the top of the southern wing, operate like Mercury and somewhat like Mars: the other bright stars in the same wing, and those about the girdle, resemble Mercury in their influence, and also Venus, moderately . . . those at the points of the feet and at the bottom of the garments are like Mercury, and also Mars, moderately.” By the Kabalists it is associated with the Hebrew letter Gimel and the 3rd Tarot Trump “The Empress.” [1]

This constellation is indicative of an abundance in harvest and a fruitfulness of agriculture in general. But when prominent in the charts of eclipses it portends events concerning kings (heads of state) and in this regard can be an ill omen indeed. [2]

In astrology this constellation and Gemini were the House of Mercury. But usually, and far more appropriately, Virgo’s stars have been given over to the care of Ceres, her namesake, the long-time goddess of the harvest. For her astrological colors Virgo assumed black speckled with blue; and was thought of as governing the abdomen in the human body, but always as an unfortunate, sterile sign. The appearance of a comet within its borders implied many grievous ills to the female portion of the population. [5]

Beta Virginis, Zavijava

Beta Virginis, Zavijava []

Fixed Star Zavijava Conjunctions

Ascendant conjunct Zavijava: Emma Watson 0°02′, Walt Disney 0°07′, Hugh Hefner 0°14′, Dave Chappelle 0°52′, Paul McCartney 1°02′ (and Neptune), Bruce Willis 1°09′, David Duke 1°26′, Alexei Navalny 1°27′.

Midheaven conjunct Zavijava: Brad Pitt 0°20′ Elvis Presley 0°35′, Mark Ruffalo 0°45′ (and Uranus).

Sun conjunct Zavijava: Preferment in business and occupations requiring attention to details. Natives with this conjunction have an appetite for details, such as scientific research, news reporting or legal careers. [6]

Stephen King 0°58′.

Moon conjunct Zavijava: These natives can become sticklers for details. Preferment would be in matters associated with public affairs. This conjunction has a great influence on the happiness of the natives. [6]

Anton LaVey 0°11′.

Mercury conjunct Zavijava: Boldness, almost a combative nature is the keynote of this conjunction. Native is ‘shameless’. Good at details. However, such natives can acquire tactfulness. [6]

Oliver North 0°38′.

Venus conjunct Zavijava: Natives with this conjunction are generally of a pleasant nature and steadfast. Domestic problems are possible. [6]

Roman Polanski 0°01′ (and Jupiter).

Mars conjunct Zavijava: This conjunction brings beneficial effects, but also can bring destruction to its natives, generally brought about by the natives indiscretion. [6]

The pancreas is so energized that foods these persons consume are broken down and refined quickly. These are the individuals who are always hungry. They can consume a lot of food without becoming obese. They eat a well-balanced diet for the most part and the energy is absorbed well into the body. These are the persons who can recover quickly from nerve damage due to an accident, or through an injury. They are conscious of nutrition and they stay on a good diet throughout their lives. There is a tendency here for the natives to over-extend themselves in mental and physical pursuits, thus making it difficult for them to rest. Meditation would be a blessing as they need to slow down and rest from their continual quest to reach their mental goals. [4]

Agnetha Fältskog 0°36′.

Jupiter conjunct Zavijava: With a well aspected Jupiter, the native will be somewhat of a moralist and perfectionist. [6]

Bob Marley 0°07′, Tucker Carlson 0°33′ (and S.Node), Roman Polanski 0°57′ (and Venus).

Saturn conjunct Zavijava: Robin Williams 1°22′.

Uranus conjunct Zavijava: Celine Dion 0°05′, Gavin Newsom 0°30′, Timothy McVeigh 0°59′, Mark Ruffalo 1°40′ (and MC).

Neptune conjunct Zavijava: Ernesto Miranda 0°11′, John Lennon 0°17′, Emmett Till 0°46′ (and N.Node), Paul McCartney 0°46′ (and AC), Phil Spector 0°47′, Bruce Lee 1°04′, Eric Burdon 1°14′, Bob Dylan 1°23′, George Pell 1°25′.

Pluto conjunct Zavijava: Sean Combs 0°11′, Mark Wahlberg 0°13′, Hunter Biden 0°17′, Elon Musk 0°19′, Corey Feldman 0°37′, Michelangelo 0°46′, Gwen Stefani 1°12′, MacKenzie Scott 1°15′.

North Node conjunct Zavijava: Salvador Dali 0°27′, Prince Andrew, Duke of York 0°30′, Richard Ramirez 0°58′, Emmett Till 1°04′ (and Neptune).

South Node conjunct Zavijava: Elizabeth Taylor 0°04′, Tucker Carlson 0°41′ (and Jupiter), Ted Kennedy 1°18′.


  1. Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology, Vivian E. Robson, 1923, p.66, 219.
  2. Fixed Stars and Judicial Astrology, George Noonan, 1990, p.45.
  3. The Living Stars, Dr. Eric Morse, 1988, p.67.
  4. The Fixed Star Health and Behavior Imbalance, Ted George and Barbara Parker, 1985, p.74.
  5. Star Names Their Lore and Meaning, Richard Hinckley Allen, 1963, Virgo.
  6. The Power of the Fixed Stars, Joseph E. Rigor, 1979, p.134-135.
  • All fixed star positions are for the year 2000. Add one degree per 72 years to correct for precession.